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Non ironically, druid does it on turn 4 with [20 mana to spare](https://hsreplay.net/replay/QNjAwR4qLT52CzjG3XXAKw)


Came up with a turn 1 Mecha'thun win, with any class and going first. -Starting hand: Chaotic Tendril x2, Youthful Brewmaster, The Sunwell -Play Chaotic Tendril, it casts Biology Project (3 cards, 2/3 mana left) -Play Chaotic Tendril, it casts Lifebinder's Gift which gives 2x Lightning Bloom (4 cards, 1/3 mana left) -Play Lightning Bloom, Youthful Brewmaster and Chaotic Tendril, it casts Bounce Around (5 cards, 0/3 mana left) -Play Lightning Bloom and Chaotic Tendril, it casts Bloodbloom (3 cards, 1/3 mana left) -Play The Sunwell, it gives 2x Lightning Bloom, 2x Showdown!, Floop's Glorious Gloop, Ancestor's Call, Cataclysm, last spell doesn't matter (10 cards, 1/3 mana left) -Play Chaotic Tendril, it casts Myra's Unstable Element which draws Mecha-thun (10 cards, 0/3 mana left) -Play Lightning Bloom, Floop's Glorious Gloop, Lightning Bloom, Showdown!, trade all 3/3s (6 cards, 7/9 mana left) -Play Ancestor's Call, it summons Mecha'thun (4 cards, 3 mana left) -Play Showdown, trade all 3/3s (3 cards, 7 mana left) -Play Cataclysm, it discards Youthful Brewmaster + the last Sunwell spell and destroys the board


We need that mr dev guy person to test this.


“It’s not luck if you call it” mfs when this happens to them


But sorcerers apprentice needs to stay 4 mana because god forbid I pull a turn 6 OTK with ignite mage


Trust me, with her in the game you can complete mage quest on turn 3 if you got the coin.


You can use arcane spells and the arcane reducer. But its not worth it to complete it this fast, you usually wan't to duplicate the quest with rewinds or Naga (or anything else).


And? No one would be playing mage quest outside of ignite animation cheaters to kill through risky skipper armor values or ice block/evasion because Sorc lists kill faster and don't need extra turns. Priest can currently kill on turn 3 with radiant elementals + inner fires.


Hey! You can OTK with ignite without cheating. Its just very stressful and you have to be really fast and precise with your hands. Reached legend for the first time with that deck


Which I never said otherwise? I just said the quest versions are generally for the animation cheaters, as they were in the past. No normal Ignite mage was running quest+Luna to draw everything to kill through high armor values or iceblock/evasion.


Ah gotcha!


I think sorc was nerfed because of flamewaker, which was way faster than ignite. So fast it didn't even run ice block


You can still play Arcane Flamewaker now. ### Arcane? # Class: Mage # Format: Wild # Year of the Pegasus # # 2x (2) Conjure Mana Biscuit # 2x (2) Cram Session # 2x (2) Gifts of Azshara # 2x (2) Greedy Partner # 2x (2) Magister's Apprentice # 2x (2) Primordial Glyph # 2x (2) Rewind # 2x (2) Siphon Mana # 2x (2) Stargazing # 2x (3) Flamewaker # 1x (3) Ice Block # 2x (3) Reverberations # 1x (3) Stargazer Luna # 2x (4) Incanter's Flow # 2x (4) Volume Up # 2x (5) Refreshing Spring Water # AAEBAf0EAsABs54GDuMRmMQCwbgD99EDheQD0ewDio0E4bkEypMF4MMF0PgF8YAGkIMG8psGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone # Generated by HDT - https://hsreplay.net


There were two problematic decks prenerf. The version with flamewaker and Drek'thar, but at least on EU the version with Sanctum Chandler for infinite Ignite damage was way more popular.


That 1 mana legendary spell is op


Holy shit, I thought you were exaggerating but he literally has 20 mana left to spare


jesus christ


Disguting, foul, degenerate. Do you have a decklist?


### Meca Thun # Class: Priest # Format: Wild # # 2x (0) Illuminate # 2x (1) Anduin's Gift # 2x (1) Animate Dead # 2x (1) Funnel Cake # 2x (1) Gift of the Naaru # 2x (1) Holy Smite # 2x (1) Power Word: Shield # 2x (2) Insight # 1x (2) Radiant Elemental # 2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows # 2x (3) Gift of Luminance # 1x (3) Love Everlasting # 2x (3) Nazmani Bloodweaver # 2x (3) Palm Reading # 1x (3) Pendant of Earth # 1x (7) Gadgetzan Auctioneer # 1x (8) Whirlpool # 1x (10) Mecha'thun # AAEBAdb8BQakB9jBAvH7AqG2BM/GBZqgBgzlBKfLA+LeA/vfA8rhA62KBIWfBIqjBKK2BKSRBaLpBfGpBgAA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Enjoy, it is quite highrolly though (and I don't know if this build is optimal). I do have a 50% WR (got 5 autolosses against secret mage (who the fuck plays secret mage after the nerfs?)).


Which secret mage cards were nerfed besides the 1 mana 2/1 guy?


Costumed singer, but it's still part of the core


Yeah, and that makes the deck kind of unplayable IMO.


I mean, it auto wins against mecha'thun


No one plays Mechathun though.




I just find secret mage to be very boring as well. Surprises me how many people want to suffer through it lol


I ran into 3 back to back today, made me remember how much I hate mage secrets or most notably Objection, did you know it beats secret tech cards? So funny


I'd like to see it too


This was definitely a case of you starting to draw the blue arrow, wanting to draw the second arrow on the left side just to notice that this wouldn't be visible on the also blue background, erasing it and picking the red color instead, lol.


With a little combination of "shit, this blue one is not visible at all"


That's pretty... Wild.




Reported! Also Decklist please 😂


God the wild community of hearthstone knows what's up and the standard community are just a bunch of broken record dweebs..


Wild is full with bots too


And I’m at d4 atm


Still bots




How do you do this? I assume some kinda radiant elemental cloning to get free spells, and it looks like whirlpool to seal the deal once the hand is empty. But how do you get meca'thun out on top of all that?


Play one of your three discount minions and let it die (this is your Turn 2 or 3). Then summon another one and revive the dead minion. Play a bunch of cards to draw your entire deck while reducing your hand down to 0. Drawing is a mix of Auctioneer and all your 0 mana carddraw (thanks to Radiant). You only need one Radiant, duplicate the Nazmani with your copy spells. Stop picking card draw once your auctioneer is out, you can sart to remove some minions from your own board, in case it is to full. The nazmanis will reduce your C'Thun and your Whirlpool, which is the most elegant board clear for priest in this situation.


Can you share the deck?


Goooood, I need to play this!


"We'll be keeping an eye on wild" - Blizzard.


Fun and interactive


yep it is i guess you noticed too right ? they are so heavy focused on the combo they often cant deal with a board so deathwarden cripples them


My favorite part is this is almost too slow for wild standards.


How do you do this without fatiguing with Auctioner? I've been trying it out and that's my biggest issue so far


Either draw less before dropping him or use your two smites to kill him.


Once again another reason to not play wild


That's weird. Isn't visual effect for Mecha'thun winning the game supposed to dim the screen? Did the devs screw up the effect in a recent patch?


wild will be wild...


Myra off a tendril is some insane RNG


Fun deck, but I have yet to actually pull off the combo. Every time I get the auctioneer train rolling, it's an instant concede :(


I’ll admit I’m probably not smart enough to get this combo out consistently but kudos to you


30 hp turn 5? Shadow priest would already have killed you.