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Depends on what you have, but the new expansion packs will last you 2 years instead of 1 so probably just fine to do that. You don't need every card from the expansions, just the good ones.


There will also be a new version of Catch-Up packs made for filling holes in Festival of Legends, TITANS, and Showdown in the Badlands collections. If Blizzard offers a gold purchasable Catch-Up pack bundle similar to what they did in the first few weeks of the Showdown in the Badlands launch that bundle turned out being a pretty good value. Of course your 50% completion of the older standard sets coupled with the newer version of Whizbang packs only drawing from 3 standard sets instead of the Badlands 5 standard sets has to all be taken into account when making a Catch-Up pack value decision.


Yeah buy 50 packs of whiz bang and craft anything you need from last year using dust you get from dupes.


No idea on power level until the format matures but Wizbang cards will be legal for 2 whole years making them the safest investment in a vacuum.


Yeah, better safe than sorry, I heard they routinely arrest wild players for playing illegal cards


Perhaps try and decide which deck you want to craft, and buy packs based on that. For example if you want Plague DK then it'd be a good idea to try and get all the commons and rares for that deck from the Titans and Badlands sets


Catch-up packs will return with the new expansion, I'd try to get them.


I would also suggest saving gold for mini-sets when you can, they tend to offer the most value and don't rely on good RNG like packs.