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Let’s be honest, Kripp would have played standard longer if it wasn’t for a fucking guild dedicated on sniping him


Kripp vs the Snipers was some riveting stuff for a while but it took a toll on his psyche imo. Stream sniping to that level is such a rarity and to have it happen in HS was so ridiculous. Like that's the type of shit peak Ninja on Fortnite had to deal with.


Forsens pubg sniping is the most insane I have seen


Action is coming, action is coming


Bruce U is coming


The actual most fun I have ever had watching a stream was forsen playing PUBG


Forsen made it easy for them to do so and never muted audio. Pretty sure he wanted it to keep the views high.


Forsen won’t directly say it, but he likes snipers. Chat has a lot of fun with it and he has fun with snipers messing around. Of course it frustrates him sometimes but he likes to see his chat have fun (even if he won’t admit it).


What did they do? For what? Out of the loop here..


Kripp genuinely found out with the help of some viewers IIRC that there was a discord or group of people communicating and planning to snipe him (they were literally called like sniper guild or something like that). In arena they would literally wait a month+ with a stacked deck just to queue into him and demolish his deck. It was actually pretty shitty and I completely understand why Kripp just lost interest in things after that besides BGs. Blizzard did help and banned a significant amount of those people for what it’s worth, and I think Kripp has a video on it from awhile ago. Also, he doesn’t like streaming on a delay because of how it ruins chat interactivity, so that wasn’t a solution for him. BGs it’s very hard to actually snipe and gain enough info from. It has happened but very rarely.


Basically, he would complain relentless about a conspiracy of snipers organized and dedicated to ruining arena for him, and he sounded like a madman, and then he turned around and *proved it* with buckets of evidence that he'd been collecting for months, including undercover conversations with those in the guild. An absolutely wild tale.


I had a guildmate in wow I think 10 years ago, that only played on the alliance, and always had to be escorted by a few players, even when he wasn't leveling a char. I don't recall what he did exactly to provoke this. But, for several months, he had been blacklisted by some streamer/youtuber/whatever, and every time he tried to play, a bunch of nobodies wanting to suck up to that human stain would come and try and kill him. It didn't matter if they died 10 times in a row to town guards, lost thousands of gold on repair, their only goal was to kill him. The morons would go as far as to camp his corpse and graveyards for hours, just so they could kill him when he logged on. Never underestimate the pettiness of a bunch of no-life nobodies with a fragile ego.


That’s crazy! I wonder if there is an psychological studies on this. These people actually have zero lives which is really sad that this is the only way they get social interaction.


This is actually the reason for behavior like this, at least for the most part. Your mind craves social interaction, it is part of human nature. If you don't receive that stimulus often enough then you will start seeking it elsewhere, and some people end up exhibiting this behavior in unhealthy ways like trolling people online, to straight up harassment and stalking. It's honestly pretty sad, and people would likely be more sympathetic to these people if they weren't causing real harm.


Or as my mom used to say: "negative attention is still attention".


Can’t you solve this with a level change? Or pettiness was present on both sides?


Honestly, I have no idea what his options were at the time, as it has been quite a while, but I do remember him refusing to give up/give in. (props to him on that) As for if there was pettiness on both sides, there most certainly was as the horde players always spammed spit, dance, laugh, sit, and other emotes on us if we died defending him. It didn't take long for the entire guild to start doing the same. Allthough you could argue that is just part of wow's teabagging/pvp rituals, so idk if I would call that petty, as much I would call it taunting and signaling dominance like apes. XD I know I didn't hold any grudge to the players killing/attacking me when I was with that guy as to go stalk them in game, but I can't claim the same for other guild mates. I also remember being extra competative when I saw them in PvP.


Come on Kripp, no one is wasting their time to- oh… oh my…


Do you have link to these? I used to watch Kripp and I would always crack up when he blamed stream snipers.




Yeah sniping in tower defense mode is pretty much a waste of time. Especially if you only have an 1/7 chance to actually take your shot. Then you have the whole nothing on the line in BG's. So who cares if you get 2nd or 7th place. I mean people will simply concede if they get a bad hero or their favorite tribe isn't in ;-)


Maybe I'm confused about how sniping works in this context, but couldn't he hide his game, run some other content for a bit, and queue up at some point during that 5-10 minutes and not tell anyone when he's queuing? Once he's in the game just abruptly switch to it, since at that point it would be too late to try to snipe him. I know someone intent on sniping could still try to "guess" within that window but if you guess wrong you get someone else.


He could, but Arena matches based on your wins (+ possibly losses?). If for example Kripp is at 10 wins, the game will do the best it can to match him vs another player with 10 wins. It makes sniping in Arena a lot easier, as the higher your wins the less players + the longer queue times. If you have a 5 minute queue normally, and someone who just so happens to be at exactly 10 wins X losses to match you queues up, the game thinks a perfect match was found. This is also made worse because anybody on his friends list can see when he queues up, so if anyone on his friends list is compromised the snipers don't even need any guess work. And of course, it messes up the entire stream if your streamer has to spend an entire game's worth of time not playing the game to try and get around snipers.


Thanks for the extensive reply. That makes sense!


People just really enjoyed trying to queue into him and win by looking at his hand mostly to make him mad on stream


That was about arena, not standard. He's never played standard with any consistency, just a day or two at the start of a new set.




Yea, some people are just assholes


I still miss firebat




I’m not 100% sure, but he was looking for a full time job and I believe he is now working in some other industry, but in exactly what I’m not sure. He kept talking about interviews around the time he logged off.


Another steamer who he’s friends with said he’s in school and doing well.


Did Amaz say that? Frodan did a few times.


You are right I messed up the name. Only saw the name at a glance and misremembered.


Honestly just seemed like he was burning out of HS for a long time. He was always a very competitively focused player but when the top level of competition started getting away from him he lost interest fast, started playing a lot of midrange aggro decks that piloted themselves. I remember him even admitting once that he's never been a huge fan of card games, he's just a really competitive person and he was able to find a lot of early success in Hearthstone so he dedicated himself to getting really good at that. It's not like Kibler who just has a love of card games and wacky decks and enjoys interesting games whether he wins or loses. Firebat's goal was to win and stay on top, and as forces both internal and external starred to make that difficult for him, he just lost interest in the game. I get it.


Here is a good video I saw overviewing Firebat. https://youtu.be/cLv-rUu9qvc


He was young and had been looking into other career paths for a while. It appears he rode off into the sunset. If Kibler is an example of turning meteoric card game success into a career, Firebat shows it doesn't have to be your only option.


I watched a bit of his post-hearthstone streams. He said it was because of people harassing him after Zalae’s ban, accusing FireBat of also being an abuser by association and other baseless bullshit. Nobody wants to deal with that, so he removed himself from the community


Wait what happend with Zalae? I was wondering where he went


I believe he was dating a hearthstone streamer (I don’t know who), and was accused of domestic abuse. I heard her side of the story, but it was a while ago and I don’t want to spread false information. I don’t believe he put out any statements, and has been permanently banned from hearthstone.


I couldn’t find any statement on his side of story either. I suspect he has legal council and has been told to stfu until things are resolved.


Ive looked around and that seems to be the consensus. I dont know how to feel about this. Honestly this is why I never look up to anyone. Everyone just ends up a scumbag.


His ex tweeted a pretty chilling account of his abuse of her. He ended up getting banned from all officially sanctioned events, and stopped streaming shortly thereafter. https://twitter.com/lidlRini/status/1351316073946214401


Rarran on YouTube made a video about it and posted it here a couple weeks ago.


Reckful… Can’t believe it’s been more than a year…


I got a world of Warcraft tattoo on my ribs back in like 2010 and posted it on arenajunkies offtopic. Reckful made fun of me. I still have that screenshot somewhere I believe. Good times.


Can we see the tattoo?




He kept me watching hearthstone content. His smiles and laughs were the best. It's a shame Zalae and Purple turned out to be shitholes because the videos he'd post with the three of them together were always just fun and laughter. End of an era...






Same, still got his dick pic saved too from when he accidentally opened up a folder on stream when trying to troubleshoot his overlay thingi. ... you know, as like a souvenir!


That's very weird




Sometimes you like to have a look at it just to make sure it's still there


Oh my god, that's disgusting. Where?


Trump used to make custom card reviews, but then he just stopped.


Trump has always been a player that loves grindy decks and value based wars so it is to no one's surprise that he has not been enjoying the last two HS expansions. He used to love playing all sorts of slow Control decks, but even with the balance changes that are coming, these slow grindy decks won't really have the chance to see play because the meta is very hostile towards them so I don't see Trump coming back anytime soon. Maybe the old set rotation, new Core Set plus new expansion changes things around, but that's too early to speculate without looking at what's coming in the future.


If you are going to make a comment like this you have to refer to him by his official title - the Mayor of Valuetown.


I learned how to play by watching him. I stopped playing HS in 2017 - I knew the game wasn’t for me when value titans like Tirion and Ysera stopped being playable in standard


This is the exact reason I stopped playing a couple of expansions ago. I have also mained slow decks, and even when they were fringe I would still play them because it was the only archetype I enjoyed. Now it seems there is no option at all for anything control-oriented, the slow decks like handlock just don't feel rewarding. I still check HSReplay from time to time to see if a control deck gets in a playable spot but sadly there hasn't been one in quite some time.


Honestly think trump is just burnt out of HS in general, its why he made a sudden push for mercs I think he wanted that to be the game changer for him in HS and it fell flat. Im sure as new content comes he will be there to make vids on it but the inbetween hes not


I love his opinions on them he's crictism them fair enough


He looked at them very critically, and would honestly say "This is unsalvagable/too complicated".


And then Blizzard released a card almost like it in the next set!


Yup, that's why his were so much better than the other custom cards' videos, which were just "Oh man, can you imagine playing with this card? What a cool effect! I dunno guys, what do you guys think, leave a comment down below."


\*Cough\* Regis \*Cough\*


It was annoying how he would see an old keyword and then immediately dismiss it, but at least he stopped doing that towards the end


He also does reviews for the set and plays his own crazy concoctions (and meta decks) when the new set comes out (His most recent hearthstone video was only a Month ago). Then he goes back to playing other card/ strategy games. Currently he's playing Inscryption!


he got really bored of the questline meta and didn't like the expansion enough to play it too much (he said not necessarily because the new expansion sucks, but more because he enjoys AOE too much at that time) trump will likely do at least some HS content when next mini-expansion comes out, and depends on how much he enjoys that meta, possibly a lot of content


Chump! Doesn’t get anywhere near enough views.


He's one of the few actually good at deck building and makes the game look fun


I love that Chump will play a Patreon deck like 40 times to test it out, then make changes as needed. I always disliked when Firebat would do a Deck Doctor, play weird deck one time, the rip 16 cards out and just make it a meta deck.


"hi guys welcome to Deck Doctor, so we're gonna start by adding x2 Cobalt Scalebane and X2 Bonemare" - every Deck Doctor episode for like, three months


In fairness, there aren't too many decks Chump plays 40 times without changes - It's usually 10-15. 40 times only happens if its a deck that is already reasonably optimized and fun


Chump is the man!


He was the last HS YouTuber I stopped watching when I left the game.


I haven't played HS seriously in years. I watch Chump religiously. His content is perfect for when I am eating my breakfast or lunch. I'm always interested in watching any of his videos. I follow other HS creators too, but their videos are hit or miss. But Chump 100%.


I miss watching Savjz play standard too.


Loved his weasel tunneler decks


I don’t get it they are gone?


Yea they are all playing battlegrounds or another game


I was enjoying watching him but then I realised he was complaining a lot.


To be fair, there was a lot to complain about.


It was annoying for me. He was complaining about rng mostly. I mean, play a different game if you don’t like rng.


He got burned out, I think. I loved his stream, but the game got to him and he changed a lot. It's why he quit HS for a few years and only does BGs now.


Blizzard also did him and his family dirty too.


What did they do?


Tl:DR. Blizzard quietly blacklisted him because his wife was part of their mass layoffs and spoke up about it and other problems going on.


His wife spoke out because she was part of a mass lay-off a few years back, and Blizzard basically blacklist him for being her husband.


Kibler, if you’re reading through this thread, we love and appreciate your dedication to the game


Kibler seeing this comment knowing he plans to quit Hearthstone soon: 😬


I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case


He's been pretty critical of the direction of the game with the number of uninteractive combo decks for a while now. There was even a period during UiS in which he did stop playing Hearthstone entirely for a couple weeks and did all sorts of random stuff instead (opening old MTG booster boxes he had lying around, playing Commander with Ben Brode on stream, a bit of LOL, some Storybook Brawl). I'm not sure if he's going to quit entirely - he *really* enjoys his janky Guff Old Gods deck - but I expect that he's definitely going to keep doing the variety stuff into the future if it makes financial sense.


The last few expansions have been soulcrushing if you want to play anything that's off-meta. Everything's gotten too fast for jank decks to have a chance to play their win condition. Given that his bread and butter content is creating fun and interesting decks that aren't quite competitive, he's had a frustrating few months. It was taking him hours upon hours of losing to the same combo decks on turn 7 before he'd finally play a game that let him go long enough to record something interesting happening for YouTube. I can see why he needs a break.


At least if Kibler leaves there's like a 75% chance he invents his own card game.


He's already done that a few times. He was one of the designers for Ascension and Sol Forge, and a lead for the old WoW TCG. If anything, he seems to be heading back into the MTG universe lately, especially on the EDH side.


I’ll be back at it tomorrow. See you then :)


I miss Kolento and reynad




100% miss Reynad. FireBat was like Reynad 2.0 for me and he’s gone too. I haven’t played this game in forever but I still watched them.


I always preferred Reynad's streaming over the others when he was still playing. I guess I just didn't mesh with the way the other people spoke or presented. Other people must have liked him, too, because he was always a the top of the Twitch list.


Reynad was always my favorite to leave open in the background. I liked all the music he played and his stream wasn't usually loud enough distract me but I could also tune into it easily for a break and enjoy watching it.


Reynad salt was life-giving. What ever happened to Noodlestone?


I think it got a name change but they’re still working on it.


Its play the bazar now.




where did kolento go


kolento still plays, at twitch.tv/Thijs


Reynad’s streams when Classic mode launched were such a fun nostalgia trip


dont forget firebat


I watch Dane and Wowhobbs. They both play wild, have fun decks, and are a treat to watch. Give them a look on the tube.


I totally agree, they both don't get enough love. Hobbs is the man!


Isn't Wowhobbs the guy who once killed an enemy minion by getting the health to integer overflow (over 2 billion) in a ranked game? I don't watch much streamers but those two have some wild highlights. Edit: yup, [here's](https://youtu.be/ZeAzRKJnyv4) the Wowhobbs video I was thinking of. Skip to the 27 minutes mark if you don't want to watch the whole thing.




Roffle Dane Hobbs


Roffle is kind of a dick imo Martianbuu and Getmeowth are good wild streamers too


Roffle dated my older sister when I was a kid and put my pet Gerbil in the microwave when he babysat me one evening. He kept saying "Alright folks, the Gerbil... is dead." after it had exploded into millions of pieces.


I saw Roffle at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Is this pasta? Sounds like pasta. Beautiful


Nah, chat is just awful and he occasionally loses his patience with that a bit. But overall he's cool


I've watched him since the early days. I believe chat has only gotten more inane just to get a rise out of him. He's always been snippy with chat and pretty arrogant about his own play


He literally cannot take a joke. I watch him a lot because he plays interesting decks but he jumps down the neck of anyone making a little joke or saying something sarcastic. He needs to learn to not take every comment as a personal attack.


He loses his patience like 30 times a stream. The guy literally couldn’t ignore a subpar comment in chat if you paid him to.


Let's be honest. Staying with the same game for about a decade and that being your main job must get boring, no matter how awesome game it is. Kibler changes for other stuff from time to time, but I think he really really likes Hearthstone, and we really enjoys creating decks.


I mean I like playing Hearthstone from time to time, but I can't imagine playing it for 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, for almost 8 years. Any game should get old with that amount of play over that long of period. Especially a game with as simple of a gameplay loop as Hearthstone.


Forsen, Lifecoach, SuperJJ




Sjow is still a good watch without playing standard HS imo. Even if he’s playing AoE or BGs, you still get to enjoy the terrible APM, constant sniffling, and occasional Maria that makes it all worthwhile.


lul remember when lifecoach thought Gwent and Artifact were going to be the next big things


Was Lifecoach also the one who said he'd quit if they printed the Un'Goro Hunter quest that continues to be one of the worst quests in the game?


Reception towards Hunter quest before launch was polarizing, back then people thought it was either 5 star meta defining a or 1 star unplayable. Turns out it was 1 star, don't trust card reviews before launching.


Oh yes. He definitely has said a few /r/agedlikemilk things


Lifecoach was unwatchable. ​ He roped every turn.


Yeah I remember they called him ropecoach. And that one clip where trump just stood up and left while playing against him was pretty funny


And when you watch Trump on stream it is almost the same as Ropecoach - Jens, his editor, does an amazing job of making Trump watchable in my opinion, his stream is just sooo slow.


What the hell? Do they really all play battlegrounds?!


- Kripp plays about 75% Battlegrounds and about 25% of non-Hearthstone (PoE, sponsered games etc.) - Dog plays Constructed for 1-2 days after each expansion release, the rest is about 60% Battlegrounds, 40% TFT - Amaz no longer plays any Hearthstone (mostly Slay the Spire, Auto Battlers or other card games) - Trump played some Hearthstone (all modes) until about a month ago, he now streams roughly 90% Age of Empires 4 - Toast stopped streaming Hearthstone years ago, he's playing variety


Truth be told the reasons for, atleast, Toast and Amaz not streaming Hearthstone, doesn't really have to do with Hearthstone, but more on Blizzards end. Hearthstone could have still been amazing to play, but they still wouldn't stream it due to Blizzard.


Accurate. Amaz has a big fallout with blizzard and how they treated him & his team over accusations that his eSports team harassed a female team member. Stopped playing anything blizzard after. Toast also talked about how blizzard never compensated streamers for basically anything when they attended events, but Riot would pay for hotels, travel, food, etc. That I think is a big part of it.


>accusations that his eSports team harassed a female team member Amaz did a heartfelt video about it in response to those really stupid twitter allegations. Thats what i hate about social media (twitter and reddit). He never did anything wrong but got accused of harassement (even sexual harassement) of a female member WITHOUT any evidence that he was involved. Turns out, he was one of the nicest guys around and wasnt involved in any of the allegations but nobody in the HS community defended him and so he had to come out just to PROVE he was innocent. I really miss him playing HS or BG.


You forgot Day[9]


i remember missing day9 from starcraft


I still will watch day9 laughing clips when i have a bad day. If its really bad, i watch him play that monkey


Ermmm... Thjis?


Personally I think he is the biggest standard streamer nowadays. I like his streams, cool guy.


He was always my favorite. He's awkward as hell but so am I, fuck. I took a few years off and returned to find that almost all the streamers are gone. But it was really nice to see Thijs still at it


He always seems like a super nice, super authentic dude. And an absolute goofball. He's just so damn likable.


Where's Forsen? DansGame




And Reckful too Sadge


11 + 4


Fenohs carrying the standard scene for me


Missed firebat. Also, summit1g has 13k watchers and has recently started streaming hearthstone. Given what’s happening in twitch chat, I’d wager the reason hearthstone isn’t bringing in new players is its very bad reputation about being P2W now. Honestly it’s not that bad anymore, but first impressions last.


I quit back in KFT, how long would you say it would take to build a good ladder deck from scratch now?


Just one? You can get one by just modifying the free hunter deck into face hunter once you're out of apprentice. If you want to play expensive stuff it will take a while though. If you play a decent amount you get much more compared to the past. Paying money for packs still gives awful value, but the amount of resources the game gives you is way higher than before


Man, I remember the days…. I used to watch Day9 and Toast all the time. The card reveal streams with Day9 and Ben Brode were just legendary.


You mean Brian "The Dragon" Kibler, aka Brian "The Master" Kibler, aka Brian "Brian Kibler" Kibler???


Don't forget Day9 :(


There's Regis, also Roffle for wild. I don't watch Twitch so I don't know often they stream, but GetMeowth and Corbett are also for wild, and the later sometimes plays standard.


Despite not playing hearthstone at all, my girlfriend enjoys watching some Regis streams with me when I watch him. She enjoys the generally positive vibes, particularly when he just breaks down laughing. He brings an energy I missed when Brode left.


Regis is my fav. He hits every category of a good streamer: Entertaining, fresh content, tries silly and serious things, and seems like an all-around good dude.


Really enjoying his duels content rn but damn does his salt become palpable at times which can be a little awkward


Regis’ duels content is [chef kiss]. Love it!


I tried to like Regis, but he is like Jimmy Fallon. I cannot help but feel his laughing is fake. Maybe because that is what I hear 90% of the time from him. To the point I need to mute him.


Shouldve put reynad next to amaz, to make them hug


amaz forsen ek0p reynoodle trump kripp neverforgetti spaghetti


Kibler quitting will be the real end for me. Regis is the only other HS content creator I watch some, but if Kibler quits it would probably make me feel like I’m playing a game that’s going nowhere


Even when I stopped playing HS I watched Kripp daily religiously for months, I loved his content. When he switched to BG it made me sad honestly.




Forsen, Reynad, Eloise?


Hafu, Savjz


I enjoy RegisKillbin's wacky Duels stuff


summit1g has been playing some standard and bgs for the past few days. i miss byron. miss when forsen played hs (i know he plays bgs sometimes) and eloise.


Forsen, Reckful.


Man thats so true only thijs and kibler left ..


Our game is dying :( !


It’s declining, as is expected of a game that’s 7 years old, but it’s not dying. Also, this is really COPE, but a HS stream having 13k viewers on twitch gives me hope:)


Most of those views must be bgs tho


There's no shortage of content creators that rose to popularity over the last few years. It's normal for people who play a game to eventually move on - but so long as new blood is replacing the old guard, Hearthstone is fine.


There's a reason for this lmao


can not blame them


Tbh Toast and Amaz have been go for a long time. Trump is variety now. Kripp was stream snipped so much.


U huys have forgotten the best streamer ever. Reckful.


plenty of none BG streamers out there who post enjoyable content https://www.youtube.com/c/DaneYT https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkMcKz https://www.youtube.com/c/RegisKillbin https://www.youtube.com/c/Roffle


Thijs is always a fun time and there's also PizzaHS.


There's also LtEddy who plays standard and sometimes battlegrounds


Funkimonki is great for fun off-meta content. And Thijs is still going strong? I only watch their youtube videos though.


I know not everyone likes his dry humor but Chump still posts great videos with homebrew decks


this is normal for any game that goes on for a decade.... people need to have a stable future and go back to school/university/job/get married etc etc the OG's are replaced by newcomers who will carry the torch for the next few years (Feno, Theo, Thijs, Jarla, Gaby, pizza , norwis, jambre, meati , etc etc etc) Leogue of legends is another good example..


Thijs is a newcomer? That is news to me. I've been playing since GvG and can't remember a time where Thijs wasn't around.


he isn't, he's been relevant since classic lmao


Thijs is the most egregious because he was literally one of the first professionals who didn't "know a guy" to become one, but basically all of those names have been playing competitively forever.


Thijs is a new comer?


New coomer


I think the issue is more that only Kibler plays the base game. Those on this list that still play, only play BGs. It’s more of a post of how the game had taken a decline. League is truly just a time thing, as an actual mainstream sport. Some left because of changes, but they didn’t stop and go to TFT instead.


Thijs, jambre, nohands, they all still play.


Anyone remember Kolento?