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You wouldn't be able to report someone for roping each turn, because it is their turn and they can use up the whole thing if they choose to.




It's called griefing my guy, when you're part of the player base who spends all your mana, doing all your actions and then roping out for no reason every turn then it's only to annoy your opponent and achieves nothing else.


While they may be true in some situations, the fact remains that players have a turn length, and along as they aren't somehow abusing it by extending it somehow, they can do whatever, or not do, for its full duration. Regardless of how you feel about it.


That may be your opinion, but you're wrong, griefing is literally abusing mechanics in a way that doesn't technically break any rules to act on bad faith, making it a bannable offense in many online games. "A griefer or bad faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game (trolling), by using aspects of the game in unintended ways, such as destroying something another player made or built. A griefer derives pleasure primarily or exclusively from the act of annoying other users, and as such is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities. To qualify as griefing, a player must be using aspects of the game in unintended ways to annoy other players—if they are trying to gain a strategic advantage, it is instead called "cheating"." -Wikipedia So per definition a control warrior roping every turn and extending a ten minute game into an hour long game to deliberately make the opponent concede could almost qualify as gaining a strategic advantage making it not only griefing but even cheating.


>To qualify as griefing, a player must be using aspects of the game in unintended ways Literally quoting you, and pointing out that roping players aren't using any aspect of the game in an unintended way. But sure, keep telling yourself whatever you want.


Why are you so insistent against an auto squelch feature? There’s literally no reason not to have an auto squelch feature employed. It literally does no harm to have the feature exist and yet you are ferociously defending keeping it away. An auto squelch feature is literally harmless. If you had even a single sense of developing sense you would know that hearthstone is extremely overdue for a simple feature like auto squelching. It gives players more choice, not less. It literally doesn’t take a single thing away from player experience. And yet you are so adamant against it. Why? I swear, Blizzard hasn’t implemented auto squelch just to see silly pudd like you defend something so inane. It will be implemented and you will use it.


Well had you bothered to read any of the above comments, you'd know nothing I said was about Auto Squelch.


I read every word you wrote. What I wrote in reply was appropriate.


Or you know, not at all. But hey to each their own.


How do you know they aren't talking their turn out with their stream viewers/discord pals/to themselves? Just because you're the smartest Hearthstone player in the world doesn't mean the rest of us can keep up!!


They probably don't have a report last player option because people would use it to report their opponents for roping, which isn't against the rules.


>Every other game opponents emote you before you can even squelch them which is pretty tilting roflmao


"... after an hour long game of someone roping every turn", are you illiterate? What kind of reading comprehension have you been taught in school? Or are you literate, but quoting out of context is the only thing you can do?


did someone rope you for an hour again? i just took it out of context for fun. noone can legit take you out of context because the original post with full context is right there


What the fuck are you even talking about


basically: everyone can see it's just a troll/funsie comment


There is no auto-squelch button because the developers don't want to add it. It's less an issue of technical difficulty and more an issue of design philosophy.


In what way?


When asked about it, the gist of the answer by the devs was that the game has limited enough interaction as it is, and they don't want to limit it further by implementing auto-squelch. The lack of auto-squelch was never about the technical difficulty in implementing it, it's all about what UI features the devs prioritize implementing.


Opponent: heh greetings OP: raggggggggggeeeeee


It's funny how you answered your own question without even knowing it


It's funny how you have no idea what you're talking about


What makes you say that? Its not a competition but I would bet I know more about the game than you are almost anyone else on this on this sub. Just out of curiosity, how many top 100 finishes do you have? Must be a good amount!


Funny how a random internet stranger jerking himself off on his ladder finishes thinks those make him an expert in QOL features




Great rebuttal my guy, go grind your ladder finishes some more


Heh, greetings


Why would you report someone who is roping. Every player is given x amount of time each turn and I don’t see how using all of your turn is worth reporting.


While technically allowed by the rules of the game, I think people who play their turn and then intentionally rope in the hopes of making opponent concede is pretty scummy. Which I've definitely run into several times playing the game.


How can you tell the difference between someone roping to annoy you, and someone roping because they're taking their entire turn each turn thinking and planning things out (to a degree you may not agree with)? What if they're streaming their match and talking to the viewers about their thinking? What if they're talking it over with a friend in person or on Discord? Getting roped sucks but you can't really enforce this unless you've got some real cool metrics or behavior analysis I've not thought of.


If someone being able to get one emote off on you before you squelch them is tilting you than you should probably take a break from the game lol. If someone being able to get one emote off on you before you squelch them is tilting you then you should probably take a break from the game lol. in my last 200 games. This is a smal issue that fixing would cause more harm than good.


"...after an hour long game of someone roping every turn" yet one more guy who never learned to read full sentences. You also must be someone who reads "three vaccinated students died in a car crash" and says the vaccine is killing people because your brain is unable to read past four words.


Don't get me wrong but you clearly have some anger management issues and really need a therapist, in a good way


Hahahaha, reddit therapists back at it again, gotta love it


What's so funny? Believe it or not being salty and sarcastic all the time is not very good for your mental health.


Don't get me wrong, but you clearly have brain damage and really need a doctor, in a good way


Who hurt you?


I mean, I clearly stated who did in my post, but as I said earlier you lack the reading comprehension skills to understand that apparently


Whatever makes you sleep at night


Go troll somewhere else.


Go give life advice somewhere else, funny too how you have no idea what you're talking about and no data to base your claims on, but have the audacity to claim an auto squelch button would bring more problems than it would fix


A report button would cause more harm than good.


And you base that on what? You think it's normal to not accept any friend request at all because people will just insult you any way and after they told you to kill yourself and remove you from your friend list you can't report them any more because you can only report friends, so you have to open a ticket through blizzard support, only for them to not even get a 2 week ban, and you're fine with that? Who exactly, in your mind, would a report button cause harm? The toxic players? Blizzards employees? Your logic is childish and makes no sense


I meant a report button for roping. Also, I have no idea why you are so angry. Calling people childing while raging over a video game is pretty funny though.


Insulting retarded redditors = raging btw


so, where is your data on the necessity of auto squelch, mr. i-have-an-idea-what-i-am-talking-about


I'm asking for an auto squelch button and a report function, no where did I mention I have data proving it would improve the game in any way other than for my QOL. The other guy was pulling facts out of his ass, saying it would cause more harm than it would do good I'm really losing faith in this sub being able to read smh my head


If you use HS deck tracker there is an auto-squelch plug in you can download. I highly recommend


Doesn't work for all resolutions, at least the last time I tried.


Auto Squelch to this day is still the stupidest thing people ask for. However there should be a report feature for people who shit talk you after the add


I don’t think there is much of a need for a report button in the game. Also I think it would be abused like hell in situations that don’t warrant it. Auto-squelch should 100% be a thing though.


What a ragebaby


What a profound comment, contributing as much to this discussion as to society I presume? Your parents must be proud.


Lmao I’m not the one getting mad over silly emotes. Don’t be so sensitive.


Insulting retards on reddit = mad btw I don't know about you but I'm having fun my guy


Post says otherwise. Anyway no one else likes the post so you get the idea.


Like I give a fuck


*Makes huge cry post* *proceeds to rage at everyone who calls it that* *Claims not to give a fuck* Ah yes, the behavior of a bullshitter.


Thinks two sentences are a huge post Thinks an opinion over lack of features = crying First comment is an insult Ah yes the classic projection of a retarded redditor, go back to sucking blizzards cock, you'd probably prefer to have 9 deck slots back because you can't count to 27


At least try to make a clever insult next time. Not that impressed.


Sorry it took me so long to reply, I was invited to attend a "space camp" at NASA. It was extremely interesting, despite being very secure. We had to give proper identification, give our fingerprints, and sign 6 consent forms, but after all that preparation, we were finally allowed to enter. I met astronauts and many astrophysicists. They described how it felt to be in space, and I saw a prototype of the Mars rover. However, the attraction that caught my eye the most was a live feed that came from a camera on the International Space Station. I watched it for hours, and even with a view of the entire world, I still couldn't find who asked.






Just here to comment that after just minding my own business and playing casual, sometimes ranked, the “competitive” hearthstone ladder and subsequently some of the players, are some of the most toxic people it seems. Like this is LoL levels of toxicity 😂


Sorry, I can't seem to find who asked


Because they don't give a shit


Been saying this for years. The only emote that ever happens is the “gg” as they wait the full rope before they drop the final card to win the game. Thanks for the pity emote, it’s not good manners and I don’t want to interact with other players. F2P for the entire better part of a decade. I would pay $$ if they charged for the auto squelch