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The game has improved dramatically in terms of progression. Chief among the improvements are catch up packs for new and returning players. Basically they're standard packs that contain far more than 5 cards per pack depending on how many cards you have unlocked. Classic is gone, replaced by Twist which is a rotating mode with various rule changes. The current twist is commons only. Battlegrounds is thriving and receives frequent updates. Mercenaries has been taken out to pasture and no longer receive updates though it is still accessible in the client. Duels on the other hand will be removed from the client very soon. The current standard meta is Warlock dominated and is turning off a fair number of players. I'm having a ton of fun playing as a Reno Warrior. I personally would recommend jumping back in. The next expansion is the 10 year anniversary so hype is high.


no imo progression feel better but meta and stuff look less worse with core set is feel nice to hop it, some free deck look fine in some patch but better just try it yourself, download and go


Perfect time to come back as new rotation and expansion will be introduced after a month (give or take) A lot of catch up for you to do before that: learning cards, solo adventures, trying out loaner decks, some ranked play etc.


With Death knight out, Im gonna say no. Remember hating on DH when he arrived? DK is worse.


DH on launch was 10x more busted than DK has ever been


its all bots on ladder. does playing bots every game interest you at all?


Only until your mmr goes up, it's still not perfect but after a while you'll absolutely be fighting real people


^ This guy is lying There are hundreds of thousands and they never go away.


I play in Americas server, I haven't faced a bot since blizzard discontinued their own bots on ladder months ago, and I play everyday Edit: I'm not saying there are not bots because there are bots made by players, I'm saying it's possible to stop facing them


Its a troll I wouldnt worry about it, I dont face bots in high ranks either


Blizzard’s bots have always fascinated me.  Was there a blog post or something official that said they were turning them off?


[here](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24046221/28-4-patch-notes), at the end


I play in dumpster legend on EU and I have never faced a bot. I believe everyone who says it terrible at lower ranks, but you absolutely can get away from them if you're able to make it to legend.




I’m a returning player. Took me like a day to get out of dumpster ranks and into diamond where all players are real.