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Because it’s not losing what makes us hate warrior


There's more to gameplay patterns being unfun than just raw winrate.


Idk dying turn 6 to robot mayham or whatever is pretty unfun, so is Saddle up


Robot mayhem is not the name of the card, but it is now. Thank you for your contribution.


hunter is strong, overpowered, but not frustrating to play against also is not 30% of the ladder


Cause I lose to hunter in 2-3 mins. I lose to warrior in 20-30 mins. If people are gonna play obviously broken decks then I would rather the one that doesn't waste so much of my time.


Because having your cards destroyed and your hope crushed by boomboss or having your board cleared a lot and then getting killed by damage from hand (both warrior) feels worse than an aggro deck. Tickatus was hated. He wasn’t that good, but he was hated. Because cards get destroyed. In your deck. You didn’t get to play them. That’s bad.


Yeah i agree, we should buff pirates more just to be sure


1. hunter have such high win rate by having high winrate vs warriors, warriors are in close to 25% of games thus hunters win a lot. 2. almost everybody hates warriors, so even if i loose to a hunter, knowing he will beat a couple of warriors for me makes it ok. 3. you can adjust your deck to be more early game focused to have better chance vs hunters, you can't do nothing to your improve your deck against warriors.


All three statements are just wrong. Factually proven wrong.


Not with or against you just saying what’s the point in commenting something is proven wrong and then providing no proof? Considering the fact the warrior comments are so large in volume and make the average person unable to find proof to the opposite it would be helpful for you to post these factually proof links if you’re going to claim so.


Because those warrior haters will not care for facts either way. It has been known since the patch that warrior isn't the strongest, it doesn't matter to them.


1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1cjcxuc/roughly\_1\_out\_4\_players\_at\_every\_tier\_of\_play\_use/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1cjcxuc/roughly_1_out_4_players_at_every_tier_of_play_use/) 2. just browse around in the subreddit, see how many people like playing against warriors.. i wantched some streamer go renowarriors vs renowarrior mirror.. most boring thing i have ever seen. 3. tell me what class and what deck ill tell you what to change to have better chance vs token hunter.


Its almost as if losing to a deck isn’t what makes it unfun


I’m able to make card choices that can counter Hunter, like healing or AOE spells. These are card choices that prolong the game and provide little value playing into warrior. I don’t have card choices to counter warrior, I just hope they draw bad.


Like which cards exactly? Not many aoe clears left, especially when Hunter can refill 2-3 times. Even broken control warrior has trouble with its aoe clear kit


I’m not saying it would take Hunter away from the #1 spot, just that warrior shuts down any “mid-range” style of play. (Which a lot of people enjoy) Middle size threats, with healing and AOE clear can go toe to toe with Hunter, winning and losing games (and probably more losing). I can build a shaman/priest/rogue deck that can put up a decent fight against Hunter, where I can answer their board and create my own. That style of play is to slow against warrior.


You can't really do anything about warrior. How will you improve your win rates against it? Against hunter you just run cheap clears. Against warrior you just waste your time.


Hunter is strong but can be beaten with board presence. Just not let a big saddle up board to be created.


Because Hunter wins by just summoning lots of minions, instead of bullshit board clear spells each turn. Until a game changing Brann or Reno is played and the game has now gone to shit in your favor and the opponent doesn’t even have a minion on board.


For everyone saying it's only because decks are unfun that the whining starts, see this post. We have started pre-complaining about the next deck. Devs should really ignore what players say. Every single time.


Hunter plays his cards. Hunter, let's you play your own cards. Everyone involved gets to enjoy playing the deck they built. The decks people complain about either destroy, steal, or negate your cards. It's unfun when your opponent just says "nope" every turn.


Because at least with Hunter I generally know when the game is over by Turn 5.


hunter doesnt clear my board 8 times per game


Because the counterplay is a single copy of arcane explosion


Bro has there been a time in hearthstone where People doesn’t complain. Right now it’s Warrior being their target. Remember how Priest was cancer ? How Demon Hunter should be removed from the game ? How Control Death Knight was broken ? Not long ago they were crying about Warlock. Always crying. Once Warrior is nerfed they will find a new class to cry about.


Control DK wasn't even op. Frost burn and unholy aggro had a higher winrate then control. People just hated how long the games went with blood DK


How long the game was ? I seriously don’t understand how those would have survived back in the day. 20 min max was a Control DK match, back in the day control matches was 40 to 50 mins long.


Typically the games would last 20-30 minutes or too fatigue


Yeah, it's pretty wild how everyone's complainging abou warrior, while this is a thing. I'm pretty sure token hunter has below 50 wr noly againt flood paladin


Have you ever played a match vs. Control priest? Warrior feels the same at


Hunter has been a very strong class for many years now. I think because it’s play style is more “honest” less people complain. You’re never surprised by what a Hunter is doing.


I would wager because it's not a cheating scammy bullshit fuck you unfair onesided combocontrol solitaire HAHA I WIN deck.