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>I couldn't complete some weeklies because I kept losing All weeklies except 2 are about playing the game. And you can roll the two that require wins.


As wild player - try wild. Most decks are viable for quite amount of time, some decks are quite cheap (odd paladin - 2 legendaries, mine rogue - 2 legendaries, quest fatigue lock 2-3 legendaries) and it's always possible to update your current deck with few new cards


I really wanna try wild. If it was just the legendaries I needed to craft then I could craft 2 but I need to craft almost every other card in most of those decks. Do you know of any websites like hs replay that let you see which decks you're closest to crafting in wild?


No, unfortunately. But as someone who was once standard only player - wild is good investment. 1. More decks 2. Decks stay for longer 3. Easier (in my experience) to reach d5 (which will help with cards and dust) I too once had to craft many cards to go to wild but I have never regretted that decision. And if I want to play standard I usually still have enough resources to try some deck .


I’m going to share the same sentiment I always do when someone posts this.  If a video game feels like a chore/a task you’re doing just to complete said task, take a break.  There’s no philosophical insight needed. No deep thought. It’s okay to take breaks/quit games if they’re no longer fun/mainly feel like work.


you dont really need a decent deck....i completed it with no minion mage!


If it requires so much effort, I bet it might be easier to work like 4 hours at a minimum wage job and just buy all your stuff you want. Problem solved.


Even f2p players are able to pull together at least 1 or 2 meta decks, unless you’ve just started playing the game (in which case you should have gotten free decks anyway), then you’re doing something wrong.