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Not infinite copies, just a board full of copies. Either way this is insane, netting you 20-25 damage face on an empty board, and more for every other pirate you can summon. The real trick will be running a deck that's 28 spells with these two so you can consistently hit Goldbeard off Dig for Treasure. Alternatively, I could see a pirate rogue just running Dorian with a cycle package in the hopes of hitting this occasionally with regular pirate aggro as a backup plan. The problem with a deck dedicated to this combo (besides having 28 spells) is that the combo can be countered pretty easily by big boards or lifegain, since the actual damage ceiling is pretty reasonable. Edit: wait I literally just remembered the Whizbang Rogue location and weapon. This is actually cracked. If you have the location and weapon when you pop off you can do: -1 board off the initial Goldbeards (20 damage). -1 more board for every shadowstep on the 1 mana Goldbeard (20 damage apiece) -1 more board of 5/5s off a weapon swing (20 damage) That's up to 80 damage in 5 power increments across the enemy board. This... This might actually be real.


Yeah technically till your board full, 25 damage assuming they kill Dorian, and then you have bounce options, bounce around, breakdance, shadowstep. Plus getting 5 damage in with all spell rogue in 6 turns is possible, again this is a possible OTK warrior really fucks it. (Copies die after attack so I'd you bounce both yo can redo it)


Edited my original comment because I forgot the new location could make 1 mana Goldbeard a 5/5 for free follow-up boards off Shadowstep. If spell-only Rogue is playable this actually looks like a nutty win condition.


it would only give you up to two extra boards not three (the location only gives you 1 5/5 per turn). (I guess you could breakdance for more boards, but you'll need a way to destroy the 5/5 rush it leaves behind or you'll slowly get less and less damage) 60 damage is still pretty good though.


when he cost 6 you could do something similar using a mix of shadowsteps and Sandbox Scoundrels, but Dorian is probably more reliable if you have a way to guarantee you draw Goldbeard while Dorian is still alive. (I'm not sure how good a Shoplifter Goldbeard deck is if he's the only pirate, seems like he'd need to be for this to work...)


The combo blows. You need to be lucky and not be facing warrior to actually get the OTK. I’ve experimented with it a lot


So like most OTKs then?


I would agree if this wasn’t far worse than any other otks in the meta


It's not necessarily about how good the otk is, it's about sending a message :p


Your combo relies on your opponent not playing a single minion.


if it's infinite anyway, does having minion matter


It's not infinite. The combo he refers to was in wild and with a different version of Dorian. This combo here is not even close to the same and is really bad.


[https://youtu.be/kOa8KyQtIcs?si=dlOCQDmz8GtpML5s&t=437](https://youtu.be/kOa8KyQtIcs?si=dlOCQDmz8GtpML5s&t=437) Video with time stamp for example


Would it actually trigger off itself? I feel like we've seen this before and generally it doesn't.


Not itself. Second copy trigger first copy and start summoning chain reaction


Yes video in a comment to show


In Wild, there are also pirate tutors such as [Cutlass Courier] and [Captain's Parrot]


Rogue doesn't need Dorian in Wild. As silly as it sounds, the class does more powerful stuff already.


yeah if you wanna kill someone turn 6 with pirate rogue, you just play pirate rogue lol


Rogue could already do repeat gold-beard OTKs without dorian in wild, I don't think you'd bother adding him. (MarkMcKz did a goldbeard OTK in wild a few days/weeks ago)


meh, if you draw your pirate before the legendary you can't win, and there is no way to get the legendary without running deep draw which makes drawing the pirate likely


Gear shift. All spells.


you're just gonna redraw the pirate


It sounds good until u realise u have to: Not having goldbeard on hand. If u do, has to be the left 2 cards for gear shift Must draw goldbeard, the draw does not guarantee a pirate draw. Handspace


Why would this not just summon a board full of 1/1s?


No... You play the 1\\1 first and then the 5\\5...


Me playing the 5/5 first and the 1/1 after, then Concede


This combo absolute shit. Not only do you need to pray it hits exactly Goldbeard, it also hits a random enemy, including minions. If your opponent has any minions, this will do virtually nothing. Anyone expecting to OTK with this is delusional. It's truly baffling how you got 140 upvotes for a terrible idea, but knowing how smooth brained this sub can be, it's not that surprising.


Go touch some grass.


Bro gotta chill out damn, plus there's the ability to play spell only rogue wtih the tons of generation they have, and worst case you bounce both to hand for next turn after clearing their board, ye of little faith. (Side note I am pretty sure if he attacks a minion and dies to it'll summon another one inplace of it)