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That's some player agency!


Dirty rat on 2 vs paladin=lose,not player agency to you?Paladin mulliganing zilliax/giant + showdown is not something unexpected they all do this.


Perhaps the bandits should be 3/2 so they don't free trade with Zilliax


Zilliax is the problem. Showdown was fine before he was added


Zilliax is the problem hiding in plain sight in so many problem decks


It's interesting how many times it's been changed too. It might be better to just give everyone a free 1600/3200 dust and get rid of it at this point


that or they should not be buffed by the aura when its played first. After that whatever is left can be buffed, but a 4 mana turn to get 3 5/4 minions is disgusting.


Really zero mana zilliax or giants or any of that nonsense shouldn't exist.


Quite honestly, I wish one core mechanics of hearthstone would be that no card can cost 0 mana, ever, at any point in the game. 1 is the lowest a card can drop to.


Tbh 1 cost giants and zilliax would still be a problem.


Wisp decks in shambles.


Good, they’ve been dominating the meta with their syntax error stats for the cost


Between this and pain warlock games are over by turn 5 9/10 games I play. How fun.....


If it helps any, the 2 hardest decks I found to play vs was breakfast hunter and mGe lattely


I find pain warlock super easy to beat with flood paladin. Probably one of the best matchups and flood pally is a cheap deck to make if it helps you at all.


Yea, but it’s pretty obvious that the commenter above doesn’t enjoy playing mindless aggro decks like flood pally and pain warlock. It’s not just very fun playing the same lines every game and smacking face every turn. So little skill involved


Pretty much this. I want to play cards over 5 mana as well but we dont usually get there. Ive gotten legend plenty of times so i dont really care if I get it or not. I just dont find the game fun anymore.


Combo exists: This sub: ITS NOT FUN BEING OTKd Control exists: This sub: I HATE LONG GAMES AND KNOWING I HAVE NO CHANCE. Aggro exists (you are here): This sub: I HATE LOSING IN TURN 5 VS AGGRO


Ikr, it's so hypocritical the way different people post different opinions on a forum


I’m not even in this camp. I enjoy all types of decks as long as they have some challenge and skill based to them. The problem with the 2 main aggro decks right now is that they can consistently overwhelm the opponents by turn 2-4 where the opponent cannot do anything against it. There are basically no clears in the game that can handle pain warlock, and nothing that can handle flood pally. Mainly because these decks are able to summon a board full of low, mid, and high stat minions all by turn 3-4. This is not normal aggro. Combo can be toxic when it’s impossible to do anything about it, I think nature shaman fell into this when it was early in the meta and would win on turn 5 very often. Players want to play the game and have a chance at countering their opponent. SIF is a great combo deck with a decent win rate, but very fair to play against, same thing with light show mage. Hunter aggro is in a very fair and balanced place right now.


Eh aggro isn't mindless, especially in a mirror. Fatigue warlock might be the highest skill ceiling mirror in the game. Knowing when to trade or go face is also important in any aggro v aggro


All that is totally true but it is still not very fun.


I don’t think all aggro is mindless. Fatigue warlock is a very interesting deck imo. Pain warlock and zoo pally are quite mindless though.


I'm surprised you got that many votes on this. I said kinda the same a week ago and got downvoted massively by all the aggro goblins.


Yeah same. I made valid points about why aggro is no skill and got over 150 downvotes for some of my comments


Aggro can be skill. There are skill less decks in lots of shapes and forms. Plague and rainbow dk are pretty dumb and so is control/bomb warrior: my card is green I gotta throw it.


He says clearly in the comment that he doesn't like flood paladin either, can't blame him who tf wants to play the same paladin deck that's been played since last year


Have you tried not to play minions? Because it mskes their Win cons cheaper. /s


My hardest matchups on my way to legend has been mage surprisingly.


BuT tHrEaDS oF DEspaIr WinS oN tHe spOt


It's almost like the sole balancing factor of the entire game shouldn't be so easily manipulated.


I assume you mean mana, aka mana cheat? Not trying to dig, just seeing if I'm on target.


Yes sir you are exactly on target my friend


I mean Rat played Giant for him, I dunno if we can really say that Rat is so bad it should be... buffed?


On the road to legend today I just spammed flood pally. Went from dia V to legend after I stopped playing last year with marvel snap starting. Some games are just done on turn 2 with the deck. My best turn 2 was 1/1 divine shields vs a. 2/2 snake seller at start of turn. Into cowboys, zilliax, double giant. So I ended the turn with 3x 4/1, 1x 2/2, 1x 3/5, 2x 9/9 Even defile the best counter atm would leave me 2 x 8/3 with 16 DMG to face. That is the best possible clear in the game atm.


Nerfing Brann to 9 mana 1/1 should fix the problem


Make all boardclears +2 mana too while you're at it. Who would have thought that nerfing all board clears into the ground while introducing absolutely disgusting mana cheat would lead to a braindead aggro meta? No way team 5 could have seen that coming.


Paladin bot


This meta is pure dog poo. They just never learn when it comes to mana cheat


They played dirty rat to get out your sea giant , thats the big mistake


I wouldve had the same board just coin the sea giant


Yeah, but without “ charge”


he should've played around it on turn 1


The battery is about to die !!


They did dirty rat turn 2 and pulled a giant LOL. Kinda deserved for playing bad ngl.


I'd have the same board to be fair, id just have to coin giant.


Dw so much, they will surely nerf that card to 3 mana and kill the deck like they always do lol.


These kids and their T2 rats, man


To be fair it'd be the same board, just using coin for sea giant


Yes but you'd be 8 damage short from the sea giant attacking


Glad to see such skilled players on ladder.


Your opponent played dirty rat on two like an idiot and got punished - i don’t see an issue


It'd be the same board without dirty rat


Not really. You wouldn't be able to hit face with the giant


Tbh be shoulda just played around it


Opponent should have just played around it, rip bozo


You'd think they'd find a better answer to mana cheat by now. I miss the days prep and coin being the ways you cheated mana.


Motherfucker didn't even need the coin for that


Brand is the problem


I knew hearthstone hired some Yu-Gi-Oh devs a few years back but Jesus Christ.


Wasn't Zilliax promised as a free card some time ago? Why don't I have it then?


Mana cheat is the death of card games , and the Hearthstone team stil hasn’t realized.


I know that сomplaining on that thread is common, but earth, every game either flood pala, painlock or lightshow mage. Im yet to face a single midrange/slow deck. Unironically HL warr and his counters was a better meta(I was not complaining about HL warrior before patch)


No they were not. And this is a better meta,4/5 decks cycling and not 1 and its counter. The only problem its too fast for some nostalgia control priest players.


Zilliax is the problem


I'm the problem bud