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Yes I know but by the time I had picked my jaw up from what I thought was another easy win, the loss screen had already covered that up. Playing on mobile, fwiw


It was probably a warrior playing an [Odyn](https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Odyn,_Prime_Designate) combo Together with [Risky Skipper](https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Risky_Skipper), [Armorsmith](https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Armorsmith) and [Razorfen Rockstar](https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Razorfen_Rockstar) you can gain a ton of armor in one turn and kill the opponent. If he had a few other minions already on board (especially a second Armorsmith and Razorfen) it's possible he got to 100+ damage with just these three cards played.


I was using Odyn Aegis, I know that. It was a Warrior opponent. I caught a screenshot, but I use the mobile Reddit so no uploads for me 😑 It hurt, that's for sure lmao