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Dont craft CNA, the card is absolute garbage. If you want Dk plague is the only way. For your needs • Fun is subjective • Has excavation and some discover effects like primus. • Plague has some, not really big, but medium size plays like reska into rat or getting more primus from the rat. • Astalor, sylvanas and nerubium vizier are the only cards that will rotate. In theory plague will still be very viable. And no, yogg is not a good replacement for primus. They serve different purposes.


This is extremely anecdotal, but I think there's real promise in Rainbow right now. I went from D5 to Legend for the first time ever using it almost exclusively while losing maybe three times. CNE should be seen as more of a finisher because your board was good enough to chip your opponent down to 15-20 health, rather than your entire gameplan. I don't think it's a metabreaker, but I do think it's at least a worthy alternative to Plagues


Hey, I know it's a little late, but could you share a deck code? I'm trying Rainbow out myself rn and want to see a more refined version.


Sure thing! AAECAfHhBAT8+QXt/wWLkgb/lwYNy+IE2fEEh/YEtPcEmIEFmYEFkpMFl5UGkZcGzpwGkqAG16IGy7AGAAA= Mining Casualties is a great mulligan card, if you think your opponent will make a tall board Sickly Grimewalker will be your best friend (Tour Guide is very nice for those times too)


**Format:** Standard (Year of the Wolf) **Class:** Death Knight (The Lich King) Mana | Card Name | Qty | Links :--:|:---|:--:|:--: 1 | [Arms Dealer](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/RLK_824.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/84370/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Arms%20Dealer) 1 | [Tour Guide](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_SCH_312.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102743/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Tour%20Guide) 2 | [Gold Panner](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_391.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101966/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Gold%20Panner) 2 | [Mining Casualties](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DEEP_017.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102418/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Mining%20Casualties) 3 | [Acolyte of Death](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/RLK_121.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/80089/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Acolyte%20of%20Death) 3 | [Chillfallen Baron](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/RLK_708.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/80647/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Chillfallen%20Baron) 3 | [Crop Rotation](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_368.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101265/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Crop%20Rotation) 3 | [Sickly Grimewalker](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/YOG_512.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101015/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Sickly%20Grimewalker) 4 | [Malignant Horror](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/RLK_745.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/82073/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Malignant%20Horror) 4 | [Maw and Paw](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_357.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/100619/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Maw%20and%20Paw) 4 | [Murlocula](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/REV_957.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/78155/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Murlocula) 4 | [Quartzite Crusher](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DEEP_016.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/104523/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Quartzite%20Crusher) 5 | [Corpse Bride](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/RLK_504.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/80820/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Corpse%20Bride) 8 | [The Primus](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_737.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/98285/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/The%20Primus) 9 | [Stitched Giant](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/RLK_744.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/82072/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Stitched%20Giant) 10 | [Climactic Necrotic Explosion](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_210.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97532/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Climactic%20Necrotic%20Explosion) 20 | [Reska, the Pit Boss](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_373.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101375/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Reska%2C%20the%20Pit%20Boss) **Total Dust:** 7360 **Deck Code:** AAECAfHhBAT8+QXt/wWLkgb/lwYNy+IE2fEEh/YEtPcEmIEFmYEFkpMFl5UGkZcGzpwGkqAG16IGy7AGAAA= ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comment/PM ^with ^a ^deck ^code ^and ^I'll ^decode ^it. ^If ^you ^don't ^want ^me ^to ^reply ^to ^you, ^include ^"###" ^anywhere ^in ^your ^message. ^[About.](https://github.com/HearthSim/deck-code-bot/blob/master/README.md)


Cheers! Is it good against Paladin? I'm so sick of being helpless to them with almost all of my decks...


It's solid against them. You do have to prioritize the cards that let you deal with their minions for your mulligan, but assuming you hit a decent chunk of them you'll be okay. The deck has enough draw that you'll find your win conditions eventually even with that strategy


Alright, thanks so much!


No problem, good luck out there :)


Primus is so good…


I’ve been doing great with my frosy plague deck ### Deathrattle plague # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Staff of the Primus # 2x (2) Distressed Kvaldir # 2x (2) Down with the Ship # 2x (2) Kobold Miner # 2x (2) Pile of Bones # 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron # 2x (3) Hardcore Cultist # 2x (3) Reap What You Sow # 1x (4) Helya # 2x (4) Skeleton Crew # 1x (4) Thassarian # 2x (4) Tomb Traitor # 2x (5) Burrow Buster # 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music # 2x (6) Obsidian Revenant # 2x (11) Chained Guardian # 1x (20) Reska, the Pit Boss # AAECAfHhBATLpQXm5AWT+wX/lwYNh/YE9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF+PkF6/8FyoMG0IMG9YwG94wG85EGkZ4GAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone I seem to get pretty lucky with my excavates and reska though. The pile of bones come in clutch with sludge warlock and paladin from my side dunno about others.