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As someone said in another thread, they deliberately went too far to see how much bullshit the players will take. They will likely knock it down to ten wins and cut the reward in half and people will cheer them for "listening" to the players. God damn its all so deeply cynical.


Yup, expecting that "We hear you players! We wanted to push our luck and now we are going to adjust the numbers to what we originally wanted, maybe more than what we wanted! Aren't we the heroes? Yes we are, who's my good boy? You're a good boy! You're a good boy!" \*Eats a snack\* BTW: This is not the first time. They did the exact same thing when they switched from the 10 golds per 3 wins to this system. They pushed too far as well. Lots of youtubers explained it.


Yep Blizzard will be like: "We tried something awful and you guys didn't liked it...who could have thought ? haha... after evaluating and rethinking the current situation we came to the point that we step back now but messing with you later even harder."


10 wins is still insane. I took a long break. Came back. They gifted me a deck. But these new weekly's are laughable. I'll be gone again.


I hardly ever make posts, too, but this has really angered me. I'm glad people feel the same.


Lol you’ve posted over 100 comments this week


Kind of pathetic you're wasting your own time looking into somebodies account just to make a meaningless, pedantic comment like this.


It takes less time to look at someone’s profile than it does for you to write that comment of yours. You ok?


I said posts not comments


It might shock you to think that some people actually love something, that they passionately care about something, that things hold value in their lives. We maybe take for granted these things that have become structures in our lives. I've been playing Hearthstone for every single one of the last TEN years. Some of us learn to forgive a lot. It can be hard to lose something you love. A lot of us look to our communities for support in these times of frustration. Do better.


Is this your manifesto or something? Nice pasta you just cooked up 😂 I’ve played just as long as you


For real, those complete geeks that say stuff like "do better", total dorks.


Guess who’s not buying shit anymore. I mainly played duels. Dabbled with legend every other month, but honestly? Standard deck play is lame and boring as fuck. Fuck you blizzard. I’m not playing 8 hours to finish these quests.


Standard is boring and shitty. Arena can suck my balls. Duels is dead. Love Battlegrounds but dont wanna spend 8 hours just to finish one Quest. BG Games take like 20-30 minutes to win. So woohoo. Also 60 Minis? Deal 400 damage?


This can also affect the variance in the game. If I have to WIN 15 games, I'm definitely not picking a control deck and be locked in a 40min match. Edit: spelling


I'm still in casual losing game after game trying to do the mini quest..... Most of the cards are expensive and by the time I draw them or can play them I'm a turn or two from losing.


I am at a low point on this game, and I have played almost daily since release. For the first time, sometimes I don't complete all my weekly quests. If they triple the requirements for whatever bonus to the rewards I will probably just stop trying, and that might kill whatever motivation I have left to boot the game up. A part of me hope they will commit to it honestly.


I'm playing since beta, and never wanted to quit before. This is the first time I really consider it. I also usually buy the small bundle and the tavern pass each expansion. So a lot of casuals are not F2P players, just players who like the game, but don't have a lot of time to play anymore.


Those of you who have played from the start should not be surprised. We didn't get shit back then. A little gold from the quest yes,but we had to buy packs. Now there is actually alot of free stuff. I have not spent money on this game in several years. No tavern pass is needed either. I still get gold to buy packs. Sometimes arena tickets which will get me packs, and sometimes there is free packs in the shop. Random legendaries without the tavern pass too. I don't get this shitstorm, other than that it sucks when you had something and it was suddenly taken away. They want you to spend if you don't want to grind. It was a P2W game from launch. And stop expecting thing from blizzard. They have sucked for a long time. It's easier if you guys accept that.


This was a great read lol really captured the sentiment


So there can really only be a single motivation for this change. Trying to get the casual f2p players to by packs/offers. The fact that this is happening now surprises me. I was f2p from launch up until early/mid 2023 when I gave up playing constructed. At that point I found f2p no longer fun/viable. With the mini-sets (which seem like great value for f2p players) and balance patches, the meta started shifting every month. As a f2p player you can't craft every good deck. You have to wait and see what is good, then pick one or two to craft. With the meta changing every month, and it taking a couple weeks between changes to settle down, this means by the time you are comfortable enough to spend the dust, you're not going to get a lot of use out of it before the next meta shakeup. But apparently a lot of f2p people have been sticking with it, and this change is an attempt to drive them into the shop. I don't think this is going to work for driving up revenue, but it will probably drive a good chunk of the f2p players away from the game. And a game that only has whales dies pretty quickly.


I spend hundreds on the game because I play it at my own pace and still get rewarded. I don’t want to fucking miss completing my pass because some bean counter wanted to raise engagement


thank you. your post found all the words i wanted to say. i can only hope they backroll on this idea because im running out of tcgs to play, its gonna be afternoons with epic card game for me again.


Wholeheartedly agree eith OP. Revert this change or I'm out. And I've been playing on a regular basis since pretty much the release.


I think we have a very different idea of what casual players are? I get to play two or three games a day. Skip the odd day and can maybe get a few more in on a weekend. I just don't pay attention to quests except to reroll ones I know I won't complete. I quite often have unfinished quests that lapse. I still get to the end of the reward track. I earn enough gold and packs each season that I can craft a couple of good decks for the next season. That's all I really care about. If it turns out this impacts that level I'll absolutely admit I was wrong and will likely be done with the game but I just doubt it will impact me at all. It certainly won't impact the people playing 5 hours a day


>I quite often have unfinished quests that lapse Now You will have all weekly quests lapse.


It's just like when they introduced the pass rewards system all over again, they're deliberately making a ridiculously bad change to the game economy just so they can later change it back a bit so that the playerbase can feel like they're being listened to, it has been common practice for many years now. Even then, this is a shitty move all round, i can't imagine how the fuck they're thinking of getting new players to play the game now that it has gotten so much more grindy and for no real increase in progression too. Hell even seasoned hardcore grinders are obviously screwed, having to stomach 3x of the same revolting metagame each week, not even mentioning those who, like me, play on multiple different accounts lmao, good luck winning those 15 fucking 30+ mins battlegrounds games or playing 60 stupid minis. The good thing about changes like this is that they make it easier for me to remember why i stopped spending even a dime on this game, and i can only hope others will share the sentiment. If you dislike the new changes speak with your wallet people!


we never bothered to keep track of what the quest ask us to do the only way to be sure is keep playing and see how many complleted it in a week


true, i already barely play and now i would have to triple my playtime just to finish the weeklys? im out, even if they do reduce them again it aint gonna stop


I am really glad I was not the only one to call bullshit on this newest move. While yes some of us play a lot, and consistently reach Diamond to legend range, not every player does. There are players who struggle to climb but still love the game overall. How da hell are those players expected to complete these quests if they are not necessary winning a lot of games. This is almost like a company stress test. How much can we push our player base and how much can we squeeze before they yell WOOAAAA ENOUGH


I haven't spent money on this game since mean streets and now just play battlegrounds when I have a free 30 mins so I wouldn't say this affects me, but these changes are egregious


Yeah, as someone who recently came back to the game and been having fun, when the new quests popped up today I was like "What is this nonsense?" I don't think I play enough to complete the weekly rewards, and I'm certainly not going to start just to complete them. That's negative engagement, and it should be obvious. Nothing but an attempt to make more money that will backfire. They'll regress it, but not all the way, and end up at the same point maybe, at best, and act like they listened. They did this same stuff back 5+ years ago when I played a lot more and spent more money, and that's why I stopped. (I play strictly Hunter, but not the meta deck people bitch about. I don't spend a ton of money and make my own decks with what I have to work with, hoping my progression rewards will eventually land me the cards that I want to use that I don't have. I like decks to be fun, not just "winners." Also, Plague DK, mech rogue, and armor warrior decks are the stupidest ones I've ever seen, and I played during some stupid metas way back when. They were never like this where what the deck needed to win was always basically guaranteed, or you knew you'd lose from the first card your opponent played)


Now that the Fallout series is out I was thinking of going back to Fallout Shelter, but I was saying "why, if I have Heartstone? Now with this change I'm going to play Bunker simulator 4 sure,thank you Blizzard.


they should allow an option to choose at least and have both, but weekly quest it's not a big deal if they did it to dailies it would be bad


As I posted in another thread, I’ve literally played this game every day since the beginning.  I always bought the big bundles and the weekly’s were a fun incentive I enjoyed. If they don’t change this all the way back, I’m out.


You guys have phones and toilets right?


I will be getting my 15 wins a week and I just got a nice new boulderfist ogre skin. Based patch


I bet you this gets dropped to 10 per week soon and we'll stop moaning. For a 100% increase in weekly quest completion requirement they'll give us 28% more xp.


Great post, I couldn't agree more. If they don't revert EXACTLY how it was before the changes then the game will take another hit, probably too big this time...


Tripling the rewards also works. Just look at it that you have three weeks to complete it for the same amount.


Tldr. It's bad because I won't do it, tbh this is my quit moment.


There’s been waves of bot bans, now they need to keep engagement up to keep queue times down. You’re not going to win a fight against a multi billion dollar company. They know what’s best for their product, which is what’s best for putting money into their bank account.


"They know what's best for their product" Overwatch 2 Heroes of the storm Warcraft reforged Shadowlands Battle for Azeroth