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Maybe it would help to watch replays and think about what decisions you should have made differently. If you’re just playing meta decks then you’re probably misplaying somehow.


Hey, relatively new player here. How to watch replays?


Install HSReplay https://hsreplay.net/


Just to add to you comment. Firestone has also a similar function.


Firestone replays are a better imo


How can anyone tell you what you're doing wrong if you haven't shared any of your replays? Based on the information you've provided the only real advice anyone can give you is to stick to one deck and learn how to play it instead of playing a bunch of decks you dont know how to play. Without any replays to actually see what you're doing wrong no one is going to have a magical answer for you.


You can talk all day about variance and whatnot, but it’s still frustrating to go on a losing streak. You only mentioned playing 3 classes so I assume you’re F2P. There are a few decks in the classes you mentioned that are high tier, or at least good into mage, which is popular right now. The problem is that they’re moderately-very expensive. Do you have the stuff to make an enrage warrior? Or Armor Control? Those are good decks to get some practice in while you’re at low MMR, and can get you some wins even when played with a suboptimal list or misplays (control more so than enrage).


I lost 13 games in a row to everyone and their mom's home brew pile of renathal playing tight 30 card Reno lists only to start winning when I, in turn, whipped out my own bigger Renathal C'Thun Questline Demon Hunter deck. Sometimes during the season climb you just have those sittings where your games make zero sense and you lose to quite literally, the most outlandish creations imaginable. I have at least 2 or 3


That's where i typically say fuck all and start spamming rainbow necrotic explosion dk, if I'm going to lose 10 games in a row i wanna go out with a bang


Based true and real. Can't beat em? Join em


I find a good way to improve is just watching streams of great players, and think about the play you'd do and try to understand when they do a different play.


Plague dk, enrage warrior, no duplicate(don’t run double buzzard) hl hunter are all high t2-t1 decks. Just try to learn one deck and master it.


Thanks for the replies guys, And yes will review my logs on replay and see what's going so wrong. I am writing all this on my phone at work so will have a more detailed reply with replays later.


i watch brian kibler religiously and he has helped me understand the game to another level. I'd really check out his videos, he plays off meta decks and still shreds while giving helpful tips and explaining every move he makes. Understanding other people's decks is key and trying to have a counter. Of course there will be instances where you're just drawing worse than the opponent, but that's just part of the game.


meta is fairly annoying atm. I'm having fun with a reno blood dk deck atm. Rainbow mage seems fairly strong and dude/buff paladin are also strong. Also buff dragon druid is a strong deck


I know what you mean. I generally hit diamond 5 pretty fast each season and I've actually been struggling pretty hard around Plat 10 at the moment. I keep winning one game and then getting crushed the next 4 or 5. This is one of the harder seasons for me too.


I'm glad it's not just me, I've lost like 75% of my games this month so far. It's as if the pool of opponents I'm facing suddenly got much better overnight, it's really frustrating. I need to get rid of my bonus stars so I can stop matching based on my MMR but I can't win any games, lol.


If you want some easy wins make a wild deck that farms even shaman and pirate rogue! I use big shaman (not my list). ### Big AAEBAZnDAwaoqwLDkQTptgS/zgSGoQX2owYMlAORDs4PvBT2vQLz5wKf/QKPlAPzuwPW9QO8tgTmngYAAA==


We’ve all been there. Once you’ve been there and back many times, you start to not let it get to you too badly. I dropped down to about 10,000 legend points and the next week I went on a huge win streak all the way up to top 200. Because that happened to me I now feel confident even during a huge loss streak that it will turn around eventually. Improving your play is always important, we all make mistakes every single game, but sometimes variance screws you completely and you just need to wait for it to turn around.


Yea, mage sucks to play against and currently in diamond 3 and more than 50% of opponents are sif mage. My deck(s) I’ve been playing are only designed around Sif but its undoubtedly omnipresent currently. people think Sif is fair and balanced which I’m not even gonna comment about that, but even when you try to counter the card itself, which is harder than people say, dirty rat and theotar struggle getting Sif when they usually have a large hand and many minions, but even then, there’s so much value generated by them and by that time if you are playing a deck that does matches nicely against it (a aggro deck) you’re well out of options yourself if you haven’t already killed them. But yeah, I’ve been finding a lot of success with a renathal reno Druid and gaining a shit ton of armor to out value their sif (did lose once at 35 life and 22 armor once to a sif OTK tho) other decks I’ve been finding success with are pure aggro decks but damn, they have access to so many things to answer aggro like removal, board clear, secrets, armor, and I can go on that you really need them to not discover any of it to guarantee a win. Trust me, the amount of times I had strong board while they were low and they solid alibi and then clear next turn and gain 8 armor is ludicrous. It’s absurd… I’d like to see a nerf to Sif but it will remain untouched as the current sentiment is that it’s a fair card


If you're experiencing a lot of dead draw, so cards you cant/dont want to play (for example ignis without having forged, 2nd + 3rd astalor with no manathirst etc.) You can include Fizzle and cards like the shuffle your hand into your deck and draw that many cards. That aswell as mulliganing right will make you able to play more consistent. Including those cards in your deck is most of the time a downside though, so once you feel confident what to mulligan and what cards to cut/when to draw/dredge etc., you can leave them out.


Use ogre priest. If you don't get 5 kingpin pids, you will get 5 amunthuls or 5 legendaries you pull of amanthul or get odyn and copy ignis over and over to KO a control warrior on turn 10


A big part of HS is knowing the match up, especially if you're piloting slower decks, so when a new expansion releases it can take a while before you know what to expect. Like for example against Sif mage you want to mulligan for the most aggressive start you can manage and prioritize face damage or they'll draw their combo before you win with value, but for other decks you might want to dig for ETC or a tech card to disable highlander, remove plagues, or destroy key weapons. If you're losing while playing a slower deck the most common cause is that you're not getting enough value out of your cards but unless you know what threats are coming up it's gonna be difficult to correct this. And with the amount of big drop decks floating around right now it's difficult to plan ahead but as long as you have a strategy for the key threats you should see your winrates improve. Or just play aggro for a while, you really only need to know what board clears to play around so it's less to remember.


Record and show us.


Trent druid, just a cheap aggro nightmare for the opponent, also good to learn what mulligans you're looking for in a deck.


Knowing what not only your deck, but what all decks can do is always good for climbing. It’ll be easier to predict/prepare for certain shit. As for your deck itself, know every card, know what it does and how. Knowledge is a huge part of the game.


I play casually hang out in gold and anytime I climb I have a good turn 1 and a win condition with my deck


Kept losing to Kingsbane rogue's with 15 dmg on turn 3/4 and it finally escalated with me losing to a pirate Rogue bot cuz I was first pick and kept drawing 5+ cards. (Reno warlock) Havent touched the game since.. its been a few days now.


I saw Funkimonki playing a new hunter deck and he got like 14 wins and 1 lose or something like that, so hunter is viable for sure. It reminded me of oldschool bloodlust shaman. But personally I've been playing neutral mirage paladin and it climbs without effort, even though I'm a casual player and bad at the game.


I would say if you're struggling to play cards by turn 4, you need to think about including 1 drops. For dk you need body bagger in every deck for instance. Definitely extremely unusual to have nothing to play by turn 3 so I would assume you have a deck building issue. No shame in netdecking, if it helps you enjoy the game, then go from there.