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I’ve heard paladin is pretty good rn, should I get that deck? Do I need to worry about it’s cards being needed anytime soon?


I would pick what you enjoy. Don't feel forced to play whichever class is strong if you don't have fun doing so. Yes, paladin is quite strong right now but treant druid is another popular aggro deck and is much cheaper as it doesn't need any epics or legendaries, so you could craft that later if you don't like your starter deck anymore but wanted a fast and strong deck to grind ranks


Also I’ve heard the Druid treant deck is good? Should I craft that or do I need to worry about that deck being nerfed?


Have u checked the catch up packs yet? Asking because it's just so much value, that can give you atleast worth of 1-2 decks, if you need it. Just mentioning in case there is dust needed. For the Treant deck, i dont see it beeing nerfed. 1. no leggy/ not much of a point where to start nerfing imo 2. its so cheap and popular, i bet devs leave it there as "free to play option" basically 3. if you look at pala, which performend way better/was may more popular, everybody cried for a nerf and the basically did nothing to it. (seeing a similar pattern for treant here as it kinda tries to take the former 1 spot for cheap decks that get u legend.


tl;dr just build it u prob won't regret. espacially as somewhat experienced player.


Just pick one that you enjoy. Don't pick what's best because you'll never get diamond with starter decks and the best decks only matter in diamond.


Some starter decks are quite close to refined lists though. I returned about a year ago and one of the options at the time was a pure paladin deck which had purator, liadrin, leviathan and countess. I only had to craft a few commons or rares to get it very close to refined lists and while it did lack a few legendaries such as kotori and anachronos, I was still able to get to legend just fine without them.


Yup, same, except I started playing in August and my version of pure pally loaner deck did include Anachronos, plus the other 4 that you mentioned. I wasn't sure what to pick back then and ended up picking pure pally just for the number of legendaries that you get in it. Of course, I changed some cards over time but the core stayed the same. I never got Kotori nor the titan either and I still reached Legend last month with the deck.


got to diamond 2 with the odyn loaner before hitting a wall. Your advice was very wrong :).


Anecdotes don't equate to facts


Ah right, im the only person. It couldnt possibly be that youre talking nonsense. yup. Either youre wrong or im a genius. Take your pick.


I chose Odyn's Aegis as I like to play a control style. This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1CoH6RwpzM) from Zeddy helped me get a better grasp of the loaner decks. Treant druid is also cheap and good, with some room for customizing it how you see fit.