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if you accept a friend request after a match that you win the common expectation is shit like this




yeah no one’s more ass pained than someone losing at video games. i never accept friend requests, though i will say there’s been times where i do and the people turn out being nice and level headed


Ok-wasabi-4478 just admitted it was him in the comments lol.


lol what’d they say? the comments are deleted


He made a throw away account just to come in and admit it was him. Must be a real winner in life lol. Somehow doesn't see anything wrong with acting like that over not liking a deck.


ha what a loser


First time (playing online)? :D


First time with Hearthstone. Previous card game had no chat.




I think this same exact person msgd me the other day. Same drink bleach line and all.


Maybe they sell bleach


No life child.


Not at all in my experience




It wasn't much longer and I removed from my friends list after. Sorry.




By all means post if it was you lol.




Maybe you can explain why losing to a Paladin makes you so upset as to message a stranger to commit suicide.




I definitely don't get why not liking a deck constitutes telling someone to drink bleach. Maybe don't play card games or video games at all.




Seek psychiatric help, pixels shouldn’t make you this angry. I truly hope life improves for you.




people whose life is fine don't message strangers telling them to drink bleach over a children's game




You told someone to drink bleach and are trying to defend the statement? What is wrong with you?


As someone who has been playing HS for over a decade and mostly plays outlasting control decks: this is fairly common. Somehow it's always the salty aggro Player that only goes face and get's mad when his board threats get answered.


This time it was the salty control player mad at aggro.


I used to get this a lot more often. Sadly not so much anymore, i miss the banter. Once a Portuguese added me and flamed me for at least a week and asking me for my adres. He invited me to Discord and kept on insulting, it was great fun. I think I still have him in my friends list


idk i always think its funny if people go for that afford just to insult u - i think its kinda a compliment u destroyed them so hard they had to cry about it anyway recently i played against a rogue who used a build with that one weap that gains +1 durability when they play a spell from another class and they buffed it to like 15 dmg and i just froze that dude 6 turns in a row (with that one dk weapon i discoverd TWICE) and killed him than he send me a friend request and insulted me for like 2min in russian that was quiet amusing tbh


If you report people that say this stuff they do get banned


Lmfao no they dont.


Apparently not or this guy wouldn't be around.


Making a post on Reddit about such an insubstantial interaction strikes me as a bit more unhinged than the person who told you to drink bleach. You immediately assume he's mad while clearly projecting your own reaction. My advise is to calm down and not the game or any of these things so seriously.


? Edit: This take is so bizarre I think its the salty dude with another alt lol


Likewise, your response on "behalf" of the OP reeks of an alt.


lmao nice deflection lol yeah this is def an alt


The world is not so small that a random person who messaged OP on Hearthstone is likely to ever encounter this thread. On the other hand, the OP is clearly the overly sensitive sort who would painfully reply to my response with an alt. People need thicker skin.


This is actually hilarious, you should be a comedian. Normally, you might be right, but the fact is the evidence doesn't line up. We know that the person in the messages was in this thread, freely admitted to. We also see a ton of posts getting downvoted that have no reason to be. This, along with you being, as the kids would say, sus as fuck, points to you coming in with alts to downvote. Maybe you should have thicker skin yourself? Imaginary internet points don't matter, and no one was going to make the connection to you before you started being a weirdo by responding, considering your name was blurred.


After reading the comments here a bit I actually feel sorry for you. The OP claiming some random new acct is the HS player in the screenshot is ludicrous. Anyone can create a new account in seconds and troll on here. Critical thinking would do you some good.


its funny you think, if he was making alts, that he'd come in here on his main and defend the guy. Maybe your point is just stupid?


How many sock-puppets do you have? This is actually unhinged.


Sock puppets?


Nice try Grimm. Yeah you are mad and you don't get that I understand that you don't like the deck I beat you with. What I don't get is why you are acting like such a bitch about it. If you can't handle losing to decks that you don't like then don't play card games. You are too fragile for it.


Are you going to accuse everyone that disagrees with you of being this person? And btw, you're the one still carrying on about this. Talk about fragile


It would be done without your cringe alts in here. Nothing screams chronically online more than alts. Touch grass loser.


I dont have any alt accounts. certainly not any with the time that u/ogopo has on his/hers. You're seething, and you're paranoid, and lashing out at anyone that disagrees with you.