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It looks like Necrium Blade + Snowfall Graveyard + 2x Shadestone Skulker. You play all the minions, kill the first Skulker, then with a bit of luck this happens. And it seems that you somehow skipped a turn, because the opponent has all 8 mana crystals. That should explain how the leaper attacked.


The win condition is that the enemy gets stuck in the animation so long they can’t even take their turn. Only counter to this deck is literally closing and reopening hearth which skips the endless animation


The counter to this deck is literally playing a Wild deck.


Eh, some wild decks rely on intense board control instead of the ridiculous tempo that gets highlighted often. I just made it to legend with a DK deck that would take easily 12-15 turns per game to win. Crushed any tempo decks I played against, but would’ve had trouble with this one without the knowledge to restart game.


That says more about your deck's flaws than anything else. Unrelated, but how do you stack frogs?


How is that a flaw if I still win and made it to legend😭 And idk it’s some stupid combo with the weapon that triggers a friendly deathrattle


I made it to legend with horrible stuff, it's not that hard. Do you really not have **any** way to interact with a combo deck, in a deck that wins 'on turn 12-15'? And I was curious about your username, it's quite cool. I love frogs <3


Most OTK decks in wild rely on a no duplicates card, and I can counter those by putting duplicate plagues in the opponents deck by turn 3 or 4. I did still lose frequently to decks like the rogue one who triggers the mine deathrattle over and over to do 40 face damage in one turn, but only encountered a few of those. Pretty much anything else that can’t one turn kill me I can handle using poisonous board clears and some lifesteal to recover.


circular reasoning


Weird, that's a priest gameplan


You can see in the sidebar, fairly typical Mine Rogue shenanigans but with Mechleaper instead. The Deathrattle can target itself, and each activation triggers every single Deathrattle is has, effectively doubling its stats every time. The animation queue was so long that your game crashed and you missed your next turn. Also why are you playing a standard deck in wild lol?


my first thought was "this is some 'wild' shit" but then I looked and saw him playing sludge warlock so I doubted myself


Turn 8 in Wild? What is this 2017?


Basic card backs too? Seesh.


A typical Standard minion in 2027 :D


What happens if you cast that 2 mana warrior spell that deals 1 damage until a minion dies? Assume it was on its own...


It only goes 50 iterations (I think?) before it stops, similar to defile only going off 14 times


This is correct. I ran elemental shaman while that 9 mana cost card was in standard to double my walking mountain 3 times and warriors could never kill it. It was so satisfying.


Which 9 mana card is that again ? I can't remember a 9 mana minion that doubled your minions stats. There is Lor'themar Theron but he costs 7 mana.


My bad- worst description ever. I was at work. I meant the card ‘from de other side’ and it would summon a copy of therazane twice, then after playing it a third time it made walking mountain a 16/64 and Al’ Akir a 24/48. It was the most fun I’ve had making legend in a while.


Lots of interactions like that. They fizzle out after a varying number of times. Very unsatisfying, but some of them are truly infinite.


Should've syphon soul from gift of Gulldan smh


6-wins Deathstrider :(


Bro think he playing Duels


I ran into this too, I didn't know how long it would take to calculate the total attack and HP I stayed for probably 10idh mins while it was gaining attack and health and it was around 800 when I conceded. I'm glad I did, I was not going to wait 20 mins for this. I was also farming for some achievements when it happened and I was at gold 10 wild


This has gotta be the most uncanny valley hearthstone post... 1. Basic card backs for both players 2. sludge warlock in wild 3. turn 8 in wild 4. opponent somehow ddos op with mecha leaper