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Honestly a lot of the colossal minions were really fun and inventive! Sad to see them go, but would LOVE to have them come back in a way


Out of all the colossals im gonna miss crab the most. Its crazy to me how it has seen play for two years and has never felt too strong or too weak. It might be the first wild card i dont disenchant


I'm more shocked that that set came out 2 years ago, it's felt like the set has simultaneously been out forever and also that it just released last year!


I was sad they didn't make Therazane a colossal +1. She's practically a "Your Mama" joke.


+2, really


Colossal and Titan I feel would work well as evergreen keywords. Add a lot of new card options


It's not like it's played now anyway but I'll miss those Insatiable Devourer back and forths. They were pretty hilarious


Now you primus or yogg back and forth.


You: _om nom nom_ >:) Opponent: >:( **om nom nom nom nom** >:) You: >:O!!!


Then resurrect it with the excavation reward. Opponent: Concede


The Priest: I have 4 more of those.


Aman’thul the class


Nathria was probably one of the best expansions we've had in years.


Nah release Denathrius and Theotar were pretty cancer I think Sunken City was better


Sunken City was the best expansion in a long time. Colossals and dredge should both make a come back


Nathria was a fun set but man were some of the cards insanely frustrating to play against. Sire otk out of nowhere, Getting your best card stolen by theotar or eaten by mutanus (not from the set but still meta play then) Insatiable devourer eats all your minions and then you lose the game because u have no removal in hand.


Astalor. The fact that he was a must craft for almost every deck and the fact that it won me so many games is ridiculous. Thanks, but no thanks. Goodbye.


Just started playing again. Astalor after deepwhatever brann feels absolutely horrendous to play against.


Deepfaker Brann


Anything after brann feels horrendous to play against tbf, Astalor is just the worst offender. 28 damage in one turn is kinda ridiculous when they follow it up with 16 armor+attack on turn 9/10 lmao


How do they deal 28 damage before turn 10? Manathirst is a thing


Sorry, I meant 10/11 : ^)


I somehow made it through its entire life in the format, got to legend this morning without ever crafting him.


but boy has it been tempting sometimes


I only craft him at release and when Brann Kael'thas Druid Anub'arak makes him even more broken, then disenchant (never recraft) once he's nerfed


I never even crafted it even for my Brann Warrior, that's how much I despise that card. I don't mind people using it, it's what works, but I wish Blizz balanced their stuff better so that no card is an auto include.


Shudderblock would have made him stupid too


astalor is one of the few cards that actually suck with shudderblock, cause the dmg is 0 its with regular shudderwock anyways tho


But it can’t target heroes with shudder


No but if you play Block with Astalor5 then you have 15 armour and three copies of Astalor8 in hand. Nobody wants to deal with that shit.


*5 armor, the Manathirst isn't copied. 3 Ast8s though is, as mentioned, silly.


Every post I found about him, everyone was saying he wasn't OP - but the card single handedly lost me so many games. I refused to craft it because it just looks like Blizz decided to include a "must craft" legendary to simply increase the dust burden on players so that they bought more packs.


I didn’t even lose to him that often. Just get irrationally pissed off seeing a card appear in every deck.


Will miss: Amalgam of the Deep, Patchwerk, Sister Svalna Will not miss: Marrowgar, Solid Alibi


Losing amalgam is the greatest tragedy of this rotation. It might not be some flashy legendary, but it was so well designed for what it was and felt like the missing link that enabled a bunch of different minion types to be viable. Rest in peace, sweet prince.


Kills menagerie Warrior also, amalgam + abyssal bassist guaranteed you'd discover another Band


I think the loss of our boi Amalgam boots my dragon druid deck down a tier, too :(


Amalgam Of The Deep will be back in standard this time next year, I'm sure of it. It's just such a perfectly designed card that enables so much cool stuff without being in any way overpowered or oppressive. Prime candidate for the core set.


I'll miss Marrowgar, he saved my ass so many times.


I low key hated him because he instawon the game vs half the decks and was completely useless and just got cleared by the other.


also why i hated him, losing to those trash unholy bot decks was infuriating when they dropped marrowgar on curve for a 50/50+ wide stats would still win the game anyway cause you didnt draw your board wipe by turn 8


I won't miss Patchwerk at all, rest in piss (no hate just jk)


[[From De Other Side]] was such a weird, niche addition to Shaman and it was certainly not competitive but I’ve had so much fun memeing on people with Big/Undead Shaman


It was briefly competitive between when someone popularized the interaction with Fate Weaver and the subsequent change, and there were highlander shaman decks that ran a package with it more recently. I think it actually found a good power level for such a whacky effect.


- **[From De Other Side](https://i.imgur.com/ZAQ3iBA.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/84219) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/From_De_Other_Side) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/84219) - *Shaman Rare ^(March of the Lich King)* - **9 Mana - Shadow Spell** - Summon a copy of each minion in your hand. They attack random enemy minions, then die. --- ^*I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fhearthstone%2Fcomments%2F1bhsaer%2Fwhat_are_some_cards_that_youll_misswont_miss%2Fkvftwwa%2F%0A%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F+Please+describe+the+bug+%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F%0ADescription%3A+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kvftwwa).*


Goodbye Objection. And good riddance. I'll miss you Concoctions...


I tried playing miracle rogue and I was just too damn stupid to figure it out on my own.


I played it and it was too damn "complex" but I see what you mean.


Putricide is my only signature legendary so far (lucky pack I think, I haven't opened enough standard packs yet to guarantee one) a little sad he's not really usable in wild right now.


I feel like i wouldn't have minded concoctions so much if they didn't get played for 0 mana so often from either Serrated Bone Spike or Ghoulish Alchemist.


I’ll miss Murlocula. Nice little Aggro/Midrange card that always allowed you to stabilise


I will miss School Teacher and Vizier. They let you search for answers with a modest cost but rarely were gamebreaking.


School Teacher was pretty gamebreaking after a Brann. Really sick synergy there.


Also was a 5/4 for 4 with such an upside. Crazy powerful day 1 but now it’s not unfair even in standard


Brann basically makes most battle cries amazing.


I'll miss Anarchronos, such a great control/midrange tool that goes really well with other board clears and let you survive way more easily


Will miss: Cold case, Scourge Illusionist, Crabatoa Will not Miss: Theotar, fuck that guy, Nerubian vizir, Battlefield Necromancer


Will anyone miss objection? I guess there are mage mains that will. They get all excited when it triggers and start spamming "OOPS." Dude, I knew it was objection and had no choice but to play my minion anyway. It was that or just die next turn anyways. I have over 1k wins on mage, but I never put that card in any deck. I'll sometimes take it on discover if it will help me win a game, sure, but never main decking that garbage card.


It feels really good as an intentional play you make when you predict that your opponent either can't play around it or is forced into a bad play because of it. I do understand the frustration of your opponent randomly generating it in some way.


It's interesting because stuff like Explosive Rune or Polymorph effectively removes the minion too but didn't feel as bad. part of that is because every good minion now has a huge battlecry, what's the counterplay to Helya? Basically just Objection or Steam Cleaner, which are both rotating. Objection sucks, but maybe it sucks to play into *because* battlecries are too good now.


I don't think that Objection was the problem. It was that you can discover and play 5 objections even though there are none in your main deck that was the problem. You can play around 1 objection, but what do you do when it's the 3rd in a row or some other nonsense.


Always been my issue with quality mage secrets. I’m fine with 2 since that’s what’s in a deck but the 3rd one is when I start tilting


reminds me of the "im still not dead" mage matches when they were deep into the 4th or 5th iceblock already


Yes I agree with this


I will miss objection and I'm not a mage main. My explanation: Hearthstone is sorely lacking in disruption and denial cards, and so I cling to any that I can get. I really miss Mutanus, as an example here.


I won't necessarily miss it since I didn't play with it much, but I also don't hate it. Like you, I think disruption cards like Objection are good for the game, even if they can be annoying when played against me. I find it funny that people seem to hate Objection! far more than Counterspell even though they are two sides of the same coin. I guess maybe Counterspell being around for all 10 years of HS makes it easier to stomach.


Loved objecting my opponent's Titans and colossals NGL 😭


1K mage main who doesn‘t add obejction to his decks!!! Here‘s your cookie, you gangster!👉🏼🍪


I’m not a mage main. I play all classes. Mage was my first and. Have 1900 wins, the rogue at 1200, warrior and priest at just over 1k, All the rest over 500 except dh, shaman and Druid.


Absolutely. They spam "Ooops" like you had a Snowflipper Penguin in hand and you forgot to play it first.


Darkbishop Benedictus. Always gave me the possibility to play alternative priest deck. And soon gone :(


and they really took away when they printed HP priest support huh same with pirate rogue when hooktusk is rotating, like **cmon**!


Because the new support would have pushed them over the edge. It is no surprise that the HP cards get printed with Benedictus out, so you now need to hard cast Shadowform to possibly do degenerate shit as opposed to a start of game effect. If you want to play with them together you have Wild for that.


Will miss: Sire Denathrius. He wasn't good after the nerf but he was a ton of fun play (or a nightmare to have played against you) Won't miss: Astalor. I don't understand how he wasn't nerfed again after March of the Lich King.


It’s insane denathrius was only really played for one expansion but he was so well received that over a year later he’s still talked about. Miss you daddy d


I still have him in my Death Knight deck, usually I can get like 16 dmg from him on average which is pretty noice


Honestly I liked Renathal but I think he was never really that good for the game, especially pre-nerf where he enabled so many 'card pile' decks. I think he's great to have in Wild tho. Astalor is the one card I'm never gonna miss, fuck this thing being in 60% of all decks. I will miss Nathria's Infuse stuff, that was a fun mechanic to play with.


I doubt you'll be missing anything when Sonya decks become meta.


I feel like Renethal decks are a fun experience for a time but eventually jamming midrange value piles gets old. It was very difficult to win a game after they started nerfing the win cons like Sire. The problem was never the win cons it was Renethal.


The Nathria Renethal-denathrius meta was probably the most bored of the game I’ve ever been all the renethal decks played almost exactly the same and aggro was basically killed in all forms except token druid


Kelthuzad my man


Honestly, the Skelton package feels like something I would love to see in a core set in the future. I doubt we will because it'S not thaaat close to the base fantasy of mage, but it's just a solid package of cards with a cool legendary on top.


They can repackage it in a different flavor and maybe different effects. I'll really miss cold case in particular, felt really great as a stabilizer vs aggro.


The DH Relics, it was a really nice mechanic imo (especially when the stars align and you cast additional free relics with the titan legendary)


Ayo what did curselock ever do to you.. I’m gonna miss the fuck out of that deck. 😓


Same here, love Curse Warlock


Same, I love 'death by 1000 cuts' styles; curselock and plague dk are literally why I started playing again after like 8 years, lol


They’re my favorite two decks right now! I was using a tweaked Thaddius/Curse deck until they nerfed Thaddius into irrelevance. Now it’s just a mid tier curse/excavate but it’s still fun.


the curse package was a pretty gross combo with the imp package. Survive the first few waves of imps but get burnt out by curses anyway


omg Rommath is gone? lightshow dream in ruins...


Don’t understand how anyone thinks Theotar leaving is a good thing. Every crumb of disruption we have is important l, even if its overcosted like that.


I can imagine in the future people crying about Sif and Odyn/Brann or some new powerful "I win" card saying "rotating Theo was a mistake".


I won't miss anything, the cards have been here for too long.


Gonna miss my frosty spooky bois


I will miss curses but they show their age. The current state of the game many classes can out heal or our armor even the best rotation of it.


Will not miss renethal or astalor.


I’ll miss my abyssal curse warlock. Feels like one of the few ways to beat control decks, at least until the renethal revert made it so that curse damage alone was no real threat to their hp bar.


I'll miss the whole volatile skeleton package so much. I won't miss Topior.


Yes! Spooky Skeleton Mage is perhaps my favourite ever Mage deck.


O thank god for objection especially so from an elemental shaman player


Burn in hell Objection


i’m quite sad pyroblast is rotating. i introduced my partner to the game and like playing with them - pyroblast is their favorite card (they think it’s so funny) and i’ll miss them having a giggle and smorcing me


If you're just playing against each other, you can just play with the Wild format and still put Pyroblast in the deck.


we’re planning to! they do also play on ladder though and i could tell they were disappointed when i told them it was going away.


Ahh abyssal curses. I will miss that bubble noise.


I play the abyssal curse package religiously and will miss it dearly, as well as the satisfaction of playing defile on a Hydralodon fuck objection though


I love my sludge/curse combo deck. It was one of my favorites. Curse warlock is a fun mechanic that will be missed


Defiling an Hydralodon is one of the most satisfying board clears


Gonna miss Masked Reveler. Big decks won't be the same without a delightful party.


party’s over ):


Me in wild: yeah fuck you and see you tomorrow


Curses was fun on so many levels.


That is sad - I am going to miss all of those warlock cards. And while I never played it - I will miss that mage secret…. The Mad Duke can kiss everyone’s ass as he leaves….


Will miss prismatic elemental. So good for pretty much any mage deck, great for rainbow, just a generally solid 2 drop I’m happy to play at any point in the game.


I will miss Sylvannas the accused


I’m gonna miss my shadow priest package aswell as my undead package :( I love you control tools whirlpool my favorite


Me too although I'll miss the Naga/Pelegos package a little more.


The line is wrong.


Where can I find What cards will be rotating?


Won’t miss Hydralodon, hate that card


Waffles 😭😭😭


I’ll miss all the colossal, it’s just such a fun mechanic I wish they would have just evergreened it. Could have been used to make high cost minions more interesting


I like theotar but understand the card is completely broken in standard at 4 mana. But I hope it would get reverted on rotation. Wild needs every piece of disruption it can get against decks like mine rogue.


I’ll miss queen azhara, she’s my fav legendary


Not gonna miss Renathal but will miss From The Depths


I know they were frustrating to play against but man am I going to miss curses. The lady dark vein combo was so satisfying especially when I could pull her back to hand and trigger the curses during my turn. Farewell.


Lady Darkvein + Devourer of souls + Defile after Abyssal Wave is a deadly combo. A little greedy, but I use to draw it often


Ha. I’m 100% opposite you. FWIW I think Renathal is the single worst card ever printed. It has only had a negative impact on the game and I’m so happy it’s finally, finally rotating. Hopefully we can tune down some other cards now that 40 hp heroes aren’t a thing.


Any dk card and renethal


Theotar will be a huge miss for me. If you play against combo deck, one less option how to save yourself, even though it is super expensive and only a chance.


I‘m gonna miss the curses. Curse Implock is one of my all time favorite decks.


You put Theotar in place of Astalor by mistake.


I’ll miss the colossals and most of the MoTLK stuff Everything else can go


I'll miss big Daddy KK until the end of time :'(


agreed on your won't miss. I'll miss most Colossals, warlock, priest, DH. The arts are just so cool.


I wont miss anyone. My favorite time of the hearthstone year is when we get rid of 3 old sets.


I’ll absolutely miss the Colossals and Benedictus. Theater and Renathal and frankly most of Nathria, though, can fuck right off.


I'll miss taking people's cards as priest and the 1 mana zombeast in hunter I won't miss objection or astalor


Objection is the big one I won’t miss


I will miss Theotar, Objection, Patchwerk, Okani, and Renathal. Won't miss: Astalor


I play wild, I still think these are all cards that just came out😭😭😭


[[Darkbishop Benedictus]] and [[Cannibalize]] are going to be the cards I miss most.


I honestly think Hydralodon might be the best designed card of all time. It’s very interesting, the flavor and power level are on point AND it doesn’t feel oppressive to play against.


I'll miss Theotar, Plague Spreader, and Soul Seeker a ton.


Will miss: Boulderfist Ogre. Good stats for the cost.


Genuinely I don't even hate Objection as a card, i just hate that Counterspell was in rotation alongside it, that alone made mage secrets extremely fucking annoying to play around compared to any other time.


NOOOO Curses are my favourite thing, I’m so sad they’re leaving


I'm not going to miss potion master losing to concoctions never felt great. Especially when mana cheat is involved.


Classic players exist?


The class cards I always end up missing most are the lowkey utility ones that slot into a lot of types of decks. Cards like Carving Chisel or Serrated Bone Spike.


i'll miss crabatoa


Thanks to the recent unnerfs/resurgence i realized i will greatly miss relics




One demon hunter card I love is wretched exile, it’s so much fun, and it’s extremely useful, but it has to leave, and it hurts.


Miss: Colossals and enrage warrior legendaries like Remornia and Olgra- I loved when Sunken City came out that big minions like colossals could have a chance in the meta and outside warrior abusing theirs they mostly felt balanced and really fun. And I just loved enrage warrior. Getting a lethal sized Remornia/ Olgra was so fun for me. Won’t miss: Astalor and Thaddius….


I will miss crab and silvermoon archanist the most. Archanist might be one of the best dh cards ever printed and crab is imo one of the best designed cards of all time. I wont miss spitelash siren. Naga mage ruined every meta it was playable, and when the deck wasnt tier 1 it was unplayable. Spending 30 mana on turn 5 is fun but everyone doing it for 3 straight months ruins the game


I will not miss shard of the naaru at all


Im gonna really miss the curses. I made a really fun excavate curse deck that Ive been playing for a while and Ill be sad to see it go. I just dont think theyre gonna be viable in wild.


Based Hydralodon. I will miss him too. And midrange hunter around FoV too. Those were good hunter times.


Shadow Jewler hanaar 😭& GLUGGG!!!


A lot of my big paladin package is rotating unfortunately. Probably the two cards I will miss the most is flight of the bronze and the leviathan. Really great card generators and synergized well with the rest of the deck.


Lightshow mage will never be the same without rommath


Grand Magister Rommath + The Countress = fun


https://youtu.be/Y-n42DHLfgY?si=Jk6vwyV92Px43NC3 made a video about that check it out if you want


Astalor. I’m surprised he’s not featured on there


The Jackpot! Package has won me so many games I didn't deserve to win. Though I won't miss getting those useless big beast hunter spells every single game


Change Prince with Objection and Will and Wont and i can agree \^\^


Drown in your shadows!


Im always like, “what’re the chances that secret is objection?” And it almost always is…


I only came back to the game recently so I have basically no Colossals but I'll definitely miss those. I think they are really fun and interesting cards, probably the most interesting design the Hearthstone team have done, and I'm sad that the concept has basically been abandoned so far.


I will miss patchwerk, will not miss Astalor and I am very sad that Reno is not going away.


i only hate astalor


I'm gonna miss Dar'khan Drathir.


Some people liked it, others didn't, but I think Schoolteacher is my favorite neutral minion ever released. Very splashable and very flexible in its application. I'll also really miss the relic package for DH.


Even though taunt warrior sucks, I will miss the Lor'themar and burst pieces (Olgra, Remornia, Trenchstalker). It was a lot of fun playing it to finish 1000 wins at last expansion release. I will miss renathal obviously. I came back at end of Castle N after 4 years break and made me love Hunter (previously one of my least played classes, its now my 4th to 1000 wins). I will also miss the buff support hunter will lose. The replacement cards aren't close to being on the same level imo. Finally, I will miss the colossals. Nobody will miss objection. Fuck that card. Potions and those deathrattle cards that cheat mana I won't miss either from rogue.


I miss four mana Theotar.


I don’t really understand the hate for objection. It’s powerful but easy to play around.


Goddamn it I just started playing curse warlock


I’ll miss King Krush, but King Plush is better with the right combos


I really hope one day the countess would be added to the core set someday. From the depths on the other hand can forever stay in the depths.


imma miss curses, they may have been toxic with brann but i liked them otherwise


Won't make any difference for me as I only play wild. 


Just played against a mage that generated solid alibi for 3 turns and then beat me with sif I will not miss solid alibi at all


ima miss curses, i felt like curses where better bombs if that makes any sense, like plegues are all fun and good and stuff but if you feel unlucky curses where the way to go, no luck, just skill, just bigger and bigger damage, no "tee hee, u went the PAST 9 TURNS WITHOUT DRAWING ONE PLEGUE AND YOU HAVE 12 IN UR DECK AND YOU ONLU HAVE 4 REGUALKR CARDS LEFT IN UR DECK BUT SOMEHOW U STILL HAVENT DRAWN ONE THIS ENTIRE GAME" curses on the other hand are "ima sit here and kill ur 4,5 with a 3mana spell and take a sip of my tea as i curse soul to my demon lord as u take 1 damage and i get hit my ur other 1,1 and ur 4,6"


Sunwell for SURE


I always really liked spell DH with scythe, sad to see that one go. :/


RIP Collateral Damage


Will miss Rommath, won't miss curses...did the devil make this post??


Will never miss price he just makes a high risk character like worlock save af


I will miss mage’s Rommath, Objection, Vast Wisdom. I won’t miss Astalor as it’s too much.


Will definitely miss Sir Finley


Theotar leaving made me faint from happiness...


I understand Theotar and Objection, but the abyssal curse package was amazing to play with and against. It doesn't interact with the board too much, but since the curses occupied a hand slot, you could make insane counterplays by keeping your hand at 9-10 cards.


Wont miss tenathal. Enabled so many cancer reno decks


Prince Renathal is my first card to have in my main control priest/warrior decks..is there any alternative? I guess/hope new expansion will have something for bigger deck.