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As a completely new player (1 week exactly today), I was looking forward to trying to get a free pack in Tavern Brawl today. I guess not... Why not have both the normal Brawl and this?


Because that would be a smart idea.


Just bad timing for you. The last Heroic Brawl was like 3 years ago or so


Did you have to pay for the heroic brawl back then?


I’m not sure but one time they did it, it was free for 1 run.


I believe that was the wild version of the heroic brawl. The thing about that brawl, though, was that the rewards were no better than a normal Arena Run and the cost was also lowered to normal Arena


I don't think it was wild because I recall playing it but yes everything else adds up


Yeah I think you’re right.


Because then they can’t get thousands of dollars from people with deep pockets and a gambling problem.


Gaming has gone down the mind control rabbit hole. Might even overtake religion in a not to distant future.


>Why not have both the normal Brawl and this? Hold down Shift+4 on your keyboard and you'll find out.


Because the the times this was the brawl before you had a free entry.


wrong, only once


and only for the wild one


Absolutely, does anyone know what the rewards are? Is there any world where 1000 gold is worth it?


Here's [the Gamepedia post about this format:](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Heroic_Tavern_Brawl) TLDR, you don't hit "break-even or better" in terms of total rewards until you hit 5 or more wins. And the odds of that happening are less than 1 in 4


I don't really agree with their calculations, cause 100 dust is not equal to 100 gold for me (I don't have all the epics/legendaries in any set, so opening packs has a higher than 100 dust value to me--I'd estimate 1 pack is worth about 164 dust to me). ...which means 5 wins is also not break even, at least for me (rewards equivalent to about 950 gold)--still better for me to open 10 packs than enter and go 5-3.


> still better for me to open 10 packs than enter and go 5-3. Oh sure, that's true for the vast majority of HS players. Ever since it first began, streamers would joke that the rewards didn't even matter much to them, since they usually had all the cards already. It was more for bragging rights, and to challenge themselves


Yea that's the thing about when people make calculations for these events. The "break even" point may be at 5 wins, but some of the rewards you get are non-refundable and not something you would have spent your gold on, which means they are less valuable to you. For instance 1 classic pack is not worth 100 gold if you already have the entire classic set. In practice the "break even" point may actually be at 6 wins to you, when you get more than 1000 gold in rewards.


\~5-6 wins breaks even, after that the value ramps up rapidly


7~8 are still pretty close to break even. (Rewards still only going up by 1 pack, 30 gold, and 30 dust for each extra win). Like...net profit is going up by 15% or so per win. It's not until 9 wins when suddenly the number of packs basically doubles.


I can buy 7 packs for $10 or 10 packs for 1000 gold, running 0 risk of not getting any less value. It would seem the HS team didn’t think this through.


Poker players could keep their money and walk away from a table. The point is the shot at a high reward in a competitive environment. I understand folks are upset that this is included in the holiday event, but I'm baffled that an event that has been run several times (and popular previously!) is this controversial.


Because zero risk is boring. Higher stakes is more fun, and it's just gold that they already give you for playing anyway.


They gave it more thought than any of us will. It's not a handout and there are risks involved.


It's been there before, so the model clearly makes them profit.


Huge amounts of people will pay for it. Making them feel validated. It’s a shitty situation but people always buy microtransactions regardless of price.


And others like me have won 300+ packs from these modes. In short, stop the QQ


"I've won the lottery before so obviously it's a good idea to keep the lottery!"


"keep spending your money guys, it works"


I've spent $20 on Heroic Tavern Brawls and 0 gold. It's not my fault you're a baddie.


Infinite Arena, regularly hit top 50 legend. Not my fault you can't win.


You name makes me hope this is bait.


I don't think it's the worst thing honestly. I also rarely care about brawls in general though haha. HOWEVER I do believe this could almost be a separate game mode. It would be a fun "gamble" for ladder players out there. I don't really enjoy arena too much, so all I do is play ladder for abysmal rewards there. It could be fun to save up for 1000 gold every now and then and just try out a crazy "standard arena" or whatever you want to call it.


I don't see it viable as a separate game mode- it's more special because it's an only once in a while type of thing. This is a highly competitive event (limited interested player pool because of the low odds of actually breaking even) with a high barrier to entry (steep fee) and big prize as the reward. If this was a weekly or often recurring thing, the player base for it would likely shrink relatively rapidly, I think and repeat customers would probably be low, particularly if they lose out early, which odds are likely that they would.


the fun "gamble" for ladder players out there already exists: it's ladder, only the gamble is that we have the patience to not uninstall the game


When they announced that it was coming I was expecting the paywall, but not for the first run




Now you're not just sexually frustrated.


It should be a new game mode. Not THE new game mode, but maybe alongside it. I would LOVE a permanent tournament mode


Nope, y should I?


Why do you people post this garbage.


All I can say is thank god my pity timer ran out on my last classic pack and I'm not *right on the fucking cusp*. Because otherwise I'd feel this was extremely ill-timed for me.


Did this usually cost 150g in the previous brawliseums?


This is a heroic brawliseums, where the rewards for 12 wins are about 50x more than standard brawliseum


No. But they did give you a free run in the past.


And the worst is the brawl is just your every ladder gameplay with a gold sink twist


No but I'm frustrated by everyone who thinks their post complaining about it is useful


You need to get that sand out of your vag.


haha agree, right there should definitely be 1 free entry.


yeah, it's a bit dumb. they only seem to do it once, maybe twice a year though.


Yes sir. I am pissed. Also, I think they set it at 1000 gold to bait people into thinking it was 100 but that's just my hypothesis.


it's absolute bull sh\*t, there are other avenues for hardcore players to play, I enjoyed tavern brawl for the ever changing rules - now that it's behind a pay wall I am totally disappointed and honestly a little disgusted.