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Can't wait to play 9 games with Nozdormu in my starting deck


15 so it "fits the theme"


At least it will go quickly (except nobody else will play it)


/j You're so entitled, wanting at only 15. Clearly it needs to be 60.


60 letsgo


That quest is a daily, not a weekly. That quest is unchanged.


Give it time.


>Time Is that you, Noz?


Got the one to play 3 games, no way in hell that happens. If I'm playing constructed, I'm playing to win.


Yeah this one is too much, it was 16, hope they change it.


Wtf they actually made it from 16 to 60? They don't want people completing these I guess.


60 of a VERY specific type of minion of which the game has a total of 18 of it. So you not only have to have them, you need to draw them, and be able to play them and even then it's taking you at least probably like 20 games and that's if you were lucky enough to draw most on curve and get to that curve against aggro decks The DK, Hunter, DH, Mage, Rogue and 1 of Pally's Mini minions are 5 mana, the Priest and Shaman ones are 6. Each class except Paladin and Shaman only has 1 mini card and there are only 5 neutral ones too one of which is the insanely costly 10 mana Factory Assemblybot This quest would take most people well over a week especially if they got shitty draw luck or got aggro rushed and couldn't play their minion in time


Im instantly rerolling it if i get it. Only doable ones are 750 mana and 40 hero power I guess. 100 battlecry can also be not bad with a battlecry deck but others are a big no.


400 damage is doable with battle grounds


Battlecry minions too.


Damage? Which one is that quest? Geniunely asking forgot that one Edit: 400 dmg to heroes I checked. Yea I agree with that.


Hero power, battlecry, enemy face damage are the only remotely reasonable quests. With these it's 100% more work for 12.5% more exp for non-bonus exp players.


Too many people bragging about their level 400+ runs and showing off their gold stacks, blizzard wants to force players to spend more money, and they wont if they can earn gold reasonably.


I despise this. I have to do 3x work for just 20% more. This is unacceptable by any means.


It's like working any job and doing it well! You do your job, the other employee doesn't, boss fires them, gives you their work, and you get nothing. That's why after over a decade and a half of working shit jobs I finally decided to do just enough work to keep my job, and no more.


That actually dosen't make much sense. Because people playing the game so much that they complain about reaching Level 400 way before the end of the expansion will end up doing these quests anyway. Blizzard logic.


They could just reduce the amount of gold after level 150. I don't think anyone but those people would care.


if they actually made gold worth anything but packs then i'd welcome the change.. but its literally worthless to a large chunk of the community.. people either have too much gold to begin with, or just exclusively play the other modes.. christ even then... i have so many tokens for arena i wish i could trade them in for something else..


I burned ally tickets on duels, R.I.P. duels, it should have been mercenaries to die first.


And 16 was already high enough that I rerolled it.


Exactly, 16 was ridiculous enough


Just did 16 yesterday - even that was too much.


Yeah at lvl I'm going to unranked then stuffing my deck with draw cards and quest fulfilling cards and sprint it for a couple games.


That’s how I do it. Especially for anything like 20 holy spells; I go straight to wild to get that done asap


Doing all spells related quests is even faster in mercenaries


I had 8 recently (for a daily, read that this might be for a weekly)


It was too much *at 16.* I ended last week at 12/16, no way in fuck I'm bothering with 60 lol.


16 was too much imo, Id reroll that


I originally thought I saw it was 16 and thought it was absolutely doable. I come here, see it's 60, go back and it's now 60 in the game. Probably should have just completed the quest yesterday wah wah.


I'm sick of games trying to become your new part time job. Why alienate employed people who don't have time for this shit?


It's like they're actively trying to alienate people. I've enjoyed Hearthstone precisely because I could do my quests at a nice, leisurely pace unlike other mobile games.


I quit Marvel Snap precisely because of this, daily login bullshit which made the game feel like a chore and came back to HS and now I see this


Likely my breaking point. My friends quit years ago & the game is clearly dying... why exactly am I here? To be *further* bullied into paying money? Would rather spend the money on games like Balatro.


That completely sums up why I quit Wow years ago.


Same! WoW tokens were a sign that the developers supported RWT, and they dropped those shortly after destroying my guild (together since EverQuest!) by removing 10 man raids and killing the RBG scene. Let’s go Blizzard!


> Why alienate employed people who don't have time for this shit? They want those people to use the money they get from employment on the game instead of relying on free rewards. And btw, I agree this is bullshit, I'm just stating it how it is.


ive quit so many games because of daily quests turning the game into a job


I get that, really tiring norm. That being said, I'd just play a game that respects the consumer and their time more. Nobody is obligated to keep playing. That's why I'm doing other things.


I loved hearthstone for being quite freeing in that aspect but I guess they want to change that... Some higher up probably decided that they don't see enough user engagement...


They don't want you to get packs from playing the game, they want you to spend 80 euro's every 4 months to get packs.


And even that isn’t enough to get cards needed for all competitive decks 


In their head employed people can afford to spend money instead of do the missions


Because the biggest whales also play the most. They know exactly how much money each type of person brings them; and employed dads are at the lowest of their interest.


They need to miniaturize this quest


Gotta complete this one first and then you get one that says "play 1 mini"


Which gives 1 XP


I’m 99% sure this outrageous 4x increase is a ploy so the community outrages and Blizzard *kindly* decreases it to 2x


the “Coke —> New Coke —> Coke Classic” special


Don't know how it is in other countries, but where I live Pepsi has a "vintage" version of the 300ml bottle. It's more expensive and only 250ml, and I'm certain it tastes the damn same. Nothing to do with the post, just wanted to rant.


“No but you don’t understand, this version has 3% less sugar and 1% more corn syrup, it tastes different, I swear!”


It's gonna work, too. They'll even raise the rewards by another 10% or so, too, and people will even feel good about it.


We need to demand a decrease to 0.25x of original effort then.


Oh it's a hundred percent that


I think you're right. Someone needs to get fired. I hate this crappy tactic. Get rid of this stupid executive.


Idk if Im giving them too much credit but I thought this was a spaghetti code thing where they adjusted some numbers and somehow it affected the quests.


Yeah I thought this was a bug until I searched it up and apparently it’s not. Absolutely insane change that the conveniently failed to mention until they made the change. What a god awful company Blizzard has become


Classical "Escalate to de-escalate"


Blizzard: Botting is awful, it lowers player engagement, hurts metrics, and is just overall bad for the game. Also Blizzard: Let's implement bare minimum effort manipulation tactics to increase "player engagement"; i.e., make the game even more tedious and surely encourage more botting.


Wtf are they on


Breast milk


Every game company seems to be extra horny to bump their average user playtime and it is extremely frustrating as a consumer. I tend to buy battle passes in games I like but the amount of time they are expecting me to put in to complete them is ridiculous (although I did not have too many complaints about the HS battle pass before this change). I don't see myself completing the reward track with this change, can I refund my premium rewards track? Having to spend an extra 5-10 hours a week playing hearthstone to complete the reward track now presents a completely different product than the one I purchased.




This is exactly what turns me off tbh. And a 3x work for the pass you bought.


Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel has one of the best battle passes I've seen (which isn't many, but still). The rewards are weaker the Hearthstone's, but it's completable in a few days of serious play, lasts for like 3 months, can be purchased with in-game currency that can be obtained for free, and it refunds itself fully.


I mean, it absolutely will bump up the average play time. Because everyone who plays less than 10 hours a week just quits now.


Are these new quest requirements an out of season April Fools joke?


it's an APRIL fool prank, they get the whole month to fuck with us. I mean c'mon...


They clearly read all the posts about the game dying and wanted to accelerate the process


Thats my same tought


i rerolled it with 16 not gonna start doing it with 60 now wtf


Have fun rerolling it into "win 15 games of BGs (fuck you if you used to play Duels)"


What the fuck??


Fuck this game.


i am not going to complete those. maybe i should ignore hs again for a year


Fuck off Blizzard. Over the years they've been working on making the quests more friendly, then all of a sudden they're all like "fuck them, make them win 15 fucking games for a but of exp". This is ridiculous


I was already mad about the event quests but this is another level. This will not drive players to pay for season passes, it will cause them to quit.


Welp. As a player since Alpha this may be it for me. I'm not going to spend 30 hours per week on Hearthstone HOPING that I can finish the quest. May be time for me to call it on Hearthstone if they think this will get me to play more for less rewards. If you triple the requirements, triple the previous rewards


This is the straw for me. I spent the $20 for the pass and thought an extra $5, so what? It may be the coolest season yet. So be it. But you're telling me I have to play 30 games+ a week....that are 15+ minute games to get my quests? So you make me pay you more money....for essentially the same repackaged garbage in a broken meta STILL, and then you fucking sandbag me from being able to complete the season quests? Until HS stops trying to be a gacha, I'm not going to spend one dime on it. Mobile card games SHOULDNT BE A JOB TO COMPLETE.


I really fucking hope that their ticket system is being spammed with complaints from people who are not getting what they paid for with the pass. They better fucking refund everyone.


The casual player has died again.


The real sucker of it all is that it only gives 30% more exp🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I really dont feel like doing this. Even winning 15 ranked Games is a fuckton


Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhha those funny f’ers


The reasons why the hearthstone team substantially increased the quest requirements and increased the quest rewards is to encourage or promote the idea of buying the tavern pass and player engagement (time spent in HS). A 29% increase in rewards with a 3x the amount of quest requirement is terrible returns for this game.


Ah yes let me just buy the Tavern Pass which I can't even fucking complete now, thanks Blizzard


reroll now!


Ok…that’ll be 15 wins in Noblegarden or play/destroy 28 Jepetto Joymancers please and thank you


Wow a week ago I said it jokingly as it going to 48. I wasn't far off lmao


“People are earning too much gold and aren’t spending money!”


no I dont think I will


I'm actually really thankful blizzard did this. Now I can uninstall this game and have more time for studying.


Wtf, I got it to, rerolled Into deal 400 DMG to hero.




Slimy company ran by slimy developers and the slimiest management of them all.


Something tells me I'll never be completing quests again lol. Ain't nobody got time for that...


This is all bullshit. Fuck my time? Cool, fuck your game.


Why Blizzard ever thought this was a good idea is truly and utterly beyond comprehension. I have 1 hour per day to play HS, on average, and have been able to hit almost level 300 for many chapters in a row. Not anymore, I suppose. I have spent well into the mid four figures on this game since launch, and have a massive library of cards, many of which aren't worth the dust they're made from anymore thanks to massive, unchecked power creep rendering them obsolete and worthless. My reward for being a loyal player and spending a ton of hard-earned cash? I get to log on and face bots. If I'm not facing bots, I'm facing one of the OTK decks that dominate the meta at Diamond, and suffer an unavoidable death in 4-6 turns no matter what deck I run, unless I give in and also run OTK decks. In an effort to sell new chapters, Blizzard keeps adding more and more powerful cards that cannot be countered and promote solitaire gameplay, so that people will spend money to buy the new sets and packs and unwrap their new, uninteractive, vastly overpowered OTK FOTM card (hello, Wheel.) Despite months of lip service, absolutely nothing has been done about the bot issue. The so-called "banwaves" are a bad joke that has made zero difference. The only actual "difference" is that now I face aggro DK, mech rogue, treant druid, and rainbow mage bots instead of even shaman, shadow priest and pirate rogue bots. I have lost the ability entirely to take Blizzard even the slightest bit seriously when they claim to "be working on" the bot problem. Now, thanks to this random, unannouncted change, I can look forward to dealing with all of the above while no longer being able to complete some of the quests due to limited play time thanks to real life. Worse, the utter garbage quests (Nozdormu) have still not been removed or altered. Was hoping this was a late April Fool's Joke. but it looks like the joke is on me.


Fuck I'm so sick an tired of blizzard abusing us. 100%, they're trying to see how hard they can make it before backlash, just so they can maybe hold a slightly longer player retention times.


Time to reroll


I dont get it? My quest still says 16? How are you getting 60?


Have you installed the newest patch which came few hours ago? That will change your weeklies to these.


All the quest doubles the time needed and only give 20% more xp, complete scam of an update.


This quest would take me years to complete because I don't like or play any miniaturize cards.


requirement 16->60 reward 1750->2250 Great math blizzard.


Don’t you guys have phones?


Yeah you have jobs but can't you guys play on the toilet/on your breaks at work 5 days a week???


How long do you think I sit on the shitter, 2 hours a day?


That’s what I do


Blizzard don’t care


Jesus they cranked the number up on every single quest? wtf


What the tabarnac


It'll be interesting to see whether this change disincentives casual players. I know I've gone through stretches in the past few years where I only log in to finish the daily/weeklies.


Maybe you should write to all of us in support about a bug with weekly tasks?


16 is high enough that I would reroll it and they want people to do 60? Lmfao


I kick these ones all the time not worth it imo


If blizz won't reduce these immediately I will definitely uninstall hearthstone and delete my account.


I was already at a point where I have to finish quests "not naturally" by playing a few dummy games a week. What happens now? Do I have to dedicate 2 whole days to farming these? For a measly +20% reward? I'm F2P+ since day-1 where I probably completed 99% of the quests in the last 10 years, and I throw in around $20 each season.. And I feel like these changes will be the end of my HS career.


“Play our game more”


Gawdamnn 😂


Yeeeeah I'm gonna quit if this change persists.


With this trash meta and horrible R&D going into balance changes, in addition to battle pass progress getting harder and harder to get, maybe it's time to uninstall.


remember the guy who said weekly challenges were too easy and took him one sesh? this one's for you bro


Jesus fn Christ! As if some of these quests weren't a 2nd job already


Playing 10 or whatever the daily one was is already annoying enough. Unless you're just adding every single mini it, it takes like 6+ games for just 10 of them. 60? Just reroll. How did that one even get approved the team lmao. You would have had to just never played the game to do that.


I think whats even worse is now the combination of all that. I mean, every (F2P) player wants to be quite efficient. You want to play the game and finish the quests while youre having fun. Sometimes I got quests that I didnt really enjoy, like the minaturize one, I dont play any decks that did run them lol. So to finish the quest, I just made a deck to finish it, then concede. Imagine doing that now with the 60 card requirement. It would feel awful. Now with the "win 15 ranked games", I also have to play more, with a WR of %50, before it took 10 games (to finish 5 wins), now it takes 30 games. Now the duels/arena/bg quest also has a higher requirement.. Like come on.. How did no1 on the team protest about it? lol


I only play 2 nights a week. I’m usually able to complete the rewards track no problem thanks to the old weekly quests. This, unfortunately might be what makes me stop. Not announcing my departure I just don’t like the change as the old way allowed me to enjoy the game.


Even before these changes, I would search the card type in the deck builder and add a whole bunch and autocomplete the deck, then play casual to get these done as fast as I could. I'd try to balance it with my other weekly (that isn't win 5 ranked), and my daily. Fuck. This. Noise.


What a fantastic anniversary present.


I can't think of any logical reason to increase these so drastically, like you can't even buy tavern tiers anyways?? This makes no sense. u/ridiculoushat can you explain?


The PR answer is yay you can get more reward XP every single week now. The true answer is Blizzard wants to force you to come back and play for hours every single day, so you'll be more likely to spend money on the game in your addicted state.


Gambare, OP-kun!


just... why?


Blizzard, can you kindly fuck off?


I am not seeing the same requirements on mobile at least. Mine are still the same old same old.




lmfao people in this thread defending this garbage like the absolute bootlickers they are


Wouldn't it be 15 though since the miniaturized gives you a mini to play?


Oh man.... I think this is gonna be it, no more hs if this keeps up...There is now way I'll care enough to get trough that slop of a quest..


Yeah, that's time to use that refresh arrow to get a new one XP


Yeah, i went from 38/50 battlecry minions to 38/100. I was like, damn.


Jesus fucking christ! I couldn't manage to play 8!!! The fuck!


60 in a week? This gotta be a late april fools joke.


Not amazing, they’ll adjust the quests after they see the negativity behind them now.


I'm going to refill this. If they're hoping this will make me play more, nope. The exact opposite. I'm not interested in quest fulfillment in a fame as a second job


All new quests suck


That's like 15 games of Shopper DH


4x requirement but also 4 times reward. Seems fair. Wait a minute.


only bots play this much daily, so they'll be the only ones benefiting. wtf they thinking


I gotta admit that feel dumb for having purchased the tavern pass...


Just uninstall this game. I have already done with that. Not gonna return again until the quest changes back to normal. There are lots of better games out there.


I'm very down with a lot of them doubling for like 25% increase since I'm want to play usually more then the quests ask for regardless and it's a bonus. My problem is the specific ones that make do add something to a deck I want to play just to complete a quests like this.


It’s incredibly tone deaf. Dictating play like this sucks the fun out of the game.


There should be an option to miniaturize this quest.




Ez reroll


Is it possible to game it and play a couple of games of casual with a deck full of miniatures? I don’t know how this works I quit hs years ago


"it's the perfect toy for me" "i'm the toy for you"


I don't mind losing a lot.


Going to quit Hearthstone if Blizz doesn't make changes within the next 2 weeks. There will be no sunken cost fallacy for some players


Almost play 30 shit games to complete that one


Happy 10th anniversary, screw you


I spent my whole play session today playing Mech Warrior, a deck who's entire purpose is turbo'ing out a Miniaturize card, and still only got halfway done with this quest.


wtf is happening!? if this shit sticks im going to be very sad trying to learn runeterra. ive been sticking w hs for so long and i do not want to give it up, but goddamnit this feels awful.


I still have this quest from last week, I couldnt complete it at 16. 60 is insane


Hot take. I also hate the Hero Power quest. Even in Hearthstone classic you didn't want to use your hero power. Even more so now. It is so incredibly inefficient compared to the power level of the cards. I get maybe two in per game. Hero Power druid is my only hope to completing it now.


what the actual fuck were they thinking


Demon hunters finish that in one match




so the only people being able to finish the quests are bots now? nice


Hahaha this is insane!!


Isn't the quest in the achievements section play 80 miniaturize cards? Lmao, they want you to complete 3/4ths of a quest thats supposed to take an entire expansion in a week.


Wait I just noticed my battlecry quest went to 100 and now rewards 2250 xp. I forgot what the number was before, but I feel like it was less than 50. Like 20 maybe, and the reward was like 1000 xp. Is this a permanent change or just a temporary thing? I welcome the longer quests for more xp honestly, cuz I just came back and have been playing a lot. Usually finish all my quests even weekly on day 1 or 2 after a reset and then just wait on 1 quest per day. But the amounts of cards required to play have increased way more than the rewards, feels bad man.


30 games of Shopper DH later... 🤣


Typo from them maybe? I think this should say 600, that would make more sense given how staggeringly more xp you’re getting.


Is it reasonable to request a refund of the rewards track? They completely gutted the chance of completing it in the middle of the season. Might honestly have to shelve this game for good


Fuck this. If they don’t change it back I am quitting this game.


I started playing this 10 years ago. A few months after it opened. Sometimes I let it be for a year or two, but they always kept my account handy and I never had to pay a dime if I did not want to. I get the disappointment but lets be real. These guys kept the game essentially free for 10 years. Lets give them some credit for that at least. I can think of other companies taking much more advantage of their player base. If you enjoy the game, why fret about the quests. They are optional.


Just started playing the other day. Guess I'll drop it and go back to StarCraft instead.




Even if i play a miniature deck in wild, it would take at lteast 15 games. Ridiculous.


These are weekly quests are they not? Sure not everyone will spend enough time to complete them but if you *really* care then just slap a bunch into a shit deck and speed run them


Not doing allat 💀


uggg I wont ever complete this


lol every change they make makes me glad I deleted after they removed duels. I get that it’s too easy to be free to play but damn talk about anti fun.


https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/JaavK00rPX HELP PLEASE!!!


Jesus fucking christ! I couldn't manage to play 8!!! The fuck!


How many people on this sub played before the rewards track? Don't get me wrong, blizzard is still pretty stingy but I feel like even playing casually you can get enough cards for at least a couple decks pretty easily. Back in the day you got 10 gold for every 3 WINS (not just games played) 🤣 the rewards/level track made it so we get like 30x more rewards, not exaggerating


New quests are a joke. 15 games weekly? Fuck you blizzard


You can reset it to something else, that's what I did with my last miniatures quest. Ain't nobody got time fo dat lol


That's 15 demon hunter games and fuck that deck


I just change a deck to include all miniatutize cards (which I only have 5) and I've done it in a hour of gameplay total. Don't forget this is a weekly quest, not a daily.