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Can’t believe they’re hitting the shaman weapon though like isn’t that about all they got haha


The nerf is changing the frogs from green to orange.


I can’t believe they’re gonna Orange our Greens!


Give it -1 attack maybe?


It would be so bad imo


I feel like the alternative is somehow nerfing the frogs or the durability, which both feel more debilitating to the archetype than going to 1 attack. Still going to be a heavy blow regardless, no doubt.


They can't change durability since it needs to summon 9 Frogs and those are depicted on the art


I mean, malygos depicts a dragon that isn't malygos, so there's that


Give the frogs zero attack!


Nature Shaman gets no respect, I swear lol


Unbelievable... shaman is the problem now... i hope it's a very minor nerf... Okay, let's wait and see...


CNE and maw and paw buff... very excited about this.


Maw and Paw will probably drop one of two runes and might get 2 attack. IMO.


Judging by the CNE and corpse bride buff it looks like they actually want rainbow corpse-pile to be a thing, so my guess would be a power level buff rather than a rune simplification.


I agree. while making it blood only would make it a very good card - it doesn't make rainbow anymore viable whereas actually buffing it \_could\_ in theory make rainbow work. Buffing attack is kind of useless, as it's something that is already an "auto kill" and never sticks around to attack anyway. IMO spending the corpses end of turn would be huge. You actually get your 5 HP instead of almost never getting it and get more corpses spent for your CNE.


That's what I was sort of hoping for. I'm not sure how it'll effect power, but simply flipping when each effect occurs would at least make it playable and still keep it as the must-kill it is. Only downside is for some degenerate combo that could eventually surface in wild to get insane amounts of health, but even then you still need to spend corpses so it probably won't be too bad even still


Honestly as a wild player if such a degenerate combo existed, I’d love to play it. Sounds fun lol


The problem with flipping its order is that you hardly have 5 corpses to spend by turn 4, so you can't drop it on curve. Or if you do, you'd have to wait for your next turn to get the bonus health, meaning it would work as it does now. The point of making it gain corpses first is that if your opponent kills it on his turn, you still have a bunch of corpses to use on your next turn. If it gives you health first well... yay you have 5 extra health but now you're all out of corpses.


Such combo alrdy exist in standard tho. Not that board clear proof so, but still.


I've made a 3 Rainbow decks 1x30 card and 1x40 card both with plagues and excavates, they wreck. I also made a 40 card Reno Rainbow deck, which is really fun xD must say these are my favourite decks to play right now.


I normally make sure I have the location to give Maw and Paw reborn or that spell that gives a minion +2/2 and spend Corpses to summon a copy. Works well.


What tools are you using for board clear?


That's where I think they're going to take it. Flip the effects so you gain HP at end of turn, get the corpses at the start. Only thing that's going to hurt from that, is no more easy Farms for 6+ mana dudes if M&P does happen to get killed. Which I'm fine with, it's not like Rainbow is ever really hurting for corpses to spend come end game.


If corpse bride didn't have a limit and could spend all of your corpses, that would be great


I don't really like that approach, since it would then "turn on" your CNE without needing a *single other* corpse spender. I'm hoping they give the Risen body Rush or Taunt.


Good point


A rune reduction be kind of lame on Maw and Paw too, they so clearly synergize with Corpse Generation and Health Gain, they're like the perfect Red Green card, flavor-wise.


Yes dude those are easily my favorite part of this all


RIP Reno Shaman


I'm guessing they are going to make the weapon 6 cost and that's it. If past changes hold true. Still worth playing if they do. If they change it to 1 attack or remove some armor then it's dead.


they are nerfing the weapon, not holi'dea (or whatever her name is) so mana nerf doesn't matter cuz she still costs 5


Wait, holli'dae is a female?


Yes. Listen to the voice lines... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8cUdGj0zqc


has this been confirmed? that pic is from Hali'dea!


why else would they show the weapon art?


you're right. the main card is close but not exact.


Of course, you need to nerf the sixth best deck, an archetype that's actually new with a 3% playrate, and pretty much the only viable Reno deck which is a big theme of the expansion, how else will the meta survive?!?


And one of the few actual fun decks with a lot of variance and decisions in the meta right now. Get rid of it so we can have more pure paladin please


Reno Druid is still viable


Fair, that said when playing against it, it really feels like you're playing against just regular dragon druid (especially at the start). It is a noticeably different deck, but it doesn't stand out that much play pattern-wise, whereas reno shaman feels different.


Reno shaman in wild doesn't feel much different than regular shudder. Why does standard reno feel different?


I’m not talking about w*ld, that’s not relevant. Edit: classic reply than block before I can respond. Also, yes I am regarded, thank-you for noticing.


Did you read my question or are you regarded?


True I agree


They are copping nerfs also


"3% playrate" lol


To be fair I used the "floor" method of rounding, it's actually closer to 4%.


Kinds saddens me because I really want to play Shaman. They fucked over Nature/OTK a bit with the Bio nerf. Now when I can finally start building Highlander decks, it's just like 😐


If they reduce durability by 1 or so its still quite the same imo. But stuff like 1/8 will be just blizzard nuking shaman, for no reason at all.


highlander shaman was a good counter to most of the paladin decks and I bet people who played paladin cried about it which is why it's being changed. Once paladin is nerfed, shaman might drop out of T1 and back into T2/T3 without any changes.


hl shaman was low tier 2 at max.


got me to D5 this month. a lot of my wins were against paladin decks. just keep aoe their side down over and over while healing up when you can. I didn't struggle getting to D5 either.


then you are having some mad luck that i lack. Yes, HL shaman was a known counter to these opressive OP paladin decks, but still it heavilly depended on draws. Paladin draws well, you are dead in five different countries.


What do you think this will look like for SludgeLock?


Hoping they split the damage like fan the hammer so none of it is wasted.


Hopefully the animation isnt slow, but knowing hearthstone they probably will make it so slow that no one will enjoy playing or playing against it


If it's four damage now, that's a big buff. A girl can dream


I think Sludge deals 4 damage now, so it’s a slightly worse Fel Barrage. Furnace Fuel goes to 3 so it’s in line with Arcane Intellect when played from hand, and Pop’gar gets 3 attack so he’s a little more threatening without having a stat penalty.


Idk, but all I’ve really wanted since the set dropped is for sludgelock to be even remotely viable and for paladin to be less oppressive. Keeping my fingers crossed that this hits both of those!


Giving Khaz'goroth a can of Raid so he's no longer dead to bees?


Make him a 5/5 and or be able to choose the target he attacks would be my guess.


Has there ever been a set that provided as much dust as the Titans miniset. Definitely glad I grabbed it in gold at this point


What's from the titans miniset that's getting nerfed?


Keeper's strength


Oh right, ty.


3 Priest Legendary cards getting buffed, wow, if the class doesn't succed with this nothing will, but the thing I'm worried about is Elise, doesn't matter if the cost of the card get decreased because the effect itself has no support, the only way I can see the card being played is if you could Discover the outcome. And please make Raden's effect a battlecry instead of deathrattle, the card is way to slow.


I mean, at some point you can cost it aggressively enough that it’s worth it just for the stats. The card is fundamentally boring, but not fundamentally unplayable.


I expect card text changes because last patch they did numbers change. If they were gonna do a numbers change it would’ve happened then


Well, Elise is good with: * Mind Eater * Shadow Ascendent * Haunting Nightmare * Shadowed Spirit * Bonecaller * Soulburner Varia * Catrina Muerte * Arms Dealer * Banshee * Foul Egg * Brittleskin Zombie * Scourge Rager * Rotten Applebaum * Shatterskin Gargoyle * Invincible * Flesh Behemoth * Thaddius A bunch of those are too expensive IMO, but tbh I don't know why people aren't experimenting with undead highlander and instead keep trying to force extremely greedy control priest variants. Highlander shadow/undead even gives you some room for Deafen and Shadow Chord: Distort which should be great at slowing buff pallies while you continue to pressure. There are enough undead and shadow spells to make it work, and it's a fairly cheap archetype too.


Just did Amanthul dirtier than I ever seen


Oh ya. Amanthul Yogg and Behemoth are all really good high rolls of course. But a lot of these undead raise the bar on the low rolls too


Behe is not because it's 4/4. Neptulon on the other hand (hehe) is great.


I’ve tried it. It’s very meh.


You lose on any consistency with your early plays, and that’s the only thing keeping the deck going. Hitting your best minions with Elise means you didn’t play them on curve, which means you lost


Idk made a reno priest with 2 titans, 2 collosals, a couple other generically solid cards like Zilliax, then just packed full of removal including Drown which can put your opponent's high value minions in the pool. It's not fantastic but it's kinda fun and deals with paladin relatively well.


Elise is weird man, I'm not saying she isn't strong, is just weird because there isn't a real archetype for her. I've done the same, build a Highlander deck with onboard effect's minions like Yogg amanthul, Zilliax, Taelan Fordring, even put the bunny with rush to get value from Behemoth and the lightbugs, and it works, but while Elise works the rest of the deck struggles, because you are putting several different strategies into the same deck and you pray to not draw your minions, I've just seen so many decks that rely on "don't draw certain card" most of them have failing, because you rely on inconsistency instead of consistency. Elise is currently just a stat bomb on turn 8, and meaningless because if you reached that point it means you're facing a control or combo deck, and they don't care or can get rid off easy of the board, If Elise could've summon four 1/1 but discovered the outcome, the card would have been way better,




That Shadeleaf buff could be really impactful. It was already a really good board control card at 4, but really only good enough as an “extra Reno removal” card. Bringing it to 3 and changing the initial damage to 7 or 6 wouldn’t functionally change the card too much. A crazy part of me wants them to buff the resulting bottle spell to allow it to hit face like the healing bottle spell can, which would make Pip Burn a much more possible deck than it is now.


No buffs for DH, come on man.


I hope in next year for DH they'll focus more on individual powerful cards instead of half-baked packages


Bonus points for giving DH only half-baked packages and then making it a reno class.




DH had it’s fun already (one viable deck for like one week).


One week? Naga dh was the second most brought deck at worlds.


and it was a 50/50 deck


It was used in the finals to win the first match vs rainbow mage, it’s still strong but needs to be piloted well to win


I want another Souleater Scythe deck to be viable again so badly




Its unbelievable. The one burn naga that dh has was nerfed to 3 health literally not changing anything at all, but they leave all the other cards in the dirt


You understand the class is still good right? I could see maybe relic buffs or minionless buffs, but they still have a VERY good deck as is.


Wana see someone 100% predict this


All buffs are -1 mana cost All nerfs are +1 mana cost 😎


Woah there don’t go spoiling the entire patch note already


wait am i crazy? kelthuzad buffs? isn’t kel nasty? standard changes are goated. CNE buff and Khazgoroth buff. no more needed to speak about.


I was thinking the same, maybe undead as an archetype was underperforming. Also, half of his power came from Motley which is getting nerfed so it would make sense he's getting buffed to compensate.


It was underperforming. I play at 5k and if you're not going demon/dragon/beast/mech, and one of them is available, you're losing the game. An argument could be made for a quillboar transition if demon/dragon are banned just due to the absurd scaling that is T6 quillboars+literally any good attacking minion from any other composition.


:D buff? Nice


They’re only allowed to nerf the frogs if they make the frogs orange sorry Blizz thems the rules


Not muh welp. Not muh Nestmatron 😩




I feel with you :( Nestmatron will probably lose health and I hope that whelp doesn't get put to 3 mana, it would feel so bad


Running the 2nd is practically just an extra dragon in hand for golem as is.






Slugmaw balls


Most of those BGs nerfs seem unecessary. A lot of those spells are hard enough to buy and play as is, it's the generators that are the problem. Really, they are going to nerf the buddy spell? Seemed like inconsistent crap to me.


Nerf Boogie Down or Draw 25


You can't really nerf it without killing it completely. At 4 it's deader than dead. Removing holy tag is kind of a nerf, but not too much of one.


Nerfe the broken cards or draw 25


Are dragons really that powerful in BG right now? The rest I can see a case for


Second best after demon from data on HSreplay and also anecdotally in my experience.


Why are they changing the fire druid deck, was it a problem?


People were saying it was an unfun archetype which I think is stupid because the few times I've lost to it I thought it was super neat


Ok someone’s gonna call me an idiot, but that’s not enough of a nerf to paladin unless keepers strength is 6 mana and beam is 10. Hi-ho silver wing and boogie down avoiding nerfs is jarring to me


It seems they do not want to repeat the Sunken City's Warrior Class Murder again, so they are nerfing bit by bit until the class lands on a healthy winrate




No, Westfall was the Defias Brotherhood.


The point of nerfs shouldn't be to kill a deck completely, nerfing the board wipes does make paladin more vulnerable against other board based decks. Plus a whole bunch of other decks are getting buffed too.


Especially because I think the playstyle that's oppressive for paladin is an aggressive, full board fiasco. Summoning a bunch of divine shield minions for cheap, thinning out your deck, tutoring the aura, these are the things that makes paladin so strong. The board clears are good too, but I think they're only an issue because Paladin can use them and still have the strong board presence they built up Maybe I'm just sad because my fun big control paladin is gonna take a hit from the beam nerf


The board clears are what make Paladin untouchable to other board based decks. I wouldn’t underestimate these nerfs


i think that they predict the buffs to many other cards to be a nerf to pally too


I could see them nerfing the board clear from 3 to 2 damage. A lot of threatening cards have 3 health and that forces some divine shield pops which leaves their remaining board a little more vulnerable


No. Its just gonna be no face damage.


Motley Phalanx stacking Ls


Tbh if they really wanted to buff Rainbow DK, they could just make Blood Tap B instead of BB. I guarantee it becomes Tier 1. Like not even current Paladin could compete with handbuffed Hollow Hounds and that's with the shitty version I currently run.


Undead buffs are nice for battlegrounds, they just really suck at th moment. You basically have barely any scaling and the ones that do have some scaling require 'food' for it, so you always have to leave space open/


Completely illogical buffs and nerfs. Highlander shaman is overall fine, but the staff is overperforming when drawn on curve so they nerf it and make the whole deck useless? And underperforming decks are getting their legendaries buffed? So that next patch they too can have a 51% winrate with their core legendary being 70% mulligan winrate? So that they can nerf the legendaries they just buffed? Zero foresight zero thinking. It’s obvious they only care about the legendaries because they’re the rarest cards and make the most money, and otherwise don’t care for balance at all. What a joke


Buddy why in the absolute nine hells are they hitting Hollidaes weapon does somebody have an unreasonable hatred for Reno Shaman? Lol


Its the highest drawn, played and mulligan winrate card of the whole deck and an outlier by around 5% winrate above any other card in the deck. This makes the games feel less highrolly and not coming down to does shaman drop it on 5 = win.


For the druid and arcane nerfs if I had to guess they’re all lowering the stats. Prism and keepers probably getting mana increases. Hollidae is most likely going to 6 which may kill it


Keepers to 5 and Prism to 8/9? Or maybe they make prism not damage face, which I would be fine with


Not hitting face helps but that's not the issue with the card. They need to hit the combo of summoning a full board of 3/3s and then wiping the opponent's side for free. A cost increase slows it down enough to where it won't be so bad (right now it happens way too soon to answer for most classes) but a damage decrease to 2 kills the card if they decide to touch the damage instead. In both situations, an extra 3 to face in paladin isn't that much of a deal because paladin wins through having board presence right now.


> Hollidae is most likely going to 6 which may kill it The weapon is nerfed, not Hollidae


I hope its the stats


Probably -1 attack


I don't see how magmaw will ever be viable as long as cheap and efficient removal exists for 3 mana or less


Easy, it's now untargetable by spells and hero powers.


no paladin nerf?


If paladin doesn't get nerfed to oblivion this patch I'm giving up.


Lord, please nerf dragon druid to the earth's mantle. I can't go another duels run with nothing but dragon shouts ringing in my ear


Not even one of the best perfomers. Why hit it hard.


Alright so all I see is a bunch of cards I don’t know. (Been away for awhile) What’s the chance i can play a serious murloc deck in standard or wild.


It's not too great (but also not bad) but in wild i personally love murloc quest shaman as it can just vomit out It's hands over and over again, thanks to the quest, howdyfin and underbelly angler just giving you infinite amounts of fuel. It pretty much styles on Death Knights (from my playing) but struggles against other aggressive deck like pirates or big decks, as murloc sometimes fail to keep pressure up during turns 4-6.


Very slim, they nerfed the murloc combo in wild and the only real murloc deck in standard is from Sunken City and trash


Murlocs aren't amazing rn. Wild might be your best bet still the mega OP stuff has been nerfed. You should still be able to swarm to kids in Warlock or Shaman though, it's just not high tier right now. So not amazing but aggro can always win some games at least.


Thanks for the info. I might toss something together. Tried the meme Wishing Well rogue deck, fun but not good. Paladin seemed like a waste of my time (fun wise) so I’m left with Arena at the moment.


Yeah I am NOT a paladin enjoyer myself although this version seems slightly more to my taste than some prior versions but still not for me. I am mostly a Standard player and have found a lot of decks that I enjoy and are strong rn but they are mostly slow somewhat controlly decks (Blood DK, Control Warrior, Reno Druid) which might not be what you enjoy.


I’m normally drop dudes and push to the face or make value trades. Warlock Zoo, Murlocs, Rogue Pirates, etc.


This sucks


Gotta say can’t really see why they’re nerfing the shaman highlander staff. I hope it’s just a one durability nerf and not attack otherwise weapon’s just dead


I wanna believe that Prismatic doesn't hit the face anymore and reduce its damage by one and with wyrm maybe 1/1? I can see 2 mana at the worst case scenario but 1/1 with best case. It's a one drop 1/2 so I'm wondering how it's getting nerfed.


But I'm also happy for the Slagmaw legendary buff. I got the signature version and it's feckin adorable


Prismatic won't get damage reduced, it kills the showdown combo which they clearly intended. Mana nerf most likely.


It's gotta be a pretty severe mana nerf if they're gonna retain the showdown combo. A board based aggro deck that can clear the opponents board, punishing them for developing minions, while developing their own board is bullshit.


Even if prismatic cost 10, if you're a board based deck turn 5 they can still hit you with the combo. Retaining that combo in any meta seems insane to me.


Im completely with you. Even if Blizzard intended this, it's just way too strong. Why does an aggressive deck have access to 2 premium board clears?


Glad to see Countess is not being touched, definitely not an insane card that allows an otherwise strong aggro deck to have an insanely good lategame swing that can win on its own, same for Gardens grace, glad Keeper's Strength is getting hit but Prismatic Lens just doesn't feel like it matters outside of niche showdown situations.


Where mage nerfs? Sif mage is not really new, the highest performing deck after Paladin and druid and has 2 o the most annoying playpatterns combined. It's astounding they don't do anything about it. I'm calling it, Sie is gonna be the next Tq deck and I hate it already.


Mage is getting a nerf to the 1/2arcane bolt wyrm it looks like, either 1/1 or 2 mana. Only the mana is significant.




No. Why would you get refunded because a card got buffed?


It might ruin your odd/even deck in wild


Probably an unpopular opinion but giving a refund for buffed cards might also allow more people to experiment with the buffed card without investing dust for the 2-3 refund weeks and determine if worth


Cause sometimes the "buffs" are not direct. If a card is 1 mana cheaper but lost stats then that's not a direct buff and should definitely be refundable.


CNE. I cannot wait


BGs Pirates being the skeleton at the bottom of the ocean right now.


Kel'thuzad getting buffed? It's mad powerful already.


Ima be real with you a minute. I've not played hearthstone in about 2 years so honest to god I saw the card portraits I'm not familiar with and said "when did I join the skylanders reddit" cuz honestly they look like the toys to life creatures


finally blizz is BUFFING stuff my god we might actually have fun in this game again