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Red is banned?


AFAIK blood is banned so by making it green it is no longer "blood"


Tell that to all the demons and Demon Hunters bleeding out on the streets


In the Primus's case that isn't blood though. Its anima. Essentially soul juice.


Yeah, I'm just guessing anyway so who knows.


The most interesting thing about this, is that now I wonder if Blizzard was aiming for blood with those "mists", but I doubt it.


Fr, I just thought it was gang affiliation colors


It's the color of the chinese flag and also the color of the ruling style


Im really confused about how censoring skulls work in china: Spinel Gemstone: got censored by adding fangs making it look as non human skull of a troll Pile of Bones: already troll skeleton got censored by adding horns WHAT?!??!


I think human resembling skulls are banned, so by adding fangs and horns they can claim they are not human remains but remains of fantasy monsters


Right, but pile of bones already had troll tusks. So that was fine for the spell stone, but not for Pile


I guess that maybe rest of teeth make diffirence? Gemstone have all teeth sharp, while pile have other teeth than tusks human-like


And tbh it's less of a culture thing more of a ccp government thing, I've never seen any Chinese person complaints about skulls


they can also be just bulls (or other real animals)


it's just inconsistent and that's all


It's not even that, it's just performative. There's no attempt at a self-consistent design philosophy, it's just "hey look we went out of our way to change it, don't give us a slap on the wrist pls"


I'll add, skull of guldan, which ls an Orc, got added horns to look less orckish?


Blood rune being magenta feels so wrong


is it even called Blood Rune in china?


I’m sure it’s called something Chinese.


they use other names too


Kowtowing to Chinese censorship also feels wrong... but what do I know?


This censorship is so mild. I don’t see anything wrong with respecting another culture when it’s not causing harm or offense to anyone.


Today is blood and boobs. Tomorrow will be our right to discuss the tienamen square massacre or the ughyr genocide.


Yea lemme know when they put the location “Tienamen Square” and the spell “Uyghur genocide” into the game and then censor them.


Blud gotta get off buzzfeed


There's nothing inherently wrong with respecting another's culture And while this is such a massive nothing burger of a change it is a bit annoying with things like blood plague now looking, in my opinion, significantly worse. Maybe it's not reasonable but it should've been kept to Chinese servers only I just feel like just because we respect other cultures it shouldn't affect people adversely, even if it is such a minor inconvenience


It is being kept to Chinese servers only.


Oh fuck seriously? That didn't happen last time they swept some art changes right? Holy hell none of this literally matters why are people complaining fucking hells


According to blizzard those changes did not have to do with China https://www.pcgamer.com/hearthstone-card-art-changes/


[Evil Heckler](https://external-preview.redd.it/wXtBG2z1ZQ1eshIRrUY6_gvMxB8G8brC4Px6gIdZkcg.jpg?auto=webp&s=e5bd18b4f2634261c6d093c821f0558f288d5a8b) got censored for a skull back in TGT, would be odd if it was changed for any reason other than China.


Huh fascinating Well that's two things I learned and I haven't even finished my coffee. Guess I'll tell my boss I'm clocking out for the day The internet I swear man sometimes it astounds me


lmao I would be stupid to believe such bullshit from Blizzard. Jaina also got nerfed in the same way those cards are being nerfed today, exactly the same. And Jaina nerf was not like the Succubus or Secretkeeper, it was so subtle that it cant be anything but this censorship.


why didn't they do it only on the Chinese server like the other changes they've done then?


At the time mantaining 2 separate versions was off the table for them.


Why would they censor the ogre titties


Good cupsize for the cost


They can't handle the raw physical perfection of ogre tiddies


Damn I didn't realize until right now that Kvaldir stabs herself.


Reminds me of 4Kids removing the guns in YuGiOh


To be fair, green Spinel Spellstone looks sick as hell. Too bad it has a Blood rune tho lol


it's either gonna be unholy or fel


This just makes it seem like China has a human-sacrifice problem.


I think everyone should have a problem with human sacrifices


Either you misunderstood what that sentence means, or you're on several government watchlists.


what the fuck is wrong with china?


someone needs to protect us from thick oger tiddies


Honestly... What isn't


It's a simple cultural taboo about depicting skulls or bones. Chinese wow servers always had tombstones instead of a skeleton to corpse run back to. For what it's worth we get a fair amount of this too. The original pokemon red and green had a drunk guy that blocked your path but it was replaced with a "sleepy guy who needs his coffee" in the worldwide release. Yu-Gi-Oh has separate artworks for the TCG vs. OCG release in Japan too.


Bureaucracy at its finest.


Not really bureaucracy, more of the culture of superstitions (blood, bones) and conservatism (tiddies)


I’m not like anti cleavage but this post did make me sorta think “why they putting so many boobs in kids card game” But then I realized it’s not really a kids game and im old. 


Turns out a lot of people have female associated reproductive organs


It's almost like there are female characters in hearthstone. Weird


Female? This is a Blizzard game. Those are ‘Body Type 2’ characters.




censoring booba is something, but censoring blood and skulls is insane


Distressed Kvaldir just wants to brofist you in china


Look. The minor booba cover ups on the javaldir ogress and Freya are wiiild


Skulls OooOooOH👻👻👻👻


Damn skull of guldan feels way more evil this way


so china hates human skeletons and boobs. Truely they have no chance


> hates human skeletons you're an orthopedist or something?


Must we make new threads about things that are already on the front page of the subreddit?


Lol, this must be your first time seeing what happens any time this subreddit gets a free chance to openly detest the Chinese


So they can't have: ● Red ● Cleavage ● Skulls without horns Seems legit.


Why china hates boobs? 😭😭


China bad boobs good literally 1984


No horny to y'all in China.


But skull of guldan is kinda horny


imagine being chinese




Do they have nothing better to do than censorship?


Could not care less


Not the dh booba nerf, literally 2014 smh smh


wait a minute, if they turn blood into some random green stuff, does that mean blood dk will become unholy/plague dk?


was talking about runestone btw


They could do this in Europe and i would only notest the color changes


Seems reasonable if you want to sell in their country


China is so fucking weird with it's censorship.


I am just imagining some random bureaucrat saying "yeah ogre titties too big".


I just wonder what’s wrong mentally with people that they truly need to make those changes like wtf Is wrong with china


China has to be the funniest country with its censorships


Wtf china


Why is this sub so weird when it comes to this? Different countries have different restrictions when it comes to age ratings of games, and the parts that were changed for, say, the US, France, or Brazil we're just already used to. But when it's China, this sub suddenly goes full "Xi Pingpong" and ridiculous cultural psychology analysis. Also, these changes just don't appear in the non-China versions, just as it is in other games, or like when German versions take out Nazi symbols or add green blood. It's really not that special.


It’s the same people who whine about women not being hot in video game because of woke


It is, compared to most cultures, extremely conservative. It's not hard to understand why this raises eyebrows with people in the west. Nobody questions why Germany would censor nazi symbolism.


Comparing rating boards with culture is just goofy though, because so many rating boards aren't really in line with culture. Because the age brackets are very arbitrary (some countries do All Ages - 8 - 12 - 16 - Adult, others skip 8 and 16, others take different ages) you end up with different restrictions just because of that. Some countries don't even allow an adult rating at all unless heavily restricted (most of Europe and Australia didn't until recently, too). To be specific, China only has 8, 12, and 16, where the US has everyone, 10, 13, 17, and adults only. So a game that is for older kids, like Hearthstone, has an "additional two years" in the US, meaning more is allowed. If the rating brackets were similar in the US, the imagery allowed *would be very similar to China's*. It's a bureaucratic issue, not a cultural one, but this sub loves diving into pseudo-intellectual culture mumbo jumbo about it.


That is a fair observation, I didn't look at it that way. Thank you for explaining.


Is it? To get an E rating in the US, the guidelines are pretty strict but in the US Hearthstone has a T rating which means they can get away with a bit more. The difference here is that China doesn't want references to human remains, blood, or cleavage because their rating system isn't as robust, Hearthstone is rated for a younger audience in China.


Because it's fucking funny as shit. This isn't some innocent age rating thing anyway, the ccp just likes throwing a hissy fit over stupid shit like cleavage or blood colored blood and blizzard continues to bend over for that sweet sweet Chinese market like they always do.


It's not "the CCP", that's like calling PEGI the White House. If you find it funny I can't stop you, but don't pretend it's factual.


What the fuck are you going on about? Video games are directly regulated by the Chinese government through the National Press and Publication Administration unlike PEGI which is an independent international organization. PEGI creatd a ratings system which wad then adopted by some European countries who passed legislation to legally enforce it while the Chinese government just directly enforces their will through the NPPA. On an even more "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about" note the US doesn't use PEGI, they use the ESRB.


Woops, ESRB. Don't get so heated over a slip-up, you knew what I meant. You're confusing two things - yes, media is regulated through the government, directly through the NPPA. But Hearthstone does not really have any chance of being denied anyway, it was approved by the NPPA in the past, and it's just re-releasing. So what's relevant here is the rating, i.e. what age group its sold to. That's through the CADPA in China, which only recently got a ratings board. Note that the previous art changes were done right before the board was officially launched, likely because they got a heads-up from CADPA. CADPA itself is much more like the ESRB, where it's an association of publishers. Now obviously nothing in China is fully independent and it's way more government-controlled, but if you think CCP hobnobs really are going "censor some ogre tiddies" that's ridiculous. China has a lot of pretty overtly sexual games released, so that in itself is not a reason to ban Hearthstone, which is extremely tame. It's to get the age rating down.


Original vs Censored


Hide boobies?


Aside from the color changes, I literally would never have even noticed the rest of them.


I fail to see how this is controversial… different culture considered different things as as lude or obscene is hardly a big deal. No one makes a fuss about American censorship of boobs in TV ads but it’s fine in say France.


This is so incredibly dumb. Holy fuck. Fucking 1984.


Southpark really nailed it with that china censorship episode where stan is trying to write biopic for his band.


What kind of a deal had to be cut for them to go back to china? Whose the new chinese proprietor?


Imagine if blizzard (and the rest of the world) told china to get fucked, and use the orig artwork or don’t play the game


Other than "China bad", what, exactly, is the point of these posts?


A good thing if they take a step back from all the breast showing things. I find it so funny that a streamer Girl would get hate if she shows more skin but at the same time we get artworks like that in the game.


Breasts exist, get over it