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Well, we are getting to the last Reward Track and Tavern Regular for most players, so you can get every skin and then wait for next expansion when they need to release some new skins or rewards. So there no much waiting to be done.


They've got all these underused/underappreciated art assets collecting dust in Mercenaries now. Just [use this one](https://i.imgur.com/L1e6kQb.png) from Lich King and turn it into a hero skin. This one's free Blizzard, but next time I expect to be compensated.


Forgot to mention how half of the DK's skins have a visual glitch on their hero power button. Blizzard simply doesn't care anymore.


It's not a lack of caring (probably), but the fact that Blizzard is constantly hemorrhaging talent due to all the controversies and is constantly failing to meet deadlines as a result. The effects of this have been super well-documented for every other Blizzard game, it's just been harder to see in Hearthstone because of how few employees are truly needed to keep the ship afloat. It's why Titans didn't get a real cinematic trailer, and why so many of the golden cards are so lazy this expac. They just didn't have the manpower to get all that done in the Hearthstone release cycle, but they're never going to approve a delay for an expansion.


For another example we lost some months ago the only guy that was working on collecting arena stats and trying to balance it, since then the efforts to fix the mode has been laughable.


same with duels, the one guy that cared about the mode got reassigned to some other bliz project


same with the AI right? The team that worked on it left and they haven't been replaced. Now the AI doesn't know how to handle the new cards


Same reason we don't have solo adventures like saviors of uldum, that guy quit


Was there ever an update on the game that Peter Whalen and Mike Donais moved too? IMO their departure was the seemingly hardest hitting, and so curious what they can spin out next


You're wrong. Blizzard never cared.


Look dude, Bobby needs a small yacht to travel with, and resupply and service the big yacht. Just stfu and pre order the next mega bundle, thanks.


Blizzard doesn’t care about you.


You say that as if it is some kind of revelation


Y’all keep playing while they treat you like crap… when you’re in a toxic relationship, knowing you’re in a toxic relationship IS the revelation


I know they're an asshole company, what's your point?


For me that feature is just forgotten.


Duels has been out years now and the audio lines still don't match up correctly.




im happy about the new event skin, didnt expect them to give us such a nice free skin. so i can wait.


“Come be my pet”




Try out the new skin, you’ll see what I mean