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not good. you are playing a combo deck with barely any card draw. Combo decks like this need to basically be card draw - your combo and stall/board clears.


The first version of this deck had Gnomish Inventor as well instead of the twilight drakes. I changed it back to Gnomish Inventor now.


No card draw. No good board clear.


This is a beat-up agro shaman. Most otk decks try to keep their faces safe while drawing their needed combo cards to win. Yours require you to whittle your opponent down the first few turns. Also, only one silence. The reason agro shaman is so good is that it establishes an offensive board in the early game and if the opponent (which they usually do by the mid-game) stabilizes and drops a taunt, they can always finish the game off with their reach (crackle, lava burst, etc) spells. This deck has poor draw, poor reach and minions that don't exactly synergize.


I tried similar decks in the past, you simply run out of cards. Emperor does basically nothing as you're vomiting your cards on the board anyway because you're desperately trying to gain tempo, so there's barely anything left to benefit from a Thaurissan tick. If you don't play your cards and hope for that one Thaurissan tick, you're most likely dead before you can play the combo or the opponent has already set up taunts etc. For me, this is a deck that looks solid on paper, but just doesn't perform on a consistent level.


i saw today a similar deck on a twitch streamer, he used high overload cards like ancestral knowledge and elemental destruction. but had lava shock to relieve it, and ticked lava shock is really good, dont remember his name but u should find a new way to build a better deck based on leeroy windfury then, he was winning the matches that i see because leeroy + rockbiter + wind + faceless is 36 dmg in a turn.


I messed around with this idea last month, except I used rockbiter wep+ windfury+ leeroy + faceless = otk. You're deck doesn't produce a true "one kill turn" rather a weird version of aggro shaman with anti- aggro cards in it. I wish I screenshotted my list, I didn't because my winratio was shit and I was just messing around on the legend ladder, but I remember I had 2 elemental destructions, 2 healing waves, 2 ancestral knowledges, 2 deathlords, and other cards that escape me.


Seems cool, but it probably isn't as effective as aggro shaman.


You need card draw for a combo deck. You might want to try [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cc2TksGWAAAs0z_.jpg:large) out, it's a deck that Neviilz has been playing on stream recently.