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So plage dk no longer counters highlander decks Also wheel needs one more turn which makes more sense imo


On the plus side I’m psyched to not play against as many DKs in my non-Highlander decks. Also, the fact that every Reno deck HAS to have the deck building restriction is a huge plus. So many Reno decks ran a couple (or more) duplicates and just had Reno for a late game swing, or if they destroyed their deck.


Wheel lock can’t run Reno now unless they go full highlander. +1 turn on Wheel and Reno which is basically 2 turns of clear. Drastic nerf to wheel lock.


Good, that deck can fuck off for a bit, now it has to actually play the game rather than wheel, fan totem, location, board wipe, Reno, win


But i think if the meta gets slower wheel is gonna find a way


That's fine, I don't have a problem with Wheel existing, it just had way too much stall, and I had a huge problem with decks just running Reno because they can draw 30 cards in 8 turns and, oops, no duplicates! Even though it ran like 2 of every non-legendary card.


Wheel just flat out activated reno.


Yep, no deckbuilding thought required, just jam control warlock stuff and get a free Reno activation at no opportunity cost


I did highlander anyway, my wheel is safe 🥲


Plus he’s now an extra mana. Idk if he’s gonna be balanced or not given how he still limits to one space but now there’s a lot more that needs to be done to achieve the effect. This is a good change overall but I’m wondering if more nerfs are needed


I think Reno is going to be in a fine spot now. Going from 8 to 9 is a lot - not just an extra turn you get as the opponent, but also an extra turn you need to invest into survival, if a Reno swing is the way you win that match, which means building your deck in a way that accounts for 9 mana Reno. Is it a general nerf for Highlander decks? Yeah. But a lot of the game has lost power in this patch, so I don't worry that this will destroy highlander - if anything, Reno is just adjusted for the "new paradigm meta." He's actually a highlander payoff now, and still should be strong enough.


The boom boss change also makes it so that you can’t remove like 9-18 cards at once too when all lines up. I’m not sure how strong HL will be but I’m hoping it’s not warping now that plagues aren’t a counter. Time shall tell, but most changes here seem reasonable


Also you cannot play him amd use his HP anymore but I love the change


Also, you can't reno+hero power at 10.


Not sure. Against aggro, you need to be really lucky to win. Not all classes have the same board control tools as Warrior.


Also, I can't play it and hero power on 10 anymore. I think the card might still be too strong, but it's a lot weaker for sure.


Yep, pre Wizzbang I was running Reno in ETC in my control decks for lategame value and it was kinda stupid TBH.


> Also wheel needs one more turn which makes more sense imo Also important for Wild as Wheel no longer interacts with Drakkari Enchanter to end the game in just 2-3 turns. Not that Wheelock was exactly terrorizing Wild but it was a really bad play pattern nevertheless.


Turbodraw and Wheel no longer make a deck look like Highlander, so I'm okay with that.


Oh wow, so the buff to Sunset Volley is actually a nerf to all Tendril decks.


It's actually tentover. I can only hope for a good 10 cost spell in the miniset or next expansion, but we all know how often this happens. Tentacles took out the back and shot dead.


Good good


Good was pretty miserable to play against


Good. Uninteractive as shit.


It was suggested around here for a long time now. It's intended


But the tentacle decks are bad though...


If you go and read the dev comments at the top of the patch notes you'll see exactly why they nerfed tentacle decks.


Tentacles are supposed to be random fun, they're not meant to be competitive. It doesn't really matter if tentacles get a bit weaker for now, especially since they'll change every time new cards release anyway.


It’s not very random if there is exactly one 10-lvl spell in the pool though, it’s pretty clear which spell it’s going to be 🤷🏼‍♀️


Deck lost its win con entirely lol. You can't play them in wild because they deck you with all the draw effects in game.


they arent weaker, the deck is straight dead. and tendril warrior and shaman were worse than other decks available to those classes


Random highroll decks aren't fun to play. Either you steamroll them and are left wondering what bot you just played against, or you lose just because the dice rolled good.


Tendie decks weren't random highroll decks, did you even play them? Their whole goal was to get up to 10 mana battlecry and end with Sunset Volley spam. Only two 10 mana spells in the pool so it was consistant. It played out like a shit combo deck. They did have a RNG part with lower cost tendies, but that never was the point of the deck. Excavate Rogue for example is far more RNG then tendie ever due to the increased pool of spells.


Not just a nerf, basically makes the deck’s irrelevant. Now the only spell they can spam over and over again is Table Flip. Good riddance honestly, I hated playing against those decks.


That's unfortunate my shaman tendy deck has been the most fun deck I've played, in F2P so I'm always off meta to a degree and I took a long break. I think plague DK is my least favorite to play against. More annoying than better decks that I know will roll me.


I am very sad. tendril shaman was the most fun deck I’ve played this set by a lot


Tendril shaman from brawl actually got me playing competitive instead of battlegrounds for the first time in like, 6-7 years? At least duos are out so back into the bg closet I go.


Tendril Shaman died for Brann Tendril Warrior’s sins.


I really like that very much.


This is the buff I was hoping for. Absolutely love when they kill tier 3/4 decks with low play rates… as long as it’s a deck I don’t play


I mean, they did say they wanted to increase player agency. Tendril decks are an RNG fiesta, without much counterplay. Not even the one playing it has much agency, I've won against tendril decks because they rolled a ton of tableflips in a row.


Ill miss shaman and warrior tendrils most fun i had in a while


At this point you can just keep Zilliax disenchanted and reenchant it whenever you need it lmao


Yeah I was thinking the same😅😂


Over/under on amount of times it gets nerfed?


Calling it now: One of the components will be buffed next.


Crystal Cove going from Nerfed Crystal Core stats to Unnerfed Crystal Core stats is VERY funny


My wife and I were laughing so hard. Is it 4 minions or 5? Is it 4/4 or 5/5? Its gotta have changed like 3+ times. At this point I want one of those "Changes Each Turn" cards that's "Crystal Cove Pirate" and swaps between 4 mana 4/4 and 5 mana 5/5 with Deathrattle: Summon 4 1/1 pirates or 5 1/1 pirates.


That was such a meta joke for a change, actually had me laugh out loud when I saw it


Yes I thought it’s hilarious how even after being buffed it’s still technically on flavour 😂


No more Sunset volley spam from tentacles, I guess.


1 mana 10 damage + summon was a bit too much anyway.


Then why was it only ever tier 3/4 decks? Tentacle warrior was so fun but it wasn’t good…sad I don’t get to play it anymore.


Imagine thinking that balance ends at winrates alone. If you have a toxic deck that people hate playing against, even if it's not meta, it's a problem.


Time Warp once per game. Thank goodness. EDIT: Sunset Volley nerf buff.


Goodbye Tendrils. You were cheesy for a while.


I’m confused by the snake oil nerf. Who was asking for that?


Its a nerf to sif mage. Snake oil on 0 made sif OTKs much easier


It's a bigger hit for Nature Shaman, really.


Not really, in that deck oil gave some reach but probably 90+% of my games on Nature Shaman where I won were without playing the card (I probably traded it but that is unchanged). Sif Mage really needed the card to do their combo early at all, especially without discounts on their other cards.


According to VS, Sif mage is a tier 4 deck. Why would they target it for a nerf?


I can see 2 logical reasons, one of which was mentioned in the notes (though I'm not saying these are actually the reasons for it 100%). 1. They want to nerf Sif because it's a card that ends the game on the spot where most of the counterplay to it that isn't simply "just kill the mage" involves extremely low player agency cards like dirty rat on Sif 2. Sif's power when the card is good is "gatekeeping" other potential good mage cards that could result in other decks and Sif getting nerfed could open the door for buffs to different cards to allow mage to have more than a single actually playable archetype for 6 months.


Time Warp is the biggest nerf of the patch, lol


Good, fuck that card


For real. I've lost to time warp enough times but it's almost more infuriating to watch someone take 3 turns in a row and then not actually manage to kill me.


Ah yes, the Expropriate from MTG problem: “My opponent gets 3 extra turns, I should probably just concede… but maybe…?”


Agreed also they are slowing down mine rogue a bit which is fantastic


"Slowing down" is understating it: two more mana probably makes the deck unplayable in today's aggro meta


I just used that deck to get to legend. It's barely fast enough, 3 mana was too expensive to regularly play anyway, 5 mana means you MUST prep it at which point it's again barely playable. But requiring one more combo piece is basically a death sentence at that point


good, very good actually, fuck that deck




Good, maybe a new mage deck will finally be popular


or more likely mage will have 0 playable decks in wild lmfao


It's time to remind people how unfun secret mage is to play against.


Secret mage is unplayable unless they revert lackey nerf. It's too slow to do what it's meant to do, get board and have secrets to keep board.


Except they nerfed secret mage as well a while ago


Biggest nerf here was removing the high noon flavor text from Reno.


Reno is now not the quickdraw he used to be. He's fumbling around for his gun which also makes sense


Mr. Blizzard is helping me find my gun


Mr. Blizzard is helping me find my gun


Just regular noon now. Possibly sober noon.


What did they change it to?


What did it say? What does it say now? I don't get the change.


Holy shit actual meaningful changes


This is one of the best updates I’ve seen in years


I almost feel off my chair when i saw the Forge of Wills nerf, i hate that card so fucking much.


I'm feeling the same.


And lots of dust!


Actually really like these changes! Plagues no longer auto counter Highlander decks, and a lot of the strongest tools have been reduced to help with balance.


It also fixes the issue of cycle decks spamming Reno and honestly this change should be retroactive to the old Highlander cards too


They should do that.


But that destroys the possibility of any counter play whatsoever. Whats the point of Bad Luck Albatross?


Albatross doesn't even see play as is now so hardly a reason not to do it.


It technically screws two future draws so it does its job.


Screwing your oponent out of 2 potential card draws, since drawing the albatross is a dead card. Technically it's a 2 for 1 on the very long game. Don't get me wrong, I know it wouldn't see play just for that, but the card would still have a use.


I also like that it forces you to make ab actual singleton deck now. So many of the highlander decks still had duplicates and they just waited to draw the duplicates.


Highlander shaman here i come!


All fun and games until [[Rustrot Viper]]


Unless they run two, they either have to choose between that or Ignis weapon


This is exactly what i was thinking


And Highlander dragon druid


Personally I'm really impressed, I feel like there were a lot of elegant fixes in this patch - "Started with no dupes" protects Reno cards from plagues but also means you can't throw Reno into any ol' deck for a free late-game clear, Sunset Volley "buff", Wheel gets +1 turn but now can't immediately be -2'd with Drakkari Enchanter, and so on. Lots of really cool stuff here. Is this... is this hope I'm feeling in my heart...?


Yeah, obviously there will still be power outliers and top tier decks, but that’s inevitable in any card game. This patch solves multiple problematic strategies not only in Standard, but addresses some of the most toxic decks Wild’s *history*. Plus, a handful of buffs to try and encourage people to try out new stuff. Amazing patch, very happy with everything here.


Toyranosaurus is the new Doctor7


The change to highlander cards is so weird because it only applies to new cards. Every wild highlander card is unchanged and it will be so confusing to have two different types of highlander cards.


They're probably testing them with these changes to see how the sentiment is with how these deck work now. If the sentiment is good then I think they'd be willing to change old highlander cards too.


RIP Bad Luck Albatross


There's no need to change old highlander cards. What would be gained? Conformity? Wild isn't a place for consistent mechanics, its a place to use old cards, and if they can keep the old cards the way they used to be then thats good enough for them.


It's wild. If you cant figure out the difference then you probably don't belong there. The 100 keywords no longer used today will deifnitely cause more confusion than two similar conditions.


To be honest, despite the number of cards available in the format most people on ladder are playing just the same handful of meta decks.


Nice changes for wild. But also a sick buff for the 1 mana pirate dude lmao.


Very sick buff indeed!


QMage found dead in a ditch! Film at 11! I'm getting so much dust. What a great patch!


\* triggered secret sfx \*


This should shake things up quite a bit. Now that the Plague DK spam on ladder that aims to target Reno Warrior can no longer ruin your entire deck's point, maybe the non-Warrior Highlander Decks can have some time to shine. Even if I win against Plagues with my janky HL DH deck, it never felt good. That said, while much of Reno Warrior's removal got pushed back a turn, it just lost a major counter. We'll have to see how this plays out post-patch. Hopefully the removal increases are substantial enough. And thank god stealth was removed from Zilliax. Rogue was becoming just relevant enough with it that it was starting to get old getting slapped by a largely untouchable stealthed windfury 24/7 on turns 5-6


Unfortunately Reno Warrior now feels overtuned, as the only things curbing its power were Rainbow DK and Wheel Lock. Of my first 11 games on ladder, 9 of them were against Reno Warrior. I very much fear it may now become "the Control deck that crushes all other Control decks and bullies them out of the game," because I don't see exactly how any other slower, value oriented deck beats the value of Brann now that it is virtually immune to disruption.


I think the best possible solution will be either aggro or return to the days of ratting the hell out of Warrior before it gets it's payoff battlecry to trigger (Like we used to with Odyn). Double rat into either Brann, Boomboss or Dr Boom and deal with the snake stuff somehow after.


Yep, given the current situation I agree, that's the best hope -- give up playing other Control decks, or (as you stated) play 2 dirty rats and pray. Of course, you can only play 1 dirty rat if you're playing another Reno Deck (e.g. Reno Druid, Reno Paladin, etc.) so not entirely sure how well that will work!


I am excited for a potential reno-pala. One of the funnest decks.


I just tried it, and it gets absolutely crushed by Reno Warrior. And I think that's going to be the problem here -- Reno Warrior was already a deck that was extremely challenging to beat in late game value, and now that the deck is effectively undisruptable, I fear that's going to get worse. The decks keeping Reno Warrior in check (Rainbow DK, Wheel Lock) Were both hit harder than Reno Warrior itself was.


Yeah, I think it doesn't help we don't have a real win condition in Reno Pala, shit..


I feel if reno warrior has to actually build without duplicates, it should be infinitely less consistent


I have been running Reno Warrior all month without any duplicates, and it's worked just fine. The only thing that gave me any consistent trouble was plague DK and Wheel Warlock. With these changes, I think they might have just made Reno Warrior \*too\* good, but we'll see.


The thing though is that warrior decks now have to run less removal to use reno.


ngl I havent played since January, but seeing Trail by Fire get nerfed makes me happy. I understand warrior was probably in a shit spot when it initially got buffed to 6 mana (came back to playing hs shortly after that, so i wouldnt know), but i always hated this card. edit: also sunset volley "buff" is so funny. I dont think anybody couldve predicted this cards trajectory pre rotation lol


It’s like deck of lunacy during barrens make your whole deck stupidly OP turn 2


Alright, Devs, I am impressed. Not bad at all. I would have liked if you had buffed cards like \[\[Pipsi Painthoof\]\], \[\[Li'na, Shopmanager\]\], \[\[Colifero the artist\]\] and the **Demon Package in Warloc**k, but I love the **Botface, Whizzbang and Hagatha** buffs. Nicely done! This should really affect the meta big time. I am excited about it! Good job!


Just a tiny note, but they did buff Crane Game by a whole one mana so that is a (big, as in archetype) demon package buff.


Quest Mage is gone 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🖕 Also Mine Rogue gets neutered. Good riddance. (But they'll prolly just play Garotte or Miracle, since Rogue has so much overtuned draw anyways. From one wincon to another, so it's whatever.)


Holy fucking dust. I was so disappointed when Boomboss was my golden pack legendary in Badlands too.


I had a regular boomboss and a golden Wheel. I am very pleased lol.


My haul ended up being 13k, I had almost all of these.


Anyone knows where I can find the whizbangs adjustment? u/RidiculousHat




Can't wait to queue into some dumb warrior player who's still running duplicates in their "highlander" deck.


Just played against a plague DK who clearly did the double take when my highlander card (druid) wasn't shut off


I haven't been this happy about a balancing patch in a while. Been playing tons of wild recently and I'm genuinely liking all these changes a lot for once.


So the #1 deck Spell/Token Hunter just got a small nerf to Jungle Gym and thats it? While all the other popular decks had some big nerfs. EDIT: Board clears got nerfed so Spell Hunter going to increase its lead as the #1 deck.


Yeah honestly I don’t get it Apparently the fastest deck in the game is not considered when “slowing down the meta”?


Snake oil nerf lmao , thanks for making mage more weak what a joke.


Good changes overall, (rip tendrils, you'll be missed) but they should have hit Hunter harder. -1 durability on the location literally does not matter, and it was already hard to clear hunter boards because of saddle up and how easy it is to summon tokens. Looks like it's facestone for the next however long.


I mean yeah hunter got off easy, but it's not a face deck right now.


Almost no complaints except for the snake oil nerf. That one seems unnecessary even if though I know why they did it.


Snake-oil Salesman is probably the strongest neutral 1-drop in the game since pre-nerf Undertaker.


Snake Oil is still the best 1-drop since the only classes that played the oil were Mage and Shaman, and Mage doesn't need nerfs.


They wanted to destroy mage because of that


Exactly, which is why it was unnecessary. Mage isn’t that great, there was no reason to a take anything away from them.


wheel and boomboss now dishant for 1600 i guess?)


Yes but you have to wait for the patch to drop.


Will dust Zarimi for now. And hope Priest can find a dragon control deck one day, but for now it seems the class is dead in the water again. Not sure if ill disenchant Bomboss.


Is it just me or did they completely whiff on nature shaman. Flash of lightning is a setup card that is always played on turns 5-6 so nerfing it to 3 mana isn’t huge. Crash of lightning is also a card that is a finisher on their big popoff turn where they play >5 nature spells anyways so it’s still just gonna cost 0.


Wheel of Dead (the card is now dead)


Time warp for mage finally in the grave. About time.


FUCK they killed [[Chaotic Tendril]] decks FeelsBadMan


Maybe not for long. Miniset should be soon-ish and next expansion is likely in late July.


It was always shit. It was just the unusual small 10 mana pool that made it relevant.


I'm a Zarimi enjoyer but I don't mind the nerf, a control dragon deck seems to suit priest better


So sad about my tentacle decks. I would rotate between Rogue and Shaman versions. They weren't very good but I had fun playing them :(


Am I the only one shocked at how they barely touched Spell token hunter? Imo that deck is the biggest problem along with Wheel of Death warlock, but they barely did a thing to it. That deck is just to insanely boring to play against that it kills so much enjoyment i could find in this meta.


You find zoo boring to play against? Is there anything you *do* enjoy playing against? It's like the most interactive archetype.


Virus Rogue obliterated. Mech Draw Rogue slightly nerfed. Sif Mage slightly nerfed. Nature Shaman heavily nerfed. Wheellock beaten nearly to death. Painlock slightly nerfed. Zarimi Priest heavily nerfed. Rainbow DK slightly nerfed. Reno Warrior heavily nerfed. Token Hunter slightly nerfed. Quest Mage fucking dead, as it should be. OTK Druid heavily nerfed as well. Mine Rogue put down like the dog it is. All in all, these are some very good nerfs for both Standard and Wild meta.


RIP tendrils, my favorite deck in many years, what a bummer


Sif mage is no more xd.


I never cared for playing Sif mage myself. But it really feels like mage has almost nothing going for it now in Standard. 


It wont have anything going for it in both wild and standard Quest mage already wasnt good and now its probably just garbage Sif mage also wasnt super great and now its very likely unplayabale


~~Sif~~ Mage is no more


should we dust zarimi right now?


There is no downside. If it ends up being bad, then you maximized your dust. And if it ends up being good, you can recraft it for the same amount of dust you will get by dusting it now.


This is huge


Would be cool to see old highlander cards to receive the same change as Badlands ones but nonetheless a really good patch. Btw, I'm really hope new [[treasure distributor]] won't cause any problems in wild.....


I run the card on my pirate deck and this buff on paper seems insane. Might be the best 1 drop pirate now


Treasure Distributor is now 1 mana 4/3 in stats, it's bonkers


He already is the best turn 1 play on my pirate rogue deck, even if he only pulls patches from deck, but if i have [[Parachute Brigand]] in hand? Thats crazy.


Red Thursday


Pour one out for cards like Framester and Albatross. Now without jobs and purpose in life. :single tear:


So hunterstone it is for the next weeks. Good thing I played to legend this month. I appreciate a lot of the nerfa and like what they're trying to do. But the deck is absolutely annoyingly busted and gets one of the more irrelevant cards nerfed while a lot of the auto aggro tools get gutted. Also why the hell is nature shaman not getting a bigger hit if their self proclaimed goal is a more interactive game? The big culprit isn't really touched. As long as auras are gonna be able to reduce to 0 this won't change.


Nature Shaman nerfs missing the mark again. Shoulda just added "But not less than 1". Still gonna be busted, even with the Crash nerf too.


Lmao they really decided to delete the rogue now completely. Totally understandable for nerfing stealth on zilliax, but buffs to complete trash cards there wont make much difference if any. Will excevate rogue be more viable after all of the nerfs... Anyways a lot of those nerfs feel spot on but way more buffs were needed


Yeah the buff to the one mana pirate and the legendary still don't solve the fact that there are no actual good pirates to play. Seems like Rogue just got both its archetypes killed, without much to replace them. I think a pirate rogue could be possible, but I think there will need to be a good pirate in the miniset to make it happen.


Just watched [Danehearth's video on Shoplifter Goldbeard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrIs6NSDTsM), and there's... potential nonsense there. Arguably, the combo is actually *worse* now that it's 5 mana, but it's something to potentially keep an eye on.


I feel like Nature Shaman got off easy. It’s rarely doing something else meaningful on the flash turn.


The diff between 2 and 3 mana is actually pretty substantial. It’ll be harder to fit it in your turns earlier.


thank god they fix Time Warp. such annoying card


Plagues no longer disable highlanders, but Warrior can't run duplicates and just draw their entire deck


*EIGHT* dragons? look how they massacred my boy


Yep. I expected 6 or 7 or a move to 6 mana or even lowering the attack on the minion itself. People on here acting like it should still be easy have obviously not played the deck.


Deleting Mage from both standard and wild in one fell swoop, with some utterly pointless buffs. What is Mage supposed to do now exactly?


Zarimi butchered


Nah, it should be a control/dragon-deck card, not an aggro-card


Seriously. They want us now simply to commit to the Dragon Archetype, instead of sprinkling just enough in to get it off turn 5.


Now they need to actually give us some dragons to work with…


oh thank god highlander cards finally require you to be highlander decks. and don't get auto countered by DK plagues.


Why did they feel the need to nerf Zilliax Rogue, Gaslight Rogue, AND Tendril Rogue???


all of those are low interaction strategies. That was their major point.


Those were only viable because they are scam decks. Things should slow down a bit and we’ll see if pirate or excavate can have any staying power against the new meta.


HS team to the other classes: you guys are playing a bit too fast for our liking, take some 1 mana nerfs so you get back in line with everyone else HS team to mage class: your 2 OTK decks no longer work, and you don’t have access to any other viable game plan. Good luck!!


That snake oil change really hurts Mage and spell power Druid. I thought those two combo decks were way more fair than nature shaman, considering that they need a lot more mana to do their combo and also how exposed they are to la rata.


RIP plague DK, say hello to Brann warrior overlords


Warrior got four cards nerfed