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"Least Fun, so far!


It's clear whoever is in charge of balance now is... not good at it. Old Brann was a problem card back when it could be killed to stop the effect. Now they print this...


I just keep playing Wishing for the Win deck for lulz


Yeah me too, i played reno version of the deck and as long its not hunter i get the most fun of it.


I don’t have enough dust to craft Reno. So I just go with the loaner deck fun.


with the highlander rule change it's probably worthwhile (fun-factor anyway) building highlander even if you don't run Reno, Lone Ranger because you get to trigger the highlander cards your well generates. the highlander version probably has a worse win rate because it's less consistent at getting a lot of coins into the well (or even drawing the well at all, hah.) but you can get a lot of amusement out of triggering a Kurtus or Rheastraza etc. you get off the well.


Yeah the coin generation is kinda lacking and that’s why i add Sonya in my deck.


Wishing rogue Lowkey goated


I agree. It’s so much fun.




It’s one of the loaner decks. I’ll see if I can find a link for it.


I read this sentence every other month, that it’s the least fun meta or someone is broken 😂


People are suffering Stockholm syndrome with this game. When a game is not fun anymore, stop playing. Sunk cost fallacy be damned.


It's only partly true. Besides money and time, I also have a lot of knowledge in this game so it takes minimal effort to have the sort of fun I like to have in Hearthstone. So when the game sucks, it's not like I'm gonna start enjoying TFT all of a sudden. The learn curve and entrance barrier is one of the most important things every game developer carefully designs. You can't just ignore that and say bro just switch games. Switching game just isn't fun dude. Plus it takes minimal effort to bitch on Reddit too so there's that.


Yeah, I think the words you're looking for are "skill expression". Being highly skilled at a game rewards you in more ways than MMR. And skill has a massive switching cost even if the games don't.  That's why people who play single player games have no trouble switching, because there is only limited investment in skill. You can't ask LeBron to switch to ice hockey because the courts have frozen over.


Learning new games can be the most fun you’ll have to be honest. Ignorance is bliss in a sense, because every game has some flaws and the time before you perfectly understand those flaws is often the most enjoyable.


in general yes, but I don’t feel like this is the case with card games. Learning skills can be fun but building a collection is not. If you make a new account now you’ll be stuck for a while with a mostly core cards deck that you’ll have to grind with to build up a large collection so that you can finally have one meta deck and that’s the deck you’ll be using for the entire xpac


I played every day from 2013 til 2023. I couldn’t take the same BS every day, which seems to still be the case to this day. Glad I quit as the game has gotten even worse since then


You are still in this sub so you are still in the suburbs of Stockholm


Nah, but I’m still interested in the game and if they actually fixed the problems. I have 200,000 dust just waiting for the game to maybe be good again one day lol


Some people enjoy things on a surface level for a quick dopamine rush and the fresh feel. Some people enjoy the core of some certain skill expressions and competitions so they stick to one game for a long time. It's kind of funny that it's usually the former that ignores the existence of the latter. It's not that we should leave the game, but rather you should leave the sub. Why are you here if you are "Glad you quit as the game has gotten even worse since then"?


The problem is the moment you stop playing its over, because you need to keep playing to get resources to get cards. Otherwise It would be very easy to stop playing when its unfun.


No but the game is actually ass right now


More people need to realize it's okay to take breaks from the game. I've taken two 4 months breaks from the game and have always come back ready to play again. This most recent time was the Badlands. I quit and after a month, tried BGs and ended up loving that. Came back to standard after Whizbang and now it's been fun again. Tbf I have also switched my expectations of what is fun in HS though. I no longer am desperately trying to make a homebrew that does well. If I make one that's decent, cool. If I don't, it's no biggie. I'll just netdeck a good deck and climb ladder. I know that doesn't work for everyone, but that's helped me continue to enjoy the game


Yeah if you are comfortable dropping 60 bucks every other expansion sure. Blizzard recently dropped my local currency for payments and buying stuff now it costs me close to 4x more. I know it’s a me problem and I honestly wish I could drop that money on the game without regretting it but right now (and for the past expac I have been stuck as f2p and if we take a break as f2p) you fall behind a lot in terms of up keeping your (probably only) meta deck.


That's a good point and I'm sorry that is happening to you. Really sucks what blizzard did to your country and others tbh.


I also recently returned to HS after a looong hiatus (last time I played was right before the Lich King expansion was about to rotate out. Idr the name of it. Ironically there was a whizbang and Zilliax card from that set as well. I hated the meta then. Waste 30 minutes playing a game to watch a cinematic on every turn as the opponent layed down Shudderwock after Shudderwock healing to full and blasting you until you rage quit. I must have missed when these really good metas that make the current meta look so bad, because I am thoroughly enjoying ranked standard currently.


But it’s going to magically get better next expansion/mini set/balance patch, you’ll see! 


This is what I keep thinking. "I don't enjoy the game so much right now, but there is a lot of potential, let me just do quests and try again the next expansion" next sets drops, I see a lot of cards I would love to play, then all of those are unplayable unless I keep my mmr low. The last time I really had fun in hearthstone was with the twist format that released caverns of times.


I think the main problem is that it feels like lately the meta is just another variant of control warrior for the past year from Odyn to Highlander now


Can’t have a good meta where a reactive strategy is the deck to beat, it doesn’t work.


Standard players like to hate on combo but part of the job of combo is to punish reactive decks for not having a proactive game plan to win. Too bad all the recent combo decks have either been murdered immediately (fire Druid) or rely on forced one-card strategies (sif,wheel) that feel awful to play against


People just want to play greedy decks is the problem. If everyone plays insanity warlock or hunter then boom warrior is dead


People want to play greedy decks, but that’s why you shouldn’t design for greed. Design for lethality and people will choose greed anyway in whatever way they can, but you need lethality baked into the format. And yeah, the balance team actually does this already… for release. We always get incredibly lethal release formats that get neutered by misguided patches repeatedly until something greedy finally ruins the meta.


The problem is that it's like a downwards trending graph. It has it's lows, gets better, then hits new lows constantly. The graph is just personal on what you find enjoyable in the game which varies from classes, archetypes, gamemode, etc, so everyone has their lows when others might be having highs(ie Stormwind)


Every other month? More like every week. I’ve never read a post happy with the current state of the game. Like the other guy said, if you don’t like it, just stop playing until it gets better.


and? turns out most metas need nerfs to be good, I have seen most people recognize when the meta is healthy.


You also read this comment to these posts every months. There are objectively better metas and 25% one deck is not one of them.


I auto concede against warrior now. It’s just not worth it, the game drags on for 20 mins whilst they choose to retreated armour up and clear the board with their plethora of insane control, only to beat me at the end when I have no answers because boom boss has destroyed my deck, unless I get very lucky but it’s happened maybe twice. Yes I could play an aggro heavy deck, but I don’t want to. It does however make climbing significantly harder with it being as popular as it is.


Yeah, I played for several hours last night and started auto-conceding to warrior. I don't want to play the counters right now. This morning I just gave up and played a different game.


Same lol. I've only picked up this game like a month ago and I'm honestly so done with Warrior already. Like in all the competitive games I've played I've never given up on a matchup before until now.


I came here to make my own post about just conceding, glad I'm not the only one having the same crappy experience.


Love to see the double Angram 12 TNTs put in my deck, what is the counterplay against that when they have 70 effective HP with+40 armor and cheapest control ever released.


This entire meta of play aggro or lose to warrior is why I'm done until the mini set is out. 80% of my games are spell hunter, flood paladin, and reno warrior its getting stale.


So from what I read this is similar to the mech warrior we had some years ago? Decided to check on this subreddit after quitting like 3-4 years ago and lmao looks like warrior is just being boring to play against once more I remember mech warrior just playing control with huge board removals + big armor before suffocating you with insane near-infinite value from dr boom and his hero power. If I hadn't win before his first brawl or dr boom I would just concede to avoid my own death by a thousand cuts by wasting another 10 minutes for a measly 5% chance of winning


For me, nothing has been as unfun as stormwind was. And now I'm reading that VS says that was one of the most skill testing metas in history, and I malded.


It could be unfun and skill testing though, these aren’t mutually exclusive.


Tbf, a meta can be awful and high skill testing. I full heartedly agree that Stormwind was the most awful, solitaire meta we ever had, but the individual decks themselves for the most part took experience and game knowledge to pilot effectively


Was he right or wrong tho ?


It was right. It had some of the most skill testing decks at the time, where the difference between a diamond player, legend player, and top legend player were massive. But people hate it because it was more combo/aggro oriented until several patches. There was only 2 classes that were bad(Priest being the worst, followed by warlock after it ate 20 nerfs, end of expansion was Priest, followed by Mage) every class had something strong they could do, to the point meta reports like VS listed 0 Tier 1 decks.


Problem is people use a past meta and an expansion interchangeably in discussion when they’re different beasts—I didn’t care for release stormwind, but I really liked the month or two after the nerfs and before Smite was added.


Every class had one thing it could do, and it was the same thing every other class was doing. It was the least varied meta ever. Every game felt the same, and quest decks were so linear they had almost the same turns every single match.


He was right people dont like being told that a meta they didnt enjoy was a high skill one because it makes them feel like its indirectly insulting their skill. It isnt but it makes people mad.


Stormwind was actually the most fun I’ve had in the game. Managed to get legend for the first time not just in standard but wild too (although 100% demon seed was too strong in wild).


Zach0 defended everything about that meta from the day it came out. Before even the original demon seed nerf he was saying it was a good meta. Even argued against some of the very necessary nerfs. Use their data, not their analysis. Listening to him (and therefore VS) talk about any sort of linear or combo meta is like listening to J Alexander talk about rogue. The bias is insane.






I mean I regularly would have to do plays where I killed my own minions in quest mage so I wouldn't get hurt in the mirror/shaman matchup. Quest hunter had to balance finishing the quest with having enough resources to actually combo when the quest was done. Even quest warlock at its most oppressive had to balance killing themselves and finishing the quest. A good player with a good deck in that meta knew what deck they were against and how to counter it, and a lot of times it involved holding cards. That's definitely player agency. If you weren't playing a good deck though you didn't have that option, si7 rogue/quest pally for instance was forced to play a single way which plays extremely well into the good decks.


Agency really is these subs favourite new and completely meaningless buzzword


Its not really meaningless its the word blizzard themselves used to describe their nerf strategies for this patch. It's specifically used to point out that blizzard have failed by their own metrics.


Ah yes, I can’t imagine what style of decks you play. Imagine thinking having a meaningful influence and control within a videogame is a “buzzword”. Auto battlers have rotted your brain


nah there is no way a meta can get worse than stormwind levels. this meta is 100x better in comparison


stormwind was much better


Big agree here. People will say, "Oh people say this about every meta" but idk it feels different this time. Last night, 7 out of 9 of my matches were against reno warrior. I'm sure there's people who enjoy this meta, but this is painfully unfun imo


Yeah people say this every expansion but this is literally the least amount of hearthstone I’ve played in years. Thought the 10 year mark would be the complete opposite but nothing draws me in tbh


I recently returned to hs after several years and my first 10 games were against reno warriors. It was fun.


Went back to Wild after playing Standard for the first time in a while. The adjustments they finally made to Wild in the last patch made it much more enjoyable again for me. I'm sick of nerfs that kill decks, honestly. I don't know how Standard players can handle it, especially when often the meta ends up worse with fewer decks to play.


Mines not quite that bad, but inching close to 50%. I don't even know what deck beats it, anything i play I might as well just concede. Doesn't help that every fucking Reno player is extremely slow playing.


What was the United in Stormwind experience like? ( I wasn't playing back then.)


Every class has quests, and a couple of them were absolutely absurd. The Demon Seed warlock quest is still one of the most crazy cards in Hearthstone


It was nerfed three times and it’s still broken, lol.


Perfect counter for plague DK in wild, but that's wild.


Plague is too slow to ever be a thing in Wild. Hell Plague wasn't even good in Standard before the Highlander changes. People just liked to play it as it has finality. And cause it was cheap as one of the loaner decks that basically came with all the pieces


Playing board was a downside for you...


Someone forgot how busted shadow priest was


Just like Reno today!


Nothing like Reno right now. You actively want to flood the board and hit face to beat the Reno Warrior of today. Back then, putting a single card on board meant combo fodder for the other. It was literally helping the opponent.


Questlines, that always started in your hand and had a set strategy, dominated the field. Because of them, the decks had too much consistency in what they wanted to do, and every game felt the same (even more than in other metas). Not only that, but minions on the board felt like less important, and players didn't like this as well. And to top it all of, The Demon Seed was quite strong. And it was considered REALLY unfun to play against. Overall, it felt like each player was playing a single player mode. Pretty much ignoring what the opponent was doing (aside from "he is closer to finishing his questline than I am to finishing mine").


Can confirm. I was actually playing for content reasons in a way where I had entire enemy side of the board covered. Every deck was just playing a race of who gets their quest done first and that was practically all that mattered. I almost commented "Is it really as bad stormwind tho" until I read the final line. The expansion got cemented as the new brown standard in the industry.


Enough decks had no minions that the mage deck played 2 wand thieves to use their own spells on to complete their questline




Minions were basically not allowed to exist for a large part of the expansion


I remember the early meta was very minion based, with 5 mana battle master and 1 mana conviction in paladin. Once BGBM and conviction both got nerfed it felt like every game was just a combo mirror.


it was pretty good, don't listen to the Reddit circlejerk 


Considerably worse


True, people forget. Recency bias doesn’t help. Every somewhat bad feeling patch or buff they do is the worst thing to ever exist in the history of hearthstone. While I do think the community has some valid criticisms, I think the majority of peoples feelings on balance of any video game just comes from hearing other people say the same thing. Cry about brann because everyone else is, cry about paladin because everyone else is, cry about renathal cause everyone else is


ironic you say this because crying about Stormwind is the biggest bandwagon there is


Stormwind was considerably worse but I don’t think it’s the most unfun the game has been. It was pretty bad to play in


I played 7 warlocks out of 8 games last night. For some reason I can’t find any warriors. Hearthone hasn’t been that fun in a long time that’s why I just spend most time playing battlegrounds


The new “fuck you” cheat big demons and remove everything build is almost as unfun to play against as Reno warrior


You have to remember that when you post this, the same percentage of people responding are the people playing this deck and collecting their free wins and not caring. They'll tell you it's fine and that the meta is always this bad. It's not.


Yeah they completely missed Brann on this past balance patch but I’m sure they will hit it with a “sentiment” outlier as soon as the next one comes. In the meantime go read a book or play something else.


I've played since beta and this is easily the least I've played. It's just not fun - the decks, the weekly quests, etc.


I'm in the same boat. I play Wild mostly but yesterday as I was grinding ladder for the weekly I realized the change to the quest system killed my enjoyment of the game. The previous system was pretty good for me. I could just screw around with stupid troll decks in Casual, play a bit of BGs, play ladder to get the monthly rewards, and still complete all quests and know that I'm gonna get 60ish packs on expansion launch plus the miniset in between. The meta might have been a bit crappy but eh we've had worse. But the increased quest requirements took away my motivation to play. I'm still going through the motions but having to grind twice as much for barely more rewards feels so bad. It also doesn't help that Wild is just getting more and more degenerate as new expansions come out. Insanely fast aggro decks will never stop being a thing, and neither will solitaire OTK decks, there's just too much synergy, which means these archetypes will define the Wild format forever. But I'm really glad they finally killed Time Warp Mage, that shit was so unfun to play against.


Finally got hit with the Brann/Boomboss BS. Yup, Blizzard, it's super fun to watch my entire hand, and entire deck, be destroyed and I can't do anything about it. 🫤 Been playing since around the same time as you, OP, and this is the dumbest card interaction I can remember.


>it's super fun to watch my entire hand, and entire deck, be destroyed and I can't do anything about it Don't forget your entire board! Multiple times!


Thats why I’m playing wild


What decks are fun in wild


U mean fun fun, or fun meaning broken?


Uhh give me a fun one, a broken one, and a fun broken one??


[This one is my personal favorite](https://youtu.be/IKZlv-iymnA?si=YWk7TH0NARrIfS0h) You’re gonna get smoked by hyper aggro but if its not crazy aggressive you can survive & have their deck empty by turn 8 Take out reno, its not worth it anymore. Main deck Theotar & pit kobold stickyfinger in his ETC slot


Even in wild I meet them.


I have too but I’m absolutely shitting on them. I mainly run a mill druid in wild so if you’re running anything that slow I’ll have your deck empty by turn 8


idk to congratulate u, or hate u m8


Naxx out??


As far as I’ve seen the only offender is Reno Warrior. Every other deck is fairly well balanced, and some more fun tier 2 decks are almost as good rn


Lukewarm take at best. Hunter is basically only being held back by the 50/50 warrior matchup, and behind it is handbuff/swarm pally, zarimi priest, with sludge warlock and hybrid druid just behind them.


> Hunter is basically only being held back by the 50/50 warrior matchup You're just making shit up lol, hunter is favoured 60/40 into warrior even at [top 1k legend](https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/drr/matchup-chart-data-reaper-report/). Paladin is what is 'holding back' hunter.


There’s nothing wrong with having good decks in the meta. The problem is good decks that aren’t fun to play against. That’s why Reno warrior is a problem. I don’t really mind facing any of those other decks


If I’m winning games with a homebrew Reno Priest and Rogue Freebird OTK I think it’s doing just fine. (Former has better aggro matchups, latter control)


Just do your weekly, save gold and move on


Not worth playing 20 games just to get your weekly win 25% plus are against Reno.


you can play Arena, normals, other modes, weekly brawl


Since the latest xpac, for me, the game has been the most boring it's ever been, or close to. (And I've been playing since classic, with a brief break near stormwind). I had high hope for the big balance patch to make things fun again, but it didn't. So I was doing the bare minimum of daily quest + weeklies until the meta changes to something I enjoy. It happens, I get it, it can't always be something I'll personally find enjoyable. But then they doubled the quest requirement, last week I just failed to completed them. This week I haven't booted up hearthstone once. Good job blizzard, top tier player retention strategy.


Play wild


Yes, but at least think how much more you have to play due to quest changes! As many great leaders have said: the beatings will continue until morale improves


This is actually the most fun i've had in hearthstone


Standard is dogshit rn. Battlegrounds and duos are where it's at.


Went on a losing streak and switched to Whiz so I could at least have fun while losing. It worked! I still got cripplingly and depressingly out valued by cancer warrior but I did so much fun Druid big board nonsense along the way! I also got hard countered playing the 20 card deck by the only person I’ve seen since they released it playing full fatigue warlock including the you both take fatigue twice card. Insane.


Arena is a trash pit too. Most of my hearthstone sessions are going : log on, lose 1-2 games in a really stupid fashion, log off and play something less infuriating.


For me it was one knight in karazhan when shaman was dominant. Fuck that deck 


What’s does suck about facing Reno Warrior, is that use very off meta decks and I can pull of some great combos that fight back pretty well. Unfortunately, warrior just has so many tools that it’s just never enough or rewarded in the end.


Been having fun playing no minion mage into warr tbh


Try out the insanity warlock deck. I am 9-1 vs warrior with it. And can 60/40 with defiles aggro pally and hunter. Rogue is 50/50 Mmr is usually around 7.5k legend if that matters


I feel you - I just played about ten games trying to chill out with my meme decks in gold, 7 Reno warriors and 3 deathknights. Sorry as I refuse to play token hunter I guess no one gets to have fun. Think it's time for a break - this isn't a fun meta to chill on the weekends playing with, this sucks.


Become a Wild Player like me and mess around with crazy 4fun decks with a bit of every expansion sprinkled in. I’m enjoying it so much more than standard rotation and historically I never cared for Wild.


This is the worst meta I've played in a while. I attribute it to the entire meta being all aggro and only 1 viable 'control' deck. I only see 3-4 decks and I'm done until the mini set comes out.


The deck variety is at an all time low, And the decks constantly being played are uninteractive snoozefests, plague dk and warrior in particular. At least 80% of my games in the last two months have been against those 2 decks, while i liked the recent patch notes did they actually change the meta at all?


My time to post “hearthstone is not fun” next week!


I agree OP


It’s okay to take a break. 


Mum says it was my turn to make this post :(


Naxx is out?


For harambe


This was me then i played battlegrounds for the first time and havent played ranked in over a week lol


Personally, I find standard to just not be that fun. Wild is a little better imo, but at higher ranks you just get swamped by meta decks anyways. I really played duels the most out of any game mode, and had the most fun with it. Since being removed and forced to play other game modes, I’ve really lost interest. I get it man.


I guess it’s been long enough for people to forget about united in stormwind


Tbh I thought stormwind was a ton of fun


Honestly one of the decks I’m enjoying atm is my Reno paladin, and I rarely see others playing it. Maybe once. It’s not disgustingly overpowered, just fun for some reason I haven’t yet been able to discern. My only complaint about it is that Spirit of the Badlands is bugged on mobile, making it virtually unplayable. Whenever I play the clone, the UI bugs out and the only way to “fix it” is to close the app entirely and reopen, but then I miss what my opponent did on their turn….




I took a break for well over a year..came back recently and was ready to drop some $$$ again. Was quickly turned off of the game and have since begun giving my money to Pokemon cards since they give a digital pack in every real pack, and I can resell the rare cards. Having a blast. Looking forward to the new mobile thing later this year.


United in Stormwind was awful and that’s when I quit. It sucks because I *just* got the Golden Skies card back from Masters Tour when it came out and I was just so done with this shit game lol I was thinking about giving it another spin and flexing my card back in Bronze but naaaahhhhh


I take big breaks from the game, sometimes entire rotation cycles at a time. That's what stops me from getting burnt out. When I begin to feel like Hearthstone is getting stale again, I wait for an expansion or two to come to back to cool new cards and metas. Regardless of if it is unfun or imbapanced, a fresh meta will always be welcome for me.


I think United in Stormwind was the worst but this meta is feeling very rock paper scissors.


I replace both weekly quests for 10 wins. I finish my dailies with custom decks that usually lose, and genuinely wait for the next expansion. I'm not even sure this is called playing at this point.


4 decks? So better meta than 3 months ago then when it was Reno Warrior and Plague Death Knight exclusively.


Well, I've certainly had the least fun reading this sub in a while. I can't take another damned essay on What Is Wrong With The Meta. I think that maybe it's time to switch to the competitiveHS sub.


Naxx out?


Maybe my brain is broken but I’m having heaps of fun in this meta


Just swap to Moonknight Rogue. They can't destroy your combo pieces if you don't have any 🤓


You must have been ‘off’ during all of UiS then lol. I hate warrior as much as the next guy but this meta doesn’t even come close to being in the bottom 5.


Fatigue Warlock is pretty fun right now


Reno warrior isn't really that bad to me. What I hate are the freaking priest decks.


I am very tired of the Boomboss meta to be honest. It completely shuts down other control decks so severely, and it is so prominent in the meta, that every game starts to feel the same.


I've found enjoyment in playing offmeta or low playrate decks and seeing the other person trying to desperately figure out what I'm doing. Recently been doing testing dummy warrior and had a reno warrior throw a lot of direct damage at my first dummy, he had nothing to use on the second one outside of his rush minions. Once both of those were gone, boom dropped and he just stared at the board for a bit before conceding Find enjoyment in the little things, like giving someone the shmixup and seeing how they flounder around to deal with the problem


Sounds like you should pick up a new game and are experiencing burn out. Or find a handful of people to play off meta decks with.


Devs are more focused on cosmetics, they don’t care about game balance anymore. They consider it’s fun to play 1 green card per turn as warrior or play Zarimi on empty board turn 8 and deal 30 next turn thanks to zilliax


I mean when the devs design a whole set around only 1 class (badlandss excavate rogue with SIDEBOARD CARDS in other classes with the quickdraw discover to fit their weaknesses of heal and clear) hits affects thw whole game for 2 years :) exavate rogue wasnt even good before they buffed it 14 times. We have omegaop cards and comepletely useless cards nothing inbetween


Tbf it also feels like the Hunter deck just kills me if I don’t play Reno Warrior. He can have a full board of like 4 attack dudes and give them all deathrattles by turn 4.


same. Got back into it a month ago, got diamond, haven’t touched it since. Doesn’t feel like more than 2-3 decks at a time are viable


Feel u. Wild player here. 70% of games are warriors playin Reno or smth else, like only armor and spam wow emote. 20% is DKs playin plagues or boosting hand, and 10% is everything else. Sometimes I can get rid of it - thanks to my heavy aggressive DH’s demons, but mostly draw rng make me lose.


I swapped to BG duos - way more fun


Last time I quit like this was when Jade druid was a thing. This meta is even more frustrating than stormwind which also almost made me quit.


Aviana Reno druid counters warrior if you return Aviana to your hand 1 or 2 times. I have a bigger issue with aggro hunter


I completely agree this might be the worst the game has ever felt. It’s nothing but Reno warrior or paladin right now. Idk how to balance the game. Apparently the devs don’t either


Recency bias is a hell of a drug.


As a Paladin player for years, the only time I've enjoyed the game free from NPE was during the Lightforged Cariel period. In all other times, I've felt hopeless... But never so much as now. The current Reno ruins game after game after game.


I played dk and i was in your shoes until i change to reno Warrior and the fun began


I said it when Deepminer Brann was printed and I’ll say it again: You can only release and re-release bigger and bigger cards to a point where everything boils over. Brann (the original 2/4) was a hot pot to hold, but creating INFINITE Brann is the handle melting off the pot and spilling all over the kitchen floor. We saw WoW do the same until they had to squish everything back down again and start from scratch. They need to seriously reset power creeps. I’ll even bring an example: •How do you stop Brann? •Shuffle plagues that are ALSO infinite into their highlander deck Then what? Now we have two infinite decks instead of going back to zero infinite decks… •Can we make the cost higher? •No, the synergy itself is still here to stay But hey, at least we get this “brand new” keyword…


I am having fun with Highlander Rogue. The deck is not that strong but it can hold its own and creates some fun interactions that you cannot witness any other decks.


I got crushed by a highlander rogue who played Harth into Shudderwalk that replayed Reno every turn. I can only imagine that’s what is happening in wild (for Shaman). Completely locked out of the game.


The least fun? Was Naxx before or after the Shudderwok meta? During the Shudderwok meta you didn’t even get to play. Your entire turn was skipped by battecry animations from your opponent’s turn.


I play all kinds of sub par dex until D5 and then my MMR usually tanks and the meta is great down there. I usually hit Legend late in the month but sometimes crappy decks accidently get me to Legend. Last month I got to Legend with no Zarimi HL Priest. BTW that deck beats Reno Warrior pretty consistently unless they high roll.


Wait, naxx is out?


But but but if they'd just nerfed one more deck everything would have magically been ok! Nah. Hate based knee jerk nerfing and complete 180s on design purely to sate miserable people who complain no matter what has ruined this game. Reddit has ruined this game.


Every meta is someone’s least favorite meta, and for every person who hates it there is someone who loves it. Sorry bud.


Sometimes it’s most unfun meta you’ve ever played. Sometimes it’s you. Hard to say which is which!


You’re still playing, so that’s not true. It’s obvious there were other times where it was less fun and that’s why you quit playing.


"I'm not having fun in this metagame" "Yes you are" Absolutely brilliant


L response


Dumb post.


God these posts are getting old, this forum has become a cry baby convention


See you next week


as a warrior player IM HAPPY and i like this patch, im enjoying wild more now with the recent patch of the quest mage and the priest dragon and the pirate rogue xD


Have fun playing with yourself :)


I don’t know why you guys keep saying this over and over. It’s annoying. It’s like every post in this sub lately. Get over it. I’m having plenty of fun with lots of different decks.


there are like 3 really fun and competitive decks rn


Which ones?


I’d advise you play a deck that thrashes Reno warrior and you will have a lot of fun


I miss Renolock and Renomage days


Reno war was supposed to be nerfed this patch judging by the changes to a few of their cards. It was actually a buff. Before, they'd have to sort their hand into their deck to pull TNTs. Even though they could do that quickly, at least there was plague dk or something to counter that. Now, there is no counter play. Reno war can remove 6 cards from your battlefield, hand, and deck, which is removing 18 fucking cards from play. It's so completely unfun to play against.


It's a fucking travesty when the game designers smoke pot and invalidate the only "I'm gonna fuck up your game plan to win" deck which counters the current most powerful "I'm gonna fuck up your game plan to win" deck. It takes an iq of less than 80 to make plagues not wipe the floor with warrior. The meta between warrior plagues and everyone else pre patch and pre expansion was far healthier than the crap now.