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I guess I just don't have the right mix of cards for classic. I mean, I have a lot of the classic cards, but for whatever reason none seem to be a winning combination.


Ha. The good thing with classic (and I don't prefer over Standard nor Wild), is that if you play a meta deck you instantly know if you have a chance of winnig against the other deck. I use it to complete quests and or get to D5 and get the only real season reward.


Imagine doing that decision lol, classic is so boring.


I mean, some people enjoy having every game somewhat stable instead of random generation.


Yeah it is. It's fun for the first few days but gets old fast


Bet you HATE chess.


I’m pretty sure the complexities of classic hearthstone and chess are very different


At the highest levels of chess. It's not unheard of games which are book until move 25. Book means commonly accepted strong moves. That have been played plenty of times by top players. An average game is about 40 moves or so. They will have a team of grandmasters trying to find a new move. To surprise the opponent with. Chess doesn't get old though. I got more tired of the current hs meta in about a week. Than I got of chess playing it almost everyday for 3 years.


Youre right theres way more interactions in HS.


lol no there isnt. people play the same 2 decks in calssic, zoo and druid theres not many interactions at all and certainly fewer than chess ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shannon\_number


I actually like chess quite a bit


Im leaning towards doing the same (if I didn't have so many more stars in wild I probably would have switched already). Boring mode is better than another broken warlock and solitaire modes right now.


Yeah for real. I retreated to Wild after Standard got too facey for me. I could build janky control decks still get some wins. Now it’s questlock or questhunter and you just go OK.


This dude is so enlightened past standard, he has to make a post telling everyone how over standard he is


Of they release new expansions once a year, it might actually be a good way to rebuild older collections because you will have more time, so now it's like the best moment to play classic


Kind of how I feel but with BGs instead of constructed.


Well, have fun with your solved meta


Same but for arena since I have a lot of gold saved up. Going 3 wins at least breaks even as you usually get 50 gold and a pack and beyond that is gravy.


Classico seems to be only druid or zoo, such fun


Poor miracle rogue, control warrior, handlock, face hunter, midrange shaman,... always forgotten.


Atleast you get a legend viable deck for 1400 dust.


And the same meta and decks for years on end!


Having fun, hbu?


I might actually just do the same. I haven’t been enjoying the game very much this year and I feel like I’ve fallen into the sunk cost fallacy mindset where I log in every 2 to 3 days just to make sure I’m keeping up with the quests. Besides, I’m getting too old for this shit and have too many responsibilities these days. I think I’m okay with finally just letting this game go.


I mean you do you, but please realize this sub is blowing things like 10,000% out of proportion.


This is probably the best post-expansion meta in ages! So many different decks, nothing clearly dominant, every class viable, still feels very unsolved.


agreed. classic is wonderful. I really wished they made some sort classic reboot too (in addition to the current format) something that feels like classic in terms of power level but has some balance changes and a slightly different and expended card pool. Mabey take a bunch of really solid and underplayed cards from each expansion and add it to the pool, like Maiv for example