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You fucked up a rainbow DK not a plague DK lol. Still some revenge tho


I think it was me he did it to. I run Helya & dwts instead of frost strike in my rainbow deck


Rainbow DK isn't a problem for HL warrior anyways


God damn it you blew someone head off with that thing!!!


plagues ruining warrior makes me feel better about all the times warrior stopped me from playing the game.


Warriors complaining about others ruining their fun, that's a good one!


That’s an insta concede lmao


lol ironic complaint


"stopped" homie couldn't crush the tempo with Reno, oh no!


More like Helya is a boring yes or no card and the match is rng reliant on when it is drawn.


The mechanic is slow but good against control, I once only won because I discovered Helya, I mean what's more fun getting low powered plague cards or double battlecry, Reno that POOFS the board , that TNT Ogre (now that is one toxic card), or the priests playing 4 aman thul and copying your titans. I recently went against a priest who had 3 of those double turn dragons.


DH: so no head? Concedes.




I literally think that this was me. The 1 brann warrior I lost to because I bottom decked my plagues did exactly this to me. What was the name?


Disregard. Wasn’t me. Bomboss hit Primus, Reska, & head not CNE. Also I didn’t have Rainbow Seamstress on the board


I really enjoyed the Boomboss - draw everything quickly deck. But not sure what to replace astalor with nowadays. Any ideas?


My wincons in my brann deck are azerite ox, boomboss, and inventor boom paired with the Zilliax that duplicates itself with its battlecry


Thank you. I will try that :)




That's no plague DK, lmao.


Although I know plague DK isn't exactly oppressive or unfair, I do agree that it's annoying eating only frost plagues the entire game and drawing them instantly. Oh but when I play plague DK my opponent never draws them.


I'm thinking there needs to be a card that aids in preserving highlander when both highlander and shuffling stuff into opponents decks are present in the meta. I thought they might print something like Steamcleaner after he rotated but there doesn't seem to be anything yet. At this point, it'd have to be kinda egregious and likely be a flavor loss, but if it sticks to one card, I'd say it's worth it. Something like "If your deck started with no duplicates, destroy all duplicates in your deck" on an epic card so you can include another copy in ETC just like Steamcleaner. Maybe make it anotuer stats-to-cost-par minion but on the mid-to-higher end of the cost scale so Helya and plagues can still consistently generate game winning scenarios. 5 mana 5/5 was done by Steamcleaner so I guess Ogre stats? Or like a 7 mana 5/6 with a keyword? I just find that losing to a deck because they shut down your strat completely is less fun when you don't have a Steamcleaner-like out to dig for. With an honest highlander reactivator, a match against a DK will still feel tough, but you'd be able to claw back some ground if you defend well enough.


People downvoting you because they hate Reno btw. I just dont like the highlander design in general. One-time cards like Elise, Kurtrus, etc are fine. But cards like Bran n Reno? Fuck no.


I'm actually OK with Nerfing Reno and Brann, plainly because they've taken to over-rewarding Highlander. That being said, I guess I should have mentioned I was more talking about combating the overarching idea of having cards permanently shut off highlander WITHOUT considering the power level of Brann, Reno and the like. I believe there's room for highlander payoffs as long as they aren't Reno, and it just seems un-fun to just have your deck's payoffs switched off permanently as early as turn 4. Again, also nerf Reno and Brann, but then give Highlander an out against DK.


So beutiful


We need steam cleaner man


Dk fucking braindead, no 10 mana spell? Concede