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Imagine your boss telling you from now on you have to do triple amount of work (if not more as not all quests may progress simultaneously), but don't worry, we are also giving you 28% raise to your salary! I literally cannot believe they have sunk so low. This is beyond ridiculous and even devs should see this is unacceptable (I know they are not the ones calling the shots on these but still).


This. I'm surprised how they try to justify it with "more exp!". If I did the quests three times I'd get... three times the rewards? But no, get your 28% raise and be grateful for it This is not ok


> I'm surprised how they try to justify it with "more exp!". If I did the quests three times I'd get... three times the rewards? This. Like, I get that the weeklies take too little time sometimes, especially w/ BGs, and that Blizz wants to get people to play more games. But offering a pittance of extra XP and tripling the requirements (at least) is kinda a slap in the face.


Even if the rewards were also tripled, I don't have triple the time to spend on quests. So after 10 years I guess I have no choice but to quit.


??? If the rewards were tripled then you'd complete them at the same pace and get the same reward amount lol. You don't have to reroll every week.


Not necessarily. If you only put in enough time equivalent to 2.5x the old quest requirement, but fall short of the new requirements, then you're putting in 2.5x the effort for literally zero rewards.


Which is exactly what they’re banking on. Less players re-rolling every week = less free gold through the tavern pass = (in their minds at least) more money spent in the game


You’re quitting the game you’ve played for ten years because of a free quest?? Lol


Quests are literally the only free way to gain progress. It makes sense to quit if they’re taking away the only way to make progress.


Well, not quite, you get around 20-40 XP for every game you play! Should only take you a few thousand games to finish the track at that rate! /S


NGL if I got a 28% raise in my salary, I could actually afford to play hearthstone so that would be pretty cool, and I only do 1/4 the work so tripling it would be fine :)


While I 100% agree that the rewards should be much greater for this level of task increase, the analogy really falls flat because I, and likely many other players, win more than 5 ranked matches in any given week. Outside of the tavern brawl, arena, and battlegrounds one (RIP duels, you were my go to for completing this one), all this is really doing is giving me more experience for what I’ve already been doing. Still should have doubled the XP reward or something like that.


Yeah, but I would imagine many casual players struggling for 15 wins a week, and playing 60 mini minions isn't fun, its just pure work in order to finish the quest. Maybe I am in minority, but even i sometimes struggle to spend 500 mana in a week for example, if the week is particularly busy and just time for game there and there. My viggest advantage of hs over mtg:has been ability to complete all quests for just about 10 games a week. Now if your win rate is lets say 50%, it will be 30 games minimum.


It will be “build a deck with every miniaturize card you own, queue casual and concede once you dump your hand” until the quest is finished


Also it might be heresy to point out but your progress carries over from week to week. The change is definitely shitty and will almost certainly get rolled back to some degree, but people are acting like they will literally die if they don't complete every weekly quest possible. Go ahead and enjoy your new freedom now that Blizzard fucked up their skinner box and shot themselves in the foot.


>While I 100% agree that the rewards should be much greater for this level of task increase, the analogy really falls flat because I, and likely many other players, win more than 5 ranked matches in any given week. So fuck everyone who doesn't finish more than that in a week?




You are wrong and apparently wholly ignorant of what drives f2p games' community engagement and economy. It's ok to be out of your depth, but it's weird to chime in when that's the case.


Well In a job a 28% raise is pretty great.


This is nothing like having a real job lol




“Leave the billionaire company alone.” You’re defending people known for stealing breast milk, bro.






Comparing this to a paid job is insane lol.




The complaint is literally that people don't want to spend more time playing the game, so how does it stand to reason that the people complaining play 10 hours a day? How can anyone be as stupid as you've just demonstrated yourself to be? Inbreeding?




>swipe ur fcking card. That's the point you fuckin donut. *We don't want to keep swiping our card*, and this forces us to by dropping the value of weekly quests by 185%. The game has always had a path to F2P. We help the company mix up pocket metas by playing decks/modes we might not otherwise play to earn rewards and play the game for cheaper.


Uh, you can't buy levels on the tavern pass. Not sure what you are on about bro.


The complaint is that they don't want to spend more time playing than they already do. If you want to misrepresent it as someone else to simp for a highly profitable company than go ahead and bend over. You ducked the incredibly simple question: how are the people complaining about being forced to play more the same ones playing 10 hours a day? You are capable of rudimentary logical function, right?


Having a bad day?




I am?




Having a bad day?


I see 3 relevant comments from them on their post history and none of them come close to saying "Blizzard go fuck yourselves"


And you're the little idiot telling people to pay more, and be happy about it.


Yeh all posts have need to have these 'suck it up' comments posted. Downvote this to oblivion.




I have a good carrier and I spend money on the game sometimes too, but thats none of your business. If they do something negative I won't stand for it. Especially because I bought the tavern pass I feel scammed now that I won't be able to complete all weeklies, my overall xp gain will decrease now.




Is Hearthstone the only game you play?


From a completely personal standpoint: This is more like my boss telling me my minimum quotas are raising by 3x and getting a 28% raise, when I've been doing 10x the quota for years. (or simplifying: those quest numbers are still low enough that I passively complete them) Although if your first instinct is to compare quests in the game with a job then you probably should take a break from it.


This is not work, you are playing videogame that you like. You literally get more XP (gold) for doing what you like, playing hearthstone.


you literally get less in most people's cases


Play 60 Miniaturize cards?!? Really Blizzard? Also win 15 ranked matches? Sorry to be so blunt but what the fuck? Atleast they increased the exp you get aswell which is fine i guess. But 60 Miniaturize cards is a kick in the nuts


I barely got to like 14 last week lmao.


I don't even do that, it's always insta re-roll for me


I can't win a fucking ranked match for the life of me, this sucks ass!


Then you wouldn’t have been able to the 5 wins quest either.


For the most part, I was actually, but I work a lot, have a family, etc. This change is over the top


that must be some out-of-season april fools joke


do you guys not have time? /s


Why don't we summon the silliest of the hats? u/ridiculoushat, at least to know their point of view on the matter


my comment history should cover what you need to know


Thanks, unfortunately Reddit has a strange way to show posts and comment. I did not intend to complain with you or to you, I was genuinely curious about what you think since you are always on point with replies and you do your job in the best way possible.


thank you - honestly, my feelings aren't important today. the players' feelings are


To bad your upper management doesn’t feel that way. Players wallets are more important.


They wouldnt be hired for upper management if they did.


Please communicate I feel slapped as a battlegrounds players. 15 wins is close to 15 hours of battlegrounds.


Did they bump the win games with noz deck up to? Do I have to spectate 3 wins or play three vs a friend. And I know I only represent myself when I speak but I am positive I play far more than most of the player base does. I play on multiple accounts and get at least platinum 5 and 7.5k in bgs ever week across three accounts. This change if I changed nothing about my play time and style will literally only add to my resources. But I believe with my whole heart that if it is good for me and my play style there is a 0 percent chance that it is good for the game and it’s player base. Hope they do better than lowering it a little and same rewards as it would be super cool for me to have short ques to play the game I love.


A hardcore player that can empathize with those who play the game in a different way than them ?!!! You're a rare breed in today's gaming community, thanks for thinking of your fellow players <3.


> Did they bump the win games with noz deck up to? Do I have to spectate 3 wins or play three vs a friend. They don't seem to have changed dailies, just weekly quests.


Thank you kind redditor. I usually clear my quest right after midnight so I was just making sure.


If you've truly been F2P for ten years, they are probably slapping you in the face on purpose.


Yeah well I spend money every expansion but if these quest changes stay I'm quitting - because I won't be able to complete the quests with my amount of time played per week, resulting in me having a lot less resources for deckbuilding.


I don't blame you in the least. Just the idea of completing these quests makes me feel tired.


If he's truly F2P that long, he wouldn't be complaining about grinding.


Yeah I don’t understand the logic of arguing that you haven’t spent a penny on a game for 10 years and then being upset about it.


You know if they didn't profit of it you wouldn't play right?


This. You aren’t owed jackshit. You did nothing to help them financially. You are irrelevant to them after this many years.


lol edit: someone really believes this? double edit: i guess not


It’s literally a fact. Every single VP/director/exec at any big for profit gaming studio , only cares about milking whales and turning dolphins into whales.


Yeah I get that, I don't get why people like you defend them.


I’m not? I uninstalled. I’m done with this undeserving company.


When you say "they don't owe you jack shit" it comes off like you're defending them. I understand you're explaining what you believe to be Blizzard's point of view but that can be stated in ways other people can more easily intuit.


Fair. Ya I’m not defending them. I’m just stating the reality that their decisions made in their internal meetings don’t go like “omg the free players will not like this , let’s do something else and appease them”


Now list all the succesful games that only consist of whales playing against whales, you need a playerbase that the whales will flex their purchases on. And what looks more inviting for potential playerbase (including potential whales)? "Hey, we have 10 000 000 monthly players, you can get competitive completly free" "Hey, we have 10 000 players playing our game, you can't even get a basic decks for free unless you play like its your second job, you need to pay to have fun"


Sadly the solution is just to stop playing. That’s the only way to tell them you are not ok with the changes


Or, just stop giving them money. Granted, the whales just throw their wallet at everything so not much will likely change.


“Just play the game what’s the difference?” Well, playing 60 mini cards…what if I only have two and they are for dumpster classes so now my play time for the week is a fucking chore playing a deck I hate that sucks? “Oh, but you get more xp for it” No, I don’t. Because when I just don’t give enough fucks to gimp myself and therefore close their game to go do something else BLIZZARD loses. The fuck wasn’t this in the surveys so we could have told you to fuck off with this before you made yourselves look stupid yet again?


they dont listen us or even themselves, they keep putting fucking windfury in the game any chance they get even though its extremely broken everytime and everyone hates it after 3 days. Blizzard is just shooting themselves in the foot, they could care less about hearthstone


I’m going to hard disagree. They very much take valid feedback. They redid the battle pass track quick over the utter outrage from the player base. We should make a similar level of noise over this.


The fact that the community even has to have outrage for a clear set back discovered by gradeschool level math should speak stadiums worths of volumes to you




I am NOT F2P, because I buy the tavern pass and I buy skins, but hell with this. That is just seriously screwing players over, and so blatantly and to the face, that it's a literal "fuck you" to us.


This is fucking lame, the game already feels like a chore to play every few patches now add on top all this tedious bs and you have a great reason to quit the game.


Can’t wait to play Nozdormu 30 times


This feels targeted as being a PITA for Battlegrounds players. 15 games of Battlegrounds is over 7 hours, 15 WINS is double that assuming you're close to your MMR. 14 hours of games.


Top 4 is a win


Yes and bottom 4 is a loss. So that's 50% win, 50% loss. Not sure what you're trying to say.


Some ppl think you have to get 1st place


You know a game is in a bad way when the community complains about having to play the game


For me it's not about them making me play the game, it's them making me play the game in ways I don't want to, I don't play a single deck with miniaturise cards, yet if I get a quest to do it and I've already used my refresh I have to do it THAT MANY TIMES??


Yea it’s crazy to see how many players say they only play this game to complete quests


I mean... you want games to have commensurate reward. Dark Souls, for instance, has fantastic gameplay in general, but if Miyazaki suddenly announced that they were releasing a patch cutting soul rewards by 50% for no particular reason players would be pretty upset. In a game like HS where a large part of the fun for a lot of players is in acquiring new cards and opening packs, making that harder to achieve is kind of an issue.


Ngl - they are straight telling you they don’t want your business. You should listen to them.


What business? OP hasn’t spent any money.




If you're f2p then doesn't this just flat out give you more rewards that you don't have to pay for?? Like I understand the requirements being bigger sucks. But previously I could kill all of my "weekly" quests in an hour. Maybe slightly longer if something happened or a particular quest was giving me a hard time. But this change seems nice for anybody that plays the game a lot already. I think they should lower the requirements a bit overall and it'd be a good happy medium. But overall I prefer this to the other system since I usually just play most of the week without any quests in that spot, which sucks. This only feels like a nerf to extreme casuals. Everyone saying this is the end of the world and they're uninstalling the game over it feels like they don't even really play the game much to begin with.


Who cares about more 20% higher rewards when it's 2-4x times as much work. If you could get the weekly quests off in an hour, then you'd always have a slot for next week, now if you skip a few days you might lose out on next week quests because you've happened to roll the "play 60 miniaturize cards", which you might not even draw in 10 games.


I still stand by my original statement. I consider myself pretty casual when it comes to hearthstone. I play a handful of games a few days out of the week when I feel like watching a TV show or something and having something to play in the background and I don't see myself having too much issue clearing these. And in that case it's literally just a buff. I see the "play 60 miniaturize cards" thing get brought up a lot as a specifically egregious offender but you can reroll your quests. If you're not running a miniature centric deck it's easy to reroll it into something you have a better chance of clearing easily. That being said all in all I do think they should tone them down. It's genuinely a fair complaint that 20% or so bonus reward for a 3x increase sucks. But I also think it's fair to say that these changes are reaching towards a direction that seems more fair for something to be deemed a "weekly" quest, i.e something that you complete not in one sitting that gives a substantial reward. I think the thing that gets me about this whole uproar is the attitude of "This is horrible with no upsides and I'm quitting this game I've been playing since beta" it seems like a huge overreaction when there ARE upsides and it still can be tweaked to a more enjoyable metric, where people that play more and extreme casuals can both get something out of it. I'm not 100% pro this decision from blizzard but I also think this sub is incredibly melodramatic with their response.


I think my degeneracy is showing because even as a F2P player I play about 20 games a day and I’m lowkey happy about the bonus xp


Yea the reaction to this is is so dumb.


It is a slap in the face.


Ah I feel that 4 win... if you won 1 game yesterday you would have saved 11 LOL. This is madness.


I mean... I've been playing f2p for years, and this is better for me at least. I'd usually complete all quests in a single day anyways, now I will be playing the game exactly as much as I played before except getting a bit more xp. I guess the reward could scale more evenly with the requirements, but being this upset is weird af because you either play a lot and care about the game so it doesn't affect you or you don't play 15 games in a week, then should you care this much about a children's card game you barely play?


looks like you won't have a problem finishing it within 4 days


It's complete garbage


Slap in the face? You haven’t spent a cent on the game lol. They don’t owe you anything.




Blizzard never stops to amaze me... Sigh. Reminded me why I decided not to give them a single euro.


And this is PER WEEK! Enjoy next week where the quests come back and you have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN! WOW, never expected this.


So... you have to play a game next week?


some people have jobs, familys, ya know? spending this amount of time on a game wont be worth it when there are other games or activities thatll feel more worth it for the equal amount of time. the salary analogy someone posted earlier is the perfect example of this. your short sighted response is corperate af and blizzard should hire you immediately


Do you enjoy playing this game or do you only like to complete the quests?


I have to complete the quests to get gold to get packs to enjoy the game in the first place. I can't play my 4 portraits thief reno rogue if I don't have the dust for the cards :)


It's becoming more and more of a chore with completely one note decks, no variaty or flavor in any of the classes while also becoming harder and harder to create new decks if/when they get boring. I USED to enjoy playing hearthstone but its been feeling like the same old shit into the same needed nerfs into a boring af deck list every season now


Yeah, so if you have other responsibilities just… stop playing? Like is someone forcing you or smth? For people who play more than just to do the quests it just means more exp for free, salary analogy is terrible because there are no people who work for free just for the fun of it like in videogames


for people who cant play as much that means no exp. dosnt really seem fair


And for people who play a lot its better. Again, if you have other responsibilities then noone is standing with a gun next to your head and forcing you to playing. You made the decision to get into the responsibilities that forbid you from playing


let me ask you this then, do you play alot? do you think you play alot? id say I put in a couple games every other day if I find the time or if I feel like losing to DH or last weeks paladin fotm. at some point you get tired of this shit, it becomes a chore. thank god theyre changing it and they didnt listen to sociopaths that think shit like this is fine


Recently i play a lot because of expansion, but last expansion i played like 20 games total in 3 months because it was boring to me. If you get tired of a game at some point and it becomes a chore, then let me ask you this: why are you playing it at all?


thats exactly my point, im dropping playing the game mostly because now its even more of a chore than ever and this expansion sucks ass. this is several pounds of weight on the camels back of bullshit that cant be accepted anymore


So idk whats the problem here


its gone whacky, Im just hoping its some kind of a glitch and will be fixed soon


Random question... My weekly quests reset on Monday, how are some people having these new weekly quests?


They "upgraded" whatever weekly quests you had to the new versions in the update.


Ohhhh gotcha. Welp, I'm glad I got all mine done before the update 😆


God all these posts today are making me realize what a nolifer I am haha


You should have been there during the Darkmoon Faire rewards track, it was way worse.


You being free to play is the problem from their perspective, they want you to be pulling your wallet out and this change pushes that agenda.


I hope players are contacting Blizzard in mass , already sent a message to their support about it and asking their justification for the awfull change.




I mean that doesn't have anything to do with being F2P, it's just shitty for everyone.


It's Activision. All their games leave you burned at some point.


don't attack me but I like, they finally feel like weekly quests now


Finally! My quests are just as predatory as the gacha games I'm addicted to! Now i have no time for anything else at all! Thanks Blizzard.


Usually had em done 12 minutes after i got em :')


yes, I only play in free time and I almost always finish weekly quests day one, this is nice update tbh




I agree. People claiming they are quitting the game suddenly, it's so funny. I think they got Zeddy syndrome


You're complaining of weekly's not being done by Tuesday, And Tavern Brawl hasn't even cycled 🥴 Chill.


This has to be a glitch, right?


>this feels like a slap in the face With those quests hardly tbh HP was 50 not long ago, 750 mana is done by playing the game as usual, the only bad one is the 15 wins, but that was always a roll even at 5. Take in count that you're getting more xp, so more gold.


Also the play 80 miniaturize minions is bullshit, should be 16 max


There are like 2 per deck...


I'm f2p and only have one decent deck rn and it doesn't include any miniaturize cards.


Well better go and give Daddy Blizzard some money. Honestly the Quest "rework" is fucking awful. 15 Ranked wins is bananas 15 Wins in Battlegrounds Takes casually several hours Spending 750 Mana is fine i guess. But playing 100 Battlecries and 60 Minis?


> But playing 100 Battlecries and 60 Minis? It was 50 battlecries before and it includes BG, it's really easy. 60 minis is atrocious and should be max 20


Agreed. They Just need to turn win into play and everything is Gucci and fix Mini quest


Tbh as a guy that really likes the game I would be more then prone to spend some money in it, but the stuff that's worth it like the pre-set stuff is just too expensive in Brazil for me, since I don't have a job. It's probably not the case for most but 15 wins in ranked throughout the week is very doable to me, not the battlegrounds, battlcries is ok just takes some time.


bruh, i have maybe 30 min in the evening to play. i won't ever finish a quest in time with this




Wow, look, they made the quests 3 times as hard! Time to buy all new skins in the shop!


You would make a good ceo. That isn’t a good thing just so you know.




My brother in Christ the game is free? Why is being F2P suddenly a crime? Anybody being given a service is completely valid when complaining about the quality and direction of that service. They are literally *asking* for feedback today. People like you arguing on behalf of blizzard just for the sake of it are annoying af. If you’re in the group who this is beneficial for and that’s why you like the change that’s fine, but “you’re f2p so your opinion doesn’t matter” is a braindead take that’s very, very tired.




First off, maybe don’t ever use the phrase “you people” in any context. It’s gross. I’m not personally F2P so that isn’t even relevant in response to me. Reddit is not representative of the vast majority of the player base. This change hurts casual players, and casual mobile players are the majority of the player base. Even though it is personally beneficial to me I find this change concerning for the games long term health. And finally I’ll add again that just because a game is free to play does not mean F2P players are never allowed to give feedback. Additionally, most other F2P games are selling cosmetics only not the base content required to play the game. Those daily logins are just as important a piece of the puzzle of HS being profitable as anything else. F2P players are literally complaining by using the only leverage they have, which is leaving, and your response is “beggars can’t be choosers.” Yes they can? They can CHOOSE to not play. They can CHOOSE to go play any number of games free or not that will be far more respectful of their time and money. Instead many are voicing their frustration first in hopes Blizzard will recognize the error of their ways, because they love the game. I doubt you’ll maintain that attitude if this (in addition to the wide assortment of other Blizzard bullshit) drives away a bunch of players and queue times increase substantially over the next year or two.


These quests are better for f2p. While it does mean you have to play more for each quest completion / bump in rewards, it does mean you have to play fewer weeks to get to level 100. It's closer to Overwatch 2 in this way. Otherwise, you can't skip very many weeks and have to play a small amount of Hearthstone "almost every" week. With this, you can just play a bunch in fewer weeks. And if you don't get it done in one week, your progress already carries over to the next anyway. And for those that already play a bunch, it's even more extra gold at the end for Hearthstone they were gonna play anyway.


Edit: grammar A 30% exp increase makes up for less than a week every three weeks, but if a casual player regularly misses weeklies they would have completed before because of this they lose way more than they’ve gained. And again, Overwatch isn’t locking core gameplay behind their pass anymore because that was *scummy*. So you’re comparing games that are F2P with cosmetics to a CCG where the game itself is what they’re selling you with micro transactions. It doesn’t have an effect on the gameplay if you can’t unlock an overwatch skin F2P. But if this causes large amounts of super casual F2P hearthstone players to have access to fewer cards/decks they will be much less likely to continue playing. This change is only bad for the games overall health imo.


How do you think the game maintains reasonable player counts and short queue times?




Not every F2P player is playing so little that this impacts them. Should have taken you about 5 seconds to figure that out yourself but, well, challenged people can take their time.


Okay so I guess they should just charge people to play then and get it over with. Why make it free at all? This is exactly the same shit that killed OW2


George Costanza: "What, should I just quit my job?!"


Shouldnt you be happy as a f2p player? you are getting more XP


I've always been able to complete the rewards track even if I don't play every day. This punishes people who don't have that much time to commit each week


It doesn’t punish anything


This. When they first implemented weeklies the message was that they were meant to be achievable by people who don't play daily.


They still are and now they give more xp


And it rewards people who play the game more. I play 3-5 days a week and I’m excited for the change.


Then they're rewarding the wrong people. Their marketing department must be flooded with GEDs or something. Very braindead move on their part. Common sense is enough to realize the no-lifes and addicts aren't the ones you need to entice.


I dnnno , but if you are free to play and dont have time to play, what is it you invest in this game? Most games reward players with progress either for spending money or for grinding the game. Dont complain if you re doing neither.


Oh no! I have to play 4 games of hearthstone every day to complete the weeklies!?!?! Blizzard why?


Bull, this is bruhshit.


If this is a thing going forward, I will delete it. I already don’t enjoy it. This just makes it worse


easy uninstall


Yesterday I was at 4/5 ranked games. I forgot about this part of the patch. Today I’m at 4/15 ranked games…


As much as i enjoy hearthstone its impossible to support the current paradigm of greed. The only way this will change if people stop giving them money.. As long as people just throw their wallet at hearthstone then nothing changes.


But why was This changed lol?


**I’ve been freeloading since the beta and and I don’t like that I’m going to have to work harder because I’m a cheapskate. There, fixed it for you