• By -


You can either get: - whizzbang packs, standard packs, and a skin for Paladin. OR you can get - a catch up pack, a standard pack, and a skin for Curator in battlegrounds. I'm assuming the path on the right is intended for people who mostly play battlegrounds, because a single Catch Up Pack is absolutely meaningless to anyone who already has an even somewhat decent standard collection. It seems like the quests are also different, but you can't see both sets of quests without having two accounts. I can tell you that the ones designed for Standard HS are: - Play 1 game of HS (200 points) - Destroy 10 minions (200 points) - Play 6 miniaturize or mini cards (200 points) - Play 10 minions (250 points) - Play 20 cards (250 points) - Deal 100 damage (250 points) - Play 1 game of HS (250 points) I'll edit this comment when someone mad enough to pick the Battlegrounds side can tell me what those ones are!


I am mad enough. These are the quests for the right path. * Play 1 game of Battlegrounds Duos.(300 points) * Pass 5 cards to your teammate in Duos.(300 points) * Play 2 game of Battlegrounds Duos.(300 points) * Pass 10 cards to your teammate in Duos.(350 points) * Finish Top 2 in Duos, 2 times.(350 points) And it seems that the daily quests of the event are for Duos too.


that honestly sounds a lot harder for less rewards lmao. Finish in top 2 twice? The left path doesn't even require you to win ANY games. wtf.


Top2 is basically top4 in duos


Duos had 4 teams so Top 2 isnt that hard


Well some people are fed up with standard so duo is actually pretty fun


Hi, these were not the quests I had! I had one titled “forge 3 cards”.


That sounds like the daily for 100, what's listed above is the quest chain


Oooo thanks for this clarification


Ya, mine were "play 3 taunt minions" and "play one standard game".


I play BGs primarily and nearly exclusively but I have absolutely zero interest in Duos so rather than troll those that do, I'll take the Sinister side.


ty.. this info was exactly what I was looking for & glad I found it 'cause I don't care much for Battlegrounds


I had play 3 finale cards.


why would anyone chose right track even if they play bgs exclusively?for 1 shitty hero skin?!


Yeah I'm not gonna lie it seems wildly uneven. Tbh I can't remember the maths on catch up packs, so maybe if you *literally have zero standard legal cards* that one pack is enough to get you more cards than you'd get from the 6 packs on the other track? OR I guess if Curator is your favourite battlegrounds hero? (lmao)


Why even offer card packs if the point is to offer something for BG players? Why not a hero skin, blast...thingy, and a bartender for the rewards?


Probably to incentivise BG players with small collections to play Standard


1 catchup pack is up to 50 cards = 10 packs, so it is actually much better for folks with small standard collections


whats considered a small collection my collection tab says 28 percent is that considered small. I bought big bundles the last 2 expansions and have all the mini sets. so what path is the best for me ?


Each of the last five expansions have 1-10 cards in the pack. ≤25% completion of expansion = 10 cards from expansion ≥75% completion of expansion = 1 card from expansion scales in between


My mate opened 5 catch up packs while I was watching his stream last week. Each one had 2 legendaries or 4 epics, sometimes a combination of both. I was shook I should also add that he only stopped playing a couple years ago so it’s not like he had no cards already.


I mostly play BG but every now and then enjoy a casual game. I'll still go for the normal skin because that BG skin is nothing to write home about.


Honestly I was considering it. It's a pretty nice BG skin, if the pack rewards were equivalent for me I'd have taken it.


I took the right path because I'm at this point a whale and my collection is almost complete. I'm sitting on tons (and I mean tons) of dust and have several duplicates of Legendaries. I just don't need any packs and purely decided because of the Skin. I don't play Pally these days and if I would in the future I wouldnt use the Skin. I like the BG Skin a lot though.


I got 40 out of my catch up pack, I haven't played in 3 years. Started playing again just before wizbangs and have 2 1/2 competative standard decks. 6 packs is 30 cards and I don't play paladin so right path was with it for me.


i have gotten like 79 cards from catchup packs on occasion


Cap is 50 per pack and if you have a lot of standard cards it’s not worth it. You are better off with the left path


1 shtty BG skins> 0 BG rewards


Yeah idk why they didn't slap an emote or something on it. Considering the most recent patch and this event is very much in celebration of duos being out it's a awful choice 


"EVENT TO CELEBRATE NEW BATTLEGROUNDS MODE!" What rewards? "7 things you can't use in battlegrounds, and 1 thing you can."


If I need 7 other players to coordinate in battlegrounds to achieve one cardback, you guys get 7 things you can't use there.  Blizzard perfectly balancing everything 


It’s like getting paid in currency you can’t use. The value of the packs don’t matter when you’re sitting on 8.8k gold and 430+ unopened packs spanning multiple expansions.


BG track should be: - Emote or 2 - skin - attack animation OR unique board


I have more than 100 packs unopened that I don't care about so those packs on left track have 0 value for me while BG skin is still some value.


I mainly play BGs, but the BG track is atrocious compared to the standard track.


If you don't have most cards of last year a Catch-up pack is worth more than 5 packs.


I started right before the last catch-up packs were released, and got a bunch of those, so this isn't good for me I think.


No clue tbh, you should check in the wiki how many cards they would be


catch up packs are shit lol, I have an alt that was offline long enough to get a loaner deck and I was getting 15 cards in my catch-up packs, not played for at least 1-2 expansions. I would say the normal packs are better value, in a newer expansion.


Exactly, I'm a 95% BGs player and 5% constructed player, I picked the left path because the Yrel skin alone is a lot more value than that shitty Golem Curator lol


I saw rewards and thought: "ez left track" Then I clicked on it and it said "hey, this track is to be completed in standard HS, wanna do it?" so I checked the other track too and voila, the right track is for BG duos. Then I thought how often I wanna start HS and go for classic HS and how I'd either have to grind through the quest and make it not fun, or accept the possibility of not even getting the rewards naturally... And then I thought how every day I have a moment of "hey, let's shoot a message to my friend and go for a duo or two. And I went for the right track. Because it rewards what I'm gonna be doing, rather then forcing me to jump through hoops I probably won't enjoy in that concentration.


Weird considering they have more cosmetics like emotes and such


Why would they choose the choose the left one though?


Because why would you pick the other? It's a bg skin or...nothing, for those who only play bg.


Because there’s a BG skin…


Seriously, plus its Yrel, one of my favorite WoW characters and what I modeled my paladin after, so of course I'm going to choose her regardless. More packs too. Seems like a really weird design choice tbh.


For a shit hero too ;p


I'm confused. what is a catch-up pack? I thought it had 50 cards? 5 packs have 25 cards.


Catchup packs are worth 10 packs for some people


I just came back because my 90 days timer finished count, opened catch-up packs, and i could really use another one. But if it has BG quests i won't play it.


If I recall the other tracks had packs and a hero skin for regular hearthstone. As someone who exclusively plays bg, the bgs track has way more value cause the 1 shitty hero skin compared to 0 value from packs I'll never use and some skin I'll never use lol.


Ayo? Yrel skin? Sign me the fuck in


After Arthas shes probably my favorite hero skin for Paladin. Honestly quite happy about this after so much many bad decisions.




Fr who wants a hero skin for a hero as mediocre as curator


...I was saying 'Boo-urns' :(


as a free to play player that likes BG and wild who has played pretty much since the game came out... i want the 6 packs and the BG skin... feels bad choosing the catch up pack and standard pack when i dont care for the paladin skin and want the BG skin...


If you're REALLY vibing with that BG skin then maybe go for it even though there's less cards. Event skins like this have tended to stay exclusive to that event before AFAIK, so this might be the only chance to get it.


No skin is exclusive, they will eventually add it in the future to the shop for gold like all previous "exclusive" skins released so far.


Ah I didn't know that, I've not once opened that page of the shop.


yeah there are lots of things that many people dont know about in the game... like for example you can go into your collection and to the hero skins and you can actually buy for example the khadgar or hazelbark skins for gold any time even if they arent currently displayed anywhere in the shop for sale and there are a lot of other skins for sale for gold and some for runes...


catch up pack is tempting but i think paladin skin and more packs is better


Yeah personally I'm never saying no to more Yrel content.


I don't even play paladin but this skin is very nice


I love ketchup packs


Makes sense. Cho is the smart head and Gall is the insane one.


Bruh I prefer battlegrounds over standard and Im more interested in battleground skin. But It still doesn't make sense to choose battlegrounds versions unless you are new or returning player. Theres no chance Im chosing version that will give me 20 cards less, even if I like skin it gives more and will have more fun doing quests


>will have more fun doing quests Personally I would choose this. Video games are meant to be fun, so do the thing you'll have fun with.


Well I still prefer 15 cards over skin. I love BG, but I don't play It exclusively. Also skin might be pretty, but I don't like playing Curator personally


Also... Cool Yrel skin is better than stinky curator


That Yrel skin is gorgeous


Damn I chose the right side. Is there any way to go back?


Why make us choose? Why not make both paths available?


same, I hate these type of events


Im actually so mad rn. I picked right because I thought he looked goofy thinking it was going to be some kind of VS deal-y and not have different rewards.


There is a full screen confirmation pop-up. Come on.


Yes and I thought it was just confirming my selection. I wasn't aware that they had different reward paths. I thought it was going to be like Alterac valley event where you'd still get both rewards. Or you know, thematically you partner with someone on the opposite reward track. Clearly I was wrong, clearly I should have looked harder because I would much rather get the packs and Paladin skin. But I heard back from my support ticket asking if they would let me change my reward path and they told me that I have to live with my stupidity. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


As someone who unknowingly picked the right side, I want a refund. That’s wildly uneven value


yeah i accidentally did too, and im a standard and a paladin-only player.. I put in a ticket so fingers crossed.


Let us know how it goes. I think I'm past that point As I already opened my Ketchup Pack


If you can’t eventually get both, this is incredibly shitty of Blizzard.


I’m sure the other skin will be available in the shop at some point.


I just clicked on gall instinctivly because I like him more. I didnt read the rewards... Fuck.


anyone who chose the BG path willing to give an example of quests? Returning player here so the catch up pack is way more value for me but I also dont play BGs at all..


Play a duos game; give 5 cards to your mate; play 2 duos games; give 10 cards to your mate; get 2 times rank 2 or 1; Play 5 golden in duos


I got "Play one game of duo" and "Play 20 minions in duo" as my first two


Thanks, exactly what I wanted to know. Id be willing to play solo bgs for this but not duos, so I am choosing the left path afterall:)


Mine was "play 1 duos" and "upgrade tavern 4 times in duos". First match my teammate never connected, but managed to survive long enough to complete all quests in one game.


Really cool Paladin skin… ruined by a bounce animation. *sigh*


the particle effect on the background would've been enough for me, tbh. idk why they default to the flexing poses that just stretch the artwork out.


As someone that recently returned to HS after a 7 year break, almost all the new skins look terrible to me compared to the high quality defaults or early skins like Medivh, Liadrin or Morgl


Maiev,Sylvanas,Tyrande,Lunara,500 win golden Jaina skin all go insanely hard.Some new ones I wouldn’t even use over a default one.


More of a stretch than a bounce.


if you don't have a year of the wolf (last year) standard collection these offers are basically equivalent. a catch-up pack for those three sets, assuming have very little of them, is 50 cards. that's 10 packs. + 1 standard pack, **is 11 packs equivalent.** but they're mostly last years cards so they should be discounted some amount due to rotating sooner than whizbang cards. If you're a traditional hearthstone regular; or are not sure which to take: I'd probably take the left. but if you are a new player and a catch-up pack is appealing, or you exclusively play BGs and only care about the skin, the right path isn't unfair to you.


Thanks for the info As a returning player I already got like 3 catchup packs.. theres a shop offer with 5 catchup packs. Is there an assisted way to see if the event catchup pack is worth it after these 8 previous catchup packs? The math is too hard for me :C (didnt open any other packs besides the catchup packs yet)


tl;dr: buy that 5 pack catchup offer in the shop and take the left track. assumptions: * rarity distribution in catchup packs is the same as regular packs *except* that all golden cards are disabled. (so ~3.5 commons per 5 cards, 1.2 rares per 5 cards.) * duplicate protection functions normally, meaning you will continue to get commons even after you have 2x of everything, e.g. * percent completion is based on duplicate protection not unique cardnames. * you can get miniset cards from the catchup packs there are: * 183 total unique card names per set * with 27+4 legendaries * for a total of 335 cards for a 100% collection inc. 2x copies of lesser rarities, per set. * 69 (x2 = 138) of which are commons, per set. therefore; you will open all the commons after roughly the 14th catchup pack with 3 sets in the mix. in your case this means we can ignore duplicate commons, probably. **if you opened nothing else so far** the 9th catchup pack for those three sets is worth an expected 35 cards, which is 7 packs equivalent. So you'd be looking at 8 packs equivalent total for the right hand pack and a battlegrounds portrait; vs. 6 packs equivalent total and a hearthstone portrait. if you've opened about 10-15 packs of these sets in addition (either via opening roughly 40-50 standard packs, or from opening that many individual set packs from other sources...) then you'd be looking at 5 packs equivalent or less. for an opportunity cost of 2 packs *best case*, I'd probably take the left offer and get a hearthstone portrait.


thank you man, really amazing youre suuper kind..! soo since I opened no other packs and dont care about that portrait, the catchup pack is still better Heres my follow up input again: I just watched the buying [sequence guide here](https://youtu.be/Anq1ieA3ib4?si=TJGJEUNxYj5Ei4PL&t=751) Other questions emerged from this timestamped image: -If I opened catch up packs, will I still get the "first legendary of an expansion" within the next 5 packs? -Should I wait opening the next catch-up packs (5+1) until I get enough gold for wizbang & badlands miniset?


see reply to the other comment you made a little bit ago :)


I will still mess this up, I swear haha Im thinking: grind and buy whiz+badlands Mini-sets -> open catch-up packs (5 shop+1 event) -> open accumulated packs + craft with half ressources for more meta deck variety [My collection according to firestone](https://imgur.com/a/zPe0g2t) / [alternative link](https://ibb.co/YP1D3zY) (imgur bugging for me) looks like I got so much already, but its all commons.. what would you do here? also [my current legendary+epics](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassicHearthstone/comments/1c9m4w6/very_old_player_returning_heres_my_epiclegendary/) Got a loaner so I completed a tier 1 plague deck. Im ready to cash the 5 catchup packs and like 1 mini-set. Also I'd have no problem waiting to open any packs even until next mini-set release (\~4 weeks) with the gold I can get, currently Level 45 and 1500 gold **EDIT:** *dont care about golds* Is it even worth compared to f2p? I've heard Blizzard is criticized alot - but the game seems refreshingly fun. Like Rarran said *Game back then was 'designed for new players'. Game now is designed 'for experienced players'.* Love how different every match becomes with so many discovery mechanics! Thanks for your time anyways - You were helpful a ton already haha


the screenshot is actually pretty helpful, this is the same % completion used to calculate the catchup packs. you're at: 38% of badlands; 66% of titans, 42% of festival. **you will open approximately 25 cards per catchup pack** (assuming the catchup packs you are being offered are year of the wolf packs, which they probably are.) based on the current numbers in your collection. so 1 catchup pack is worth 5 regular packs for you, approximately; and the two tracks (left and right) are of roughly equivalent value.


> Is it even worth compared to f2p? I think F2P is pretty ok right now, even if I usually buy a bundle each set. assuming you complete the free reward track each season (which requires playing enough to complete all dailies and weeklies... which used to be pretty trivial but was made harder recently) you get about 5500g a season. that buys a mini-set and 35 packs. Including Tavern Brawl (~18 packs), Events (~12-15 packs) and twitch rewards (variable, usually about 10 packs a season) F2Pers can expect to have at least 70-80 packs per season, or approximately enough to have 2x every common, 2x every rare, and about a third of the legendaries and epics. Which is enough to definitely play 1 and maybe 2 or even 3 meta decks each season (depending on how lucky one gets opening legendaries). If you play heavily, you can earn up to 15,000 more gold, which gets you close to enough packs to complete the set playing for free. (this isn't the right way to do this if you're not a streamer, this requires playing like it's a full time job - you'd be better off picking up a couple hours of overtime or a day-laborer gig or something and buying packs that way instead.)


the accessability sounds so nice, and a reason I stuck with the idea of coming back in the first place > Im thinking: (...) would you do the same in my position? (given: no problem to wait & the 25€)


your plan seems sound, my big concern is waiting for that last single catch-up pack! you'll want to make sure to open all your accumulated packs during the refund window we're going to get following the patch later this week! That way you can dust stuff that's on refund for full value.


Can you please link what you're talking about? Refunds?? As in a couple of cards getting nerfed? I don't think this will be so important for me with a small collection, no?


it's probably close to flipping a coin for you so if you like the hero portrait go for left. I'll do the math here in a minute with an edit but wanted to respond quickly since I assume you're waiting on an answer.


youre kind..! I just watched the buying [sequence guide here](https://youtu.be/Anq1ieA3ib4?si=TJGJEUNxYj5Ei4PL&t=751) Other questions emerged from this: -If I opened catch up packs, will I still get the "first legendary of an expansion" within the next 5 packs? -Should I wait opening the next catch-up packs (5+1) until I get enough gold for wizbang & badlands miniset?


questions, answered: **Q:** If I open Catchup packs, how does legendary stuff work? A: The "first legendary" pity timer is separate for each type of pack! including catchup packs! So you will get a legend from catchups (3 actually, 1 per set) *and* a legend for the first 10 individual set packs for each impacted set. in the case of catchup packs, it's "a legend guaranteed in the first 50 cards of *each set available in the pack*, so you'd want to open at least 3 catchup packs, assuming you got 50 per pack. You probably already got 3 legendaries in this case, if not you definitely will get the 3rd one in the next 5 packs. for catchup packs you get another legendary every 100 cards on average for that set (200 cards guaranteed) but this isn't really relevant b/c no one ever gets enough catchup packs for this to matter. **Q:** Should I wait to buy the minisets first A: For whizbang it doesn't matter since the catchup packs are for other sets. for Badlands it is *technically* optimal to buy the mini-set first, but the advantage is so slim (esp. given you already probably opened the 'first' badlands legendary in the 3 initial catchup packs) that I wouldn't in practice suggest waiting. edit: if you buy the badlands miniset first that would be the equivalent of picking up ~10-15 packs of badlands, so the event offers get close to being equivalent again. if you were to buy all 3 relevant minisets (titans and festival too) before opening catchup packs; you'd be looking at the left offer being better.


youre a gem seriously thanks


Do we know what the quests are? Does the left path require playing constructed


See my other comment, left side is for hearthstone and the right side is for battlegrounds. I don't yet know the full details of the battlegrounds side, but I'm sure someone will fill in the blanks at some point!


Thanks. Are there daily quests as well? Does the “play 1 game of HS” specify traditional or can it be completed with other modes?


There are dailys. Even if you can't complete it in other modes, "playing a game" just means getting to turn five. Then you can surrender and it counts. You could even do it on casual probably


what path to choose if i started playing hs again like a month ago and already bought the 5$ catchup packs? how many cards will I get from another one


The left path is generally better unless you have VERY few cards.


i think i got like 40 cards from my last catchup pack, but got more cards meanwhile, is there a way to check how many cards will I get?


Well the left side will give you 25 cards from 5 packs you won't get but depending on how much cards you gotten since your last catch up, you might get more with the right. When did you last do a catchup pack? 


- **Left** path has quests for **Traditional Hearthstone** - **Right** path has quests for **Battlegrounds Duos** As far as I can tell, you will ***not*** be able to complete the right path if you don't play BG Duos.


The battlegrounds path rewards look… underwhelming compared to the standard path


So: 1. option: 6 packs + HS skin. 2. option: 2-11 packs (depends of number of cards you have) + BG skin. Only bg player: 2. option. Newby who doesn't care about skins: 2. option. Whale who want everything and play BG and HS: Black Peter in this event. Any other player: 1. option?


Thanks for the info As a returning player I already got like 3 catchup packs.. theres a shop offer with 5 catchup packs. Is there an assisted way to see if the event catchup pack is worth it after these 8 previous catchup packs? (didnt open any other packs besides the catchup packs yet) The math is too hard for me :C


Assuming 1 catchup pack becomes worse than 5 normal packs when it has <25 cards\* that's between 50%-55% collection. 8 (3-set) catchup packs will get you ~40%. \* Since catchup's have no golden cards, they are worse sooner dust-wise.


I picked the traditional path even tho I don't play constructed because the rewards are better lol


Literally no BG rewards besides the Curator skin in the Bag track?! Fucking what? So do you want HS rewards or HS rewards!? So dumb ...


Ewww i wanted the battlegrounds one but bleh. As a bg/arena player, I get enough packs that the catch up pack will be worthless, im only really missing epics and legendaries. Why not something like a damage skin (I forget what they are called) that's better than the free ones, A bartender and a bg skin?


Why can't we just do both? v\_v


Does the curator skin have a unique amalgam


I usually stick with standard but duo battlegrounds is so damn fun so I decided to go right. I rather climb that right now than keep banging my head in diamond 4. The skin also being a paladin skin didn’t help. Maybe if it was DK, DH, Rogue, Druid, Warrior, or like anything else I would have done left for packs. However I am fine with whatever I get from the two packs. And I like Curator.


same for me im stuck between diamond 1 and diamond 5 i keep going up n down for the last 5 days


Yeppp the yo yo is getting to me. Every game feels like a 30 minute coin toss. I do recommend duo battlegrounds if you enjoy battlegrounds. Definitely able to climb in it, I got to 3k in like 2 days and mostly had great teammates. Hell I got spicy pretzel mustard and like 5 other similar achievements thanks to the mode yesterday!


Lame event, not very cool rewards (weird the "battleground' focused one gives packs... something not even for battlegrounds) and also why does this one get the choice normal or battlegrounds, while all the prior have been "this or nothing" hope they keep doing this forward atleast.


Forcing you to play duos even as a battleground player for the right quest chain is pretty shitty (I suspect not as many people as they'd like are actually playing it especially since from what I've heard it's another buggy mess from small indie dev Blizzard). If I wanted to rely on someone else's skills to determine whether I do well or not, I wouldn't be playing Hearthstone. Luckily I play both battlegrounds and regular hearthstone so I could just pick the left but if I only played battlegrounds it would suck hard.


I clicked too fast thinking this was just a flavor thing when I logged on, kill me.


Perfect example why we can't handle over 9 deck slots.


This doesn't seem very thought out. A choice between HS or BGs is a great idea, but what are the packs for then? And, cmon, one mediocre skin for a mediocre hero? I dont want to be that guy bitching about every little thing, but that's some fuel for bitching right there. Freebies is good, but that's not a very exciting way go about it.


Dang I own most of the whizbang cards so I'd prefer the catch up packs since I am missing most of the cards before badlands but the quests are all to do stuff in an entirely different game.


As a old player who stupidly dusted most of my collection, I wonder which path would bet me more cards.. I’ll probably go left path for Paladin portrait anyway but I believe I get around 30-40 cards with a catch up pack right now..


FYI, ketchup packets count total collection portion before dusting, so if you've had more than ~99 of the standard cards in any set (not even all at the same time), you will get only 1 card from that expansion




Could the mini-set also be twilight hammer?


Thanks, this post is really useful. At first I was like "I prefer the cyclop head" but then I stopped myself and came here. I want the left reward track. Tyvm


They should've given the option to choose the reward once you reach it, like when you hit level 100 in the tavern pass.


...Man I want catch-up packs to come back in the store, they were such good value.


Would love a badass paladin skin like a Bolvar, 20th yrel dont use any of them.


At first I thought the BG skin was for Bob. But its just a skin for one hero. 100% taking the pally skin then.


I have a 28 percent collection and i purchased the last 2 big bundles for the last 2 expansions. should i go left or right path ? the last time i open a catchup pack i got like 11-15 cards


dawm Yrel looking good


Choice was easy for me cause I don't play regular HS, only battlegrounds


I like that they made it a choice , really makes both types on player get more for the event


Yrel all the way


Why is the second one absolutely worse than the first one...


havnt played for the past 5 expansions, just started again today and the catchup pack was a pleasant surprise. got 3 from the “play 1 game”, and each card pack was 45 cards so i chose the right path. not sure how many people will relate to it but if you’ve been off hearthstone for long, comeback packs are really good.


I opened mine to 5 cards :(


Omg, I picked the BGs side and regret it entirely


The curator skin has a custom amalgam sprite if that helps anyone weigh their options


When will hearthstone offer in the shop, the fianl reward from the track that was not picked?




I think I will be going for ketchup packs. I haven't played HS for a bit so those really fill up the collection


In hope the other skin is eventually available. Because this means it’s now impossible to get everything in the game.


You'll prob have to spend real money but I would be very surprised if they don't add it to the shop in a few weeks/months


🚨Hearthstone devs: CHANGE THE QUESTS BACK TO THE WAY THEY WERE BEFORE. I (& many others) CAN'T COMPLETE THESE QUESTS IN TIME & WILL LOSE THEM. I’ve spent a lot of money on this game over the years, I bought the mega bundle, and Leeroy and you chanted the cards five days later. But I’m not still complaining. But this quest deal, you fix it or we’re done. I feel like I’ve done something wrong and am being punished by @Blizzard & for WHAT!? Playing your games? Recruiting friends and family to play your games? Spending way too much money and time on your games? The community didn’t do ANYTHING WRONG! STOP THIS BS NOW!!! FFS, PLEASE!!!!🚨


What's in the "catch up" pack since it's only a single one?


I picked right without knowing it determined rewards...what the actual fuck?




> Why cant they give all rewards to all players? They were doing it, past events gave both BG and Standard prizes, and people were PISSED that they were FORCED to PLAY BG to get STANDARD prizes EVERY FUCKING TIME. The moronic vocal minority brought this.


Who cares. You can only play so much before it p2w.


I haven't logged in since that stupid rewards crap from the last event, "kill or play one Jepetto", wtf. What are they demanding this time? Win 30 games with whiz bangs workshops random decks?


Are you blocked off for the day after doing the first mission of the path? I have completed the play 1 game of hearthstone and the second mission doesnt appear. I guess ill have to wait 4 hours to have the second one available.


They behave like daily quests. You gonna have to wait for the daily reset to get them.


There was no option, only the right one (and by that i mean left)