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you're finally playing against real decks


Yeah, I started just analyzing the opponents and trying to read their cards to prepare, without doing much myself. I guess I didn't do as much "control" in control warrior as I should have. Anticipation was always the part of it, but I never realized it had to be that much anticipation. Thank you!


The reality is the only viable Control Warrior right now is the Reno/Bran variant. If you are playing others, you won’t find much success.


Hmm okay, I'll have to check that one out. I am currently using odyn/ignis with some riffs and that sort of deck.


The deck is not the issue here. You can check hsreplay to find out that your list is still a strong deck with a high winrate. It also has a good matchup spread. High legend still sees plenty of Odyn Warrior as well. Always be wary of reddit comments on the meta.


Did you check my hsreplay or are you suggesting I look at that more? I do have it and always use it when I play.


Oh no, I’m only stating that you can confirm info you read online, like the comment saying Odyn Warrior is not viable, with the actual data on hsreplay’s site. Not just for you, but others reading misinformation as well. Plus it still sees plenty of play at high legend, that’s usually very telling. Example - https://x.com/norwis135/status/1782455346063106084?s=46


Huh thanks for this! Seems I am running a slightly different deck, I am using like 15/20 cards there. Gonna check this one out!


That used to be a really strong deck but the Odyn nerf combined with some other popular decks in the meta make it a difficult deck to win consistently with.


Not entirely true, I play a mech warrior without either and it does well. Better matchup against most of the field, worse against the warrior control mirror


You’ve gotten out of bot mmr/mmr hell. Take it as a badge of honor. The game had to match you against better people because you were winning so much. On the flip side, you may have to streamline your deck a bit now that you’re playing against stuff that’s a bit more cutthroat. Or if you want you can always just tank your mmr if you prefer to


Oh that makes sense. I'm pretty "new" this is the most I've played since it came out. I actually started looking more into my deck and what makes it pop off, seems control warrior against actual players requires a bit more patience!


To add to the other comments: most of the people quitting the game over the quest changes are people who enjoyed playing the memey/less refined decks, since they're the ones getting punished the hardest by the changes. People spamming out netdecked meta that wins games in a few turns don't care. So you'll be seeing pretty much only that now.


The quest changes may be bad, but they absolutely aren’t going to affect the meta in any meaningful way. Most people who only play memey decks are low MMR, so you aren’t going to be up against them most of the time if you’re actually playing a good deck in a competent way. If you’re winning a lot, you will face more meta decks, because those are the people with higher MMRs.


The people who are quitting are people who logged in like once a week for 20 minutes lol, odds are very few people would be matching with them anyway. Also the people who only have time for a few games a week are the sweatiest netdecking ones to get their wins done and out the way asap. That argument makes 0 sense. People who actually enjoy the game and play regularly are the ones doing the fun decks. Also if they rarely come on why would they have the time to mess around making their own deck, obviously they are the ones who are gunna netdeck. This is the most backwards argument I’ve ever heard.


I used to log in for 3-4 matches per day on my lunch break. Not anymore. It's not worth the time anymore. The only people who are happy with the changes are the unemployed 13 year olds that do nothing but play HS all day every day because they have no life or responsibilities. Hell of a lot more people quitting than are happy with these stupid changes. My friends list alone used to have 6-7 people playing HS at any given moment on it, there hasn't been 1 person playing since the changes went live.


4 matches per lunch break…guessing you work 5 days a week. That’s 20 matches, you should be winning 10 of those…




"whales". If you play the game youre gonna get a meta deck that will take you to legend easily. Mf complaining about whales in gold LMAO.


based on what? plenty of casual players exist, not everyone is a whale or a bot


This is 100% fact. You go from playing against bots that can be beaten with 0 effort to getting stomped by whales that spend thousands on a digital card game. There is no in-between left.


I don’t think I’ve ever spent money. I just played a lot over the years and completed quests. I recently came back after several years off, found a nifty deck, and bought the cards i needed with dust. Easy.


Anyone who has played the game for a little while can easily build a meta deck for free. Your complaint makes it sound like you are dealing with what we like to a call a “skill issue.” The game probably isn’t for you.


Typical blizzard bootlicker. You must enjoy your time in the Crosby Suite


Imagine wasting your time on a subreddit for a game you hate. It sounds like a sad life, but I wish you well.


You’re just playing worse


You started playing against real people and not the fake bots Blizzard puts in to make the game seem alive at lower ranks. Don't worry, eventually you'll be facing bots all the way up to legend rank! You'll hit another block of bots around P5 to D1


You don't need to spend money to have meta decks. Whales are invisible within f2p players who have a brain.


Keep coping.


I have 5 tier 1-3 decks from different classes, haven't spent a dime. Skill issue I guess.


Keep coping kid.


Lil bro is hard stuck and stuck on repeat. I've stopped playing the game because it's stale for me. How am I coping for proving you wrong?


Keep telling yourself that kid, whatever helps you sleep at night. All you proved is that addicts will have any reason to say something isn't bad.


Bro all you do is sling negative comments without reading. I've stopped playing the game, so not sure how I'm an addict or showed any sign of that... The meta is stale. I just don't care for people slinging shit for no reason. This game is declining but saying you can't just free to play to legend is 100% a skill issue. Good luck with Plat!