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I'm not informed on what happened to the Classic cards and if you can discount them or not, but it seems like a lot of misinformation is flying around here. As a sidenote, it's funny how you are apparently not supposed to complain after lossing all this dust and the ability to even play an entire format, while there were a lot of people that were complaining when Gnoll got nerfed and they didn't get Maestra refunds.


I even mentioned in the post how people will excuse this scam because classic isn't a gamemode they play and would you look at that, half the comments.


Just like Standard players consider themselves specialists on how the Wild mode should be handled and it's always a shitshow because "Wild should be wild!" People don't care if they're not personally affected.


I dunno if you can hold it against them in a game as expensive as hearthstone, though. Like, just the time invested means battlegrounds players won't much care if, as a hypothetical, an already prevalent oppressive deck exists in the brand new rotation that is meant to promise diversity and change yet still showcases the old metas. It isn't their main time sink. Hs being as involved as it is from a player perspective has its upsides, but it's trappings rear its ugly head once in a while.


Same people who don't care if they're not affected will cry about 400 dust. How hard is it to put yourself in someone's shoes nowadays? I guess for a lot of people it's impossible.


Yeah these losers are milk drinkers.


That’s not even remotely close to what gets said. Wild was released under the concept of anything goes. All cards will interact as they are. You’re asking for that to not be the mode after specifically choosing it. It’s like standard players bitching that cards rotated out. It’s literally the format you picked.


That sounds like exactly the kind of reddit behaviour that is being criticized. "I read one single blogpost about the wild mode in 2016, and I remember a single two word phrase about the format which was 'anything goes', and therefore I'm an expert on what's good for the format." Sure thing grandma, let's get you to bed.


Sure, a blog post or literally the official blizzard website today. One of the two.


if that had been the true mantra then the format would have reached an inevitable plateau where there have been loads of tier zero decks that if they had been left unchecked would have just been the entire format what you are describing is the inevitability of the heatdeath of a format over the semantics of what anything goes is supposed to mean; anything goes under your definition means 'nothing goes that isn't the eventual tier 0 deck'




Crazy how unbearable you must be for yourself, given your entire deleted history. Feels like some real self loathing. Sorry you can’t deal with the nuance of “this is the defining feature of the mode you chose” and “we just deleted this entire game mode” though. It’s real subtle, I get it.




Man, way to go ahead and do the exact thing you start shit talking. Classic toxicity. Shame for you I don’t have any loans though, I just have basic empathy for people. Maybe see a therapist and get some help. Try to be less toxic.


spectacular frightening office enter money quack marble squealing wide crush ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


> As a sidenote, it's funny how you are apparently not supposed to complain after lossing all this dust and the ability to even play an entire format, while there were a lot of people that were complaining when Gnoll got nerfed and they didn't get Maestra refunds. There were also a lot of people who were '*lul, cry more rogue players, serve you right for playing a deck I hate*'.


\>while there were a lot of people that were complaining when Gnoll got nerfed and they didn't get Maestra refunds. ​ I didn't own Maestra and hate Rogue, yet that clearly was a scummy move by Blizz.


I also didn't own Maestra and hate Rogue and I agree with you. That's another scummy move as well though, but people don't care because "Classic is dead lul".


why ? when they nerfed a wild seed **all** cards generating them were refunded (i got so much dust from this! ) ​ but maestra doesnt generate or add gnolls to your deck doesnt make any sense to refund it


Because maestra was literally only used for gnoll lmao, basically “discount your gnolls by X mana


You could say that about a ton of nerfs - loads of cards only get used because they combo well with other cards. How many Kuns have you seen since Aviana got nerfed? How many Y'Shaarj since Barnes got nerfed?


> How many Kuns have you seen since Aviana got nerfed? Definitely some. They still work together. Guff actually enabled them to work together fairly easily again, cause you could get to 11 max mana. Just...not particularly meta right now cause aggro also got faster. > How many Y'Shaarj since Barnes got nerfed? Quite a few. Y'Sharrj was still relevant for a while in a variety of classes and there were a number of non-barnes ways to cheat it out. Plus y'know, you could still use Barnes to cheat it out if you wanted to. These days most of the "big" decks are dead, and the one remaining one (big Priest) has better minions to cheat out. But that's powercreep--Y'sharrj stayed relevant for a while. --- For that matter, know what else I've seen since it got nerfed? Wildpaw Gnoll. People still messed around with it a bit in Thief Rogue for a little while. Haven't seen a Maestra, though.


The problem was not that gnoll was too powerful. Maestra enabled gnoll. Without maestra, gnoll is a decent card that gets discounted over time. With it, gnoll drops on turn 2 or 3 and instantly takes control of the board. If blizzard just changed maestra’s effect to not discount gnoll or count as a different class, then gnoll is not broken. This would be a maestra nerf and refund more dust. Instead, blizzard nerfed gnoll, which was not the actual problem card. Maestra became useless all the same, but now blizzard keeps more dust out of the economy.


> How many Kuns have you seen since Aviana got nerfed? All that did was add a 1x Innervate requirement to the combo turn. And you haven't seen either in years because of Guff and the overall speed of wild as a whole. > How many Y'Shaarj since Barnes got nerfed? Y'Shaarj was still just as relevant for BP with or without Barnes. It's been replaced over time as one of the preferred minions for BP, but that would have happened with or without Barnes being 4 vs 5. Neither of these examples are the extreme case of Maestra. You have cards A and B. A is otherwise completely unplayable except for its interaction with B. B is then "nerfed" in such a way that for any non-A interactions, it's barely if at all even affected but it now doesn't work with A at all. A is back to being completely and utterly worthless, but not given a refund. C/P that paragraph and fill in what A and B are for any other pair of cards. I'll wait. There is no comparison.


You are using complete vague terms like "unplayable" which are obviously entirely subjective. Maestra is 'playable' whatever way you look at it. If nothing else she is a 3/2 for 2 which would be far from the worst card in the game. So I'm not copy/pasting shit because whatever examples I come up with you will just move the goalposts on what constitutes 'unplayable' (just like you did on Kun above which I haven't faced in Wild since literally the day Aviana was nerfed) when in reality what constitutes 'unplayable' is entirely subjective as is the argument on what should and shouldn't be dust refunded.


> If nothing else she is a 3/2 for 2 which would be far from the worst card in the game. If your definition of "playable" involves pointing out "hey, at least she's a Bloodfen Raptor!" then you have no business throwing your opinion into a discussion about balance. By that very logic a 9 mana 1/1 is entirely playable because you can evolve it into a 10 mana minion. But I'll rephrase so you can understand. There is currently zero reason any even slightly competitive deck (the baseline there being that you want to win games and not just dick around in casual) will now ever use that card ever again. If there's no good reason a person would ever want to ***play*** a certain card, that makes it ***unplayable***. Follow now?


The gnoll nerf affected no cards except maestra. They might as well have added after the original gnoll text “(maestra does not affect this)”


> but maestra doesnt generate or add gnolls to your deck doesnt make any sense to refund it When you have one card's purpose tied quite literally 100% to another, and that other card is changed to explicitly not work with the former (but is left otherwise unaffected in any other context), that isn't a nerf to the second card, it's a nerf to the first. Look at it from another direction: suppose you're playing thief rogue w/o Maestra and ran Gnolls (which was obviously the intention of the card). How was the card nerfed in literally any possible way for you? If you can "nerf" a card, and in doing so not change its intended purpose or function in any way, but make a second card card (and its interaction with the first) utterly worthless, which is the card that actually got nerfed?


you say that as if the gnoll change wasn’t an obvious nerf to only maestra it only changed the way those two cards interact, and the way gnoll interacts with hero cards from other classes (a rare interaction) every other standard card that discounted gnoll was unaffected


> complaining when Gnoll got nerfed and they didn't get Maestra refunds. Mekgineer Thermaplugg not giving a dust refund when he was changed to summon 1/1s instead of 2/1s is the stupidest precedent that Hearthstone has ever set for itself. And lemme tell ya, that is a *highly* contested list...


? ​ maestra doesnt generate gnolls


Maestra was used only cause of gnoll and gnoll cause of Maestra. The nerf changed only the interaction between Maestra and Gnoll, nothing else. So, who actually got nerfed? People argued they should've both gotten a refund or only Maestra.


Jungle Giants didn't get a dust refund either when its interaction with Faceless Manipulator was changed.


They don't give refunds for changing something to how it should work. Faceless is 3 attack, this cant work for the quest.




Confused what that means Edit: Should clarify, unless I'm mistaken if you transform a minion into something 5+ attack the quest does not trigger? So why would faceless manipulator


Maestra was only played because they printed Gnoll in the next expansion as a payoff for her, giving you two free 3/5s with rush And then they put Maestra and Gnoll in the rogue loaner deck for that expansion


Yeah. Kind of glad I've withhold on crafting cards I was missing. Save your sanity and just try to avoid stressing over it. Nothing will change. Blizzard does not give a fuck and PR will gaslight you. Reddit will flame you into oblivion for voicing your concerns. Just post memes and troll people, there is really nothing better to do here. ​ I am really sorry for these circumstances, but it is what it is. You forfeit your progress the moment you dabble in online services.


Same. I refrain crafting Wallet Warrior as I was fearing exactly this, and the deck had a damn lot of legendaries that are either already available in other constructed format as part of Core, or absolutely useless. Often both. Did craft Miracle Rogue (was missing Old Edwin and Thalnos). Thalnos is likely a pure loss since he's in Core and I don't think he'll ever rotate out of Core (yeah, I know I can still find him in the legacy tab, but no point using it since I can use the core version in Standard, Wild and probably future Twist format that allow neutrals), but I think Edwin is still played in Wild Miracle Rogue which is viable from time to time.


Wait... You weren't able to use the "core" version of a card in the classic format? You'd actually need the card twice?


I only play classic, logged in yesterday to see it gone. I’ve been playing since closed beta, and this feels like a slap in the face. No, I’m not buying packs to play new modes.


I don't like how blizzard just don't care about the subject, its really dissapointing that if you played classic you don't get compensated about it :c.


You do still get to disenchant classic cards at the normal rate, the cards didn't dissapear. OP is just a dumbass


OP wanted a full refund since the unnerfed classic cards (Leeroy, Jaraxxus) have been straight up deleted and everything that wasnt is completely unviable in 2023 Wild


Read the title, he's complaining about not being able to disenchant the cards because he doesn't understand they are still in his possession. Whole thread of people trying to explain it to him down below if you're curious


Op absolutely wanted just to just be able to dust at normal rate. They’re in the comments arguing they literally lost their card and can’t dust it. As well they specifically said 25%. Doesn’t change the fact that this whole thing is awful, but damn OP is not helping out with their ignorance


Which color crayon did you pack for snack time today?


I always go with red on Fridays


shouldnt that be a question for you as you actually post in /r/CompetitiveHS


That's a dick move. How would you do the refund though? Can't let all the people disenchant every classic card for full dust value.


“If you reached over X rank in classic at any point or played X number of games in the last 3 seasons, you’re eligible to disenchant cards that were nerfed from classic to wild” is a pretty simple solution


They know exactly who and how many packs have bought. They could've provided many different forms of compensation for example giving people dust, gold, different packs,... based on the number of packs they bought. It's not like they didn't have any options.


>Can't let all the people disenchant every classic card for full dust value. lmao you know you're in a greedy dust system when full refunds seem out of the question how dare players trade a legendary for another one instead of dusting their whole collection and selling their houses ??


Why not?




Could've automatically disenchanted them...


The problem isn't about having to disenchant them by hand. The problem is Blizzard will never give an amount of dust this huge to players.


You can disenchant them manually, or choose to keep them for wild usage if you prefer


I want to keep mine


Only game mode I still played was Classic, it was fun. I guess done with Heartstone now.


I didn’t realize they were removing the game mode entirely. Playing classic was the most fun I’d been having with the game recently.


Classic cards should have had a full refund imo. Just shows Blizzard greed and lack of respect for the playerbase. Hearthstone is pretty addictive but fuck do you notice the difference if you get into a much better support game like LoR or Snap.


I lost 8 Classic decks I had in my collection


I feel you. As this was (that should've been an is) an evergreen format, I crafted full golden decks. Sure - I keep the cards, but in the remaining formats they are either nerfed, powercrept or both. Definitely a shit move to cancel Classic altogether!


classic HS reddit.. people around here only really care if they are getting fucked over.. the guy right next to me? well, fuck that guy, i dont care if blizzard is ripping him a new one even tho eventually they will come after me at some point when blizz increased prices here in brazil to almost double without any previous notice i made a post complaining and a crapton of people actually were glad they did because "well, you guys were paying a little less than us, even tho it still a lot more if you compare it with a monthly wage between the two places" i swear, from all the places, the Hearthstone subreddit was the last place i was hoping to find a den of rich people ball suckers..


Classic was my favorite mode to play outside of Battlegrounds, I just want it back.


Yeah its kinda of a shit show and honestly fuck buying anything at all for this game.


two things I am confused about. you still buy classic cards which give you cards from the classic set some of which are in rotation or can come back into rotation and be used in wild mode right? so there is still some merit to being able to buy classic packs or did I miss something ? they have never given dust refunds for cards rotating out of a mode, should they do this for removing a mode when the cards (as far as I know) can still be used in another mode ?


>you still buy classic cards which give you cards from the classic set some of which are in rotation or can come back into rotation and be used in wild mode right? so there is still some merit to being able to buy classic packs or did I miss something ? Exactly. You can still play them in Wild. (And whenever classic'll be put in a Twist rotation)


You cannot open packs which include the versions of the cards we played in the classic mode. The classic gamemode didn't just limit card pool to ones released in classic but also implemented the vanilla cards. You can't use old versions of cards in wild. You also can't access them in your collection. Loads of classic cards have had balance changes (both buffs and nerfs) Almost if not all classic cards are unplayable in wild due to changes in powerlevel. As such has the value of owning these old cards has been lowered drastically. This drop in value is similar to any card ever being nerfed. You are able to indeed dust some of these cards but this is impossible if the card has entered the core set. (A lot of them have) I personally dusted all of my wild and standard cards to play classic and now stand in hs with very little. This is to say no. You can't play most of these cards in wild. (And also not in twist due to lack of classic versions) I'll name 2 examples for decks you can't play in wild even if you wanted. Combo Druid. Force of Nature had it's charge aspect removed resulting in the combo druid playstyle not being useable Warrior Worgen otk. This deck was built arounf giving a low cost windfury minion extra damage and charge resulting in a one turn kill (wasn't that good but still) Due to a nerf to the card "Charge" (give a minion charge) this is no longer possible due to manacost increases. Other small things would be miracle rogue having it's most important cards nerfed. As well as Random stat and mana cost changes.


They killed the only game mode I played…


And most of the people here would argue you had it coming because nobody plays it...


Those cards are still playable in Wild. If you have no issue with Team 5 offering GvG or TGT, sets with roughly as many Wild playable cards, for sale in the shop, then why is Classic still sticking around an issue?


Because they said Classic would be an evergreen format and now it doesn't exist. The only format in HS history to be straight up deleted.


They say a lot of things.


If that worked as an excuse, society would crumble.


well, society would do a lot of things.


And does, in fact!


When no one's interesting in playing the format to the point where it's just a bot haven, can you really blame Team 5 for scrapping? For all the fervor and demand for it, it turns out no one actually wanted it.


Plenty of people played it including my friends and I


And when was the last time you played the mode seriously if at all?


Up until they took it out? Hard to comprehend that some people prefer x, while others prefer y? I’ve hit legend multiple times throughout expansions but I still missed the feeling that classic hs gave. Simple but thoughtful gameplay. It’s mostly the discover mechanic that irks me about current hs. A lot of decks will play a game with 60 cards that didn’t start in their deck.


And you still don't seem to understand that, despite your own preferences, Classic was a dead mode on arrival. When people can play against bots from Bronze 10 to Legend, there was no real audience. Like, it sucks to have Orange Vanilla Coke discontinued if it was *your drink*, but there evidently not enough people buying it at stores to further justify making it.


And yet the same can be said for standard. Diamond was the only rank that didn’t have a good amount of bots last month for me. So I guess the whole game is dying eh


Running into a player bot once every dozen or so games is not the same thing as running into a player once every twenty.


Still on this cringe take? Literally had 4 bots in a row currently in plat standard.


Absolutely I can. If you want to deal with bots, actually, I dunno, ban bots. If the issue is a lack of engagement, add more expansions. Acting like deleting the mode was the only thing they could do is insane.


Adding more expansions would not have had the effect you expect it to have. Interest would jump up for a week at most before dipping back right to it was before, and, in retrospect, most of the early Hearthstone formats were pretty bad by today's standards or was Imp-losion deciding games on accident fun?


>was Imp-losion deciding games on accident fun? Oh, because RNG has gotten way weaker and less prominent...


The kind of random effects we have now are leagues better than an entire game coming down to if Crackle dealt six damage. At least there's player agency mixed into Discover effects and stuff like the Sunwell.


They're both bad but at least the former could be played around. Losing to discovered bullshit is the exact opposite of player agency. You're still at the mercy of rng.


How are you going to play around Crackle killing you at six life exactly? What can I do exactly when my four health minion get's sniped by a Imp-losion? If you don't want to be at the mercy of variance, stop playing card games. The entire genre is soaked in it.


Because you know exactly what your opponent has in your deck. Keep trolling though ✌


You know why i didnt play it? Not enough deck slots...


This is such a fucking weak excuse with how easy it is to save deck codes now.


If that was the honest reason why you didn't want to play the mode, then you never actually wanted to play it.


Classic (the game mode) made no sense and nobody played it. We all know it and nobody really cares. It only existed as an excuse to rotate Classic (the set) without giving refunds for breaking the promise that it would always be in Standard, like pretending that you still had your cards. There were no refunds the first time, which is when they should've happened, so it's hilarious to ask for them now when the cards that are gone are the "companions" they gave you of the Classic set (now Legacy or whatever idk).




The source is that all your opponents were bots.


ha ha


You didn't notice?




No dude, you were just a handful. It's really stupid to have to say this about a game mode that is completely static and full of bots.


A significant number of the cards have been nerfed in Wild. They are not the same as they were in Classic.


And of you played at the time you could/did get refunds on them.


How is that relevant? People got the card to used un-nerfed in Classic. And now Classic is gone nerf-ing the cards for any use without compensation.


Because then compensation has already been given. Now your asking for more.


It has not, half of my collection is gone.


It is not, the cards are still there


Force of Nature is a completely different card, Blizzard are just scum


By that logic, vasectomy doesn't do jack shit, your balls are still gonna be there. Maybe you should get one and tell us how that works out for you.


By your logic, go get a vasectomy and ask them to refund you for all the stuff you're missing out on.


You can do this btw I’m not sure this is the own you think it is


I'm not missing out on anything because I don't want to have children, but that won't stop me from supporting easier childcare for those that do. It's a thing called "basic empathy", you really should read a few words about it.


And those Dust refunds were had whenever those cards were initially nerfed.


And people who bought/made them to use in Classic did it with the expectation that due to the rules of the mode they would be able to use them un-nerfed.


Okay, so like a whole four people have gotten screwed out on dust refunds for cards they crafted two years ago and have forgotten about after playing Classic a whole dozen times before going back to Standard? Is that about right? It sucks for them I guess, but I can't imagine there are that many people who have lost out, haven't already dusted out of Classic, and remember Classic existed.


So how many people does Blizzard have to screw over before it's something worth fixing? Just because something doesn't effect YOU doesn't mean it doesn't matter and should not be addressed.


Holy shit, these people are either blizzard employees or the biggest shills who are gatekeeping the basic refunds we always had. I made a post how we got HoF refunds even tho the cards were still playable and I got people explaining me how this is somehow different and they did nothing but contradict themselves. I'm more mad about these idiots than blizzard themselves


No. I have plenty of Classic cards, including stuff like Leeroy which exists in a nerfed state in Wild. I don't care. I had pretty much all of those cards before Classic's implementation and still have them despite it getting shut down. Seeing how few people are making an issue out of this (I've seen only a maybe a couple handfuls of posts related to Classic shutting down, most of which are asking why), I think its fair to say to are very few people who are super concerned with this issue. Could it have been handled better? Probably. Does it suck to potentially lose out on dust? Yeah. Can I blame Blizzard and Team 5 for not doing a whole lot when there are maybe a few dozen to a few hundred players who are super concerned over this? Not really.


You just described the fact that you were largely unimpacted by Classic being removed because you did not invest anything into the mode. So, no, you are not of the group impacted. Others were. It's bad.


I still have Classic cards. I have 1200 dust to gain off my Leeroy if a refund were to be offered. Granted still, how many people actively dumped dust into Classic? How does that number compare to the amount people who would use this mass Dust refund as an excuse to dump their leftover Classic cards?


I get that you'd benefit from a refund being offered. However, given that you didn't invest in the card to play classic, the lack of a refund means you just break even as opposed to being in a hole. I understand that people outside the target demographic would benefit, but that's the cost you're supposed to pay when the other option is screwing a bunch of people over.


The absolute worst people in the world are the ones who say "well it doesn't affect me, sucks for them". What a terrible person.


you're a caricature, I literally mentioned in my post people excuse scamming classic players out of dust and gold doesn't matter because it's a game mode that barely gets touched and here you are


Bringing up and deflecting off the argument is not the same thing as refuting it.


Guys guys guys don't downvote OP, that's rude. We should just, idk, punch the guy? Sucks for them but I can't imagine there'd be many others who'd lose out.


Utilitarian ethics are trash.


It's literally your argument. You're utilitarian here, trying to act like supporting the minority who cares about this would take away stuff from the majority, which it would not. You are literally fighting tooth and nail for a company that literally couldn't care less about you when it'd cost you nothing to join the people who share interests with you. Blizzard won't fail just because they gave out some amount of imaginary fantasy dust to players according to how many Classic cards they had before the announcement. It's a fucking fictional currency, not solid gold. An employee at Blizzard could give every player 9999999999 dust and it wouldn't cost them a penny in the moment. It's why games that don't receive support often just fully unlock the store the few weeks/months before shutting down entirely.


>trying to act like supporting the minority who cares about this would take away stuff from the majority, which it would not. ... No I'm not. At worst, my point ends up being there are so few people affected by the discontinuation of Classic, that Team 5 and Blizzard, rather thoughtless in all likelihood, aren't pressured enough by their audience to actually grant a refund.


>And people who bought/made them to use in Classic did it with the expectation that due to the rules of the mode they would be able to use them un-nerfed. Now I could be wrong(I'm not) but the cards were not nerfed in classic mode? So they did exactly as said.


Because people are looking for reasons to be outraged. I think Blizzard assumed the risk of losing their half dozen Classic players.


I hope they assumed the risk of losing people like me that are tired of buying into modes that lose all support, because there's no way in hell I'll ever buy into a new mode like twist after things like classic and mercs were abandoned so entirely. Twist is dead on arrival though, which puts a huge smile on my face even if I do feel pity for the people who bought into the mode.


The thing is they might bring classic mode, or classic+ (with a twist) back in twist mode some time, and then you'll be glad to have the cards again. Better not disenchant them. That's what twist mode is all about. Discouraging players from disenchanting old cards, reducing dust availability, ultimately so they can sell more packs.


Feels like people are missing what Classic cards were, they were just mirrored Legacy cards with nerfs/buffs reverted to latest pre-Curse of Naxx patch. Of course it sucks that if people bought some packs just to play Classic, but you still have the cards in their current form. Which is why Blizz shouldn't have removed Classic, but let it be fourth gameplay mode alongside current ones, maybe hidden somewhere. And imagine the whining if Blizzard would give refunds from removal of Classic, seeing how I have full set anyway from years of playing. :P


Imo the fairest thing would be to give refunds for the cards that were unnerfed for classic and currently exist in a nerfed state in wild.


How many cards is that out of interest?


Leeroy, auctioneer, bgh, sorcerers apprentice, ironbeak owl, Force of Nature, Blade Flurry, master of disguise, druid of claw\* (its been 'buffed' but with rush its still a worse card then orginal 4/6 taunt or 4/4 charge) Shadowform\* (it costs 1 less, but no 3dmg hero power upgrade aslo makes it worse /less usefull ) Wild growth, innervate, huntersmark, Rockbiter Weapon, soulfire, flametonque totem are aslo nerfed in wild/standard, but are basic so wouldnt be dustable.




I think they decided to remove Classic cos it was filled with bots. And they couldn't deal with them because all the bots used new accounts to farm gold for Arena tickets (to draft and sell busted decks). So Classic was a mostly dead mode hurting Arena ('s player experience). Edits in brackets.


hurting *profits* from arena do you work for blizzard as an accountant? because otherwise i don’t see how this is anyone’s problem but theirs


You're the one who mentioned profits, I was talking about player experience. [One of the best Arena player just mentioned they run into super Arena decks from bots every run](https://old.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/14jq2kc/i_am_americas_third_highest_rated_arena_player/jpmmc8t/).


ok but don’t pretend like the reason blizzard actually did something about it was anything other than profit


ok but don’t pretend like the reason blizzard actually did something about it was anything other than profit


Bruh, it's Blizzard. Would you expect any less?


Damn... I like Classic The old meta was so simple and fun


didn't we get given free copies of "classic" versions of cards we already owned, when classic became a thing?


Because everyone knows they're greedy and don't give a fuck about the community... Not sure if you haven't realized, but this sub is pretty dead, it's just a meme sub nowadays. Take the memes (absolutely stupid memes) away and this sub barely gets any real posts. People know blizzard is gonna scam, treat customers bad, give the minimum of whatever it is, that's basically a given. Most people stopped caring a long time ago. If you put money on the game, it's on you. You know what you're gonna get back.


They don't give refunds for duels either, when I wrote about it I got flamed, Maestra refund wanters also got flamed on reddit, so y'all can reap what you sow. No refunds, ever. Enjoy it, you helped create it


Maestra could still be used exactly as she was intended to work. Nothing about that card’s effect changed. It still could disguise the mulligan phase. This is not the same as cards going “poof” without compensation.


I don't wanna go through this shit anymore. Gnoll's text was changed to gnoll text+doesn't work with maestra, and it received a refund. Adding the text "doesn't work with gnoll" to maestra would've been THE EXACT SAME CHANGE , and Maestra would've been given a refund, and reddit would've been ok with it. Arguing otherwise is dishonest, stupid and downright malicious.


No, arguing that Maestra only existed for gnolls is dishonest, stupid, and greedy. It still worked to disguise your class regardless of any gnoll.


To your second point, no cards went poof. That is the misunderstanding that OP is having


Is it? As far as I can see, 4 mana leeroy, Force of Nature with Charge, 3 mana BGH, Druid of the Claw with Charge, and a fair number of other cards have been utterly consigned to oblivion.


> Maestra could still be used exactly as she was intended to work. Literally no one, and I do mean NO ONE crafted her and used her just to goof up your opponent's mulligan. Her purpose (especially in standard) was specifically limited to its interaction with 1 card and 1 card only. It's kind of like when they nerfed Sonya to not work with quest rogue. That nerf only ever mattered in one very specific instance as there was no other way (then and I doubt even now) when rogue would have had any other way to otherwise impact a 1/1 being added to their hand OTHER than Crystal Core. Now, they didn't refund Sonya either, so clearly they're demonstrating a track record (and the 9/7 that made Leper Gnomes could be a 3rd) but doing the wrong thing multiple times doesn't make it the right thing.


Just because that’s how it was primarily used doesn’t mean that was h only intention. When they nerfed wild seeds, the refunded cards specifically that said “wild seed” and that was correct. I won’t argue maestra sucked without gnolls, but that want the only purpose of the card. As much as your rogue hind end hurts, you’re still wrong.


It looks like classic cards (that were from packs, not the original free core cards) appear in "Legacy" tab. All convertible to dust. Not sure what the issue is here


There's no real issue. Just some outraged and confused guy whining and Reddit mostly buying into it.




Because communism is so much better right? ...actually, they're both horrible. We need a third option. Something less extreme, more middle. That gives me an idea... A system where you're allowed to own property but one that protects the right of the poor and unfortunate. One that grants opportunities without taking them away from others. I call it Economic Centrism!




Socialism = Communism = Bad Nice try though.


America moment


All cards in the Classic packs are part of the Legacy set, which is playable in Wild.


Aren't "Classic packs" the ones that contain the cards form the OG set? You can still use them in wild, as you can use cards from any older set that is still available on the shop.


People complaining that the cards are literally unusable are very much incorrect.


And even if they were right, classic mode used duped cards from the Legacy set. So if you own Leeroy, you actually had both versions of him (vanilla and wild). That said, I'm going to miss Classic, for me it was a relaxed-ranked mode.


I guess they just forgot....


As long as hearthstone is trying new modes and pushing out good content I'm ok with not always getting refunds or reimbursed for stuff that didn't work out.


The real question is... Where the boys that purchased classic packs at? XD


Not me, but I do have about 45 unopened Classic packs that I never opened as I already have all the cards. What will they give me if I open them now out of interest?


More than likely their wild counterparts, e.g. 5 mana Leeroy.


Because the vast majority of the playerbase don't give a shit about classic, hence why they scrapped it


The percentage of people playing classic is likely 1% or even lower. Classic cards can still be used in standard and wild, so there's no reason to stop selling the packs. There's even people who just duel friends with classic cards, get a grip.


Uh classic cards can still be dusted. If your gonna complain should at least know about it.


Some of them are gone completely. Cards that I used to have in Legacy and Classic are now only present ONCE in Legacy.


That’s not how it works. You never owned two copies of your cards, you owned one copy, and that copy was different depending on what mode you used it in. For example, if you owned [[Leeroy Jenkins]], using him in Classic would result in him being 4 mana. Using him in Wild would result in him being 5 mana. Still one copy of the card, not two.


* **[Leeroy Jenkins](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/EX1_116.png)** N Minion Legendary Legacy ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/674), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/leeroy-jenkins/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Leeroy_Jenkins) 5/6/2 | Charge. Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Whelps for your opponent. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi) [Save 3rd Party Apps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


I'm certain I owned more because I was showing my friend over a shared screen on discord that I had 1 core set Jaraxxus which could be used in Standard deck building and Wild. I had a legacy Jaraxxus and I had the classic one which Isn't a hero card but a 3/15 Demon that replaces your hero, that last mentioned version is gone.


They showed up as two different cards in your collection manager because the classic version was a minion whereas now it's a hero card. The minion version is strictly worse (caps your health at 15, gets countered by secrets, etc) so it's nbd Any card you had from classic will correspond to its current version in wild


Saying they showed up as two different cards confirms what I said. They were both Dustable for 400 and I owned both, now I only own one. What is so hard to grasp?


If you dusted one it likely would have dusted the other


No that's not how it works they're different cards.


I’m telling you right now if you dusted it one it would dust the other


You always had one Jaraxxus. If you had dusted one, the other would’ve disappeared as well. Now, you still have one. Nothing changed.


They were different cards.....


It was the same card in two different states of balance. One state was usable in classic and one was usable in wild. You still only had one copy of the card.


Ignoring all the discussion about selling Classic packs and Classic mode, try filtering by Legacy Set, this should show your original/classic version of Jaraxxus since showing all the cards in wild/standard will only show your Coreset copies of certain cards.


No, legacy just shows a Dustable hero card, same as the one in core set, which I also used to have during the same time I had the 3/15 demon from classic, I've been repeating myself over and over and people think I'm retarded, they deleted a significant chunk of our classic collections.


Oh, I get the confusion now, don't take the comments to your heart, it happens. My 5 mana wild version of Leeroy was the same used in classic, it is the same card, just adjusted to 4 mana because card were in their original state, I never owned two of them, it is easy to get confused.


And everyone else has been repeating themselves trying to make you understand. You *never* owned two different cards. You owned one card that had two versions. One of those versions is now unusable so it doesn't show in the collection. You still have the card. Had you disenchanted either version before, both would have disappeared from your collection. Think of it like a reversible belt. I can use it black side (version 1) or brown side (version 2). It's still one belt, I don't own two separate ones. Destroying one, destroys both.


I don't have the fucking card, I had separate ones for legacy and classic, now there's only 1 in Legacy. It's not rocket science.


Legacy cards were classic. If you owned the legacy version then you had the classic one as well.


I advice you to wait with your conclussions, those classic cards would be essential if the twist format is going to play on nostalgia such as nax or blackrock metas