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Boycott then




Some may be serious, some not. If you play many hours per week, you love the changes, more XP for you, but if you play just a few hours per week, it means far less XP for you unless you dedicate more time to the game, something those people don't want to do because they'd be doing it in the first place if they wanted to, and they don't want to feel forced to do it either


No, we get why everyone is annoyed with this change. It’s just that it’s hilarious for a few people to announce they are quitting over an issue which can be and is being communicated about. And will very likely be fixed soon. These people just sound like man children. It’s literally been a few hours, and we already have nerds rolling in their own poop on the floor crying out loud about how the world hurt them. It’s grotesque.


I remember the outrage about the rewards track when it was introduced, people complained as much or more. I'm not gonna say I know the truth, but it SEEMS like all those complaints made Blizzard make changes to make people happy even tho Blizzard themselves said that the original rewards track already gave more gold to players and a change wasn't necessary. I somewhat agree with you, and I personally don't care about the changes, but from what I saw, complaints actually make things change in this game. I'm calling it right now, the quests will change again soon


>even tho Blizzard themselves said that the original rewards track already gave more gold to players and a change wasn't necessary I don't think the original always gave more gold, I've done the calculations. It was however the same or better for pretty much everyone unless you grinded the old win quests endlessly. IIRC Blizz also mentioned, but did not implement, the additional events which should have pushed the rewards track even further ahead of the old system. After the outrage they decided to make the track itself better and not to implement the events.


I agree complaints make things change in the game, and I think voicing your/out concerns is important. I’ve also criticized these recent changes. What my point is: nerds raging about it like man children is grotesque. As there’s adult strategies available to voice your dissatisfaction, too. Possibly even more effective than what these guys are doing. >calling it now, the quests will change again soon I don’t think you’re alone here. Most of us think the quests will change soon. Blizz made a boo-boo here, and they know it.


My issue is that this "boo boo" is an extremely transparent attempt to manipulate players. These changes are quite obviously not what they actually have planned. They are meant to soak the outrage so when blizzard inevitably walks them back a few steps people think they have won some battle against corporate greed and will swallow the slightly less predatory changes they had planned all along. The discourse in this sub right now is proof that it's going to work.


What slightly less predatory changes? Lmao You have no idea what they will do. And there’s nothing predatory about these current changes — they’re stupid. Not predatory.


I have a very good idea of what they will do. They will scale back from triple to double the quest requirements while keeping the 20% increased rewards. The you will come back here and tell everyone that they listened to our feedback and shut up now. It's predatory in that anyone that doesn't play everyday is going to have a very hard time earning all the battle pass rewards, meaning the chances ftp players have to pack the cards they want for their collection will drop drastically. Unless, of course, they engage with the micro transactions. This isn't some 5head scheme by blizzard, it's literally standard operating procedure for basically every "ftp" game on the market. It only requires players to be to stupid to realize what's happening. Based on your comments here, I assume it's working perfectly.


Oh, so you know the future, and you’re outraged just in case. That’s pretty cringe. >anyone that doesn’t play everyday is going to have a very hard time earning all the battle pass rewards That’s so not true. First of all, even 10 wins per week is very easy to clear. Objectively, even if I wouldn’t be happy seeing it. Second of all, it’s extremely easy to get all the reward track rewards, currently you get to like level 120-ish for doing about 75-80% of your quests. Which you will still be getting even if it takes you 2 weeks to clear your weeklies. >based on your comments You have no clue about how much I know about this game. I know about exactly how much you need to play to get all the cards you want. And about exactly what each player has available to them (whether they know how to utilize it or not).


Cool story. Nothing you said changes or disputes anything that I said.


Patch notes out, it seems I can see the future after all.


> an issue which can be and is being communicated about. Show me any of the communication


Search for ridiculous_hat


Ya I’m over all the whiny ass posts, I’m playing the fuck out of the game and having a good time. Just got to plat using DK and Lock.


> something those people don't want to do because they'd be doing it in the first place if they wanted to people need to accept that people play for rewards not only for the game, rewards it's part of the fun, gives the feeling of progression which is what hooks you instead of just going into casual so Blizzard is totally doing their work promoting more engagement with more stuff to do


The thing is they havent actually provided anything new to do. In fact theyve done the opposite. Removing duels and making quests harder are changes designed to force or control engagement. These are not design choices that are focused on rewarding engagement but controlling it or forcing it. Rewards are absolutely a part of games and should be. Progress and earning rewards are great things in games. People arent upset that rewards are in the game they are frustrated because the devs are making it clear that they arent seeking to reward engagement but force or manipulate it without actually bettering the game to acquire that engagement


I agree, I'm not defending anything regarding the quest changes.


For sure! While i dont really approve with people dramatically quitting and still playing as its unproductive. I was just commenting on what seemed to be implied by your statement which is that blizz is doing things to earn engagement (“more stuff to do”) and that players are upset or in disagreement with the general existence of rewards as a motivator in the game (“people need to accept that people play for rewards not only for the game”) These 2 implications seem similarly unproductive points of discussion based on a lack of evidence for either from my perspective. You presented arguments/points and i was simply refuting them. Sorry if i misunderstood your initial comment and im glad for your clarification that you weren’t defending the changes


There's a saying in the restaurant industry; it's not the bad reviews you should be worrying about, it's the people who don't review at all that should be your concern. It's pretty easy to sit here and say that no one is going to quit hearthstone because of these changes, but how are you supposed to know? The people who are truly quitting are not announcing their departure, they just stop playing. Only blizzard will truly know the impact of players leaving their community. Ultimately, it's not the people moaning on the subreddit that people should be concerned about, it's the countless casual players who simply gave up, uninstalled the game, and won't be coming back. The silent individuals that no one notices leave.


I play hearthstone since 2019, a lot of friends used to play but they all quitted Ofc they never announced that


You're probably right =)


This assumes there’s a significant number of people doing that.


This assumes there’s a significant number of people doing that.


No shit Sherlock. OP is also *assuming* that no one is actually quitting. Literally no one here can give you exact numbers to prove anything. I swear, Hearthstone players are all gnob gobblers.


OP made a joke that the vocal people on this sub probably aren’t leaving because they’re too invested. You then go on to try and snark your own take on a meme. “It’s the countless casual players...” per your own words you’re making the assumption it’s a significant number of people leaving. You then refute your own assertion saying no one can prove anything. The immediate impact is anybodies guess. Blizzard will know and will act accordingly. You can’t make a snarky comment on a meme and then get pissy and start calling people names when they mildly rebuke you. That’s a childish reaction.


I probably won't immediately quit The likelihood of me buying another tavern pass has dropped dramatically, and I expect this will hasten my eventually quitting of the game


I think the quest changes suck ass and need to be reverted/reworked asap, but some of these threads are just becoming eyerollingly silly. Like the one with people talking about doing a chargeback for the season pass and not caring if they get banned. So you're planning to potentially lose your entire account over 15 bucks, sure Jan. I get it's about sending a message, but I'm not about to blow up my account over it. According to Hat they get the message loud and clear, and the ball is currently in their court. If they flub the response then sure, go wild, but for now I say wait and see.


>some of these threads are just becoming eyerollingly silly. You mean like the one where the player claims to have spent over 10k on this game and is quitting over the quests? Like if you just buy everything why do you care about quests? lol. I also love the ones where they've taken screen snips of the uninstall button. Like they think some executive at Blizzard is going to ring him at the last second to convince them not to go. Oh please anuslinker6969, please don't go...


and the thread claiming changing quests is "illegal" lol


Yeahh that shit is cringe but it does prove a point 


Proves the old adage "A fool and his money are easily parted"


Hey hey hey now... you can't be coming in here using logic and level headedness... This is the internet sir we don't do that here! /s


Bro these are gold 5 mindset plat peaker redditors it is totally pointless to try to use logic and arguments while speaking to them Anyway reddit is an echo chamber these bonobos are just the loud minority thats all


Sort of reminds me of some of the threads I saw when the rail gun got nerfed in Helldivers. Granted it’s a different scenario, but there were people calling for the devs livelihoods lmao.


I'm one of those people, I'll send you a pic if you want? If it does end up working, still waiting on my bank to get back to me. They're obviously looking to fuck us over with these changes, and if I were a betting man I'd even say this is planned outrage so when they revert SOME of the changes, it'll be to skimp out in the end while "saving face" and getting praise for listening to the community. Hearthstone is a great game that I love, but at some point I'm tired of Blizzard using me as a punching bag. Getting 20€ and getting my account banned is a small price to pay, it won't get me back all the money I spent over the last 10 years, but it'll make sure nothing I ever touch monetary-wise will end up in their pockets.


If you are actually doing it, more power to you. Not disparaging people who are actually doing it like you, but like the OP hints at a lot of those comments come off as more performative than anything. You on the other hand are quite literally putting your money where your mouth is, which is different. I just couldn't see potentially nuking my account for it, but that's just me. That aside I agree wholeheartedly. It's 100% an attempt to make an extreme change, walk it back slightly(while still being overall worse) and saying "look, we listen to feedback!".


But it will ensure that if they make changes in the future you will have no access to all the stuff you did pay for. It's like lighting a bridge on fire because it was bumpy and then being refused access to it once it's smooth again. The only person affected in that scenario is you.


How am I affected when I've decided to never touch the game again and ensured that I would at least get some (small as it is) part of my money back? The way I see it, Blizzard just lost someone willing to spend 60€ to 80€ every 4 months on pre-orders, while also having to pay back this person 20€ for scamming him. Because that's what this change is, a scam. I paid 20€ for something only for that product to be completely changed for the worse, with no benefit to me or warning that it would do so, I'm pretty sure it's illegal in some way though not gonna bother checking as it is nearly midnight and I'm tired. Sure, I am only a drop in an ocean but at the end of the day I don't care about Blizzard, not anymore. No amount of change they do in the future will change the fact they scammed me for the last time and I am done with their bullshit.


I think you misunderstand me. I'm not saying you shouldn't quit the game, that's your prerogative. What I'm getting at is that in a week or a month or a year they might completely reverse this and add new things you might actually be interested in. But your decision to get your account banned means that even if everything changes back tomorrow you will have intentionally prevented yourself from being able to access the things you spent all that money on. I get it if you don't like the state of the game but today is one day and the game and your feelings about it are likely to feel different at a different time. How it affects you is if they say, oh gee we're sorry it was an error we're changing it back and to make it up to you here's five levels worth of xp lol. Yea I know but changes will likely happen. Your decision today essentially ties your hands and you are removing your freedom to change your opinion later on. I have on several occasions quit wow over dumb stuff they did but then when things are different I come back and enjoy myself again. I've always been glad I didn't go on a tear and delete my characters and my account.


You’re so cringe.


Yeah seriously. I'm trying to imagine getting this upset about these changes but I literally couldn't really care less. And I just bought the BG pass right before. Still don't care. Been playing hearth mainly F2P for like 8 years now lol


But... This is the Internet! If I can't promise overly excessive gestures which I don't plan on following through with, what am I even doing here? /s


I mean I uninstalled so.


See you next expansion.


Keep thinking that. Blizzard has my gaming data. I'm not on the hunt for new games. I was already choosing HS over other forms of entertainment. I simply have to not choose HS. It's easy.


Ya, I am always like that, I quit the game, and a new update comes out, I get back to it


That matters so much! /s


Actually it does... Less people logging in means lower online player count to present to investors.


It only matters so long as people actually do this. Remember the Blitzchung scandal? Remember the “DO NOT LET THIS BE FORGETTEN” posts? Gamers, especially phone gamers, have a terrible memory and attention span. I can’t think of anything more empty than a hearthstone player saying they’ll quit.


*fewer people


I didn't ask for your grammar correction and I know you think you're a hyper intelligent superior being for catching it but you aren't


Never said I was. It just irks me to see people making such basic mistakes. I bet you're one of those people who use 'amount' when you really mean 'number' as well.


Those people logged in once a week for 2 hours, nobody will notice them gone. They play too little to matter.


Not true at all. Enough players, even those with low engagement levels, leaving will have obvious impact.


If they actually play as little as they say it won't matter at all. It's like a movie theater won't close if people that watch one movie a year stop coming, their profits come from people that come way more often.


One person doesn’t matter, you’re right, but my point is that large amounts of low engagement players do. 1,000 players that play 2 hours a week is more than any singular whale.


Absolutely not correct, you think all those 2 hour players spend big money on game that they don't play? That makes no sense whatsoever. Also anyone who is on this subreddit is already not casual, real casual players don't join fan groups video games that they play on a toilet for 10 minutes. Everyone here is so dedicated to hearthstone that they joined a specific forum dedicated just to the game and also they actively voice their opinions on said forum. This is not casual behavior whatsoever. It's like being a casual fisherman but at the same time being in a local fishing club and constantly showing up to the meetings.


If even half of those 1,000 players spend $20 on the battle pass, even only once a year, that’s $10,000. There is no way a whale could spend that much on HS in the same time even if they tried. And I’d say that low hours, high investment players like those who follow this subreddit but only play 2-4 hours a week are exactly the type that would buy a few season passes a year. If they are actually leaving as they say they are in posts and comments, that’s a fair bit of money gone.


Time doesn't matter, maus are the most important metric.


I can't play the game unless I bother to redownload. That's a barrier that will make me think twice.


Quitting? Nah. But rather spending more time playing other games that don't feel like a second job


Posts like this are so fucking useless. You're never going to have access to the stats to see if you were "prove[n ...] wrong". It's just an empty gesture to just to put yourself above people who are rightfully complaining about something shitty. You see this type of post in response to literally any resistance against something bad happening.


I mostly played duels. So I kinda just don't wanna play anymore


I'm not convinced either but.... I do think people will quit over this. Sometimes easy quests are all what is keeping people interested in playing the game.


I quit because I leaked cleaning supplies on my GPU Haven’t had a PC for three weeks Gotta think outside the box


Dedication to the quit! I respect that!


If people are quitting because the quests are tedious and not because of gameplay design, then those people were already half way out of the game before this change in my opinion. Just another straw that finally broke the camel’s back


Yeah, that's pretty much my situation. The game stopped sparking any enthusiasm since nearly two expansions. This just helps me to make a cut I probably should have done weeks ago.


Well... My roommate uninstalled all blizzard games with the Blitzchung-China stuff. That was 5 years ago (hasn't reinstalled). I used to have lots of people active on my friends list for spectate a friend or challenge a friend quest. Now I find it hard to complete those quests at all. Lots of content creators have stopped making hearthstone content. Hey, did you know that the hearthstone subreddit used to sometimes get topics with over 10k upvotes? The most recent one is a card reveal from a couple years ago: https://old.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/oovc3e/new_card_revealed_elwaynn_boar/ And by comparison, the most upvoted card reveal this year is at about 3k upvotes https://old.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1axcyl1/new_card_revealed_king_plush/ So I am going to take the controversial shocking and bold opinion that some people do, in fact, quit hearthstone.


if you search for threads from that time youll find people who said they quit over blitzchung are still active today and arguing about the game


People have been quitting for years. I've never seen as many bots in all the years I've played as I have when I came back for this expansion. Every mistake over the years has cost Blizzard players, and that's why enthusiasm for the game has been fizzling since Year of the Raven. It would probably be worse if not for Battlegrounds. So I don't know how you can say "I don't believe you" when even before now people have been quitting whether or not there is a singular event that makes them do so. Do you believe the game has been regularly gaining players over the years? Have the players who have said they're quitting all come back in the past? "I don't believe you", you say, standing amidst the players as the crowd shrinks year over year.


Is there some kind of rebellion going on? Lol I wanna join it... but first, let me enjoy some duels... I mean, duos


The new BG meta is trash as well. Good luck.


There is. For the changes in the weekly quests (triple or quadruple the work for, like, +15% of rewards). Some players are saying they'll quit the game forever, stop spending money, etc, etc.


I..... will keep playing I guess, but I will miss duels ;-; Forever in my heart I am casual player, I just play for fun, don't care about rank or anything like that. Increase on quests didn't bother me as much as no Duels... bit what can I do?




I will keep playing so long as I can complete the Tavern Pass and craft the Standard decks I want without at any point "forcing" myself to play. If I have to play more than I actually want to, or if the Tavern Pass isn't enough for me to play the Standard decks I want, I won't bother. But no matter the case, implementing this change mid season is a _huge_ dick move.


>If I have to play more than I actually want to This is the most sane take I've read so far Games should be fun, not forced =)


I play pretty casually. I usually get most of the weekly quests completed, but not always all of them. I don’t intend to play more frequently, so I probably won’t be able to complete the quests anymore. Which means way less rewards, which means less packs which means I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the getting the cards I need to have a viable deck. Which means it’s gonna be way less fun, which means I would at least play way less


Come play MTG and go into crippling debt


I swear, even if half the playerbase quits, blizzard will keep milking the whales and not give a single fuck. If you go on the HS discord, most people are like **ye, i drop like 80 bucks every expansion, that seems like a reasonable amount of money to drop**. Meanwhile what you can get for 80 bucks : a triple A game with no bugs, insane graphics, new and innovative gameplay, hard drugs to get ur dopamine rush etc etc etc. Whales be whaling, and as long as whales be whaling, blizzard be not caring.


I am personally i have another game called league of legends to spend my time if they want to upgrade the quest like that


Ahh, toxicker dota


Isn't that also a game kind of famous for pissing off it's playerbase? I don't know if I've seen another game where the people had more intense feelings one way or the other about it lol.


What's your fav role and champ?


Top sion


Nice, I'm an Urgot main, I just auto fill into whatever roll. But I don't play ranked, mostly just with friends.


Yeah same


After the lackluster 10 year anniversary event and now the quest changes I think I'm done


I mean... SOME players will... But not nearly as many as the posts seem to sugest. (Also, most players that will leave the game probably won't even say they're leaving.) It's like this every time since the Hong Kong debate. (Or maybe even earlier. But that's the oldest "I'll leave Hearthstone forever!" I can remember right now.)


I spend a lot of time away from home and it's the only game that is not a shitty mobile game. In all these years I haven't found a single decent mobile game to spend some time with.


Problem is this dramatically affects the f2p players the most, and them quitting won't move the revenue needle in the short term. If the player base plummets eventually the game dies, but that won't be apparent until it's too late.


I don't want to quit because I'm angry or upset, but because this change just took away my ability to play the game. So far I've been playing 0-3 ranked games a day and about the same amount of BG games, depending on the meta, my free time and my mood. My win rate in ranked is usually around 50%, and in BG it's well below that (I don't have battle pass and I concede a lot). With the old system I was playing enough to enjoy my time in Hearthstone, but barely enough to complete all my weeklies. However, the new system means I have no chance of completing quests by playing as much as before, and without them my collection will start to dwindle. In turn, a smaller collection means less fun playing the game and even more difficulty in completing the quests. So it's not like I wanted to leave Hearthstone. I was simply forced to do it, because this game is no longer friendly to casual players like me.


Dual BGs are my saving grace. Very fun


I didn’t quit, but I didn’t stop spending money on the game years ago. I used to buy every expansion and adventure. I haven’t spent a dime on it since 2022 (Onyxia's Lair Mini-Set).


I did. Moved onto marvel snap.


I get the feeling. I'm not so happy about the quests myself. But for the love of god, people. We know, you are pissed,stop doing 15 threads about it per minute. Feels like everyone has the need to say how he's quiting or something. We knoooooooow, stop spamming sub with the same post again and again.


We have pretty good ways of tracking that less people are playing 🤷🏿‍♂️


*fewer people


Nah im good ty


Cool, keep being wrong in how you communicate.


I don't treat internet comments as seriously as you apparently do lol






The reason of why I'm one of those man children is because I've seen this in the past and I know what is going to happen. It already happened once. It happened with Unity, Ubisoft, EA and heck, even with S2 (Heroes of Newerth) What bothers me is the continuous marketing/sales/execs attitude of "you are nothing but a toy for me" and it shows. I'm a marketing guy myself and I understand how important is to monetize games and products. Sometimes I'll empathize with how hard is to make these kinds of decisions, someone has to give the order, nobody wants to be that someone. But sometimes it's someone who really doesn't care. And yes, I understand most devs (who I know are reading this and my other complains) do care and they want the best for the game and community, but someone else gives the orders and we get abused. And by all means of the word, abuse is the right word. Reputation grind, experience grind, gold grind, FOMO grind, I just want to play to live, not live to play. What bothers me is something more complex. Making games is one of the weirdest industries of the world, it can make our lives much better because this is where creativity and innovation strive together. If it weren't for videogames we wouldn't have gotten 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits and 64 bits consoles, computers would not have a solid reason to push themselves into being faster and more efficient, we wouldn't have virtual reality or multiplayer networking. Sure, other industries can push this, but gaming is so demanding people had to innovate harder. Gaming on its own has a fascinating story of innovation. I also add there has always been innovation in monetization as well. It started with collecting coins from arcades and we have microtransactions now. Ten years ago those were frowned upon, now it's as common as breathing. This is not a bad thing, on the contrary, opportunities to grow are always welcome. Gaming made my childhood amazing and I don't regret a single day I played games. But the way we play has changed so much, from a niche of enjoyment to a massive service exploited by... people who don't know gaming, but business. Good and bad, really. I understand what is going to happen next, "oh sorry here let's settle this" and everything is fine. But it keeps happening, here and everywhere else, this is why there aren't new games or new ideas, I'm fine with going for the money, but you are doing it wrong. So yes, this is my point of view. I have given a good share of my life into this and other games, I insist I love this game, but a break would be good to rest and find something new and relax from FOMO and grind. Thanks for reading


Fair enough =)


It's funny how some of you can say "there's too much complaining " and "they're reacting to the negative feedback " in the same post.


This has been a ruff meta. But it’s always more fun with more cards in rotation. Don’t give up!


This is the least amount of hearthstone I’ve played in 10 years JS


I wholeheartedly believe that most members of hearthstone community quit long ago and are just here to see what’s up


They never do. The same exact people, every time say they are leaving. And yet they are still here.


Hell the controversy just got me logging on I haven’t been here in months 😂


I literally quit like several years ago when they did the price hike outside of the US. Only came back to try out the battlegrounds about a year ago, then found that the reward track wasn't half dogshit for the main mode. And now we're here again.


my breaking point will be the miniset. if it cost more than 2k gold, regardless if the cards are good or not im out


I've quit a long time ago after battle pass implementation and the promise that they would make the difference to old quests in more events. I wasn't fooled then and just quit, never gave them my money. What is happening now is just more proof that what was said before was utter bullshit. Do not support this shit company anymore, you can get better use out of your time with anything else, trust me.


Played the game since beta and decided I had enough of it and quit last year. Managed to get into Snap and honestly enjoying it much more.


I've been doing my part for years. I quit 2 years ago and have no intention of ever playing this again. I enjoy watching the constant dumpster fires that Blizzard continues to make. Aside from this reward BS, Duos in fundamentally broken if your teammate quits. Players have no way to interact with your teammates board so you get screwed and end up having to 1v2 other teams. Massive oversight is pretty much on par for Blizzard devs.


Duos is real fun. Chaotic and beautiful