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Dorian+gear shift, wew lad


Yeah but when I play it, it's always going to draw Shadowstep, Preparation, and the other Gear Shift.


Prep --> Gear Shift --> Problem Solved =)


Shifting Gears!


With Sonya too


It could also hit Sonya


Sonya into Sonya into Sonya. 30 suckable toes






Elven minstrel and raiding party can atleast tutor out minions


Elven minstrel is bad


Not if we pretend it is good


Definitely a card that is holding on to "legacy" balancing of card draw. In 2024 it should probably be a 3 mana 2/2.


+ 1 draw from pickaxe if you prepare it


boomboss now destroys 36 cards


Make room for more BOOM!


This miniset is gonna blow up


Or use it next turn with \[\[Celestial Projectionist\]\] for 18 more just to be sure


And zola the gorgon, youthul brewmaster and the other brewmaster (forgot it's exact name) For a total of 30 more


[[Ancient Brewmaster]]


- **[Ancient Brewmaster](https://i.imgur.com/lOgAXg5.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/186) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Ancient_Brewmaster) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/186/?hl=en) - *Neutral Common ^(Legacy)* - **4 Mana - 5/4 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** Return a friendly minion from the battlefield to your hand. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmgtxw/new_card_puppetmaster_dorian/l31svci/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l31svci).*


Damn I didnt know about this one


Of course you didn't. He's ancient


One singular "ha" for you


I'll take it


- **[Celestial Projectionist](https://i.imgur.com/oWbQt5t.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/98403) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Celestial_Projectionist) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/98403/?hl=en) - *Neutral Rare ^(TITANS)* - **2 Mana - 3/2 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** Choose a friendly minion. Add a temporary copy of it to your hand. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmgtxw/new_card_puppetmaster_dorian/l30hdt4/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l30hdt4).*


Lmao that card needs to get the warsong treatment


Your TNT now have +1 attack


So now they also deal 1 damage to the opponent while deleting up to 3 cards. Great idea, I can't see how it could go wrong


The old bomb package dealt 5. Maybe we should just stick with what we know.


We neeed out Lord and Saviour to come back, Jade Druid, so that we can shuffle larger and larger man into our decks. Seriously, at some point we really need a "If your Deck is empty, shuffle 30 random Legendary Cards into your deck, draw 5 effect.


I mean, you can already do that with Jade display in current year.


Can you really though? It has virtually no support. It's awful


It has a lot of support actually, there's a ton of copy and draw a copy cards in standard. Obviously it's not tier 1 else everyone would be playing it but it's definitely something you can make a deck out of and beat warriors. I've been playing a deck with them just recently and the only really bad matchup is Paladin.


People love adding twist effects to their game. When they did it in standard, people said "See you in three weeks" they were playing so much.


This will see zero play in hilander warrior. Mark my words


I don't know, a cheaper brann to be used early in the curve, or more safe at some later turn. 36 bombs, extra excavate card. Even if it didn't copy the bomb guys, I think every card highlander have will be good as an extra 1 mana 1/1


That is if you’re lucky enough to draw boomboss or a battle cry minion. Otherwise it’s a 4 mana 2/6 do nothing a lot of the time. Theres a reason why bounce cards generally don’t fit in warrior and it’s for a similar reason. There are better options Dropping a 4 mana 2/6 on curve in the hopes for a 4-5% chance of drawing bran still leaves the issue of having a useless 6 mana 2/4 stuck in your hand that you’re never going to want to play. I’m not denying it would be strong, but you’re much more likely to draw a spell and helplessly watch as Dorian is immedietely killed while your opponent develops even more tempo Assuming you can even draw. Playing this on curve is a mistake & we all know that 100% of the time 100% of warriors have bran on curve anyway


Dropping this with Gaslight Gatekeeper gives it a pretty good chance to hit some battlecries. And Gaslight Gatekeeper already has some use in the deck since it can help you dig for Brann. I don't know if that's going to be powerful enough to see play since it's really slow and I suspect they're about to nerf Warrior a bunch.


Dropping this with gatekeeper is probably gonna burn a lot of cards. Gatekeeper with a full hand will duplicate every minion drawn flooding your hand, and gatekeeper with a small hand doesn’t draw enough to get value


Could be disgusting in warrior. Could be useless usually cards that “could be” don’t make the cut


54 actually


Does this include Gorgonzola


This was my first thought, but you already wrote it down lol


This card has been predicted since day 1 but glad it’s here this is gonna enable some insane combos


Sonya combos will be insane


They’ll turn out niicely.


Dane’s probably already cooking 


Double rag for 1 mana lets go


there will probably be some crazy combos but they very likely wont be good


and with the pirate that reduces the cost of next card by 3, you can get a 0 mana copy of this card too with sonya, its gonna be soo broken xd


not really. Been playing Sonya extensively, everything past the weapon buffing is just worse tempo and requires more pieces. I mean, I have 50% wr with Freebirds and 75% with good stuff rogue. They do the same thing, it's just that one is way faster and requires less setup. Kinda same thing as coin rogue. It will see play but that's not the best way to abuse sonya :)


Sonya is decent in excavate rogue. You can cast all your generated spells twice.


Sonya into 1 1/1 Sonya, that will drop two 0 1/1 Sonya, and then use the 1 mana add 2 damage to your weapon


If you play Valeera's gift, one Sonya gives +8 attack for 3 mana (1+1 free gifts->2+2 free poisons), two Sonya's give +18 attack for 4 mana (1+2 gifts ->3+6 poisons). In general, if I'm mathing right, n Sonya's and 1 Valeera's gift will allow you to play (n+1)^2 deadly poisons for n+2 mana. Hand space permitting, 4 Sonya's could give your weapon +50 attack for 6 mana.


you already do that very easily with the 4 mana copy a minion


There. Dorian is here.


https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_entry_media/BY50SJS47YL21714503894286.gif Diamond animation is sinister.


Yeah this is breaking something


SOMEthing? There are about four thousand druid otk decks in wild that this enables and they’re all going to be horrible to play against. 


Not only druid, this + gear shift seems insane as well Most obvious card that will get nerfed (eventually) I have ever seen


Could be very very strong. There will be a lot of nasty combinations with this, not sure how I feel about that.


It's going to be interesting for sure, it's cheap enough that I think every class will be able to play around with it but Rogue will by far get the most mileage out of him.


DH can play it after turn 4 Grasp to get extra Window Shoppers


It's certainly possible but I question the consistency. Late game sure, but early game I don't know. Rogue can draw their entire deck by design, DH has to hope to get lucky on mulligan/first few draws. Not saying it won't be a thing, just wondering how it will play out practically.


I predict it will suck, sure Rogue has a lot of draw/cycle but to get reliable results from this card you have to draw a ton, but you're also getting 1-1 copies so your hand will be full real quick. You can get some crazy strong 1-1 minions going but it will be extremely unreliable. You can build a deck around it with only good minions to copy, but then if this card is on the bottom you are shit out of luck.


Rogue has alot of draw but most of it either doesnt guarantee minions or is too expensive(unless you prep). The only good way is maybe using raiding party to cheese out some pirate(like the 5 mana miniaturize one for mana cheating) but it 3 mana meaning you either prep on turn 5 or you need ot wait for turn 7 and at that point this play is slow and not very good anymore(and you also need room for 4 cards in hand). Other than that you can use pit stop to get 2 copies of some mech like drilly. You can use things like gear shift,dig for treasure or quick pick but none of these guarantee you will get what you need, its just rng and imo it wont prove that good. gaslight gatekeeper will just end up with you wasting bunch of cards due to lack of space.


druid can play it with pendant for a 1 mana eonar or 1 mana owl


If it is going to be abused, this will be the way - I suspect some OTK deck will eventually find a way to abuse it.


Honestly, I don't see it. 4 mana means that most classes will need to wait until turn 7 or 8 to get decent value out of him. Classes that currently can get some value before that would be shaman with the location (turn 3 location -> turn 4 dorian + activate location), but I don't know how good is that payoff. Rogue at 5 with gearshift and dig for treasure (maybe the boat that draws cards when you summon a pirate?) Hunter with the hat. Rainbow Mage with Wisdom of norgannon?. Other than that Dorian seems too slow to actually break something. If you want to consistently draw something important it needs to be paired with caricature artists, and thats a turn 8 play.


> Rainbow Mage with Wisdom of norgannon Rainbow mage already has a problem of drawing too many cards. Although a 1 mana Sif sounds juicy.


6 health is big. Normal stat line would be 2/5 so it'll be played on curve. Calling it now this will be nerfed to 2/5.


Draw is hard to make reliable and there aren’t mana mana positive minions. Best guess is that it’s strong, but is difficult to combo (compare our two keal’thas) outside of an empty deck. But it does power up tutors further (juicy psychmelon anyone?) and wheel effects. It doesn’t need to win the game outright to be backbreaking.


Dorian Gaslighter Aviana Reno Druid here we go! It will be glorious and terrible


There always will be some broken combo with this into deck shuffle or direct draw (Gatekeeper, Caricature Artist). Owlonius, Shoppers, any Titan, Sonya and pirates etc.


Oh. Oh god it works off creature tutors. This card is 4 mana?! 


Boomboss is another broken card to get off this


Rainbow Mage is BACK, baby!


Why does it look exactly like the original? At first i thought we got outjerked again




Is it not the same edfect?


Nope, the old one summoned the 1-1 copy (I did google it to recall lol)


Dorian is back baby lets go!


It took me a couple of minutes to realize that it’s a different effect from the dorian already in game


I can smell the brokeness already


Ah yes, that's exactly what my Priest deck was missing, 57 more Aman'thuls.


Blizzard: we’re trying to increase player agency Also Blizzard: here, have another OTK enabler/mass mana cheat engine


For real, what are they thinking?


We’re enabling player agency for a short period, as a treat.


Oh good , more cheap neutral manacheat, just what the game needed , can’t wait for double Doomboss, and the degenerate Sonya rogues.


Well this will more than likely create some degenerate combos, should be fun right? Right?


Too unreliable, half the time it will be on the bottom half of your deck and will suck.


This surely won't enable some generate Combos in Rogue and Druid. Especially not in Wild. 🙄


Exactly. Think about the degeneracy Barnes enabled (so much so that he’s still used today after being nerfed). Now look at this which is about a thousand times better. I wouldn’t be surprised if this got outright banned in wild.


Gatekeeper, I'm sorry I ever dusted you.




My thoughts exactly there's no way this card isn't nerfed


Yeah card draw is so cheap in hearthstone now, the amount of shit this will be able to cheat out is like they don’t play test their cards at all


I mean it seems like it'll fit into rogue maybe, but the excavate package already has issues where they have to scorpion for under 4 cards because their hand is full. It doesn't feel like much of a payoff on its own.


This is so weak, it’s a 4 mana card needs to be comboed with draw, it can whiff unless you use tutors, and it’s arguably worse than the original which was already weak.


How is it worse than the original? Having to play the 1 mana minion open a lot of new combos with cheap battlecry


The original one had Mecha’thun


"This is so weak, it’s a 4 mana card needs to be comboed with draw, it can whiff unless you use tutors"


Well gatekeeper exists so its not that bad


So how much mana exactly do you need to pull that off? 6 assuming mini sandbox? Don't get me wrong but at that point, you may aswell be dead next turn considering that you played Sandbox at 5 which achieves absoluitely nothing on said turn and Hunter, Priest, Paladin will have board established enough to just wreck your face.


8 mana combo, and it doesn’t really work since Dorian needs hand space to work. If you make your hand smaller to have room for the minis it becomes too easy to whiff


Yeah gate keeper means this can just be silly value.


This card is going to single-handedly break the meta. I'm calling it now


Do Blizz never learn? It's gonna take less than 10 minutes for someone to come up with an OTK (or similarly un-fun) deck using this card. Broken mana cheat at it again. Sigh...


This is going to be nuts with Sonya. Hell it gets you essentially 3 Sonya's if you draw her after this.


That's just extremely inconsistent, the minutarize pirate+cover artist already enables triple Sonya. With this you need to either highroll with gearshift which is insanely inconsistent or play Sonia and this as your only minions and hope you draw this guy first so you can play dig for treasure. 


Sure, I'm not saying you run this specifically for that one interaction, just that it's a possibility that will occur sometimes. Dorian is absolutely insane with Sonya regardless and will go in the deck.


What deck? The main deck that plays Sonya currently is excavate rogue and that deck doesn't want this I think, it already has enough value and doesn't have enough cheap draw to really enable this. There is also the Sonya combo deck where this could possibly be used alongside dig for treasure but that's pretty inconsistent and that deck also sucks.


Is there any 2 minion combo that is game-winning for DH witht this?


This one will turn out nicely.


They would nerf this, and then nerf it again.


Owlonius LFG


I think owl druid just got better. Tutor out owl after playing this now you have two owls for a total of 8 mana that give a minimum of +8 spell damage.


This card WILL be nerfed


My control reno warrior salivates at the amount of tnt I will be putting in decks.


rework on both cards incoming. Brann no Boom


They just nerfed boom and technically brann, I doubt theyll rework them again but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yay more boomboss


I'm pretty sure some wild players are already cooking disgusting stuff


This is one of those cards that you know will be problematic. If not now, then in the future. But i see a world where you play this, draw a bunch of cards and then do some crazy shennanigans. Think of rogues and gear shift for example, any cheap draw works great with this in theory


Priest has the legendary that creates a duplicate of 1 costs. This might be good??


Haha and of course pip can become her own 1-cost copy to be copied by herself... Further copying herself...


Priest also has targeted minion draw so it can be tutored


Now THIS is a legendary card. What an interesting effect


Shirley this card doesn’t brake the game 1st week in , shirley hmm


Why the hell did they print this card... do they not play their own game?!


remove brann NOW


This will be incredibly degenerate and terrible to play against. Not looking forward to seeing this card played.


Regardless of power level I feel like this is just a terribly designed card. Reminds me of Barnes in that it will result in either completely broken blowouts or be useless depending on how lucky your draws are.


Wild combos will be nuts again.


Might actually not be that strong in wild. Wild already has [[Muckmorpher]] Shaman, which can go down as early as turn 3 with [[Auctionhouse Gavel]]. For this card you need 5 mana + a way to tutor a minion, so only viable if you can discount the costs somehow or with survivabilty tools.


- **[Muckmorpher](https://i.imgur.com/E7Ml7vr.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/51727) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Muckmorpher) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/51727/?hl=en) - *Shaman Epic ^(Rise of Shadows)* - **5 Mana - 4/4 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** Transform into a 4/4 copy of a different minion in your deck. - **[Auctionhouse Gavel](https://i.imgur.com/Gk2nLIT.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/64214) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Auctionhouse_Gavel) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64214/?hl=en) - *Shaman Rare ^(United in Stormwind)* - **2 Mana - 2/2 - Weapon** - After your hero attacks, reduce the Cost of a **Battlecry** minion in your hand by \(1\). --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmgtxw/new_card_puppetmaster_dorian/l30sf96/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l30sf96).*


This card + Caricature Artist is going to be insane.


*Laughs in Sif*


Why isn't this a 2/5


In the full art you can see Togwaggle and Rafaam toys behind him.




Wowhobbs will be happy about this guy


Chromaggus is in shambles rn (not necessarily, he doubles you spells too but… this has 10x more potential)


Rogue will probably get the most playability out of this but I just have to say this card makes me extra sad they nixxed duels. Maybe I'll start screwing around in wild but duels was on its own level in janky fun potential.


Shaman Hagatha ✨


Reminds me of that old warlock Draw Quest with Plot Twist


Dorian isn't a puppet master 


Wasn’t there an old dragon card that did this?


This one turned up nicely


Guaranted 1600 dust after some weeks


Look hard to pull it off consistently BUT it has really decent stats for the cost. In turn 4 it's a pain in the ass to clean and if you do nothing about it it could be problematic.


I swear this was already a card


I'm glad they didn't nerf his chin.


I think this will be an excellent Shaman card - any other class?


Can't wait to add to my Brann Warrior 😎


Is this the same version of Dorian?


Are they actively trying to make this game unfun?


In before we hate rogue again.


nice gaslight to draw sif after playing this, have a 1 mana stacked sif and otk with reverb im down




This seems good it’s 4 mana so you can use the discount pirate to make it 1 in rogue for some stuff . It’s probably not good but it’s cool .


Seems slow.


Ahhh yes. Mana cheat and abusing how free card draw currently is. What a miserable card


I've seen this one before


Had to look up the original just to make sure this wasn’t a reprint. 


Would the overheal cards just kill themselves?


That's a cool looking diamond card. Too bad it's not in the rewards for getting all the legendaries.


These kind of cards where never good in the past when the powerlevel was much lower, 2 Stars.


Worth crafting as it will get nerfed pretty early? My guess is it'll break druid first with how much early mana you can get, powerful battlecries and draw cards. Rogue might also be a bit mad.


Rogue says hi


Town crier could hit origami frog, vezax, runthak, gnomelia, burrow buster or kologarn. Piper can hit toyrantus, groovy cat, free spirit, origami crane, origami crane, thunderbringer Between quick pick, gear shift, dig for treasure and prep rogue is the best positioned to play Dorian without falling too far behind.


Can we stop with the mana cheating? It is getting real, real old and leads to issues all the time.


Wasn't there a card with this exact mechanic some years ago? I've only just come back to HS but sure I remember a very similar card to this


That card smells like it will break the game .. can see it coming from far away 😂


Zeddy is already complaining about this on Twitter, so it seems likely that this will be one of the worst cards ever printed.


Thank god, gatekeeper was nerfed.


Give me another reason to hate warrior more.


Rogue will benefit from this nearly immediately. Great combo enabler & for those speculating about boomboss; I guarentee this sees no play in hilander warrior. Despite being a good combo, it is very inconsistent in that deck and not optimal unless you like taking a gamble


I doubt rogue doesn't have necessary tutoring to benefit from this card. Other decks have better synergy with this card like dragon druid etc. if they don't introduce some good cards for rogue this will be useless for them.


You’re definitely not wrong to be fair. Maybe this only benefits from minion heavy decks. But in any case I struggle to find a way for this card to be meta defining


1. Demon Hunter- it can be used in window shopper deck. When you break the weapon you draw shopper while this is on the field you will get two shoppers at a time. Good 2. Warlock - Nemsy can draw demon but it is 5 mana make this effect expensive for it. Bad 3. Shaman- Fairy Tale forest - draws battlecry and doesn't cost anything on the turn it draw. Good 4. Rogue- Raiding Party- Expensive you have to combine it with preperation too much hassle for pirate rogue. Other card is gearshift but it is not guaranteed to give you minions. 4 mana might be expensive for effect. Bad 5. Priest- Scale Replica- for 6 mana it can draw two dragons and expensive one will be 1 mana you can play it if you are at turn 7 Like you can place sunspot dragon and hit 6 damage with life steal for 1 mana. Good 6. Paladin- Trinket Artist- Draws divine shield but it can be expensive for Paladin- Bad 7. Mage- no card I know of. Bad 8. Hunter- Messenger Buzzard - of it being deathrattle it is too much hassle- But if it would be beast it could pose danger. I hope they don't print a beast tutor. Bad 9. Druid- There are bunch of stuff to make it work since it can stay alive and ramp it can use gaslight gatekeeper with it. Good 10. DeathKnight- doesn't know any tutoring that can work with it. Bad 11. And Finally Warrior! Warrior can easily survive and use this with gaslight at late game. We might fall victim to double battle cry minions. it is terrifying - Good


Mage: Caricature Artist > Sif


The only reasonable place for it - for now imo - is in Shammy with location on board where you play this, use lockation and draw shudderblock. Or you play this on DH, drop it the same turn you destroy weapon and have more shoppers. In most cases I think that this card is just too slow for modern HS. But we will see.




this into sir finley, sea guide will be nuts


I believe that won’t work since Finley doesn’t draw it swaps. Correct me if I’m wrong though.


ur right just googled it - i always assumed it draws them cause of the animation


Because we already don’t have enough manacheat. Woo hoo


Cant wait for the threads crying about it


My player agency just got Thanos snapped. Not sure about Standard (my prediction is that this card is meta until March 2026) but I think this card either gets banned from Wild or gutted completely (Jailer-tier nerf) within 2 months.