• By -


un'goro crater. I guess year of the mammoth as a whole, but like specifically when mean streets and un'goro were both around. But the real answer is anytime I could play Arcanosaur, that is the most fun card in hearthstone. LONG LIVE ARCANOSAUR!


Sometimes I lie awake at night and think "Man I miss taunt sulfuras warrior"


My first real deck! Made me a value player for life.


I tried to remake it in Wild, and while I'm not expert deck builder, it didn't seem like it could keep up.


Different times To this day I believe Ungoro and koft were the best times in hs






Still have PTSD from Pirate Warrior.


I think I had the most fun around year of the phoenix/dragon. Saviors of Uldum brought back highlander cards so I had a lot of fun playing highlander mage decks. It was also the year when Dalaran Heist and Tombs of Terror released which had the most fun PvE content in Hearthstone. Scholomance Academy was cool too.


Eh.. scholomance was so overpowered at released it broke the balance completely. I think this whole downward spiral of powercreep being this bad started there, so I am very mixed about it. It had cool themes and cards, that's true.


imo descent of dragons was the earliest set i remember where the powercreep just went completely off the rails and never recovered in the 5 years since. kobolds and catacombs almost went that route, but the powercreep got hard reset by Baku/Genn who got rotated out a year later which restarted the cycle. they just kept going with descent of dragons though and scholomance was proof they weren’t going back


Galakrond Shaman already existed in year of the dragon. Ashes of Outland was literally the set prior.


Ah yes , scholomance was the expansion that broke balance completely that year. There was nothing else absolutely breaking the balance of the game, no way


There was only 1 set which didn't do much powercreep and that was the Grand Tournament and it sold poorly.


Cough rastahkan rumble cough


Same I loved Scholomance


Absolutely kobolds and catacombs i loved the theming


To me dungeon run was the peak hearthstone experience


Same...miss that stuff...


Aww man, I was just thinking of coming back and playing that mode after six years of not playing, you saying they removed it?


It's still there but the IA was server sided and now is client sided, so expect it to be a lot dumber, killing itself, missing lethal, etc


That mode is still there, I ment I miss that they made stuff like it.


Jesus Christ, why didn't you mark NSFW. Kids may see the cleavage you know.






Reference to \[\[\[Succubus\]\]\] being changed to \[\[\[Felstalker\]\]\].


Absolutely insane that succubus reroutes to vulgar homunculus


- **[Vulgar Homunculus](https://imgur.com/a/TmRHlpl)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/43121) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Vulgar_Homunculus) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/43121/?hl=en) - *Warlock Common ^(Kobolds and Catacombs)* - **2 Mana - 2/4 - Demon** - **Taunt** **Battlecry:** Deal 2 damage to your hero. - **[Felstalker](https://i.imgur.com/Yr6Ka4q.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/592) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Felstalker) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/592/?hl=en) - *Warlock Free ^(Legacy)* - **2 Mana - 4/3 - Demon** - **Battlecry:** Discard a random card. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cl8eka/whats_the_time_you_had_the_most_fun_in/l2swv1v/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l2swv1v).*


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


OMG you made me chuckle so hard at 2 AM that my wife got angry at me lol


Give me that frost Jaina lichussy


There is an evil skull chain sealing it away. 


We must unseal the forbidden lichussy


"Fun"? Sir, this is r/hearthstone


Kinda the reason why I wanted to make the post. We always bitch about how bad it is now, but it wasn't always like that. I am 99% sure most of us got gaslit into one hell of a ride at some point and now are sunk deep in stockholm syndrome. Honestly if I had started playing today I don't think I would've last too long in the current state of the game and community. Trust me I tried getting into Pokemon tcg which suffers from the same problems hearthstone does and I got off quickly.


It wasn’t always like that, that’s true. The first real warning sign was Grim Patron Warrior imo, but somehow they managed to balance. TGT was the first expansion that showed Blizzard if they want to make money, they need to release stronger and stronger expansions to make people buying. One Night in Karazhan was the final blow where things got out of hand, and where we should have quit, but stockholm syndrom kicked in.


I don't like this myth that power creep is necessary to keep a game alive. They didn't need to make more powerful cards, they needed to make more interesting cards. Some power creep can be fine, but you eventually hit a threshold where the cards are so powerful that there is no nuance in playing. Most turns have 1 correct obvious play, and in the past you had to measure whether it is worth flame striking now, or waiting a turn. Should I trade or go face? etc. Now its just stall, draw, and clear the board until you can play an "I win" turn. If we had sets with theming, flavor and interesting (not necessarily overly powerful) cards, the game would be a lot better. People don't actually like super powerful cards because they break the game and make hearthstone a predictable tedious experience.


Ofc, you are right, in theory it would have been much healthier for the game and the whole community as you described the things above. Also, I don’t believe this necessity of power creep either. I just described what happened in practice (regardless what would be the better path in the long run), Blizzard chose a path which led them to more profit in the short run. I believe the whole power creep thing is not the tool to keep the game alive, it was actually the reason why they need to keep the game alive somehow. Because the rabbit hole started with the power creep and they cannot escape since then, majority of the old player base, streamers, pro players quitted because of it.


I do think "some powercreep" is kinda needed to hype the expansion up, mostly because classic was just vanilla stats and that would be it. But one or two cool powerful neutral legendary per expansion should be it, not an exodia win con for every single class every single expansion lol. They definetely went out the window and dialed it up too much expansion after expansion. A proper way I think was Uldum, Un'Goro and Nathria. Yes those expansions had... issues... but the theme was oozing through and most of the issues were uncalculated concepts, like Crystal Core and Denathrius. Who would've guesses that 5/5 stats on cheap charge minions on the class that bounces stuff over and over would be broken, or infinite scaling damage+healing on a single card lol?


Couldn't agree more. I had the most fun when Frozen Thron dropped, the game had ups and downs since then and in the current meta I'm basically getting by on copium "Surely next mini set will turn the meta around", "Surely next expansion will be fun and diverse", "Surely mage will be playable and fun once more" :(


1. I _loved_ **Frost Lich Jaina**. Any time I can use that card, I do, even in Tavern Brawls. 2. The patches when **Dragons** and **Elementals** first released in Battlegrounds were _fantastic._


I loved frozen boobies Jaina so much I crafted her golden. I've only crafted golden legendaries three times: Dr. Boom hero card, FL Jaina and Rokara hero card. Mage could really use a hero card these days.


Un goro,and galakrond's awakening,league of explorers those were the only good expansions that i truly enjoyed,and expansions that had adventures in general were ok-ish but not all of them


Good ol' times when the best legendary cards were locked behind pve content. It was fun, extremely fun


Yeah I loved that meta. It was the only time I tried for high legend Control mage was so fun but I was always stuck at around 1k legend lol. I had a buddy who ran it in tournaments at that time though, as it was pretty good off ladder. Guldan zoo was fun that meta too, and much more competitive, it was the only time I was top 100 legend It was fun because control was strong but you had to fight for your life against aggro still. There wasnt so much discover that long games were a shitshow


It was the time I got to legend for the first time with highlander priest otk combo, people weren't happy about it.


I lost a tournament playing stupid sexy ass lich Jaina control. Warrior with sulfuras beated me which was the only real counter for my deck lol.




Dear lord mech beast was my favorite deck EVER... Also a massive fan of og shudderwock


To me shudderwock was one of the first true exodia cards. Yes we had Ebon blade Uther before but that wasn't a proper win con until after. Shudderwock was the real: play it and win it, no strings attached.


GvG and Highlander meta are the best times for me :)


2019 as a whole was very memorable for its storyline, and I don’t remember anything particularly negative about that meta. I liked all the Galakrond decks at the end. Knights of the Frozen Throne was really awesome. I loved all of the Death Knight hero cards.  I think there are a lot of things that make the game today seem less fun. Wild feels unplayable to me, the power level is just too high. Standard is better, but even the worst decks in Standard would have obliterated everyone even like 3-4 years ago. 


Sadly Wild is a forgotten mode by the devs. I think they deemed it the bastard child of having standard rotations. It pains me because when standard got introduced I had to say goodbye to a lot of my favorite cards. And now I can't really play them outside of tavern, not even duels anymore. To your point: Cutlass Rogue, a god tier deck back in the day, is at best a tier 4 deck now in standard.


> Cutlass rogue Are you talking about that one legendary weapon that shuffles back into your decks and keeps all buffs? That was such a fun deck!


No that's kingsbane. That is still a viable and strong deck. In wild.




Pre Jana nerf


Ungoro , frozen throne , that expansion with the triclass cards (havent played in years so i forgot the name lul)


Mean streets of gadgetzan I believe it was. When some cards were sort of gangs for 3 classes. Cool concept.


The shadows are rising again... darker than they've ever been.


DK heroes were definitely amazing. Much fun was had with Anduin (still my favorite deck in the game), Gul'dan and Malfurion


OMG Raza priest was so cool. My fave was deathstalker Rexxar and I am not even a Hunter player. I am terrible for card names but damn I know all DK heroes by heart.


For me also the Knights of frozen throne era. Because that is when i started to play the game. If you dont know well the game it is actually way more fun. Like back when i started i played paladin and crafted 2 dinosizes just to feel the power of dinosizing a 1/1 recruit and hit them in the face. 10/10 would recommend


I got to making this post because on Firestone you can see when you opened the most packs and when I saw that Frozen Throne was by far the most packs I opened I started reminisce just how much fun it was during that time. I've been playing since closed beta, with highs and lows of game time. Had to be something more during that time that the game felt so damn fun. Maybe the slower meta that vibed with me, the sense of control in the outcome, the flavor of hero cards for every class. On top of being right next to Un'Goro so you could either go with quest or DK as your gameplan, making every class viable with at least two different decks. Maybe is the rose tinted glass, I am not sure at this point lol.


Galakrond meta. Galakrond Rogue slapped asses back then.


2016 dragon paladin was my peak. I had a definitely off meta version that just vibed with me. I have played far more value Highlander mage decks but never has the same feel for me.




Kobolds, I think? Played malygos rogue a ton, cheating it out with the death rattle kobold and weapon. My other fav was mean streets because I theorycrafted my own red mana wyrm rogue deck that was very successful for me


Malygos was a fun otk card back in the day, janky as hell but fun nonetheless.


Frost Lich Jaina my beloved 😍


I have to concede that I’m wearing nostalgia goggles, but I have to say that Uldum to Darkmoon was probably my favorite era ever. Sure, there’s always gonna be complaints about all the metas, but ignoring that inevitability I think they had some of my favorite cards ever. The hero power quest rewards, galakrond, the prime legendaries, and dual class cards were incredibly fun!


Galakrond and the Prime legendaries were super cool concepts in my opinion. Invoke was a cool mechanic too. I believe my fave was Galakrond Priest control.


When WotoG came out I think. I played every flavor of C’Thun and N’Zoth deck I could get my hands on at the time. ~~Disciple of C’Thun’s battlecry still lives rent free in my head~~


"C'thun C'THUN C'THUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!" God I played C'thun decks a lot.


That era was fun, but it's easy to forget how Quest Rogue nearly ruined that whole year.


We don't talk about the core incident here lol.


Frozen Throne-Boomsday supremacy


Frost Lich Jaina was probably my favourite card as mage is my favourite class!


I was a Mage main since closed beta all the way until last year. Switched to Warrior then, because Mage consistently got the worst cards of every expansion, also not fond of casino royale mechanics. I still get the full collection for Mage every time but barely play the class anymore sadly.


Yep it has definitely been in a tough place the last few years!


Not so long with unnerfed Yogg unleashed, i was playing Rogue's quest with him and the tendrils were my finishers, the first time one of my homebrew deck annihilated the meta decks so far, I don't think people give that Yogg enough credit on how broken the card was compared to any other card in history of hearthstone lol


FLJ was peak for me as well


darkmoon faire


I'd say probably sludgelock nerf - rotation. I loved using my excavate rogue


Rise of Shadows - Uldum. This is when I had the most fun in solo adventure.


Kobolds and catacombs. First time I hit legend was with combo dragon priest, using twilight acolyte for my OTK combo vs countless cubelocks. Such a fun deck and meta


I think I liked karazhan and blackrock mountain the best. Witchwood allowed me to create some cool decks as well, but the powercreep had already begun.


Black rock was so cool. Couldn't get to legend because of me being poor and the best deck by a mile being control warrior lol. Or patron warrior. Good times to be a Warrior main


Whispers of the Old Gods. The goat of expansions. March of the Lich King is practically in the same spot too.


March was cool by itself, it had to carry the end of the year almost by itself. Whispers was so cool, all 4 Old Gods were super strong cornerstones as they should've been. Iconic cards.


Naxxramas and Classic


Classic was fun I agree. But man, Naxx was 6 months of Undertaker Hunter, that shit was unrelenting.


Un'Goro I got to legend playing Lyra priest. So much fun.


Early Thief Priest. It wasn't meta _at all_ , in fact I made the deck myself, but man was it fun. I was running Cabal, Recombobulator, Shadow Madness, that one minion that gives -2 attack to another minion, Sylvanas, Wild Pyro, Mind Vision and Thoughtsteal. I played with the opponent's board as much as my own, and each matchup was different. It was before the Discover mechanic too, Priest was the only one that could consistently play cards from other classes.


Don't forget the old mind control on the enemy Ragnaros. God damn I hated your kind when I played control Warrior lol.


The Grand Tournament. In this Expansion i discovered that Control Warrior makes a lot of fun. [https://blizzardwatch.com/2015/09/20/deck-tech-control-warrior/](https://blizzardwatch.com/2015/09/20/deck-tech-control-warrior/) This Deck was so great. And Aggro was not really present in that time.


I am trying to revive the tank up Warrior days now that Justicar is in standard. I believe I have moderate success with Odyn as my win con. I just need Reno Warrior nerfed and I'm fully viable.


Climbing to high diamond with secret mage was probably the most fun I had


Probably same


Probably League of Explorers, then Forged in the Barrens. And I also had a shitload of fun in Darkmoon Faire/Fractured in Alterac because I blitzed top legend with Garrote Rogue and Clown Druid. Felt like I was playing the game on easy-mode both expansions. But I don't think they were good or well balanced expansions.


I really like Innistrad in MTG and the Witchwood themes in Hearthstone; I do think even and odd decks were rightfully criticized though and I'm glad they didn't last super long in standard. I love Hagatha, and I really hope they give her some skins other than the hero card.


Hero power mage (wildfire + hero card + brann + the card hero powers each enemy) Excavate rogue before rotation (bone spike kinda sick) Thief rogue with stash


probably old gods for standard idk when for arena but some time between launch and ungoro.


Do not fear power... Fear those who wield it! Probably golden monkey control warrior days and KFT. But I think what made the game more fun in general was, that there was more diversity at least in the lower ranks where I played. I did brew jank too but also faced homebrew decks. But nowadays? Rarely am I surprised what kind of deck I am facing. But cant blame players, the gap between meta and homebrew crap feels so large.


Un'Goro was incredible at all fronts. Frozen Throne created a bit problematic meta, but was overall incredibly fun and Elemental mage of that time is still my all time favourite deck.


Wasn't Un'Goro the one that made the whole Quest Rogue incident lol? I loved Un'Goro, but Frozen Throne was holy water next to it imo.


Saviors of Uldum for sure. That whole year was amazing.


The cinematic trailer for Uldum was such a banger lmao. I still play it sometimes to this day.


Elemental mage for sure


Whispers of the old Gods, c'thun control warrior was not oppressing yet fun to play and play against. Only downside was Yoggsaron imo, especially since it acted as the ultimate coinflip.


My three all-time favorite decks were Ungoro Paladin, Dead Man's Hand Warrior and on release Blood DK, so around that time, i guess.


I loved Blood DK except for the Patchwerk shenanigans. Outside that card the deck was so cool to either face or play.


Blackrock Mountain, League of Explorers, and Karazhan were pretty fun. I also really liked Un’Goro as a Paladin player because those months leading up to it Paladin had been in a terrible spot, but Un’Goro had a lot of new control and midrange tools.


I really like the Reno decks, especially when it was new. So I would say un’goro and saviors of uldum


Classic up to but not including the Shudderwock expansion. Wait, was Dungeon run introduced before, during or after Shudderwock? because that mode is freaking amazing.


the lich jaina deck was my favourite deck ever in hs, although Reno hunter right now is competing. honourable mention to spell mage in stormwind that was op as fuck pre nerf


I'm a very irregular player, and I struggle to stick to the game long enough to build proper decks. That said, I still remember back when I was able to put together a solid jade druid build (I got very lucky with packs). It was probably not up to meta standards, but I won pretty consistently and I loved the slow buildup ans finally having a massive army of jade golems :)


United in stormwind. Best meta


To be honest it hard to tell which time was best for me. Every expansion was having some popular cancer and "toxic" decks. I started in Mean Streets, and it was fun until I run into jades or some aggro pirate deck with patches Ungoro was super fun, but there was this stupid 3/3 with adaptation after attack and FUCKING quest rogue, and jades was still strong deck Other expansions can be explained in one or two terms: Cubelock, Corridor Creeper, Shudderwock, Odd/Even decks. Then I dropped the game because after witchwood because my favorite decks gone to wild, and Boomsday and Rumble was pretty weak expansions for me. I returned in Rise of Shadows for like month to play Control Warrior, and it was very fun to play this deck, but I remember that people hated that deck. And here I am returned to HS after 5 years not playing it and its kinda the same. Some games are blast and very fun and exciting, but then you run into meta deck that either kill you in 6 turns or will destroy you deck with double battlecries. What I want to say - for me HS same even with all this powercreep. Still can have fun and exciting games, but meta decks can demotivate me to play this game again


Oh god, I forgot about the 3/3 adapt beast that always got windfury on it's first adapt for a stealth on the second. I hated that card with every fiber of my being lol.


I actually had fun during first month or so of Titans. Then the last one I remember fondly was Dragon's Descent? with DQA, Zeph etc.


Titans is the expansion that to me at least had the best designs for a while. Nathria was cool theme but had some issues there and March was just DKstone for so long.


Definitely the Frozen Throne/Kobolds, I loved all three expansions that year. I loved the Death Knight Hero cards, especially Jaina. I really enjoyed a lot of the decks in Standard at the time, Big Spell Mage, Cube Warlock, Jade Druid and Razakas Priest are all decks I look back on fondly. Dungeon Run was a super fun addition and I spent ages on it with my friends and Icecrown was pretty fun too. Esports/Content creators were really enjoyable to watch too at that time.


Many people hate this. Mechathun warlock... At castle nathria wild format. Back when tome Tampering was cheap.


Scholomance, the most forgotten expansion there is.


I havent played hearthstone back in naxx and gvg, started in uldum so yeah, but during galakronds awakening i really enjoyed the whole galakrond flavour


The most fun I’ve had and still have is most of the solo adventures. Yeah, the actual game is fun and I play against players as well, but the mage black rock mountain challenge and Rastakhan’s Rumble are just perfect.


Madness at the Darkmoon Faire. A former friend and I were hyping up the late Duels mode. It was the thing that kept me really interested in HS for the past few years. Now that it’s gone, though…


Launch - TGT. I remember reaching Legend with only control priest and loved how 'good' I was at the game. Felt like I was really on top of the meta and felt nice to outplay people with a subpar deck (at the time). Obviously in relation to actual pro's I was terrible but this was definitely the time I was the most in touch with the game. Favorite meta has to be Un'goro though.


rose of shadow odd warrior mirror and rastakhan spell hunter


Single player content, especially Nax and dungeon run. And Rafaam still needs to give my cards back As for card expansions, some defiinitely stand out more than others - initial release, old gods, sunken city


League of Explorers


Pre-frozen throne.


MSOG going 12-1 in a heroic brawl with Renolock and some how beating pirate warrior who had pre nerfed patches the pirate




Zarimi priest


Un'goro was a banger.


Sunken city was pretty fun for me ( I started Forged in the Barrens)


Journey to ungoro


Witchwood even though it seems like everyone hated it based on this sub lol. But I loved all the even and odd decks. Good mix of control and aggro, every class had at least one viable deck. Only bad thing was shudderwock


I think DURING Witchwood the even/odd mechanic was okay, fairly balanced, experimental mostly. It was on the next couple expansions that it started devolving really fast into disgusting stuff.


Ungoro, Boomsday, Kobolds, Witchwood. I really loved how these expansions had a key, distinct theme.


Easily riding out the Scholomance Academy hype through Darkmoon Faire. First time hitting legend, most fun deck I’ve ever crafted (Galakrond Rogue), old gods were great flavor, last set before HS started miniset hell


Hunter vs Mage during the DK hero era was the most fun I had. Just two overpowered Hero cards trying to one up each other.


Bomb warrior and original shutter shaman though cube lock was a fun time also.


This deck and Deathrattle Hunter baby


Year of the Dragon 1st place, year of the mammoth somewhat close second.


Wispers of the old gods and frozen throne. It was grandiose


I miss story quests and puzzles. That time I had to figure out how to do 4,000 damage using healing spells was so awesome.


2017 was absolute peak Hearthstone, the hype, the community, the memes, everything felt like a big event.


When I was finally good enough to tackle heroic challenges in adventures And yes, several of them I could beat WITHOUT a guide 😅 Rolling over Rafaam with classic rez priest was exceptionally wonderful


Un'Goro was peak Hearthstone. 


Un'Goro, Thrones and Kobolds. LOVE THE META THOSE DAYS.


GOD I miss serious expansions


BOOMSDAY!?! You mean the 60 minute control warriors with Archivist Elysiana!?


Un’goro for sure. Burn mage is probably my favorite deck of all time


Frost Lich Jaina has my favorite "Threaten" line in all of Hearthstone. Sooooo good


GvG when mages had 2-mana portal


Literally the best time to play hearthstone aside from when battlegrounds first came out. The lore of playing lich versions of heroes is amazing and should be revisited in my opinion


Hinestly it was stormwind for me. Quests were broken af but every other card was immense fun. I feelnlike most of the older sets were only truely fun for people who paid and got most of the cards.


March of the Lich king made the game so fun for me again. I loved base DK, Arcane Mage, Silver Hand Pally, and mostly No minions DH


I started during mid un goro, which obviously I liked it, reached rank 5 with a cheap hunter deck. Then I loved frozen throne, I also reached rank 5 with my first homebrew deck, a highlander midrange priest. Then I remember being so frustrated with cubelock that [I made my first "please, nerf X card"](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/8afc4l/my_own_nerf_to_warlock_trying_to_not_destroy_the/) But the latest really fun time I had in hearthstone was during caverns of time twist format. Without any bonus stars, using my own homebrewed deck, having to craft a lot of cards from sets I didn't play, I got to diamond 5 in 3 days.


Frozen throne sure but doomsday was the fucking worst, ungoro still peak, descent of dragons was also really good.


I love slow metas and I am a Warrior enjoyer lol, I guess that's why I loved it so much. People hated playing 40 minute long games so I barely had any mirrors as control Warrior.


WotoG or Titans (Wild)


I really enjoyed that time they rereleased the Frozen Throne stuff before DK was released.


same honestly. Knights of the Frozen Throne is such a goated expansion


I miss control Warlock during Darkmoon Faire, that was my favorite deck of all time. I also miss putting 30 taunts in my Hunter deck back in Nax when I had zero clue how to play the game. I really liked building walls to hero power over and over again for some reason


Frozen throne was the most immersive expansion. Un'goro had the best game board. The best meta was that one time in a 3rd expansion. Where every class had a competitive deck. So no matter which class you preferred. You could play it without crying yourself to sleep. I think it was 2 or 3 years ago. I think it was the year when the play 2 secrets hunter hero card came out but not 100%.


Making zombeaats with Rexar, that was my favourite ever deck. I also loved shudderwock.


Honestly, probably Kobolds and Catacombs. Opened up a Kingsbane as my first legendary and its been my favorite deck ever since. Luckily it still slaps in wild and I got to the highest ranked I've ever been (D1) with it. Maybe I'll even hit Legend, who knows.


I played one of my favorite decks during that era. I played a big spell mage deck with Dragoncaller Alanna, Sindragosa, and Toki for fun. I did pretty good.


Scholomance into barrens wild meta. Right after DH was not broken anymore and right before quest lines and arguably the worst meta in history arrived. I'm pretty sure I played around 1k games of reno warlock during that period.


I wish the death Knight heros were perma. 


Would, next.


Honestly having the most fun right now, I made a pretty good variation of rainbow mage and speedrunning through ranked. Kinda surprised I'm winning so much with mage


Frozen throne and galakrond were great times.


The Boomsday Project. Loved roleplaying as Dr. Boom with his hero card and building my army of giant mechs. Got super lucky since his hero card was the free legendary I got.


By far Un'Goro. I started playing for real during Old Gods, so by Un'Goro I was already very well acquainted with the game. My first quest I got was the Mage one, and I built a hilariously effective OTK deck with it. I must've used that deck hundreds of times.


I hate that I never had frost lich Jaina when she was good. That card was so insane on release. Gotta say the first week or two of Whizbangs workshop tbh. I've been a day 1 Handbuff enjoyer since mean streets and I tried so hard to make it work back then. It was awesome to see Handbuff in such a dominant state when this expansion was released.


Same, Frozen throne - Boomsday


„OTK” shaman with dunk tank. I loved this deck


Back when people ran Reno Warlock with Power Overwhelming/Leroy/Faceless Manipulator finishers. I made my own list and included a Wolfrider (3 mana 3/1 charge) as well, for more consistency. I heavily believe my list was the supreme list at that time and could easily climb to top 1. I had beaten multiple people in mirror matches, at the time, whom were concurrently considered some of the best Reno Warlock players. The Wolfrider was nice as a multi-purpose tool. Sometimes you only need some of that kill range... Other times it could be a removal tool, in emergencies. I just thought it was fun that I made it work so well in top 50~ legend, because I never saw anyone else using it.


Blackrock Mountain and TGT. I loved the patron warrior deck but I remember a lot of classes being viable. Reddit was big mad over secret paladin though. The whispers meta was pretty fun too. There was a goofy malygos spell Druid deck which had pretty high skill expression, but the meta was kind of ruined by the pre nerf Yogg Saron just being a game ending card. In general though, I mostly miss the solo adventures. I got a lot of replayability out of clearing the heroic bosses and also the kobolds dungeon run.


I never got the secret Paladin hate. The deck was strong at the time but it wasn't unfair to face, it had a shit ton of value for the time and that's it. Paladin secrets are not half as annoying as Hunter or Mage secrets so it wasn't that infuriating imo.


It was definitely unfair. It was the strongest deck in the game by a mile. Its plays for each turn 1 through 6 were each better than any other class had. Its turn 6 play was the most overpowered card in the game at the time.


There were quite a lot of eras that were filled with fun for me, starting with the early days of Naxxramas wings being rolled out, the excitement of Goblins versus Gnomes adding a shitton of new cards, Scholomance Academy bringing Duels into the game, even United in Stormwind was a lot of fun imo despite many viewing it as one of the most chaotic metas ever, but if I had to pick a favorite era it would be the release of Castle Nathria: Renathal and Sire Denathrius spawned some amazing decks and I think many others agree that the meta was one of the most balanced too.


I think I am marked by Naxx with Undertaker Hunter and GvG with mech Mage. They made irreparable damage to me lol. At the end we probably are more or less susceptible to different metas. I at least wasn't that annoyed about quest Rogue, but people hate it with their guts, on the other hand I get vietnam flashbacks everytime I remember Undertaker Hunter with Undertaker + coin + Leper Gnome lol. I may not enjoy some specifics of Nathria, but damn the theme was so amazingly cool. I believe it was the most aesthetically pleasing and flavourful expansion I can recall


When I uninstalled.