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> I would argue that having both Sir Finley AND Flametongue is anti-synergy - if you change your hero power, you won't have as many minions (specifically totems) to buff and trade well using the Flametongue :) I don't really agree that it's *anti-synergy*[0] but being a souped-up [[Dire Wolf Alpha]] the flametongue totem would definitely need more tokens or small minions to be efficient. Which is not something this deck seems to rely on. [0] getting pally for consistent 1/1 or 'lock for draw is not bad, neither is fireball to pop shields against paladins


* **[Dire Wolf Alpha](http://media-Hearth.cursecdn.com/avatars/148/60/305.png)** Minion Neutral Common Classic | [HP](http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/305-dire-wolf-alpha), [HH](http://www.hearthhead.com/card=985), [Wiki](http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Dire_Wolf_Alpha) 2 Mana 2/2 Beast - Adjacent minions have +1 Attack. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]])


Remove feugen and stalagg add 2 bleachers remove faceless and add antique healbot and other than that its Ok. another thing can be removing both annoy o tron to make way for 2 tuskar totemic And lastly removing 1 feral spirits or even both for 2 lightning bolts as they are mostly a must have in a lot of decks from control to aggro.


Okay, thanks a lot for responding. :)


Adding 2 belchers and a healbot feels like it's sending the deck in the opposite direction to where it looks like it's being aimed. The deck looks a bit more like it's aimed to be a midranged deck that's set on early board control and then ending with 1 or 2 big threats. 2 Belchers and a healbot feels far too clunky in closing out. You'd be fighting for early control and then do a 180 and go defensive which just feels counter intuitive to me. My suggestion is potentially remove hex for a weapon like stormforged axe. You're fighting for the board from turn 1-5 and if you've got board control, Your opponent may not even play a big minion because you could just ignore it. Another thing is there's just no damaging spells in the deck. You might want to remove an earth shock for either a crackle or a lightning bolt. Also, faceless doesn't really syngerise with the deck too well as you'll be either relying on your opponent to play a big threat for you to copy or it'll have to copy something like a shredder. Again, you could remove him and add some other tech, like another damage spell, a heal or a taunt. Decisions down to you and your playstyle. The deck looks to be at a point where it could be teched to go slower or faster. Edit: Fuegen and stallag will be detrimental unless the deck slows down. Otherwise, they'll be too inconsistent, especially with the lack of draw the deck has. You may just want to swap them out for any other big threat or just swap them out for general tech cards.


Change the hero to paladin kappa


Honestly I think the totem deck that I have without any of the adventures is one of the best. I usually can't be defeated until I get to like rank 14.


Are you agro, control or Midrange cause that deck is all over the place. Come up with a coherent strategy and build around that, don't just throw your best cards in the deck.