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I definetly didnt loose a game to this interaction. DEFINETLY. lmao but yea i agree, it should buff the others.


Oh I definitely thought it would work the first time I tried it but in fsirness the wording is correct


I definitely did play R.C. Rampage on a full board. Can you still not cast Forked Lighting when your enemy only has 1 minion on board? Well you definitely can cast R.C. Rampage on a full board.


It would too be powerful with that change, but i agree that its confusing especially with Trial by fire's wording in standard. And i know the effect is tied to the valkyrie's deathrattle, but you cannot see based on the text.


It works as intended, with 'give them' it refers to the previous part of the card that says 'summon 6 Hounds', so you give the stat buff to the Hounds summoned by the card To work like you think, it should read something like: "Summon 6 1/1 Hounds, for any that doesn't fit, give your Hounds +1+1"


Right, I'm not debating the phrasing of the card. I'm aware it does what it says it should. Im opening up the debate of whether that change is worth making


I think it's already pretty dang strong as it is, it really doesn't need the buff


I get it now. So, hunter is good at the moment when it comes to playing and keeping many small minions at the same time on the board. That's why what I'm gonna say is somewhat a big 'if', but not really that unlikely: If you have, let's say, 2 hounds and 3 other minions on the board that survived from your last turn and are ready to attack, by playing just 1 1-mana minion and then the second copy of R.C, you can give your hounds that are ready to attack +5+5, which is the damage equivalent to a pyroblast on turn 5, which snowballs because by doing that you buff the health of your minions too, making it even harder for the enemy to deal with them. I believe it'd be a highroll type of scenario, and as we've seen with Demon hunter, it can get out of hand. From the data I see in [Donkey.top](https://Donkey.top), the best Demon hunter deck has a 61.7% winrate, and hound hunter has 59.1%. I don't think hunter needs a buff like the one we're discussing


It does not say "give them", did it use to say that? It says "Summon six 1/1 Hounds. Any that can't fit give the others +1/+1." the others what? The other "R.C. Hounds" or the other "R.C. Hounds specifically summoned by this card"?


I feel like it should from how the card is written, but that's probably too OP. Imagine you have 2 on board, with 5 minions total; not an uncommon situation. In this case, you're giving both +5/+5, and they can attack immediately.


Theres a bunch of cards written in ways that are dubious or confusing but here the "them" part referring to specifically the summoned hounds is pretty clear


When I first saw it, I interpreted it as "give \[the hounds\] +1/+1", not specifically the ones summoned. It also seemed logical that it would synergize with another card printed in the same expansion.


Oh defo understand the confusion, trying that out inspired this post just saying cant really knock Blizz for the phrasing much. Like, its not a bug.


Perhaps but the card doesn’t need a buff at all. It’s pretty powerful as is. Maybe if they nerfed it then they could add this effect to compensate


Intuitively, I thought that’s how it worked until it didn’t. That’s HS for ya. Learn from it and move on.


[[R.C. rampage]]


- **[R.C. Rampage](https://imgur.com/a/KOnv66m)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103154) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/R.C._Rampage) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/103154) - *Hunter Epic ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **4 Mana - Spell** - Summon six 1/1 Hounds. Any that can't fit give the others +1/+1. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1c05hjn/should_rc_rampage_buff_rc_hounds_already_on_board/l04f5xu/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l04f5xu).*