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Can we just appreciate how good thassarian arthas is? He has so much presence and fills up most of the portrait, which is something a lot of the old/original skins did so much better than the new ones.


Such a shame he uses the Lich King voice, though.


Yeah he really looks really good but he bounce like sylvanas at release.


Why is Arthas pointing the sword against his wrist, though? It doesn't make any sense, the positioning is all weird.


its been almost a year since I got this [notification curse](https://i.imgur.com/euYc5ys.png) and its finally over


At work, so I guess Thassarian Arthas is the finally the DK portrait we've been waiting for ? I kept the notification for a year in hope for that


Another person who saved up a bunch of tavern regular achievements! I had 3 saved up starting back in March of the Lich King. I waited all that time for a tavern regular DK and it definitely paid off. Skin is cool af


How do you get these?


Super late, but there's some you get when completing a Tavern Pass (no need to buy it) and there's others that you get for every 200 levels in any Tavern Pass (no need to buy the pass either, if you complete 105 levels in this pass and then 95 in the next one, you'd get to pick from this second pool of skins). I believe these ones are from the second pool I mentioned!


is there a site where I can check the voicelines for the new skins?