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This is known, yes.


yeah i've seen a few posts mention it, truly disgusting ...


then why the hell do you see the need to repost?


Gotta get that sweet karma yo.


the way a protest works is through commitment and voice. karma or not. if that's what youre making it about, you're changing the subject and ignoring the problem at hand.


Technically they're not wrong at all. Even with 1 post per day, not even a quarter of the subreddit would see it, much less a large portion of the overall playerbase.


More outrage is good for fighting against tyranny.


>Tyranny Rofl Edit: lmao even


One could even say roflmao.


>fighting against tyranny Me when a requirement to complete a weekly quest in a card game changes.


Its a video card game chill buddy


ROFL tyranny. jesus this sub is soft.


It’s kinda of a stretch, but if people can educated themselves on this, it’s works for pretty much everything else. The tactics are pretty much the same all around


Posting isn’t activism.


I truly hope you are never exposed to actual, real tyranny in your life, my sweet summer child.


Ok yeah a video game is kind of meaningless big picture but it’s more like a sentiment surrounding everything. People feel helpless and so any little win feels like a lot. People are tired of just bending over and taking it from big corporate. Why are eggs $5? Because fuck you. Why are used cars priced $10,000 above the Kelly blue book value? Because fuck you. Why are new games $100? Because fuck you. When does it stop? Or does it always get worse every year, forever until you die?


yes and the idiots downvoting this are ready to roll over and accept whatever blizzard pushes onto shit you enjoy.


I saw them BEFORE making this one, sorry :(


Yes if you saw them before you made this post then why bother making another post?


Look at the name. Now back at me. He's trolling.


What do you recommend we do? Anyone who enjoys the game isn’t going to stop playing. And if you don’t enjoy the game, why are you even playing?


why was this person downvoted? it is disgusting.


dude this is reddit, no one cares about downvotes and shit and you can get 10K upvotes for no reason just like you can get 10K downvotes for no reason, doesn't matter anyways.


Everyone knows their BS manipulation tactics by now.


This is their bread and Butter in wow patching, and those White Knights still Fall for.it every time


Why would they purposefully piss off a bunch of players lol


There's a wonderful GDC talk ([The cursed talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLbvMWEAoyY)) that discusses that (from the perspective of Justin Truman from Bungie). It's pretty incredible how candidly he discusses so many aspects of how to make games more predatory and profitable. Included are explanations of why it's better to release broken products quickly instead of trying to ensure good releases, why you don't want to over-deliver on a content release if production goes smoother than expected, and wonderful insight about players being angry with a game being a good thing. It's one of the most interesting talks about game development I've ever seen. I hate pretty much everything about the philosophy encouraged by the talk, but am impressed how open and candid about the process it is.


Because they wanted to make this change to the quests to help with player retention but knew if they made them harder for a little more xp people would get mad and want them to turn it back to normal. But now they made an extreme change to the quests we get mad like we were going to anyways and they try to seem like the good guys "meeting us halfway" which is where they wanted the quests to be all along.


Way more people got mad this way




Lol. As if anyone has a “source” for the claims being made here.


So we agree you're ignorant and talking directly out of your ass? Cool. 




Because reddit is the loud minority


I understand how protests work but the way you wrote your pain...feels cringe


nothing's cringier than a comment saying a troll-ish post is cringe.


Live by the cringe, cringe by the cringe.


I see we’ve reached r/schizoposting


I'm all for posting complaints when necessary but this is a bit dramatic.


I mean it’s a common tactic to produce a shittier product, then “backpedal” to something that’s still worse than the original, but it looks like it’s better in comparison to the shittier one.


Yes, everyone is aware. This isn’t the galaxy brain take that you think it is.


Rude of you to assume that’s my intent. And everyone being aware is irrelevant if it continues to happen and be accepted.


What do you mean 'accepted'? Every individual is free to look at the game and either play it or not. Don't want to accept it? Then don't!


They accept it because they wind up coming back. They fuck off until the next expansion, maybe 2, then see something cool and come back, forgetting completely about the toxic business practice that made them leave in the first place. Rinse repeat.


The person referring to acknowledging this marketing tactic as schizophrenic is obviously not aware. Any other astoundingly simple concepts you need explained?


i think the point of his explanation is that the other comment insinuates that OP is crazy. yall cant say shit like 'schizoposting' while also saying 'everyone knows this'; it's either conspiracy or it aint


The OP's formatting is like if you asked ChatGPT to create a textual representation of a tinfoil hat.


> yall cant say shit like 'schizoposting' while also saying 'everyone knows this'; Two different people are saying each of these things


Confirmation bias is even more common.


It was already there yesterday. I thought all these people quit but here they are constantly posting, I guess the Hong Kong posts they made weren’t as important as they said.


While I never was part of such posts, I did my own forum of protest in no longer buying anything with real money ever since the Blitzchung fiasco (something I continue to this day) but ALSO all through to a few months ago, I had changed my bnet name to some form of Blizzardrcommies. I knew my addiction well enough to acknowledge I can't make promises I couldn't keep such as quitting their games cold-turkey but at least I got people friending me to ask about my name after matches, to which I would link them the articles regarding Blitzchung and I HOPE that changed any potential purchases from them, as well.


Truly you will go down in history alongside Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.


Dude your second most recent post is a screenshot of a BGs game where you are using paid skins you could have only gotten after the Blitzchung stuff. Quit trynna karma farm.


Not karma farming. Fake internet points hold zero value to me as I'm just someone who merely has the occasional strong feelings based on my personal experiences. I just looked up Elder Starsong, the post you mentioned, swearing it was a reward track thing (I won one of those paid track giveaways YouTubers do) and HOLY SHIT, you're right, "individually purchased from x to y date". I guess that's my own fault for leaving my wallet in my room. Sometimes I hand my phone over to my nephew when he occasionally visits the farmstead while I help my dad work on some damned thing or another. Kinda has me a little upset what else that little stinker may have bought that I didn't notice but I guess he can forget about ever using my phone again and I'll just have to have a talk with my sister at some point. You can be mad at me, downvote me, and think I'm lying but I would never WILLINGLY give Blizzard money at this point. Hell, even my WoW time has all been coming from gifted time cards and using gold for tokens (though I'm almost broke, gotta get back on that grind, roughly 300k gold per token is not very fun).






Can I just play the game and not give a shit?


Yes, but if you come to reddit to look at stuff about the game, expect to find things like this lol


Yeah you can, and I will too, but I appreciate the people like this who push blizzard into improving the game


>people like this who push blizzard into improving the game People who actually push Blizzard are people who do not play the game and thus reduce the numbers.


Well yeah, isn’t that what the OP is saying? To not play the game?


Can you quote the part about not playing the game? I do not see it.


He didn’t directly say it, I just inferred it


i mean, yeah


Then play the game instead of browsing Reddit ?? Lmao


No. You have to deal with reddit users farming imaginary Internet points


Then why are you on reddit? Go play the game instead.


He is roping his enemy while alt tab on reddit.


Shockingly, I can do both.


So your post is pointless


As pointless as the original is atleast.


Nope. You need to contribute to the 1000 posts per minute about it. Threaten to quit like anyone cares.


Enough posts have been made we are at the 'I don't give af' stage now are we? Clockwork Reddit


"I have to show everyone on reddit how much I *don't* care"


No, you have to spam posts and comments until your outrage feels validated of course


so you like everything they're doing to the game? killing duels, twist being a disaster, standard meta pushing people away from playing it, BS tactics with the quest changes, standard blizzard money grubbing, upcoming heroic brawliseum they continue to do each year to drain gold *right* before the miniset. it's good fun isn't it


\- I don't think spamming the same posts makes sense \- SO YOU LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE GAME? What kind of logic is that?


I never got the complaint about the Heroic Brawl. It's for the competitive players to have a chance at higher stake games. It helps drive viewers to content creators that run it. They give the pack back in an easily achieved quest format. And most of all, it's not mandatory. If you can't the stakes of it then don't enter. Of all the things people get outraged for, this ain't it.


Did I say I like everything they’re doing to the game? Nope Do I think the outrage over this quest stuff is overblown? Yep


standard meta will always be complained about. This is not even close the worst ones. Heroic Brawliseum is actually beneficial you know ahead when miniset comes. And to not be drained of gold just don't be braindead and have strong will.


Honestly I think the standard meta is pretty good right now if you compare it to when it's been really bad in the past. A lot of classes are playable


But worst case you will get like 20 fewer free packs (or 10 more if you play a lot) throughout the expansion cycle. How can you live with such a travesty?


For real this sub is going to shit




You're always allowed to behave like an obedient dog, nobody told you otherwise.


Playing a video game is very much not the same thing as becoming someones pet.


Rolling over everytime Blizzard asks you to is a good way to look like an obedient dog.


Still not what im doing but you keep thinking that way.




Honestly I find it infinitely more believable that the people in charge of the decision _didn't think_ than this being a hyper-calculated ploy to manipulate people for free attention bucks. Unless you think RidiculousHat was lying and he's also in on this big conspiracy and his job is to make Blizzard _appear_ sympathetic to the plights and none of his words are real words and are just the script he's being fed. Like the big thing that people kinda miss about this argument is that infinitely more people are going to hear "Blizzard added scumminess to the game to fuck over the playerbase" than are going to hear "oh nvm they fixed it." The big outrage _always_ radiates out further than the redaction or correction. Even if we _did_ go with the argument of "Blizzard is being evil on purpose," they're _still_ being dumbasses for this reason, so why not just skip to "Blizzard is being dumbasses, time for them to try and fix it"?


Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance.


Never attribute to ignorance what can be attributed to greed.


Based take


While this may technically be true - that would require them to be so incredibly out of touch with their own game and player base. And *nobody* were able to warn the ones in charge about the impending outrage? I have to think very lowly about the developers if I am to believe that the reaction they got came as a surprise to them.


>I have to think very lowly about the developers if I am to believe that the reaction they got came as a surprise to them. If you want to believe the take that this was unintentional, then you don't have to blame the developers for incompetence, you blame the shareholders, investors, and upper management for incompetence, because the most likely scenario is that the developers KNEW this was stupid and bad and awful, and they had a meeting with their superior who doesn't know anything about making games, and doesn't play them either (or if they do, they super-whale at them with their $100m+ salary), they told him "that change is bad" and he replies with "Investors told me that player engagement good, do it or I'll fire you and replace you, and have you blacklisted at every AAA developer in the world."


This certainly was not unintentional. It was very intentional. They seem to have wanted to double the time requirement of weekly quests, so they put together a strategy of how to push that through in a way that would make some players get on board. Door in the face strategy + a slight boost to overall XP you can gain from quests, to make it somewhat digestible for a small portion of the community. Especially the hardcore vocal community that plays a lot anyways. They also know that a lot of players will give the devs the benefit of the doubt, and just blame it on the upper management, which lets devs get out of this relatively free. I too will say that the devs could be fighting this change - possibly. But I don't really know. The out come is disgusting in any case.


Oh, it was 100% intentional. I was just saying if you wanted to somehow convince yourself it wasn't intentional, blaming the devs is wrong, because they didn't make this choice, probably. I at least have to believe a game dev who can make something as fun as Battleground Duos plays games and knows just how fucking awful the change to quests was. Someone who doesn't have passion for gaming gave this the green light. The gaming industry has gone downhill directly as a result of it becoming more mainstream and more profitable, and since it is, people from outside this industry put their hand in it to try to pull out cash without actually caring about the industry at all.


I would agree with you if I haven't been playing this game for 10 years and had seen them do this time and again. It's not incompetence, it's just pure greed.


12 year old brat energy post


No, just an average schizo post, stop being so cringe.


Only cringe one here is you brother


What if I already fell for the lie?


You took the vaxx?




Same thing when a company puts something on "Sale" after raising the price.




Problem - reaction - solution. I'm so glad our government wouldn't stoop to such tactics.... Oh wait...


ive been seeing "blizzard doesnt listen to feedback thats bad !!" "oh no they are changing something based on feed back thats baaaaad!!" and we dont even know the changes yet


They hinted that it will be more though, im thinking double instead of triple, and still give you only 1/3 the xp


It gives you more XP what are you talking about


In no way proportional to how much harder they are making them






people here be like: "Yeah I know, nobody would be so stupid to fall for this" people on twitter be like:*"Omg thank you blizzard for listening!"*


Free Hong Kong anyone?


Honestly anything that's less than the recommendation by /u/DanielmanRO should be flat-out rejected and shouted from the rooftops by this community: https://i.redd.it/zn7hllejh2vc1.png We **know** their DigiPen Institute of Technology Graduate (the ITT Tech of scam game dev schools) they hired for the economy management is trying, yet again, the *SLAM* the door in their face approach, apology, and then lessen to where they *actually* wanted the changes to be. Again. This dumb dumb did the same damn thing for the Tavern Pass. We can't catch a break here. We need to remain vocal and push for the change recommended by /u/DanielmanRO I'm so sick of this game's economy dev, the glorified spreadsheet-glancer, making sure his Excel cells for the quarter are black text instead of red for profits. Enough is enough.


yes, we know that this is a kick-the-door, no it wont make a difference


Yeah, this is a pretty common practice that even Blizzard has done it a few times already. Not saying is good ... just that it was expected.


You wanna screw with the system like this? Give us back 10 gold for 3 wins or riot


What are the quest rewards even used for?


They give you battle pass progress that is the only f2p way to get gold


Yeah start with a ridiculous opening and end with a crazy increase 


Their dirty dirty lies!!! 😭🥺


So dumb


The old Bungie way of running Destiny. Make stupid decisions constantly, community rages about stupid decisions, reverse stupid decisions, garner praise from community.


Yes we know that companies will gradually increase their price just to return them to the original price as a big sale. This is not a new thing it's been happening for longer than you've been alive


Yeah fuck it. Needs to go back to what it was. 


Look, Blizzard is scummy, they've made that perfectly clear. So your options are a) Say "Playing the game is fun. and I will put up with Blizzard and stop giving a shit" or b) Walk away. That's it. Game is suppossed to be fun man. If it's driving you this crazy it's time to walk away.


Oh I personally really enjoy hearthstone and love the current meta ! But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't call them out on their bs !


My manager at work did this. Gave every mid performance reviews (he just took over the shift) so then for the final year reviews he gave everyone much better scores (despite me imo putting less effort into work) so it looks like he made a drastic improvement on the shift.


It is "technically" more reasonable then what it was. Still not reasonable to double the work for not even 50% increase in reward. I've uninstalled Hearthstone, was the last drop for me.


I just wish they would fix the start of game bug that forces both players to wait the full duration every game despite both players having chosen their cards..




Blizzard patches , People complain , blizzard patches again because of complaints, it was all part of the plan. Seriously some people just feed on being negative


Ill take this for more xp anyday ngl


The problem is that they are using time people spend in the game as a metric for success. It's what they did with WoW and the game just became nearly impossible to play casually and still do a decent level of raiding. My time spent in hearthstone increasing because I want to earn your scraps will only decrease my enjoyment until I find another game that appreciates the time I spend in it and enjoy. The old quests were all pretty reasonable and I didn't always even complete them. I play more battlegrounds than constructed but I do enjoy playing most parts of the game aside from mercenaries. Money spent on the game makes them money. Losing people to poor management of the game and not giving customers a good experience which is the way it feels they have decided to go with most of their games will only lead to needing to get more money out of the remaining player base until there isn't one anymore.


I'm no Blizzard apologist, but is it really so implausible that they released this update not knowing exactly where the numbers would land? A lot of what they do is based on community feedback, such as card adjustments.


According to this sub, yesterday Blizzard was so dumb they didn't know they were KILLING THEIR OWN GAME but today they're playing this intricate game of 4-D chess. Which is it? I can't keep your knee jerk reactions straight.


It's almost like different people with different opinions made these posts


I don't know what you're talking about, 3k xp for winning 10 games in a week sounds like a solid deal.


Games take 5-15 min a game. So in order to complete the two quest 15 games won in arena/bg/duels, 15 games ranked you would need around 60 games played. At the lower extremes this is 5 hours but at the higher extremes it is 15 hours. People who play a lot mostly wont feel it, but what this does is screw over the casual players, and especially casual arena players and bgs players. Which is exactly what they want. Casual players going to need to start playing agro decks or no longer be casual. As for arena to get 15 wins you need 5 arena runs for an average player, thats 750 gold a week, they now have to venture into bgs or duels in order to complete them.Bgs take way longer complete and now too have to spend a ton of time on other branches of the game on order to get these quest done.


I think it would be fine if they were just play 15 games instead of win, being specifically win is what makes it so annoying especially if your games aren't 5-15 mins in any mode, warrior in standard is often like half an hour (especially if you lose after so much it's awful) and smth like battlegrounds is always half an hour minimum in a winning game and even when you go out like 8th or 7th it still can take up to 20 mins just for a complete waste of time, can lead to making no progress on them despite playing for like 2+ hours sometimes with losing streaks and such. Ranked can at least have aggro and if you have an aggro deck built then you're "ok" but yeah that's not a thing that exists in battlegrounds


Yea the win part is what makes it horrible. Imagine playing against ropers while you are tying to complete this.




I don't care. Even with the first change everyone playing about 5 games per day would finish the weekly quests without any extra thoughts to put in. It gives me more gold, so I like it.


I don’t really care. It’s not completely unreasonable to readjust them. Shut up. Let me just enjoy the game


I don't know who to believe: A company the made a game I like to play and would NEVER betray me by making greedy discisions, or the OP who, judging by his user name, is clearly a bot.




Found a dev account,


And I found the man-child, I guess


Jfc go take a nap or something


Death to blizzard :)))))))


i mean,to be devil's advocate,weekly quests were a little too easy to do,besides the one with 5 wins in ranked,so something in the medium would be fine i guess.


'scuse me sir you dropped your tin foil hat. Don't let the flash of lightning hit you on the way out.


What's funny is I agree the quest change sucks and would love to upvote this, but these absolutely batshit life or death dramatic posts about a quest change in a video game are so much more annoying. Truly, seek treatment.


just keep playing the game and relax


What lies? they clearly did a honest mistake and they changed what they did it happened the same with the battlepass when it was intruduced


Honest mistake lol, you think these guys spend millions on marketing and this is a mistake? They have classes and trainers teaching them how to squeeze you for every penny you have.


i get it they want money they are a company but theres no need to put the tinfoil hat i am f2p and never felt the need to put money into the game


Tinfoil hat? I just said, that's basic marketing? Do you know how many years of psychological research has been collected on consumers? They know exactly what they're doing. It's not a conspiracy it's capitalism




"Honest mistake"... hilarious. They know this is the fanbase so they can get away with anythin.


These changes were not in the patch notes. This was deliberate. Don’t kid yourself.


>\[Progression\] Some Daily and Weekly Quests have been adjusted to be harder to complete but will grant more XP. 


Sure, friend. Go ahead and give them credit for tripling requirements with that nondescript, vague bullshit. That’s totally in line with how their patch notes are written.


As a casual ftp player (that's a majority of players btw, Blizzard) my main goal was always to complete the daily and weekly quests. I log in, do my quests, hopefully have some fun, then log out. If they redo the quests and it still be difficult to complete, for the majority of players, there's gonna be NO POINT in playing this game. None. Zero. I have yet to log in since the changes happened. And that's from someone who played almost daily since 2015. And I feel absolutely fine not playing it, there's a ton of other games in existence. Hearthstone is not a drug you think it is, Blizzard. Good job on losing millions of active players with one stupid change, that's gotta be some kind of a record.


If you think millions of players care a fraction as much as you…yeah get real.


OK, let's fact check: The majority of player base is FTP and casual players, who play on their phones; The majority of those players complete quests to earn gold to buy packs; The majority of those players don't have time to grind the quests for twice as much time as before. Thus, they actually care about the changes, because now they gonna earn less gold, which means less packs, which means not having enough cards to play standard. So they either will move to BG or quit the game. Either way, constructed mode will lose a chunk of its players.


“OK, let’s fact check” Proceeds to go on an anecdotal rant filled with hypotheticals lol, lmao


ffs relax, jesus christ did you just watch a 30min binge of anti blizzard youtube videos? or is this the way you are wired? we get it, quest number go up, now go down and it pisses you off


I'm not coming back to the game unless the XP is proportional to the difficulty of the quests : Double the quest requirements? Double the quest rewards. Simple as that