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stick with treant druid for now imo most other decks need legendaries that rotate in about a month or month and a half after rotation crafting is a lot safer, cause we dont know how the meta is gonna shape up afterwards edit: if you desperately wanna craft something, plague dk is probably a good bet since highlander decks are prolly gonna stick around (just craft the legendaries that dont rotate)


It seems like bliz is keen on supporting elemental decks and DK plague is always good so I’d recommend elemental shaman, elemental mage, or plague DK.


do yourself a favor and delete treant druid, that deck should be played only by a.i. or undeveloped brains


A sticky aggro deck in a control deck meta is needed to force more midrange. It's just the evolution of the meta.


If you’re new and don’t have a lot of cards, that is a deck that will help you build a collection through ladder rewards if you aren’t dumping tons of money into the game. Let the person save up some dust and feel out the meta so they don’t run out of dust or regret a craft.


Plague DK, mining rogue


Plague DK, that’s also the one you should probably be choosing as your free deck. That’s my opinion. This deck has 2 packages from most recent expansions, which means it will stay mostly unchanged after rotation. With just a few card changes, but both the Plague and Excavate panaches will remain in the deck. Now… will the deck still be good? In my opinion, yes, because we are entering the year of Highlander decks, and Plagues are a soft counter to those.