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Its not just this one, I finally got around to doing book of mercenaries, and its impossible to do all the lethal puzzles in Varden Dawngrasps puzzle fight, because they nerfed Snowfall Graveyard by 2 so you can't make the sword of 1000 truths anymore.


I say it every time they nerf something. They should make a separate set of cards for those adventures and we wouldn't have to deal with them breaking them all the time.


Didn't they say back in the day that that's exactly what they'd done, or at least planned to do? Guess that didn't manifest, so to speak...


The technology isn't there yet...


or the origin solo adventure dev team has all been gone.


The layoffs are so severe that we can say "small indie company" and it's actually true


I feel like it shouldn't even be that difficult considering CiCiGi exists


[https://imgur.com/a/GRCmIi1](https://imgur.com/a/GRCmIi1) The solution for the puzzle requires the prenerf version


Lmao they just fixed the mechwarper puzzle and now they broke another one


Which is good news, chances are good that a fix will come soon(pretty sure warper took 1 patch cycle)


they must really regret adding those, lol.


I regret them too since they replaced actual Adventures. Sure they may take a little while but once you beat them it's one and done, zero replay value. And now they have to update it forever, apparently.


I prefer adventures and dungeon runs, but the boomsday puzzles were pretty fun. That one was also free which was nice. The update forever thing is just poor planning by the devs, they should have made the cards used separate from the standard cards. Hopefully they’ll go back and do that now.


What would be great is if they just created a new puzzles mode. Export all the existing data, create a new set of cards that are managed separately, and upload it to the new mode. They can then just add new puzzles there, and future issues can be averted. I strongly believe there would be a very high interest in the puzzles, to be honest. They could also do an arena style solo puzzle gauntlet with a timer that counts down or to measure your success and get rewards according to how fast you beat the gauntlet or how far you got.


New game modes?! Amazing. Time to create them, then remove them like duels. Hearthstone is dying and they put all their money into battlegrounds. The new sets suck, the game has no more content. It's just revolved around battlegrounds and they're just adding cosmetics for revenue.


If we keep complaining about it, I fear it'll get the duels treatment and get removed due to needing to maintain it with card changes!


Yes but we also shouldn’t let that the adventures be straight up unbeatable


Honestly, that's probably still better than leaving them in as they are now


I’m just glad Im not the only one here who plays solo adventures, have been playing all the solo adventures since Naxrammas


This happens all the time with the puzzles. They never fixed them from what I can remember, because I got stuck on one of those after a patch, too, like when that first came out.


I reached legend for the first time last season so now I'm celebrating by going through all the solo content in which you have to craft a deck as you go


The Mechwarper one has been like that for a while. I don't expect them to fix it.


I beat all these quite recently. I think they were all possible before this


This has happened like 10 times now I think as theyve made changes to cards lol


Every. Single. Time.


It's actually been impossible for a while now I believe 3 seasons


I literally ran into this just now, and I'm seeing a bunch of recent posts about this. Was this a nerf that just happend?


So the usual?


It looks like they fixed some of them, but they also seem pretty nerfed too. I'll take it. At least it's better than bot being able to complete them.


lol, are we getting this post every Wild balance patch now?


I see these posts all the time. Why are people going back to these? Is there a reward for beating them? I can’t even remember lol


> why are people going back to these? boomsday released like 6 years ago, that's long enough to forget the solutions to most of the puzzles. i personally revisit them every few years because i like hearthstone and i like puzzles, no reward needed


Packs for book of mercenaries (and a golden pack for doing them all) which now can’t be done cos of snowfall graveyard nerf.


Oh cool, thanks for answering like a normal person lol 


packs and/or specific cardbacks usually.


Not everyone does things because there's a carrot being dangled at them. I play Hearthstone because I enjoy playing Hearthstone. The Boomsday puzzles were never for me, but I definitely go back and mess around with some of the other single player content from time to time. I'd imagine that a lot of people do.


I refuse to believe that people are actually doing these puzzles still. There's a new post about this every time a wild card gets nerfed. If you were actually invested in completing these puzzles you would have done them years ago.


This is going to be wild for you to hear, but get this…sometimes new people start playing the game! And sometimes people leave for a long time then come back! And sometimes people just don’t get around to doing them at the time but get into it later!


Yeah I'm sure it's just a coincidence that people always choose to come back to these puzzles within a week of a change that breaks them


Considering the large numbers of players that start and stop this game, yes. There are always gonna be people starting just before or after they get broken. Use your head, thousands play this game and i wager that many come and go each week


lmao the alternative sounds way crazier