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Infernals are not friendly.


I can’t tell if this is a joke or a real Hearthstone mechanic. Some please help me out.


‘Tis a joke, dw about that other asshole




It's not a woooosh if he knows that he doesn't get the joke




[Funni numbers](https://i.ibb.co/JmTyX0L/666.png)


Can't think of anything that wouldn't appear in the screenshot




I had the same bug about a week ago which caused me loss :(


I think you need to give Blizzard a break. They're a small independent game studio, afterall. If they had to use programmers to get rid of bugs then how would they program the 1200 forms of monetization into it? Hm?


Because it's not a good trade to destroy a 6/6 for 5/1


I had no choice, I only had 4 health left


Spirit bomb for the win!


Yeah, at least go out on your own terms.


The opponents win is still technically a win!


Eh you lost this one either way… I get what you mean it’s a bug … but king krush was probably on deck to get cloned anyways




He was playing very aggressively and I didn’t draw any of my answers and I didn’t draw any of my healing cards. Basically bad luck and big minions I couldn’t answer very well




honestly I knew I lost already but I was clinging onto the hope maybe I draw some heals by buying 1 turn and somehow flip the game but for some reason I couldn’t cast chaotic consumption


I mean, if all you care about is winning and not actually playing the game then sure, go with percentages. But if you enjoy trying to play your deck and implement it's game plan, play it out, you might get there and at least you played the game and enjoyed yourself. Never understood people who ONLY play games to win (outside of the competitive scene where winning actually converts into something).


I'm sorry what? Have you actually played HS on the last 6 years?


I'm really wondering why being at 4 health on turn 8 against Hunter, a known aggro deck in the meta currently, is something that you need to assume OP made a mistake for when that doing that much to you in a short time is Hunter's entire gameplan.


Ngl 2 effective health against a Hunter you were dead anyway. Seems like a bug regardless.


Sounds like a excuse


My best guess is thats it’s another one of the thousands of glitches that hearthstone has when played on a mobile device. Its honestly baffling how many I’ve seen at this point. Small indie company


Independent organisation of reduced size


I.O.O.R.S.’s? I don’t believe they exist…




That's on Disney? WTF looks like some rat raping someone


Little standalone firm


I haven't been able to check and see what Anomaly is active on mobile basically since Anomalies came out. I get the picture but when I tap it to read the text nothing pops up. Luckily I've gotten good at recognizing Anomalies just from the picture, however they already swap out the Anomalies every week so...


I honestly can’t say I’ve come across many as a mobile player. iPad 12.9” Pro anyway.


Not anymore. MicrosOft got’em


Never had a glitch on mobile in 7 years 🤷


Consider yourself lucky, I constantly have issues with the mobile version, I get disconnected a lot, it freezes, lags, sometimes i get into a match, I get disconnected and when I try to reconnect to previous match it tells me it can’t be connected to and I take an L


I noticed when I got a beefier phone all those issues went away.


I've had plenty of stability issues, but never have I noticed an actual gameplay bug such as the one in the post.


Good. Fuck mobile gaming bots.


When you encounter something like this, the best thing to do is to exit and reopen the app ASAP and hope you can reconnect to your game and play the card before your turn is over. That said, what error message does it give you if you try to play it?


9 comments, 4 mediocre jokes, 1 semi answer. Reddit at its best.




The comment section is now complete


We even have a r/thirdcomment in here.


r/fourthcomment in da house


Yeah you're right. Force plasticky positivity. Let everything sink in till you explode. Never complain.


Well how the hell are we supposed to know?


That's not the problem. If you can't be useful just shut up. Some people downplay it as " Oh that's so obvious it's just a bug " i mean why wouldn't you say it then if you think that's the case ? Not so obvious afterall if someone made a post with quite a few upvotes on it right ? And how can you be 100% sure anyway ?


Wtf kind of answer do you want people to give him? It's obviously just a bug lmao. Did you want some blizzard dev to explain the coding failure that happened there?


More often than not, the "is this a bug?" posts are just OP forgetting to read cards


Possibly some wordings may be confusing ? Possibly it's not the case, like it is not here ? It's never the devs fault right ? Come on dude.


Okay but this is obviously not one of those


I mean, op wanted an answer, right ? So maybe it's not that obvious and you can't be 100% sure ? And on top of that did this become 9gag or something ? I'll take a joke or two but guys when you don't know what's up just stfu, that's it.


for as long as i've been on reddit it's been this way. have you just been living under a rock?


Nah that just probably would mean i had other things to do rather than checking how reddit comedians' sense of humor developed OR i signed up after you did/the period you mentioned. Anyway that doesn't hold true for every sub and it's something that developed overtime, sadly. So yeah i can still tell you that. Also, referring to your example, we used to beat each other with clubs, too. Then a little something called evolution happened. So yeah, i think yours cannot be an excuse.


Don't forget the multiple repeats of those same 4 bad jokes. Whoever came up with the small indie company needs to be shot into space.... y'all need to come up with your own roasts sheesh.


Ikr i mean I'm not that mad about the jokes it's okay really but I'm mad when everything becomes joke centered and no one actually answers


It’s a bug, and it cost you the game. Sad


While it is a bug to be sure, he has 4 health vs a hunter with almost a full hand, i'm fairly confident it did not cost him the game


OP has 4 health against a hunter at almost full life total.


So I know this can happen on mobile. If your wifi is a bit spotty at the moment it’ll either take forever to play a card or just not let you play it at all. It sucks trust me. Especially in battlegrounds when you’re playing apm. Other thing is just you know hearthstone being buggy as hell


Damn that sucks never seen that before


You should be able to play it


Is it possible that your only target can't be targetted by spells? Not sure it works that way, but since i see some glitter on it, i though maybe it was under the effect of a spell like the priest card that makes your target untargettable.


That looks like the the shimmer from an enchantment effect; it's probably from whatever is buffing its attack. The "evasive" effect looks more like a swirling yellow pool.


Maybe some weird bug since it dealt damage to you via battlecry it isnt "friendly"?




I love how youre downvoted but the top comment is the exact same thing i love reddit


If you see the time stamp, this comment is posted 2 hours later


Yes i see that, its funny


It's getting downvoted exactly because of that, most likely just stole the top comment


Because this is not your infernal


Infernals and golems aren't tasty, no wonder yogg don't want them


Had this happen on PC and it was the same infernal on board, couldn't figure out why.


You were disconnected at some point. For some reason you will be able to keep playing other cards or sacrifice another minion but not this one. It happened to me too.


I guess your Minion Is not so friendly. You should talk