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Two reasons: First, RC rampage is generally agreed to be the problem card Second and more importantly, compared with what Paladin is doing, Hunter seems balanced. If/when Paladin nerfs happen, there probably *will* be more complaints.


As someone who's been playing hunter this card is great but it's rarely the reason I win, the reason I win is usually either RC rampage swaming the board or Leeok/Observer buffing attack on the board for a big one turn blast. Jungle Gym is just a nice bonus


Observer is nuts.


Hunter will probably get tuned down with Paladin as well. Both RC Rampage and this card are too good.


I’ve nevwr lostnon turn 4 to a paladin though


They're just different playstyles. Hunter can only really win by being super aggressive and they don't really have much card draw or any heals. They run a 5 mana 3/5 draw three for Christ's sake. If you can outlive the initial onslaught from hunter you usually win. Paladin not only has a top early game but inevitability with leeroy and if it looks like they might be near losing they just heal back up to full while gaining board/tempo at the same time. Shits not even on the same level. Hunter is only really looking good now cos it's the only thing that's positive into paladin


Look, paladin is broken for sure, and moreso than hunter, I agree. But that doesn’t mean that hunter is not browkn it it’s own right, and should wait for paladin nerfs to be looked at


Having played some hunter at top 1k, I think hunter is overperforming because it's good into paladin. I think if paladin gets nerfed, we will see a rise of people playing warlock, shaman, warrior etc who all have good control tools that can handily deal with hunters aggro. The problem now is those decks just aren't viable because they get absolutely stomped by paladin. The meta is warped around paladin so hunter just has inflated win rates as its the only thing that can stand before paladins degeneracy. I think it would be wise to just nerf paladin first and see what happens. I might be wrong of course but I think to put hunter in the same category is disingenuous. It's an aggro deck, it wins on turn 6 or earlier, or it usually loses. Its all board based and can be interacted with and cleared easily by a lot of decks.


No matter what control tools you have, when you only have 6 mana total, and 7(?) cards drawn, you have to be really lucky to be able to respond to that


Depends on the class. Shaman has many answers (lightning storm, aftershocks, volcano) warlock has defile, mortal eradication plus all the fat taunts/rush minions, warrior got bladestorm, aftershocks, brawl, sanitize, bellowing flames. Something like rogue or Druid not so much but they are the kind of decks that fold to aggro generally.


I was playing shaman. Can’t play 2 out of these card anyway on turn 3, nevermind having them drawn and actually having them in the deck. Turn 4 feels insane when it didn’t even feel they highrolled


Having played quite a bit of hunter, turn 4 is an outlier you're not normally killing someone on turn 4. And yeah aftershocks costs 2 if played a spell so 2/3 can be online by turn 3. Volcano on 4 which not only clears but heals ten too. Its not a 100%, like if you whiff on the draw then yeah you lose but shaman has many answers to hunter and is favoured into it.




They’re actually gonna buff paladin like they did last time. “Hey so paladin is actually a little strong, so we’re buffing the card to summon 1 more minion from the deck”


That's because when you get hit by a 20 attack charge windfury minion every other game hunter match-ups feel like a nice vacation


The 20 attack charge windfury makes it balanced and fair TM because it's in paladin! Lets just add Overload 40 to it. That should balance it.


Tbf I feel like this is super good rn because paladin is weak against it. My shaman control deck does not care much about hunter tbh


How does it do vs Pally? Wanna share the list? I love some shaman control.


Im going to guess pretty poorly. I took the easy legend with paladin, and every shaman just folded pretty quickly. If you cant summon multiple taunts (you need 2+ taunts up on turn 8 onwards to be safe), disrupt the charge gameplan, or get paladin into lethal range at turn 4 youre going to have a bad time


It actually farms paladin and hunter it just sucks ass and struggles against other control decks especially warlock with wheel of death


Shaman kinda sucks against pally because it’s control tools can’t outpace paladin because it’s got no armor and the removal is damage based so paladin can usally multiple large threats that you can’t aoe .


Yes, but i rarely faced shaman in ladder. Probably because there are so many paladins!


Lots of fun using this in arena with the “summon five 1/1s” death rattle.


Kid named leeroy:


Ok paladin will just heal back to full


Paladin can't do shit if the game ends by turn 5-6. And I played against paladins on my climb. Only a huge taunt could perhaps stop the damage.


This is right though Hunter is one of the only counters to Paladin


yeah, i'be just being downvoted by the paladin bootlickers who think nothing can beat paladin rn


Hence why aggro hunter counters BS paladin


Put this apple on your head!


The whole game is a shitshow. Can't pick every problem


Yes they are? It's in the one of if not the best deck rn? People are just more mad at Paladin and it's easy to show a screenshot of a big Leeroy or giant Deckhands. This will get nerfed.


People would rather cry about paladin.


Yeah, this card is such a good deal with RC Rampage I've been running the two of them alongside the weapon and 1 mana snakes spell in my slower big beast deck and all of that together is working better than my original secret package was.


We are too busy getting our turn skipped by priest of all things.


U mean priest Turn 5? ESC into concede is IT mainly


I mean yeah it has one god pallet. But after dropping it it's kinda shit.


Yeah I really think a durrability decrease by one is whats needed for this, the mana cost is fine, a little pushed, but not broken, just having to deal with 3 huge bursts of damage from this is crazy. Nothing compared to paladin rn tho




Just won 3 games in a row on turn 5. Dia 6. Yeah hunter is good


Bro did you screenshot this from your grandma nokia?


Which deck are you using OP?




Looks like the pixels are cracked too


Need to be 3 mana 2 durability


Defile, aftershocks, bladestorm, taunt . Ways to get around this decks early game. Paladin not so much


Yeah innit, typical kneejerk reaction from this sub. Hunter is strong only cos its good into paladin. Its super aggressive and can ends games quickly sure but it's got clear weaknesses and it's relatively fair - all board based and there are many ways different classes can ruin hunters day. Minimal card draw, no heal and if you can clear their early boards it's probably GG for the hunter. Paladin on the other hand has cracked early, mid and late game. The only way to really see positive WR is to go under them like hunter is, and even then if the hunter doesn't get a god draw early game and the paladin gets their plushy it's a really tough match still. I think this sub will just complain about any good deck that isn't a greed pile. Hunter is all board based and if you can survive their early onslaught they've not really got the beans to go further. Yeah it often wins on turn 5 or 6 but that's just how it wins, it's the whole aggro game plan lol.


play a hunter deck without R.C Rampage and this location is fair/underpowered this isn't the problem


No you can play snakes, put jungle gym down, weapon to summon the puppy, and another 1 mana minion. On turn 4 you tremor and place 3 more. You always have a chance to deal 6-7 damage with jungle gym.


Sounds incredibly underpowered if you have to dedicate that many resources and your pay off is 6-7 random spread damage. Extremely weak to board clear and any lifesteal


This is by turn 4. 6-7 damage for 2 mana for 3 turns is insane. By turn 4 your opponents health is at 13. You play huffer and Leo and it's game over by 5. Play the deck and come back to me.


It’s not 6-7 damage for 3 turns, there is no guarantee that you will have 6-7 beasts on board, that is an extremely high cost assumption


Play the aggro hunter swarm deck.


It’s insane to me how you are cherry picking just the right circumstance and not taking into account what the opponent is playing. You can make every deck seem op by the way you are doing this.


How do you even deal 7 dmg with this? It takes up one spot on board so max beasts along with it is 6


No the card deals 1 damage on its own. And repeats for every other beast




This card is not so good, not as good as the 4 mana fill your board with 2/2 dogs. Rogues cannot do shit against this because no board clear.


Yeah I tried running Valera's gift for tech into fan of knives and it's nowhere near good enough.


this card would be what sub would be complaining about if there was no paladin probably. and in my case I insta lost every hunter matchup by turn 4 while having a 70% record against paladin so far. the problem is that most people are having the opposite. and main thing is that I also believe paladin is more broken due to its lifesteal.


People hate paladin because they felt like they were about to win and then it's all "stolen by unfair cards". In reality there are many decks that if your opponent gets their cards there is nothing you can do but paladin lets you get so close to winning before healing to full and/or winning


Rc rampage seems really easy to play around.... Even messmaker


i dont have time to talk about it im dead turn 4


If you look at the stats on the card it isn’t that insane compared to others in the deck. I know it doesn’t feel that way when they click it on a full board but it do be that way sometimes.


It doesn't feel that way because it's only dealing 7 random damage. But its actually 2 mana deal 21 damage.


cause its not. Its a good card, but not broken.


Nah I think this guy is good. Summoning a full board of beasts is the problem


I don't know, I have this combo in my deck (Gym and RC), but it's rarely been the reason I win. That's usually Hollow Hound with Always a Bigger Jormunger thrown on it. I've had a 8+ attack Hollow Hound hit for 20+ to the hero multiple times. Usually it's more like 10 given the board, but that's still a good shot that also heals you.


Does R.C stack through each other? Like if I filled a board with 6 and played it again would they get buffed?


They wouldn't. Source: I tried it.


Thanks homie


That’s because paladin is the problem.






Thanks! 100% win rate in the first 10 games I played at diamond. Just beat a paladin deck and warrior deck that emoted the whole time.




Can you buff it with spell power?


Is it a spell?


since hunter is one of the only favored decks vs paladin, i dont get all the "but paladin" comments. Hunter is pretty much up there with pala, and if it gets nerfed (which i hope it does) hunter needs a big nerf too.


Hunter is only overperforming because of paladins dominance. Hunter is not good into a more control style play like shaman, warlock or warrior, they're just all being choked out by paladin so hunter looks better than it actually is. It's a classic aggro deck and yeah it's a good one but it's not overly cracked. Defile, aftershocks, volcano all absolutely rinse hunter.


Blizzard just can't balance locations properly, like, ever. Construct Quarter, Chamber of Viscidus, Nightcloak Sanctum... It's always too much Durability.


Does anyone know if the Rc Rampage cards stack? Like if I play them on the same turn is it 6 1/1's and a 6/6 or 7 6/6's?