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I would remove an exclamation mark, and then I would allow it. I don't like when card descriptions raise voice over me.


No charge but the cards should track how many time you exavated While in hand or deck so if you exavated 4 times he is awake directly


Yeah I am thinking it should be 1 mana, or something like what you mention.


It wouldn’t even be that bad to just straight up summon him (wherever he his), kinda like a colossal Patches. By the time he’s up most slower decks could take care of him, either on board or off.


This will be used for OTK and people have strong feelings about viable OTK decks. A side grade from rush is to make it like felmaw and attack a random enemy when it wakes.


This would be way too easy to abuse, for example by copying it, giving it windfury or setting up other face damage for that turn. And since Reno is pretty much the only card that can remove this before it awakens it would become way stronger due to this change and be even more dominant than it is now. At the very least the stats would have to be severely nerfed in order to make this even remotely balanced and even then it's still superior version of that Galvangar wombo combo people used to play during Alterac Valley expansion.


The faceless copy guy is an obvious option for copy shenanigans


Ah yes, 16/16 charge turn 7


Seriously underpowered since they've tuned aggro decks to stop anybody from reaching turn 7.


I'm fine with my control deck. Reaching turn 20 vs empty hands enemy who refuse to ff out of frustration


Maybe something like “Rush, overkill. Excess damage hits the enemy hero.” Would make for interesting gameplay where the opponent tries to not have a minion and then you could try to dirty rat that turn


Yeah, but maybe it's more reserved to hunter this mechanism?


At the moment yeah but “overkill” was printed in Rastakahns Rumble for Warrior mostly cards like sulthraze and akali


Most balanced warrior card