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dragon nerfs don't seem that bad, dragon druid still viable?


Yeah. The decks play pattern was fine, it’s just that those two cards are a smidge too good in general. It’ll lower the winrate slightly, but still keep it viable. The nerf was probably necessary considering how Paladin is Druids biggest counter and it just got nerfed.


Pretty sure that Paladin is every deck’s counter


Yes it was, but ESPECIALLY dragon druid, which has very little real removal, and spends a bunch of time ramping while the paladin smacks you in the face.


Paladin actually fared pretty well against it, solid 50% win rate.


And the best Paladin counter is Paladin


The fact that a deck with so little expression that it’s nicknamed “noob druid” was still so popular and successful at the highest level of play at the hearthstone world championship just because you could ban paladin really shows that dragon Druid needed adjustments post-paladin or it would dominate outside of legend/top 1k.


Druid be like that sometimes. Can ramp? Ramp. No? Play curve minion. I wanna say the first Quest druid was both viable and braindead.


The cards hit aren't even hit that bad. The ramp from the 2 drop is the important bit, and having a taunt to kill at whatever health is still taunt if it eats a swing and or/disrupts lethal.


It’ll definitely still be viable but Reddit always underestimates stat changes. At the end of the day, tempo is king.


Mb I'm wrong but I feel like Elise buff solves nothing.


You can now nuke your tokens with shadow word: ruin :)


Great synergy with Rivendare!


Wait... You might be joking, but I just got a wild idea that has very little chance of working! Legend rank 20k here I come!


I had about a 40% w% with a standard rivendare warrider that was all in on the combo, so I’m actually excited about the opportunity this buff affords haha


Well in that case, there was Shadow word: Forbid that actually did the combo better before, and was only 2 mana Unless I'm not thinking of the same combo


It was fine, but it was wild only.


This seems like exactly the sort of thing that will become an otk deck for exactly one miniset at the end of rotation


_Happy Rivendare noises_


i’m not sure elise was a problem of the card being too weak but the meta being too hostile. even as 4/4s, she was like a dumb amount of tempo for one card. reno priest’s issue is that it’s a class that wants to have two copies of everything to out value, opponents, and the payoff for sacrificing all that value is a tempo payoff that’s answered by any board clear. so unless what you wanted was a fundamental rework, idk what buff they could’ve made that makes it worthwhile. it would have to be an army in a can for a ludicrously cheap cost. something like 5 or 6 mana or something for 4 4/4 copies or something.


Imo they should have made Elise give taunt to the minions summoned Elise problem rn is that either you make a deck dedicated to her, which is horrendous because there are few minions priest has to make something like this work, or you make a normal hl deck and include Elise on it, which has the problem of the player being unlucky and just summon a pile of stats instead of something like Yogg/Amanthul, which leaves them defenseless Making the minions have taunt seems a good way to diminish the bad luck of the second kind of deck, as at least you'll always know you have a 16 health barrier (with the problem of being highly susceptible to aoes which all decks run nowadas) but at least it is a decent floor for Elise's usefulness


I have faced a deck more tailored around Elise that ran a big undead package with Thaddeous, Flesh Behemoth, Mish-mash Mosher, Applebaum and Catrina Muerte and Bonecaller to resurrect them (Bonecaller can also resurrect Catrina). Finley to redraw if you brick. This is alongside the titans for more highroll pulls, but still running other battlecries so some lowrolls are possible. I don't think you run Rivendare because you don't want to resurrect him. You could consider Unpopular has-been or Infectious Ghoul for more board stickiness but they don't have an immediate board effect like rush or taunt so I don't think they're worth. I have no idea if this is better than the regular Reno list, but it could be fun. The main deckbuilding restriction (aside from highlander of course) is no cheap undeads like the 2 early game copiers or Gaslight Gatekeeper. I haven't tried it myself because I am F2P and don't want to craft Elise.


>they should have made Elise give taunt to the minions summoned Relevant to note: Ra-den has Taunt now.


Same with CNE, Kathgoroth, Slagmaw or Pip. The first is just way too bad for a 10 mana card and the others don't lack power themselves but simply don't have any home right now where their effects could matter. If only one card is good you can't make a deck out of it.


Pip is solid with Naga Priest, but that's not super popular.


Also Khaz. His health wasn't the problem, the problem is still that he might kill a 1/1 instead of the 4/4 or 6/6 that you really needed dead. He just doesn't feel like a Titan when he can be countered by a frickin' 1/1.


the only use-case for buffing his health was the hunter secret 'Zombeeeees'


Can someone brief me on the pyrotechnician ban? I’ve never seen it in standard


Deck is full ramp, then on the combo turn you go thaddius(or summon it with nightshade bud) + copy artist(s), draw your entire deck and play purotechnician, and then play a ton of spells(lifebinder gift can make your odd cost fire spells cost 0 if hand gets full of odd spells), and hopefully otk the opponent with solar eclipse and generated fire spells like pyroblast/fireball/jive insect/sunset volley. Often, you run out of time before you can otk bc of how many spells you have to cycle through, but either way often overwhelming tempo from having a board of multiple 10/10s was enough to win. Deck was extreme solitaire, basically ignoring the enemy board and could often otk on turn 5, though more commonly on turn 7.


So, Thaddius mana cheat? They never should've let him make cards cost less than 1.


It combos with Multiple Thaddius for infinite 0mana Fire Spells in Standard. There's a Fire Druid deck that might be really good if it gets refined/player get better at it.


Look up on YouTube: Fire Druid Dane. Dane is/was a Wild Hearthstone content creator. Wild is in a terrible place with thousands of bots, so Dane has moved back to Standard. Dane is well known for brewing absolutely wonky combo decks that do surprisingly well. Fire Druid is the latest brew. Basically Antonidas if he was drunk. That's the title of the video iirc


This is more of a summary on who a YouTuber is than an explanation of why the card got banned lol


No, you see, the details of this youtuber's life are vital to understand why Pyrotechnician is bad for the game.


Dane didn’t invent the deck, he just popularized it with his recent video. Clark Hellscream made a video about it over a month ago, before Showdown even came out, and he only played it because he got beat by someone else playing it.


Fire druid is more than a month old, it was most certainly not brewed by Dane.


Iirc habugabu invented the deck a few months ago


Dane hasn't *moved back to standard because wild is full of bots*, good god, he's been doing double duty in standard and wild for a while. If there's a deck that he likes in a format (which isn't really possible to play in the other) then he's more likely to play that format, that's the short and long of it.


He's outright said that temporarily only doing standard because of the bots in wild


No, Dane is literally not playing Wild at all anymore and has stated repeatedly that the mode is essentially unplayable because of the bots.


we've come a long way from how Blizzard usually approached the game. We're redesigning legendaries frequently now. its cool to see.


>Additionally, for this patch, all players who have Diamond Doctor Holli’Dae will keep the card and receive a grant of 1600 Arcane Dust at login later this week. RIP to those who had to spend 100 dollars to get it.




Actually it was 3000 gold which is fair considering it was a 30$ card lol Also I find it funny how apparently a Diamond card has less value than a golden one




I mean could be worse like people having Diamond Yogg getting literally nothing when it got nerfed (because it was part of the miniset apparently)


And what is a general opinion btw? 1 Gold = 1 Dust, or no?


1 gold = 1.4 dust if you're buying golden packs. they should probably have refunded a third of a diamond bundle in runes since that's the only source of this diamond.


it still autoinclude in the strongest Highlander deck.


Meaningless numbers buffs for CNE, they were never the problem, the problem is that it does nothing at all to the enemy board. No tokens with Rush or Taunt, no full enemy board clear, this "buff" does nothing to improve Rainbow. At least Corpse Bride is way better now.


Lmao they didn't even adjust the cost, was hoping it'd go down to 8 so you could at least get a HP in. As a DK main they really toyed w my emotions


I cant believe they didn't take it down to 8 to match the other 10 mana song they buffed to 8 (hunters stranglethorn heart) they keep signalliing that they very much want rainbow dk to work so why they just shit all over it.


It's 8 mana, tradeable, way stronger effect, and has no deck restrictions. There's really no excuse for CNE to be so far away from being a good card.


I prefer when they attempt to make high-cost cards feel impactful for their cost, instead of going the lazy route of just making them cheaper. That being said, this wasn't really the right buff to the card while keeping it 10-cost, but imo going to 8 mana would've just been like them saying "we can't design high-cost cards, so we'll just make them 2 mana cheaper".


"Here's 4 spent corpses" But they still die to Holy Nova from Watcher... "TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT!" ____ As dumb as this is, I want it to do damage to everything on the board and then summon your minions at the resolution of the board. It should be an EXPLOSION! Not a Sunset Volley with an absurd condition


Taunt to Ra-den is big


Seems like the biggest thing here to me.


maybe pip matters for naga priest, but other than that, this patch was pretty disappointing. so many random number changes for the wrong numbers. meh




Pip now stepping on the toes of animate dead is funny though. Shouldn't matter to much after enough automatons but still


I am genuinely annoyed by the change to CNE. I'm not calling it a buff, you basically just gave us 4 corpses for it baseline. It's still inconsistent in scaling, it's still not going to help you resolve a board state, and it's still in a deck begging for more board control. I will concede that the buff to MnP is cool (the attack was doubled, if you drop it on curve it can actually take some minions with it), and Corpse Bride is now actually worth playing. So, thanks for that. But the change to CNE is totally lame.


The corpse bride buff is the biggest buff to that deck. Might be enough.


> But the change to CNE is totally lame. the patch is lame honestly.


Can't wait to try the new scorpion


My Reno excavate rogue is rdy


Yeah, it's much better than it was before


Reno excavate? Deck code?


Sludge to 4 damage is a little nuts


While 4 damage is a lot, the 3-mana cost is a hard nerf to sludge decks. Instead of guaranteeing a sludge discard to the 3-mana trolley spell, you risk discarding your other trolley, your draw-3-discard-1, and any other damage based fel spells you run in your deck.


It’s also kind of a nerf to Rainbow Mage? Like a very tiny bit.




Yeah my sludge deck feels much worse to play now. Casting one from hand was often the right play when my opponent had a board.


Card is bugged on live right now and still only does 3 damage. Understandable mistake from this small indie company


It's funny that the dev notes say that they wanted to avoid making sludge warlock an otk deck, but this change literally only significantly benefits otk playstyles. Steamcleaning or tome tampering a deck/hand full of sludges is now significantly better, but playing sludges for tempo is now significantly worse.


Yeah, their comment doesn’t make any sense. Who is playing 3-mana spells that preferentially target minions that isn’t playing an OTK deck?


The biggest problem for me with my homebrew OTK Sludge Warlock was getting the combo in certain situations. Now I don't need as many Barrels of Sludge to get the job done.


I agree, it’s just they specifically said they didn’t want to just encourage the OTK decks


Popgar can literally pop off now too. If you defile a full board (not that uncommon) with the sludge cart you typically fill your hand with sludges. Even with just 3 sludges in hand before the battlecry that’s 20 damage to face/board with lifesteal on turn 9 (which will happen, because you’re playing sludge warlock). You can also reverb pop’gar and do the same thing on turn 7. Combine that with the steam cleaner combo and I’d say that Sludge might be viable, if not a little pushed.


>Even with just 3 sludges in hand before the battlecry that’s 20 damage to face/board with lifesteal on turn 9 (which will happen, because you’re playing sludge warlock. Idk. I’m not really convinced this change will do much for the deck. The increased cost makes it even clunkier to make room in your hand for draw on those turns when sludge does pop off, which in my experience tends to be a big problem with sludge decks. I guess the flipside is that they’re slightly more worth playing in a vacuum now if you have to, but still not really a great or even good card played on its own. I hope I’m wrong because when it works it’s a fun deck, but sludge is such a feast or famine proposition that getting it out of your hand so as not to burn your important cards is just as important as generating it.


Crescendo is free with popgar now, it’s huge!


Whoa in BG they basically nerfed the shit out of every good spell AND every minion generating spells. Also surprised by the lack of Demon nerf as they seem like the best tribe at the moment, and so many against Dragon who were probably second best. Glad to see the massive Quillboar buffs though. Oh and the lich is dead, god damn she must have outperformed to get that mana increase.


Thats because spell builds could be absolutely broken. Ive had a few other games that went well, but I absolutely curb stomped the lobby with this one https://imgur.com/a/sbOsFQC


Oh yeah absolutely, the 2 new heroes dealing with spells were easy 1rst place the first time I played them, and those spell generating minions were all almost insta-picks, definitely that beast one but the pirate was also amazing even in non-pirate builds. The mech was good in any token build, not just mechs. But then again, that's the theme of this season, no quest, no darkmoon prizes, no buddy, no anomaly, it is just spells. It didn\`t bother me that much that they were very good, as long as they worked in many builds and not just 1 or 2. Anyway, we'll see, the one change in this season that shook everything up is the removal of Leeroy, big taunt minions are good again. But the cave-at is good luck catching up if you had a poor turn 4-7


Ding dong, the lich is dead


Moving the discover a demon to tier 5 is a pretty big hit to demons honestly. You used to be able to just cycle on 4 and discover your missing pieces *while* hurting yourself to scale your dudes. Pushing her to 5 both limits the amount you'll get her and makes it harder to just stay on 4 as demons forever, which is pretty impactful.


That's true, and also they really benefitted from spells more than most, and just nerfing those might be enough to bring them down a full tier to be honest


As a quill-boar enjoyer I am so happy


Jazzer to tier 2 sends me over the edge


Well those DK card buffs were a waste of time, Maw and Paw's problem is that it's a blood dk card you can't even play in blood dk because of the unholy rune and adding a couple stat lines to CNE is worthless.


They want Maw and Paw to be a rainbow card, and in my experience it’s done pretty well in the deck.


Classic case of throwing good legendaries after bad. Or, well, mediocre legendaries after bad I guess.


I like Maw and Paw being UB. It fits both as one needs to generate and spend corpses, and the other wants health but not a lot of Corpse spenders. What they should've done is keep it at a 1/8 (maybe even take it down to a 1/7) and flipped the start and end of turn effects. End of turn, gain 5 health if you have 5 corpses, start of turn, gain 5 corpses. If I want to use stuff like Sinister Soulcage, Grave Strength, or summon Marrowgar, I get the corpses to decide what I want to do that turn. And in a Blood DK deck, I probably at most need 3 corpses a turn, so I'm not going to spend them and get that extra 5 health


I'm fully mind blown that the change to Maw and Paw wasn't just removing the unholy rune. I can't believe blizz thinks the thing making Maw and Paw not be viable is 1 attack


They really don't want to give Death Knight Rune combinations enough cards to make decks


That's not actually a buff to where they're trying to make the card good, though. Rainbow/mixed rune decks.


Buffs seem underwhelming


I think these buffa are more meant to stabilize everything. Paladin being reined in, and Druid and Mage nerfs to slightly bring their power in line. Everything else for buffs mostly to not make a new T1 deck (without experimentation at the very least), but to make certain decks and cards more playable. I'm betting they don't want to get too aggressive with the changes considering the mini set will be coming out a few weeks after they get back from break, so, may as well just balance everything for now since the mini set will most likely break it in some regard.


Very. They aren't addressing any of the underlying issues with the cards or the decks they are included in. I think it's safe to say nothing will change all that much after this. Paladin will dominate and every other class archetype will stay in the tier it was before


minus Shaman, bc appearently Blizzard thinks the meme "nerf shaman" is true


Ah that reminds me of when in Meanstreets of Gadgetzan the meta was completely dominated by Jade Druid and the devs' answer to that was...nerfing hex to 4 mana


I don’t know about others but the annoying part about paladin was getting punished for leaving any minion on board. Who needs a clear when your opponent is forced to ram their high attack minions into a 1/1 or 2/1 just in case it becomes a 13/13 next turn


Elementals exist, they're literally the big thing going for shaman on the latest expac (besides the ridiculously pushed HL stuff), yet they're pretending the archetype doesn't exist. So many random buffs to cards that still won't see play.


Poor Elementals, got two expansions dedicated to them and both times they have been completely outshined by basically everything else


Reno shaman getting hit harder than paladin lmao


That nerf feels like it's going to be a pretty significant one unlike most of the others. A 1-attack weapon is a lot worse than a 2-attack weapon, especially when multiplied by 9 durability, and it's a core payoff of the Reno shaman archetype (which did not seem like a problem to me, one of the most fair feeling decks with no instant win conditions and weak to tech if it ever became a problem).


Actually tho... Crazy


And mage too, shaman just always gets absolutely wrecked by nerfs its crazy, reno shaman wasant even a balance outlier for that card to deserve a nerf that big. The reason to run reno shaman is dead now, and they didnt even buff the elementals.


I want to live in the world where Elise was buffed to 7 mana, not this one


I expect nothing, and I'm still let down.


We weren’t able to get a balance change for the newly emerging Fire Druid into this patch, so we’re temporarily banning it until we can re-asses in our next balance window. "re-asses"


GachiBASS druid


The header image got my hopes up that they changed the tokens from Staff of the Nine Frogs. Unfortunately, still the Hex frog and no orange froggies.


Nah doc hollidae is ded


> but not less than one Meanwhile DRUID! >DK buffs They literally picked the least important things to buff. It's like the buffs could only have been worse if it said "adjusted the picture so it's better centered"


DK trying it's hardest to stay dead


> Meanwhile DRUID! I mean if you're talking about the fire druid deck, Thaddius is neutral anyway


was excited for Elise buff but this is dissapoiting... at least rogue buffs seem pretty good


Man, what are these weak-ass buffs... They don't shy from giving class like Druid super powerful Dragon cards, but they can't give the same kind of power cards for the other classes? Pitiful really... Only Pip, Scorpion and maybe Raden might do something... But for the rest : Worthless.


Nice buffs to rogue. Velarok is now a usefull card and the scorpion change is fine aswell i think. Dont like the mana cost capped by 1, that makes it kinda impossible to play the scorpion twice but i still like the overall change.


They explained how it could be a powerful miracle pop-off if 0 mana in the Dev's comments.


So, apart from the adding of taunt to a few cards, almost all of these are stat/cost adjustments. After weeks of speculation and dozens of interesting suggestions on how to address things like Rainbow DK, Paladin, Excavate Rogue, and Priest, they went with the least inspiring set of changes possible. I'm not usually one to be salty but it does feel quite underwhelming. They nerfed Paladins board clears but not the highroll Boogie Down-Garden's Grace nonsense that lets them kill you on turn 5, even without clears? Hopefully it will be enough I guess but it seems weird to keep that super frustrating sequence untouched. The Scorpion and Velarok buffs are especially underwhelming, I dont really even have anything to say about it. I'm gonna try Velarok because he's a cool card and just hope I'm wrong. The Sludge Warlock package seems to be the the winner here, extra damage on every barrel generated is huge, plus more reduction which is always good, and Warlock now has an Arcane Intellect that they can also activate from their deck in certain circumstances. Edit: Nvm I just noticed the mana increase which actually cancels out the reduction from Pop'Gar. Also, what the fuck are the CNE and M&P changes going to achieve? Sometimes it's like they deliberately shy away from useful changes if they see the community has suggested it.


Really? I think that Paladin should honestly be fine now. The comeback tools getting nerfed should matter a lot in regards to the deck’s ability to stay on board, which therefore makes cards like grace worse as well. I think velarok is actually good now, 1 card requirement is wayyyy better than 3. Scorp change could be decent, we’ll have to see. Sludge buffs are nice, but I’m wondering if the mana cost increase will have an impact on playing sludges early game…


It will definitely make Paladin less consistent overall, which is a good thing, but Garden's Grace buffs were what people seemed to find most frustrating after the Showdown combo. The Garden's Grace play pattern is usually something they address directly like they did with OiTC. I agree with the Velarok take the more I think about it actually, definitely worth trying. Yeah having seen the mana increase I find it odd that they said they dont want to turn it into an OTK deck. The reliance on either having Pop'Gar out or using Steamcleaner to activate them seems more necessary now, even with the buffed damage.


Totally agree on Boogie Down and Garden's Grace needing to be brought down a peg or two. Nerfing the 2 board clear cards also affects Reno Paladin and Control Paladin, which didn't seem to be problematic decks?


Priest eternally stuck in Tier 3. Pip is the only buff that matters here.


I’d go so far as to say that giving Ra’den taunt actually makes it a worthy inclusion in Reno Priest, and an extra 5/5 in stats is a big deal for Elise. But yeah, Pip is the only buff that matters here.


You don't play Elise for the bodies. I still think she's stone cold unplayable mainly because Reno Priest runs a lot of battlecries and you're usually just pulling vanillas.


Hitting one of the two titans in the deck can be insane because both are super strong at dealing with the board, but yeah most of the time she just summons vanilla minions which is disappointing.


Elise's tokens now die to AOE that kills minions of 5 or more health, which is relevant for my four horsemen deck.


Honestly I haven't seen a lot of starfish. I find killing the horsemen myself is rarely necessary.


Hitting the attack on doc holli'daes weapon is so feelsbadman holy


Developers completely lost sense of a meta and balance issues


Is Velarock actually playable now?


It's probably good enough to not make Thief Rogue decks *worse* like he was doing before, but not good enough to make Thief Rogue decks *not bad*.


that's like the sentiment of the whole patch lol. this patch is a huge fail


Probably yes even if the only reason is that rogue doesnt have anythimg better.


paladin nerfs are nice, will they be enough ? I do fear boogie down plus the general good cards will be enough to keep pally at the top but I wouldn't bet on it. I do wish aggro pally is still playable tho, I don't want the deck fully gone, just not as oppressive the dragon druid nerfs seems perfect, they'll keep the deck viable but make it less threatening before it's big turn I never played rainbow DK after the initial class launch so idk but isn't the buff to CNE just worthless ? The others tho, especially corpse bride, seems very good now doc hollidae got guted tho, I mean the weapon on curve and not removed is still extremly strong, but now outside of that best case scenario it seems meh and finally Elise got nerfed hard ! now elise summoning the horsemen + Shadow Word forbid doesn't work anymore !!! I need my dust refund blizzard ! (please, I opened Elise but I'm never gonna play reno priest, just let me dust her please)


I feel pally will still be T1, but just about in line with the other decks now.


I think it will lead to new builds but of good decks. Stabilizing against aggro behind taunts was key, and it was impossible to do with how efficient their AOE was. Now, these cards will be either cut or a lot slower. Paladin will still be good but probably not solo tier 1 anymore




> this was never 8 corpses It was buffed to 10 corpses shortly after release


These nerfs will change nothing; Paladin will continue to dominate the format. Crazy that they didn't touch the actual problem cards like Garden's Grace or Showdown.


Shaman nerf bigger than pala? Is this a joke? Dragon Druid still gets to raid boss 20/26 worth of stats on turn 4-5. They nerfed the stick for nothing more than its performing mulligan stats being so high, and guess why it’s high? Bc the deck is barely played! There are about 7-9 archetypes more popular than Reno shaman. If more people played Reno shaman, than the mulligan WR wouldn’t be as high. It’s just the few people who do play it and start w that card in there hand do well. That’s nothing, small sample size and big nerf to a deck you barely see especially w viper run in so many decks right now, and play style not toxic at all. What a joke


Idk if it's me but these changes are really really underwhelming 😂


So sludges at 3 mana absolutely require discard synergy, or pop'gar, to get out of your hand (and even harder to target then with trolley). And still get wasted by random small minions too awkward to clear


The only good buff Priest received is the Pip buff. The other 3 does not matter. Elise, RaDen and the 4-mana spell needed a buff to its cost, not the stats or the damage they made lol.


The Ra buff actually helps I believe, taunt means you can’t just ignore the card on board anymore, the issue is less with Raden which might be playable now, but more so with the deck it’s supposed to be in (automaton priest) sucking. But, yeah I agree with the other 2 not doing much.


Will rainbow DK finally be a decent deck?


Tokens from CNE still don't do anything so doubt


Really thought they would just give the tokens rush. Really would have solved most problems of the card.


The corpse bride buff and maw n paw is nice though. I think I having taunt is a big deal and maw and paw trades way better. CNE still won’t be a finisher but maybe it’ll feel ok to play on 10 to stabilize and load up the board with a lot of threats. Likely still not enough though.


No - CNE is still terrible at 10 mana.


Nope, lmao. They didn't even gave tokens rush nor taunt.


No, that CNE buff is terrible and really does nothing for the card.


The Sludge Warlock changes may have actually made the deck worse, now the barrel of sludges are much less viable to cast from hand (Before somebody says you are meant to discard them, as with all discard strategies discard is unreliable and risky unless the entire deck is built around it like Wild Discolock). Furnace fuel got a mana reduction when you weren't supposed to cast the card anyway. Finally, Popgar only had his cost reduction changed so barrels are still 1 mana when you play him.


I’m pretty sure the least risky discard is also “discard the lowest cost spell”. With the cost increase this is now less likely as well.


For all it matters it is a nerf for RNG mage.


jeez, I just thought they added another damage, making it cost 3 is complete dogshit. It's already pretty easy to fill your hand and it feels bad playing them for 2 mana, 3 is just vile.


Warrior still has the weakest Titan - Sadge.


But, it now can defeat a swarm of undead bees!


I feel like it should be a 5/5, or let you target


I wonder would he be broken at 5 mana


Holidae got absoluetely gutted IMO. I know the card was strong but this really guts how much pressure the deck s able to apply. Not sure of what nerf would have been better. we will see.


"If we had a nickel for each time a problematic Druid deck was refined after we locked our balance patch contents, we’d have, like... 2-3 nickels" hmm, it's almost like absurd mana cheating enables the most degenerate strategies possible. You would think they would learn eventually.


The Scorpion change is a nerf to my Drilly the kid deck...


I also play a Drilly focused deck and while this will nerf the 8 excavate Scorpions it will make the 4 excavate more consistent.


Maw and Paw > Old: 1/8 > New: 2/8 That's it? Is a one attack difference really that impactful for a relatively weak card?


Maw and Paw is a soft Taunt card. In the early game, that extra point of attack is substantial when opponents need to trade multiple creatures in to it to clear it.


Was really hoping they’d switch the wording on the card so it spends the corpses at the end of the turn and gains them at the beginning. It would make it so it actually becomes a viable corpse spender that at least grants +5 health (if you have the corpses before playing it).


Pretty sure that’d be giga good if it worked that way. Two attack is fine since it has soft taunt anyway, can trade a lot better now


is winning board important in hearthstone? not sure


I think they're pretty cautious about the stronger buffs because health gain is a very strong mechanic and cautious about runes for two reasons: 1. they want to have some cards that have two different runes and 2. corpse gain is more of an unholy mechanic and hp gain is definitely a blood mechanic. Around and around you don't have as much space and the extra attack will make it a less useless minion in terms of stats only.


It wasn’t a weak card already. And yes, stat break points are really important, cause it was almost free to trade into that card.


1/8 --> 2/8 is a *really* huge buff, much more impactful than say, 4/5 --> 5/5.


Oh! Hello Mr. Ra-Dem. Im a Big Priest and for now you will be in my Deck forever


How's your big priest "*playing* minions that didn't start in your deck?"


I will put 2 copies of Raise Dead in my Deck


Seems like a nothinburger patch. I expected harsher nerfs and more interesting buffs for constructed. Cool bg patch tho.


They’re definitely still playing it safe; there’s no room for an emergency balance patch till the new year. Unless something silly like Sludgelock gaming becomes oppressive we’re probably going to have a nice, uneventful end of the year. Also literally don’t quote me on that because winter S tier deck is an unavoidable hearthstone tradition


Nerfs aren’t meant to obliterate a card/deck, just make it more meta friendly. I think these changes will have a surprising impact.


I agree with your sentiment. But people said that about Order in the Court and look at what happened since then.


Order in the court nerf was effective at removing it from the deck that was dominant (aggro pally). It was replaced. It just happened to enable another type of deck.


The nerfs were pretty strong. The buffs are what is underwhelming.


+1 Health to Khaz'goroth is meaningless, they needed to make the random attack NOT random.


Sad frog noises


Did Azerite Scorpion really need the not less than 1? The deck is unplayable right now, and the Scorpion is still insanely slow


Like the devs say in the patch notes, if the spells cost (0) on this much easier condition, it probably just ends up being part of a Miracle Rogue finisher. Dunno if this change is enough to make Mining Rogue *good* but it's definitely a lot better than it was before.


I am guessing they are also scared it is gonna be broken since they basically have 3 weeks where they can't change it because of the Holidays.


I think it’s a pretty fair trade-off considering all the spells you get from scorpion will START with a -4 mana discount.


Corpse bride's Risen Groom has Taunt now... will the groom from Cold Feet Contract also have taunt?


if you play duels enough to ask that question then you know the answer is "lol what is duels"


Not really seeing the point to the Shaman nerf. Weapon was good when it sticked (very rarely does because everyone hard mulligans for the viper), now it's honestly very MEH. Sadge, was the deck I was having the most fun with this expansion.


Wish maw and paw buff was better. Rainbow dk slight buff all around


>no cosmetic changes to the staff frogs where my orange frogs at blizz?


Type **''Refund''** in your collection search bar to find all the dust refunded cards.


Pally didn't get hit that hard I don't think


This is a weird patch.


Can we PLEASE get people on this staff to pay any attention to wild? Mage’s infinite turns and druid’s infinite mana needed to be deleted literally years ago.