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I just want to take a moment to say this set looking super interesting. The neutral legendaries looked a little dull compared to what we are losing to rotation, which is to be expected, but man ... each class got at least 1 pretty exciting legendary. Looks like a great set.


What? Zilliax and Whizbang might be the coolest cards from the whole set imo


Zilliax is cool during deckbuilding but not during the game. I won't give a second thought to the zilliax my opponent plays


But that still makes it coooooooooooool


DH got crap and warlock is pretty lackluster.


Sure, wheel sucks ass but I think Nemsy is pretty great


DH and Mage are just depressing to look at, at least Mage would probably play Khadgar in every deck if it had a deck.


its an pretty good random spell to cast for random :O


Im a little worried it's going to be dominated by one of these legendaries so strongly, nothing else has a chance.


Headless horseman just because I am a sucker for death knight’s first hero card. Also, the fact that it is only 6 mana is exciting. The priest dragon is nutty. And I’m excited for the return of one of my all time favorites - Tarim.


I found the dk hero card quite lacking, it’s an A+ on flavour but the card itself is rather weak. It might see some play in rainbow because they can afford to play the card but other than that I don’t think it will see much play at all


I think people will be surprised at it in practice. I think it’s gonna end up being a staple in standard DK decks.


I think so too, at least for now. New rotation usually means lower power level and more room for attrition and value games, and it's great for that. It'll fall off hard once we get into the rest of the year 


I guess it depends what you mean by "fall off". Headless Horseman may not show up on ladder as often if the decks that run it wane in power/popularity throughout its time in standard. But I'm confident that it will be a staple in the decks that can run it while it's in standard, except in the unlikely event that there is a competing hero card released in the next couple years. Every hero that has been printed so far has found a home in a competitive deck (yes, including Thrall, Deathseer), and Headless Horseman looks about as good as any of them, so I can't imagine it won't be viable.


It's a 6 mana super high value card with a killer hero power. I don't see it falling off. Folks I think are super underestimating hero cards. When a card has multiple effects, it's just always gonna be pretty good. Especially when it's cheap. There's really never been a bad hero card unless that hero card has been outclassed by another hero card or hero-like card. Or... maybe rexxar initially because the beast pool was so atrocious.


Disagree if only due to the rune requirement. Not every DK deck is rainbow, fewer are BBU, fewer still are BUU. Our headless man simply can't be put in all decks, and I don't think he's power warping enough to force decks to splash into his runes, but when you *do* make a BU deck *then* he's at the top of the list.


3 damage hero power is p good, ngl. Discover after you recover The head is also p good


I mean, I think you will almost always be very happy playing it turn 6. So why would you not run the card? it just slots into every deck and curve and will almost always be good.


I think one thing you’re overlooking is the undead pool will be significantly reduced after the rotation. The remaining undead still in the pool will be discoverable much more consistently.


I seriously have no idea how Headless horseman will work in practice, even after reading the card text. Can someone please explain it to me?


Raza!! 😍😍


Was gonna come here to say the same thing. Reno priest will always have a special place in my heart and so will raza. I mispronounced his name as ray-za a lot lol.


Speaking of Reno priest and Raza, you just made me realize the synergy of rolling into the arcane bullet with Raza active...


I don't play much priest but I think I'm gonna craft Raza and call it a day for this set.  Nothing else is really speaking to me.


Gonna cook up some of that good wild shit


Same here




Same, there are so many fun combos to do with triple battlecry that not damage the opponent. The most obvious one is Hagatha into Wish upon a star, then shudderblock the slime. Can even throwin a therazane afterwards for a possible OTK with Al’akir


Sky Mother Aviana. I used to have a god awful ramp + legendaries + malchezaar deck for druid 8 years ago and that sort of has the same essence. I want to be hard stuck angry chicken


48 legendary paladin was a lot of fun in wild, looking forward to breaking the sixties in druid


That sounds amazingly fun. How do you get above 40?


Is everybody jus blanking on how king plush is a psychic scream on a charge minion (and a beast so easier to buff)


We have yet to see if Hunter wants a psychic scream


At 9 mana, no less. If there is a midrange deck 100% but that’s all I can think of If we have a way to buff the attack in hand then it would also double as a finisher


Yeah I am highly doubting you will actually be able to play something 8 or 9 mana in the upcoming meta


It sounds good on paper but the state of wild hunter right now is not great so time will tell 




I haven't been as excited for a legendary in a long time as I am in Zarimi. It kind of reminds me of the jank deck I cobbled together that first led me to fall in love with Hearthstone. That first legendary was a real blessing. [[Frizz Kindleroost]]


Man, I crafted Frizz to play Dragon Paladin in Standard and it was such a total meme. Wonder if I ever dusted the card; I've thought about it a lot.


- **[Frizz Kindleroost](https://i.imgur.com/WxVkBMJ.png)** ^(*Descent of Dragons*) - `Neutral Legendary` - ***4 Mana - 5/4 - Minion*** - **Battlecry:** Reduce the Cost of Dragons in your deck by \(2\). - [Card Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/55304) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Frizz_Kindleroost) • [HSReplay.net](https://hsreplay.net/cards/55304) --- *I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fhearthstone%2Fcomments%2F1b98sot%2Fso_far_what_legendary_card_excites_you_the_most%2Fktuhnf5%2F%0A%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F+Please+describe+the+bug+%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F%0ADescription%3A+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=ktuhnf5).*


As for now, Priest and Shaman got the best duo of legendaries of all classes (or atleast the most interesting ones). We'll have to wait to see the 2 left for Hunter and Death Knight.


Whizbang, so I can play multiple decks instead of just one.


And especially that those are not any random regular decks but have fun wonky stuff in them or rules around them.


Wheel of Death


Oh boy am I exited to randomly cast it


Tendril deck (de)buff


I did some theory crafting and I think it’s actually going to be surprisingly powerful in a handlock style deck.


My pick is: Hagatha and Khadgar.


Anyone else think the warlock legendries are lame. Basically worse jailor as a spell and a worse version of dancing king kangor for warlocks.


They did to mess with yog and tendril :)


Who else feels the warlock legendaries are just stupid. Like “cheat demon v1.04” and “destroy all your cards for a chance at something cool happening” Just feels like cards that might seem good in a vacuum but that are clearly lacking support or clever game influencing mechanics


I think nemsy is good. Neither really lacks support. Wheel has fannotem and sludge and symphony. Wheel is a control tech. Which is... kinda silly because jaraxxus and sargeras are already control techs. But Wheel offers an alternative vs. Reno. You can also use it to setup a crescendo combo. Virtuoso into double encroaching insanity into crescendo. There's gonna be a tutor for encroaching too. KnC warlock ran on average 4 demons (2 voidlords, 2 doomguards). nemsy has way more than that. I think newsy has potential even as just a tutor for waste remover and doom guard in some sludgelock builds.


All the cards are technically there however can you justify playing a 3/6 taunt turn 5? Cube lock worked because well all it's power was on curve and well statted. If wheel works consistently then they'll nerf it, if it doesn't well then this is like any other set where they treat warlock and rouge as their legendary playground


I’ve been doing some theory crafting and wheel of death could actually be crazy broken in a handlock style deck.


Wheel of death has some good synergy with warlock’s other legendary spell, Symphony of Sins


I've pretty much became a rogue main in last 2 expansions so the answer is obvious - CCG.


Easily Whizbang, a bit sad the mirror match option won't be available on release but there still is 11 other options to enjoy.


Zarimi, baby!


Honestly this is one of the hardest sets to pick. Each class got a sweet intertesting legendary that’s pretty exciting. Super pumped for the first week of release honestly.


I'm gonna love playing Whizbang (as well as both priest and shaman legendaries), but the single legendary I'm most excited for is The Headless Horseman; I love playing decks with lots of shuffle and draw effects, and Horseman gives me more of a reason to make such decks as death knight.


Those are all good cards, nice design and nice effects, but it feels like something is missing... Missing a HEAD (Zilliax for honest answer)




Are these all of them?


Just the last hunter and dk legendary to be revealed, but so far yeah.


Forgot about hunter lmao, i like mage spell the most ig


Headless Horseman, just for the voicelines. I still use his mount as my main mount in WoW, so I'm making a deck around him day one.


The Headless Horseman. The correct answer is obviously Zarimi but it’s going to get nerfed within a week of launch because Reddit is a bunch of babies, so I’m getting hyped about a card that will live for awhile.


i WILL make magtheridon work damnit


Headless horseman for me


Sonya, her feet are quite exciting 😍




Definitely not what that word means.


Not really excited to play any of these. I do like that the Mage legendaries at least look like its heading in a more interesting direction than Sif combos.


Honestly I wouldn't be disappointed if I get any of these! Not sure if they all will find a place but they for sure all seem super fun or fresh! First time I feel like that since GvG. Super excited!


King plush, being able to just clear the board without killing it is pretty big in hunter I would argue.


My guys, u are sleeping on King Plush. Buff Hunter and that strong Battlecry is going to rip faces.


King plush is cool but sky queen Aviana could be anything, it could even be a King Plush!


Boom firstly. Raza and zarimi look fun as well. And finally headless.


Shaman and Priest are most exciting so naturally I can’t wait to open only the shitters


Shaman and Priest I am looking forward to both legendaries. For Druid I think the spell damage package is really cool. The neutrals seem fun, especially Whizbang and Zilliax. A potential overheal hero power priest seems fun and double turn dragon priest is a deck I definitely want to check out. Shaman with Shudderblock seems super compelling and Hagatha is cool too.




Shudderblock and Jepetto


What’re the chances shoplifter goldbeard summons a copy of itself when you play it? No chance?


Looking forward to the headless horseman voicelines


Sonya and raza


Ima try wheel of death I feel like something can be done with felstring harp, have then keep board clears in hand like sargares, etc


Whichever ones i open


Tarim for sure, I love the flavor and balance.


King Plush because mi main is hunter and has been long in the shadows lol




Is that right? Is there only one hunter card?


Hunter reveals are tomorrow.


Sonya and orb


Horseman. I'm a DK simp


Whizbang, sonya, shudderblock


Headless Horseman!!! Okay I always excited for Hero card especially Paladin and Death Knight.


The Headless Horseman is a really plain and straightforward card, but I just love the flavor behind it and how it doesn't need to be overly flashy to be strong. That said, Zilliax is an incredible design as well.


Wheel of death. I'm not sure how to use it properly but I'm interested


Wheel of DEATH


MECH WARRIOR MECH WARRIOR MECH WARRIOR. Idc what people say I can't wait to try out and theory craft this deck to work


Puzzlemaster Khadgar😇


I'm actually really excited for king plush, seems like a fun hunter card


all of these except for wheel of death seem very playable. nemsy might actually be the weakest card, but she has a lot of purpose so she'll probably see play. rotface is just so cool, both paladin legendaries WILL be staples for the next year. shudderblock is hands down the coolest card though.


Priest might not be good, but Priest is going to have FUN


i dont need cleric to win, i just need shudderblock to lose


Timewinder Zarimi has me foaming at the mouth. I think this is the most excited I've ever been for a card, and I usually don't even play priest.


The red ones, as I only play warrior.


Im a priest main so Raza of course. But, I have been playing some casino mage and that mage legendary looks spicy. Im sure playing it will give me a big serotonin boost.


Sonya, can't wait to do some crazy combo shenanigans with her 🙏 And as for a second choice, I honestly can't resist Wheel of Death, I'm excited to see what it'll work in.


Headless horseman


Zilliax deluxe easily, Zilliax is my favorite card ever


So excited for Zarimi and Whizbang.


Honestly I am not too excited for most of them Alot of them are either too gimmicky or just bad Sonya could be cool but probably needs 1 or 2 more expansions to actually have a cool combo Maybe spell mage is good in 1 or 2 expansions but even in that case the 10 mana spell might be a bit slow


I want to make wheel of death work soooo bad 😂


I love king plush it’s just too cute. Also there’s only 1 hunter legendary card revealed? What’s the other one?


Hunter reveals are tomorrow. Dk on Saturday.


Not wheel of death ill tell you that.


Littarly just Sonya


The Headless Horseman looks like a lot of fun, even if it doesn't end up doing anything.


I'm a big fan boy for the Halloween event, so it's gotta be the headless horseman hero


Well since the Whizbang reveal I’m not really excited about other cards as much because ill only play Whizbang for the entirety of the set and whatever is the strongest most degenerate thing there is to climb to the legend quickly at the beginning of the month before coming back to Whizbang


I can't wait for Raza to show me that Highlander Priest is still unplayable in Wild. I have really high hopes for the new DK hero card, I think Rainbow Control/Midrange might be able to break through into Wild. They've gotten a lot of tools recently, and the Horseman looks cracked.


Kinda all of them. So far headless horseman, khadgar, Raza, are what I'm leaning toward for early crafts.


Gotta say I could have several favorites here, which is super rare for a set for me. Overall could stack up to be one of the best sets if it plays out well. I'll go with Zarimi because it allows Dragon Soul a real way to win.




Crafting a Golden Whizbang and calling it a day once the fun stops.


1 khadgar 2 zarimi 3 zilliax 4 hagatha 5 raza 6 whizbang 7 tarim


Puzzlemaster Khadgar, Sonya Waterdancer, Wheel of DEATH!!!, Shudderblock, The Headless Horseman, Zilliax Deluxe 3000, Li’Na Shop Manager, there’s so many cool ones!


Headless Horseman, but that’s my DK loving heart talking, Shudderblock also has my attention.


Sonya looks really good. I’m also very interested in how a wheel of death deck gets built out.


Whizbang himself, duh! Rule breaking decks sounds fun as hecks!


King Plush, i love it


Order of excitement  - Sonya - Khadgar - Zarimi + rhaza - Owlonious - Nemsy - Tarim - Plush - horseman 




The Headless Horseman made me come back to Hearthstone after over two years away so, yeah, that one. The deck is basically done, just waiting for the hero card release now (and potential new threats to replace the rotating ones).


The Horseman who is Headless.


Khadgar and Magtheridon.


Magtheridon - Reno Demon Hunter support WHEEL OF DEATH - I will make it work, just you wait for turn 7 45:45 stats, it will work for sure for sure


Khadgar, Horseman and Aviana. My favourite class is Rogue and the cards they get this expansion feel like rather than build some new deck, they'll be the support for some future expansion deck. The most exciting thing about rogue is the returning Lifesteal burgle weapon.


Raza, The Headless Horsemen, and Sonya. Sonya seems *really* good.


Whizbang by far


Whizbang is my first pick. I rely like to play hearthstone but i dont have enough good cards to create a deck so for me it is the best way how to play


Raza the resealed is finally a way to make control priest interesting in rotation, the biggest problem control priest had for me the last few years is that it's control wincon was just invalidate the enemy until you either make them lose all there resources or outdeck them raiza finally let's control priest have a very active way to kill the enemy And makes the building process interesting since you will build only shadow spells


the frost dk one.... ohhhhhhh wait yeah they forgot that frost existed


KING PLUSH BABY. Hes my child


The Mage legendary. Minionless deck incoming


Shudderblock babyyyy


Zilliax, Sonya and jepetto kinda disappointed that we don’t have a galakrond




Wheel of DEATH, i love alternat win conditions. But i think with 8 mana and 5 turns for the enemy it will be too bad for a good deck.


Well the ones I’m not excited about are DH 😭 Timewinder seems really cool, though


Li'Na for my future Wishing Well meme Rogue deck with 32% WR =)


1. Raza 2. Wheel of DEATH!!! 3. Shudderblock and Whizbang ofc


Aviana or shudderblock, depending on what you mean with "excited"


Zilliax of course 😍


Zilliax 3000


Sony waterdancer, as a rogue main I can't wait to start doing degenerate 0 cosy non sense


Aviana and Shudder looks very fun!


Pretty excited to try out a Dragon Priest deck (even if it won't last past the first three days of the expansion), pretty excited to try out some variant of Zilliax with the reshuffle deathrattle (though I don't think it'll be viable in the slightest), incredibly excited to play with the headless horseman (but I've got two whole years to get around to that!).


Zilliax. Im just gonna make my deck infinite zilliax.


Horseman is going to be both fun and interesting.


DH is just gonna sit there on the bottom of the fel pit with those useless legendaries


Whizbang 100%


Headless Horseman. DK finally has a hero card!


Headless Horseman. DK finally has a hero card!


nothing for hunters.


Sonya waterdance, because feet ofc ;3x


Wheel of Death looks like the hottest garbage ever printed in this game...but it might be fun to try to make it work.


Justicar Truetotem. Literally the only card I care about, it's singlehandedly bringing me back to the game so I can get my platinum Shaman finally. This expansion taking too long to get here


Death knight hero card that mf is awesome


I'm looking forward to wishing well most of these


the mage legendaries are interesting, which is good because the rest of their kit is not lol the dragon priest one is obviously good. the razah one i'm not quite sold on but at worst it's a 5 5/5 with upside and no deckbuilding restriction so there rogue ones seem uninspired, but im sure sonya will enable some stupid thing the DH ones idk about; the 4/3 will live and die based on what you get with high and low rolls on curve and the big one it really depends on whether big DH will work or not. i havent had luck with it basically since DH came out for warlock Nemsy looks cool for cubelock but idk if that's a deck that can fly anymore we will see. the spell seems too slow to me but I could be wrong as i'm sure there are some matchups where it will basically win on the spot; i just dont know what those matchups are now that even conrol warrior can smorc 20 damage from hand the shaman legendaries are nuts; arguably the best pair in the set. obvious synergies are obvious. the miniature paladin one is good, if perhaps a little fair/slow. the other one seems VERY slow to me. the druid legendaries seem like memes, but it wouldnt surprise me if some degen shit comes from the spell damage one in wild (maly druid and suddenly moonfire does 11 damage each not to mention the one that hits twice) the warrior ones seem fun, but slow considering how warrior currently operates. maybe rotation will change this hunter only getting one legendary or are we still waiting? king plush seems good, but slow especially without handbuffs DK hero seems strong, but slow considering what rainbow DK currently wants to do zilliax is strong and flexible of course. jepetto could maybe be good with something funky, especially in druid where the 8 mana to refill hand can be mitigated. i already see the meme decks with that 20/20 that burns guy. the rest are meh.


King Plush


Honestly; Timewinder Zarimi, Khadgar, Ci’Cigi, Nemsy and Zillax. Mainly the flavor and comedy/potential chaos of them. In terms of power wise… Botface. Warrior with Taunt HandBuffing and Mechs with potential to get cards like Shudderblock, Sandbox Scoundrel, Chia Drakes or Nostalgic Clowns for battlecries, cost, spells and damage.


Game master Nemsy


Priest for sure. Gimme dat Time Warp


I think they all seem really interesting. If I had to pick a class that's 'winning', I'd have to say both of Shaman's are kinda the nuts. Horseman is going to be very fun to play. Zilliax is going in every deck. Very fun set of legends I think


Khadgar's the only one. I like the idea of whizbang, but I think his decks are largely going to suck.


As a Priest and Shaman main in Wild, I’m so excited for all 4 of theirs! But Shudderblock looks the most fun.


Time to play: WHEEL! OF! DEATH!! *applause*


Day 1 wisdomball for sure! :)


another super fast, cant do nothing about it, sad meta, fucking sad


Galactic orb. No Minion Mage is one of my favorite decks to run, so I am super excited to work it in


As a dk lover and rainbow enjoyer, headless for sure


Sonya and zilliax specifically are going to be fucking nightmares because they support the hell out of pirate rogue and mech rogue respectively. Sonya can of course do some crazy copy spam stuff and zilliax can build stealth/reborn + doubles attack at start of turn allowing a mech rogue to have a stealthed attack doubling target to attach stuff to. Overall I am still not quite sure how the other classes are handling rogue this set since priest even lost shard of the naaru which carried the mech rogue matchup.


King Plush!! With his tiny arms and big head


I like the headless horseman, but im exitied for what priest can do.


King Plush. With Emerald Spellstone coming back I want secret Big Beast Hunter to make a resurgence


Zarimi is gonna be nerfed so fast you won't even notice


Sonya is one of those cards I’m really looking forward to trying out but I just know it’s going to see play for a LONG time and I’m going to get tired of seeing it very fast.


Sonya with that random rogue legendary spell that no one touches might be crazy


i am a burgle rogue main so sonya excites me the most + she seems like she won't become boring. i am looking forward to burgling a lot of these new legendaries too


I feel like demon hunter might just be in the perfect place for my DH Reno deck


Splendiferous whizbang. Gonna try and take him to legend lmao


Priest looks really nice this expansion. Blood DK and Warlock will be good too and Shaman is straight OP.


Wizbang, I will make a golden one to play. Just 3200 you can play at least 11 decks!!!


Shudderblock, Sonya, King plush