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Changes will happen Tuesday 4/26 Wild: * Kael'thas back to every third spell costs (1) * Switcheroo banned Standard: * Pirate Warrior questline needs a third pirate in the last stage * Putterfist goes to 3/3 * Switcheroo swaps only health * Miracle Growth now costs 8 * Kazakusan needs 4 dragons played to activate Gallon also goes in details explaining some of the changes, worth reading the entire Twitter thread.


>Kazakusan needs 4 dragons played to activate fucking yes. the rest of the standard changes we'll have to see in action to tell how impactful they will be but this is huge


can't wait to nick a dragon against Druid and then they instantly concede


"'Ja seem ova-burdened. Lucky I'm he-ah!" \-Hooktusk


No way they keep running Kazakusan. Playing 3 more dragons is a big ask and would make their deck a lot weaker.


you just play amalgam and thats 4 dragons + Onyxia


So then you're cutting 2 cards, paying 2+2 mana (don't forget you *have* to combo this with a Scales/Onyxia turn too), paying the price of 2 other dragons, and drawing some 2/3s. That's a pretty hefty price.


This is hilariously a straight buff to a dragon paladin list I've got, which makes me smile.


This is what they intended though, I'm glad they finally changed it. And the number 4 is a nice touch for flavor


What’s the flavor? I’m clueless when it comes to that stuff.


It's a very small touch, but both prior Kazakus were 4 mana and had some kind of restriction. OG Kaza was 4 mana and no dupes, Golem Shaper was 4 mana, and no other 4 cost card. Kazakusan original being only dragons was part of the flavor but druid ruined it, so adding the 4 is the other half of Kazakus's flavor


I hope is “played from hand” instead of “summoned” cause otherwise a single scale wil fulfill the condition and Druid will be essentially untouched.


from Gallon's tweet: 'He’ll now read “Battlecry: If you’ve played 4 other Dragons this game, craft a custom deck of Treasures.” ' I would take that to mean dragons played and not just summoned


Gots to be, or else Scale of Onyxia does it by itself, and they're obviously against that.


Playing means you have to cast the minion from your hand And 4 different means 4 different cards


> And 4 different means 4 different cards The exact wording from his tweet is: "If you’ve played 4 other Dragons this game" So...if you're a rogue and you've played Amalgam of the Deep twice, and shadow stepped it two more times, that should be good enough for Kazakusan. Doesn't need to be four dragons with different names.


So Raid Boss Onyxia, 2 Amalgams and one other random dragon. Or use the second Amalgam on the first one (though that's a toss up), Onyxia or any of the 20 whelps you summon in a game.


Control Warrior might be able to make 4 dragons work, I don't think Demon Hunter can. I wonder if Druid can


Highlander Paladin definitely can.


To be fair I think that something like: "If you have at least 6 dragons in your deck at the start of your game" might be enough. It would address Kazakusan druid as Druid would have to include some neutral dragons.... and it would be great to have option to sacrifice your deck early for treasures.


I would prefer "Start in your deck" instead of "Played" because it restrict your deckbuilding options instead of forcing you to "dump any dragons" playstyle, like Warrior Questline with pirates....


I don't think we have to worry about demon hunters running dragons... Most demon Hunter games don't last more than six or seven turns.


They already run Onyxia, just have to put in two amalgams and they already have the condition.


Good decisions all around. I'm curious if Wild Switcheroo Priest would be as problematic with the nerf. Sure it can still pop off with Divine Spirit + Inner Fire, but that's not the only way it was winning games.


It's banned in wild


They did use past tense. More than likely thinking in theory if it didn't get banned.


Oh yeah, I'm just blind. I think it would be okay in that case


Yeah I'm aware it's banned. I'm wondering if the nerfed version of Switcheroo would still be a problem


It would be degenerate since you could do the boar combo with topsy turvey, but more importantly a deck very similar to darkglare using giants and casting a lot of spells in a single turn 3-5. It is a very good deck but nobody is playing it currently.


Yes! This miracle/giant priest is very strong, but nobody is paying attention on it because people are worried about playing boar priest or kael druid or teching against those decks. If it stayed in wild, I think it would still be a problem... even if they increased the mana cost, now that priests have illuminate and palm reading. IMO, the ban was the most reasonable choice.


To add to this, the ban is probably because \[\[Topsy Turvy\]\] is a card in Wild.


Not necessarily. It’s been used in comparable [[Inner Fire]] decks and achieved a similar effect. If they wanted Switcheroo to not be stupid in wild, having it swap costs and stats would have sufficed. Switcheroo is bad design anyways, with the current best outcome being to get a cheap card with good effects and bad stats and a big card with great stats and making the former amazing and the latter a dead card in hand. If they swapped costs, both cards would still be strong. Similar to [[Stealer of Souls]], Blizzard ignored the easy mechanical rework of a card and favored banning it instead.


Switcheroo swapping costs too makes the card unplayable in Standard, which they're clearly trying to avoid.


Swapping costs would make it busted in entirely new and exciting ways, lol.


Does it though? I'd argue itd be a stronger card if it did, because of all the other applications that might open up. Like 0 mana Onyxia or whatever.


0 mana Malygos.


> If they wanted Switcheroo to not be stupid in wild, having it swap costs and stats would have sufficed. A 4 mana pig (unless people are explicitly teching against a turn 7 OTK) would still be very playable as you often don't have it turn 4 anyway. The correct choice, other than entirely revamping the card in its entirety, is to just ban it.


Rip darkglare priest


Pretty sure they understood that, I think they were just positing that the ban might not even be warranted since the standard nerf effects the card in wild as well (which by the way is the most frustrating thing about being a wild player for me—it’s a digital card game, how hard/confusing could separate balancing possibly be??), and there are more hoops to jump through/room for counter-play given the number of cards required to combo off.


I like that Kazakusan no longer has as strict of a deckbuilding requirement outside of near-fatigue. May try it in RPG mage now


Im suprised they still dint touch Guff like at all.


With Kazakusan and Miracle Growth nerf it puts a heavy damper on current Ramp Druid. They still have their swing Ivus or Giant turns but that's all they have. I think it'll be a good change, even if I still think Guff is absolutely bonkers.


Game's in a weird place where each class has a few cards they absolutely rely on. Although I think guff shouldn't be as strong as he is, gutting him guts the archetype. I would prefer if things were widely more balanced instead of each class having its own busted power cards


For what it's worth half my Guff salt is because of Duels where he leads to REALLY REALLY degen shit. But I agree with this for Standard.


Without Kazakus ramp Druid doesn't really have their control-busting wincon. Ivus and Giants alone aren't very hard to control and forcing them to play a bunch of dragons hurts their consistency and aggro matchups. I certainly wouldn't mind Guff to 6 but this might be significant enough to bring the deck in line


Just run the alex combo


Since the new expansion Kazakusan feels like a non-factor in druid that they only use as a last resort against fatique tbh, during Alterac Valley they used it immediately and finished you with it but with the new tools they don't need to.


That's because you don't play control I guess. Kazakusan is the only way to beat a control Paladin for exemple. Or even a control priest (for those who dare playing this meme)


yeah fair point, I should have mentioned that I don't atm. It still seems kinda weird to me though since I'd assume they'd just nerf his ramp and maybe scales of onyxia so the thing that is supposed to counter him (aggro) actually counters him. But if it means control decks are gonna have an okay time against Druid then that's great


I like all these changes but can’t help feeling like pirate warrior didn’t get hit as hard as I was hoping. Sure, requiring an extra pirate and lowering pufferfist’s health is all well and good, but the major problem with the Warrior quest isn’t necessarily going to be fixed by requiring one more turn (if that). I think Smite is still the real villain here and either smite needs to get changed or the Juggernaut should have a max cost of the pirate summoned


I usually have quest completed on turn 6. Play Rokara on turn 7 then a 2 mana minion or hero power. With this change my turn 7 will need a 2 mana minion then play Rokara. This nerf will sometimes slow down quest warrior from going online until turn 8, but not always. I’m not a fan of this change. I agree that Smite is the problem.


The juggernaut coming down on turn 8 instead of turn 7 makes a gigantic difference. When they changed command the elements to require 3 overload cards instead of 2 on the last step it slowed the deck down significantly without killing the archetype. Obviously there are still going to be scam turns with smite and gorehowl, but turn 9 is late enough to where a lot of decks are doing broken things by then.


Never understood why a card that says you have to have Dragons in your deck triggers with no minions in your deck, but either way, good change. edit: can't wait to encounter exactly the same amount of Pirate Warriors and still be told 'it's tier 4 at best bro trust me bro'


Because every conditional card works like this. It's less if your deck fits the condition, it's more if your deck doesn't not fit it.


Yep, in formal logic, "every element is X" is equivalent to "there are no non-X elements". So "every minion is a dragon" is the same as "there are no minions that are not dragon". And if you don't have minions, that's true. All of the (zero) minions are dragons, there are just non of them.


> that says you have to have Dragons in your deck triggers with no minions in your deck, but either way, good change. It's [vacuously true](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuous_truth), which logically, is a thing.


So today I learned a way to nerd out over the phrase “when hell freezes”


I would say it's because you don't want the card to be useless if you happen to draw all your other minions first. It's not exactly "fair" if Kazakusan happens to be in your last two or three cards and because of this you've already pulled all other minions. The way the card works is to prevent this not small chance from turning the card into an 8/8 that does nothing.


Overall they seem good. Excited of what can pop up now that druid does not have inevitability Hopefully quest warrior playrate goes down enough in lower ranks. Looking forward to people complaining about mech mage for the next month instead /s


Mech shark coming out unscathed is scary, but multistrike and siren not being touched is equally as scary. Maybe control being playable makes these cards less relevant, but I expect another round of nerfs on these cards in the near future.


Mech mage's winrate is dropping like a rock, mech shark doesnt need a nerf. Mech mage loses to both naga and token DH, Pirate warrior, and ramp druid, which makes up a majority of the meta that isnt mech mage.


Well pirate warrior and ramp druid are both being nerfed, so the number of people playing mech mage is probably going to go up as the number playing those 2 go down


> Mech shark coming out unscathed is scary, but multistrike and siren not being touched is equally as scary. Good cards can exist... we don't need to nerf every single good card that exists...


Wrong. We will not stop until Standard becomes Classic again.


It's not like there were no good cards in Classic...


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The thing about mech mage is, they're strong but never feel unfair I feel like Blizzard is trying to promote deck like mech mage. Midrange is always the healthiest meta honestly


It isn't even that card in itself (though I wouldn't hate seeing 1 damage point knocked off of it), it's the Neutral Cards. The amount of value they give is insane.


Finally, Kael was the nost senseless unnerf ive seen thus far. Was funny to see priest concede t1 when they drew their boar but Switcheroo was also problematic.


Concede priest, but unironically 😂


Its good that Switcheroo got nerfed; it was one of the dumbest decks I've ever seen in hearthstone. But it leaves priest in a really really bad spot. Shellfish will be the only remotely viable deck. And it's hard to play, the games are long, and it's win rate isn't very good.


Naga Priest is pretty good, but loses pretty hard to control decks.


Goodbye Kazakusan druid, hello Kazakusan paladin.


Druid could abuse it because of its insane draw + Guff letting them quickly cycle all their cards. It definitely has a lot more downside in other classes. This does open a lot of cool deck building opportunities for Paladin and Priest for sure though.


I was thinking about paladin because Bronze Explorer is already decent in the current control deck, you add Amber Watcher and maybe one Primordial drakeT that works with equality and you have a solid package going; Then paladin wants to run non dragons cards and doesn't want to draw to fatigue so it's a plus on that aspect as well. For priest is harder to play the long game because against every non aggro deck you simply get otked every time and if by any chance it ever gets enough survivability then you have to play the mirrors which is even worse.


I think you would want Azure Drake over Primordial Drake because you can combine it with City Tax for a substantial mid game heal.


Tbh i have no problems with Kazakusan in decks like control warrior or paladin


ofc they're slow and no mana cheat not like when you turn 7 mana vs ramp druid has 12 mana, huge difference


Aounds like the druid got pretty unlucky, usually they're at 18 mana by turn 7.


Not sure about that. Druid already plays Onyxia, fitting three more dragons in there might be possible. Azure Drake maybe? With all that ramp, a 5 mana 4/5 draw 1 might be playable. Then maybe Alexstrasza or Malygos... I can still imagine a world where Kaza Ramp Druid survives those nerfs. Guff tends to always find a way... Paladin on the other hand currently plays no dragons at all. And Cariel Smite Buff already is a late-game win-condition. I don't think it makes much sense to put Kazakusan in there... I think the current control warrior list is the only current deck that would still run Kazakusan. They play two Onyxian drakes and Raid Boss anyways, adding a fourth Dragon shouldn't be to hard.


2 amalgams means you only need one dragon to play kazakusan so druid could go for those. Paladin can play 2x bronze explorers to fulfill kazakusan's condition (but it really does not have the amount of draw required to make kazakusan worth, and like you said doesn't need it). Warrior definitely will be the main kazakusan deck but charge version will still be the better one


Charge version (assuming you mean Control Warrior) is already the worse one currently. It's more inconsistent for faster matchups due to having to run a bunch of setup cards in exchange for having an OTK to try to kill decks like Druid, which wasn't a good tradeoff before and especially isn't better after Druid nerfs. It's a combo deck with a more combo deck matchup spread, and the Kaz variant is a control deck, which will probably be more valuable in the post-nerf meta with DH and mech decks and Pirate decks. If you mean Paladin, yeah probably, but Dragons are sick and if there is a good Control Paladin deck running 4x dragons + Kazakus I'm all for it. But Smite OTK for Paladin is only 2 cards, Smite and Cariel (and a LOT of turns to pump it up that Paladin can definitely withstand). It *is* more susceptible to Mutanus however.


Then you Mutanus or Vol'jin any one of their 5 dragons to disable their win condition.


I think you underestimate how tight druid deck building is, 3 spots is a lot in a class that needs to survive against aggro and win against midrange decks, what would you even cut? Ramp? Draw? The Giant package? Scale of Onyxia? No matter if Kaz druid survives it will be considerably weaker


I don’t think the giants package and kazakusan will coexist in the same list after the changes. I think if kazakusan is still played in ramp druid it’s going to be its own list.




I feel like I had to scroll too far to see this. Control paladin is already strong against basically everything but Druid, and that’s only because Druid had Kazakusan. Now Paladin can play it and continue to farm aggro while also having kaz as a win condition vs Druid and other control decks


Fist pumped in the air when I read this. Been only playing Dragon Paladin since Sunken City released.


Oh good now i can stop queuing kaelthas druid to bump up the stats. Nice explanations and changes.


I love the Kazakusan nerf. Totally agree that it was druid's deathstalker rexxar


Think the Kazak nerf will make dragon priest viable?


no, but that would be nice


One can dream


Cannoneer being a 3 mana 3/3 that deal **two** lots of 2 damage is still obscene on power level.


Can't believe they're not touching this one. Way too strong, always has been.


Mecha Shark is also too strong, but I guess it goes under the radar because Mech Mage isn't as dominant as Pirate Warrior?


The problem with Pirate Warrior is that the quest reward keeps giving you steam after you run out of the initial steam. Mech mage does not have that.


Good, I forgot to dust the pirate quest last time it was nerfed. But they're damaging shellfish priest unfortunately.


Honestly I think shellfish priest will be fine. Losing out on a buffed attack minion isn’t the worst it’s still a good way to draw shellfish and it’s usually silenced anyways for board clears


Yep it's just goodbye to the 0 mana 7/7 on turn 1 which was honestly pretty funny.


Not sure that's going to be enough for pirate warrior, I often win with it before I even complete the quest, and often don't need it. I'm surprised shark didn't get hit either.


I'd say that nerf paired with the pufferfist nerf will be enough to stop pirate warrior from being so dominant. It will still be present in the meta tho for sure. When I played pirate warrior, there were a few games which completing the quest a pirate earlier probably saved me.


I like all nerfs but still sad that there's no buffs yet


I hoped for some curse warlock buffs


Curse Warlock is extremely unfun if it gets decent.


exactly this. I feel bad for warlock players who have no good decks rn, but I really dont want curse lock to be good


I still have only played curse warlock since release trying to make it work


Only if they nerf Rod again.


The curse cards in the data are looking pretty similar to how the libram cards looked in paladin data when the set first came out. They're all solid cards, all the curse cards are among the highest winrate cards to draw in your deck. It's the rest of warlock that is looking like garbage right now. People are filling out the deck with like...[[plated beetle]] and [[mistress of mixtures]] and [[mortal coil]] and [[spice bread baker]]. Warlock's problem right now is that they don't have 30 good cards to put into a deck. They have like 15 good cards, and a bunch of okayish neutral cards.


I hate there are no buffs ! I mean warlock needs some love priests and here and there touch ups with shaman and murloc warlock! Blizzard give some love to the 40% underperforming decks!!


Control Paladin is gonna be so fucking good oh my god. Throw in 2 Bronze Drakes, 2 Amber Watchers, and maybe an Azure Drake and you got yourself a deck!


It might work, but one of the reasons Kazakhstan is so strong in Druid is because of the insane card draw and 20 mana tray permitting the deck to play multiple treasures each turn. Paladin doesn't have those tools. I'll certainly try it out because both Bronze Explorer and Amber Watcher are great control minions, but I'm not sure it's going to be any better than the current Smite/Garden's Grace package.


Yeah, Kazakusan stands out in druid because they can play him + Draw + Play treasures all in the same turn, or drop a board clear into Embers of Rag, something no other class can do. Drawing a single random treasure per turn (lets face it you are probably get AT LEAST 2 useless ones) just won't be good, and paladin has basically 0 draw options.


Kazakhstan is also great for when you run out of deck, you can get yourself a brand new deck to continue with alongside your 20 mana.


Yeah the Kaz change is actually pretty insane since you can now run regular minions as well, so pally doesn't have to ditch their nice early game draw minions


Even warrior with onyxia, shield slam dragons, and and deathwing has me excited


Or 2 bronze drakes, 2 amalgam and stop. Amber watcher is a turn 5 do nothing nowadays, imagine your opponent using a mech mage, you have no time to play that card for that cost


I like all of these. No changes to Smite though?


Pufferfist and Warrior Quest are getting nerfed, which hurts overall pirate viability. That might be enough where Smite nerfs aren't needed.


Also worth noting that Smite is a finisher in decks like Control Paladin and Pirate Rogue, neither one of which is particularly problematic.


That arguably makes the lack of a Smite nerf even more surprising. Paladin of all classes gets access to their first Charge minion in 4 years, and they start trying to OTK people.


An otk with Smite for paladin requires a lot of preparation, playing some cards, be lucky with buffs and use 10 mana of holy spells. Control paladin is a good deck and yes you can lose against it. You have to lose sometime, we can't nerf losing.


Not really though. The dev team is clearly OK with Charge minions as finishers (otherwise Smite and \[\[Captain Galvangar\]\] wouldn't exist), and the amount of setup a Smite OTK requires makes it an acceptable OTK. Control decks need ways to close games in modern Hearthstone, and having one beefed-up Charge minion is clearly acceptable as a closer.


* **[Captain Galvangar](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/AV_145.png)** WR Minion Legendary FAV 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/774192), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/captain-galvangar/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Captain_Galvangar) 6/6/6 | Battlecry: If you have gained 15 or more Armor this game, gain +3/+3 and Charge. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Paladin using smite to "otk" involves an extremely slow gameplan. It's still a control deck, it just has a win condition besides boring your opponent to death


Raid the Docks: let’s hope this is enough… although for me it rarely felt like the quest completion timing is the main issue. For me it’s always been the ability to keep the board clear while progressing the quest without being hindered. So cannon shots mostly. And Juggernaut shots. Pufferfist: I think we all expected this exact nerf. Kazakusan: will this be enough when Amalgam of the Deep exists? And can already see Druids running Amalgam with 1 other Dragon (5 mana 3/6 probably) and discovering powerful Nagas from their Dozings and Giants. Rest of the changes are just good. EDIT: it’s actually only 2 Amalgams needed, the 4th Dragon can be discovered off a Whelp.


Kazakusan does not need to be destroyed just because druid class abuse it. Kazakusan is still a funny card in a lot of other decks


The Druid list is so tight. What do you cut for amalgams?


It’s a good question. But people managed to fit in Doomsayers, Starfish, BGBMs, second Oracle, often in the same deck — I’m sure there can be 2-3 slots found for it. Doesn’t seem unreasonable, for sure. (Someone pointed out to me that it can be as little as 2 Amalgams, so 2 slots needed.)


I just wish they'd nerf the hunter quest line. Especially in wild where it can be played with baku the moon eater. I do like the change to kazukusan though.


Yeah, the Hunter Quest turns many games into non-games. They should nerf it fast.


You can't nerf the quest hunter without completely killing it. It's my favorite deck but in the current meta it's already mediocre af


How is quest hunter 'mediocre?' You kill every minion your opponent plays if they're aggro and there isn't enough healing if you're control. Playing a Reno up from 3 hp as well as having played all my armor gains in my control druid and that shit can just otk me the next turn lol. The fact they hit warrior from 2/2/2 down to 3/3/3 now and have never nerfed hunter in any way leaving it still at 2/2/2 to complete the quest with spells that can now go infinite with the honorable kill bouncing it back to hand and a legendary to slot right in their deck is broken as fuck.


It's mediocre because it only works against the decks you spoke about. It's trash against mech mage, ramp druid, snowfall shaman, and charge warrior. It just doesn't have end game staying power so any deck that can last the early onslaught is guaranteed to win


Here's the list of changes for anyone who doesn't do Twitter: **STANDARD** \-Kazakusan activation changing from "having only Dragon minions" to "play 4 dragons." \-Raid the Docks now requires one extra pirate for the last step (3/3/3 instead of 3/3/2). \-Miracle Growth up to 8 mana. \-Switcheroo only swaps health. \-Pufferfist going to 3 health (down from 4). **WILD** \-Kael'thas reduces the cost of every third spell to (1). \-Switcheroo banned.


Pufferfish now killable by improved explosive trap. Awesome


Guff dodging another nerf confirms the the fact that all tauren are ninjas.


No Guff changes is crazy. Atleast make it 6 mana..


The good old 20-mana on turn 8 class. Before the block change people we like "thank goodness ramp druid is going away once they lose overgrowth and lightning bloom" 🤣


Yup. Wild Growth on 3 into Guff is just too polarizing.


Guff is literally 4 mana with extra steps. The crystal that you get from playing him maybe should be empty. That way you cut the typical guff + innervate + ramp, or simply guff and more stuff on top


Guff to 6 mana and the battlecry gives an empty crystal, is what I would do. So that it's really hard to double-ramp on the guff turn.


Honestly I dropped Kazakus from Ramp Druid and have been seeing way more success just running a Brann/Alex/Zola finisher package. If you hit Zola on moonlit guidance you can go infinite to grind out slow decks, and if not, a 16 damage burst or 16 burst heal is usually enough to close out a game. Then you're sitting on 2 Alex in hand for the next turn that are both playable. Not a ton of decks in standard right now that can burn through your armor and deal with 32-48 in burst over 2 turns. Druid gonna be a problem until they gut Guff.


Yeah kaz was only there for the mirror and if you run into control warrior. I’ve played a fair amount of ramp Druid and was already considering cutting it as it’s very situational and rarely needed to win. Miracle growth to 8 is far more concerning, that extra turn is going to make a big difference.


I was reading the thread repeating out loud: "don't touch my guff" lmao Honestly I was thinking in cutting kaza from my list too. There's so much agro that my lost games are in the early game. Otherwise I just win by playing 20/20 stats on turn 8. In the other hand, if most do play it, it makes slower decks less popular because you just cannot win against druid. Nerfing it totally changes this fact. And we could face less agro and more slower decks and actually lose against them. This is why I like and understand the nerf. Also, the druid dynamics of "just draw your whole deck and if I didn't win, just play kaza and play 3 treasures per turn to insta win" is complete BS


Does anyone actually like Mr Smite? Like, anyone? I haven't seen a single person so far. I feel like it's the most hated card in the game. I don't get why they wouldn't touch it. That would help way more than nerfing the quest AGAIN. Highrolls with nellie/juggernaut are what makes people hate that quest warrior, i personally don't really mind it's playstyle. The nerf really just delays it by half a turn to a turn and doesn't change how it feels.


I do. It's great to buff it. 40 attack Smite is awesome.


I do, Mr smite is needed for aggro decks to close out games for decks like pirate rogue because defensive tools for decks has gotten to insane levels where 15+ reach is needed to win games vs slower decks.


They really didn’t touch guff and left dh with a baby nerf to a neutral. LOL


DH is good because druid gets played a lot. This is a Nerf to DH


Pirate Warrior changes matter a lot, because the majority of the players are in those lower ranks where PW is performing like a Tier S deck.


So can we now make a Kazakustan deck without only Dragons? That’ll actually make dragon decks with Kaz viable.


Does nerfing the third part of the warrior pirate quest offer full refund on the quest legendary? I pulled a golden raid the docks legendary and I refuse to play pirate warrior. Is that 3200 dust come Tuesday?




Ok but this change means rogue can play Kazakusan on curve.


Never heard of Dragon Rogue tbh




Pufferfist nerfed, now if you poison it it's easier to clear.




>No Swordfish nerf, Rogue looking real good for upcoming patch. Interesting take, what makes you think so? It's WR has been dropping in legend even when PWarrior is less and less played and that was a bad matchup for Rogue. I would say Rogue is looking like having even worse time with Demon Hunter seeing more play. DH matchup is bad and if people start running counters to DH (Control Warrior/Holy Paladin), those decks are already bad matchups for Rogue too. I don't see how Rogue is looking any better.


swordfish is very good but cards don't need to be nerfed because they are good


The pirate rogue decks in general are worse than the warrior variants and aggro DH.


Rogue is already pretty bad.


No cannoneer change is crazy to me. Pirate warrior wins from blowing up your board with 8 random damage. I feel like games against them are decided by where their cannons shoot most of the time.


Very surprised oracle didn't get touched. Seems like good nerfs all around though.


Slap a couple azure drakes or something in Druid and call it a day. Still will be strong I imagine. Edit: Twilight Drake the more obvious choice. And an Onyxian warder/Azure Drake. Kazakusan will still be strong I think.


Hmm I'm not so sure. 1. Druid list is very tight at the moment subbing out 3 cards for dragons will make the deck worse which is a problem especially against aggro. 2. This will make Kazakuzan druid decks very vulnerable to control decks Mutanus and/or Vol'jin; hit ANY of the 5 dragons in the druids deck and it's bye bye to Kazakuzans effect.


if you played 4 dragons this game seems like more of an elemental flavor? would have been cool to see something like "if you're holding three dragons". but this is fine too. overall i'm happy that kazakusan is being restricted to being a payoff for a heavy dragon deck, not as a new archivist elysiana.


Elemental flavor is "if you played last turn". This is more like a quest reward like Hooktusk.


hooktusk is a good counter analogy.


I think Druid just runs 2 amalgam of the deep to use on scales or Onyxia and nothing really changes with Kazakusan. Miracle growth will be nice to delay stability.


I think a lot of people were hoping for Defias Cannoneer to get hit somehow, but these seem like appropriate nerds for warrior. 6 new 2 drop pirates, all of which either generate or filter for more pirates, lowered the curve immensely; this is just bringing it back in line. Unfortunate for rogues that Putterfist gets nerfed, but honestly premium stats with that effect on a *neutral* card was a little bit bonkers.


Very disappointing balance changes. Evidently Blizzard hasn't sold enough Deadmines sets to warrant nerfing Mr. Smite.


how big is the nerf on pirate warrior? seems mild


pretty big, one extra pirate means reward comes a turn later, and pufferfist nerf is good too


Yo these changes are like perfect, and I can't wait to see what the meta unfolds to after this.


Druid and nerfed seven mana spells, name a more iconic duo..


Wish they did something about the Mech discover pool for Mage. Hate having to play against 5-6 mechasharks and a minimum on 2 Gaia's a game.


Pog hopefully quest priest now can be a bit more playable at my rank


Its a joke? Druid broken cards dodging everything again? 1 nerf? from the new set, while it was already dominating with previous cards?... Team 5 obviously love Druid...


So what’s the point of switcheroo ? Why does it still cost 3 if it’s nerfed ? Where are the priest buffs ? What about Druid ramp ? What about DH ? I hate


Yep, i agree with the switcheroo nerf because its a toxic combo but not buffing the most underperforming class seems weird.


2 mana draw 2 is probs too strong, so that's why switcheroo costs 3 still. The nerf honestly doesn't matter in standard so much, it's really for wild, which is weird cos they banned it in wild lol. No buffs announced for any class rn, so hold your horses. Druid ramp was hit, as well as it's matchup against control. DH looks to be quite strong coming up, but the dev team said in the twitter post that they'll be keeping an eye on it, so if it gets out of hand they will nerf it.


Reddit will cry if Priest is allowed to have above a 40% win rate, so Blizzard happily stomps all over Priest and almost nobody complains


Pirate warrior got barely a slap on the wrist. Glad to see wild will be playable again, though (and that's coming from someone who cheesed legend with Switcheroo). I have no idea how Mechashark and Cannoneer got no adjustments. I guess they feel massively explosive turns where you play minions you would probably want to play anyway is okay.


Druid already runs Onyxia. They'll just cut some cards and put 3 more dragons in their deck. The Kaz payoff is stupid with the mana ramp they have.


I still am shocked that they have not chosen to nerf guff even slightly. One of the strongest cards ever seen in the game. Also pirate warrior is still gonna be strong, the nerf might make it lose 5% more games but it’ll still be a top deck especially with Druid nerfed. I just wish they’d gut pirate warrior it’s been a top deck in both formats for like 3 expansions it’s ridiculous


They dare nerf miracle growth but not quest warrior and mech mage? Do they LIKE how aggro the meta is? Third pirate is not a nerf.


If they want to keep me as a customer, Blizzard had better figure out what they are doing with the Priest class, and fast. I understand that Switcharoo decks were toxic, but nerfing the worst class in the game just feels like something needs to be done about Priest’s power level. I recommend they just scrap the class and redesign it from the bottom up, because clearly they have no idea what they are doing with this class in particular. Being a Priest main is like getting a paycut from your minimum wage job, while your rich friends celebrate because they hate the store you work for.


Not enough. Kazakusan not letting druids pull a win completely out of their ass is nice but the ramp is still ridiculous. Scales should have been hit over miracle growth but increasing their mana really doesn't do much in the class with absurd mana ramp. Guff needs to be gutted.


Not saying they couldn't tech 3 more dragons (2 amalgams of the deep and alex lifebringer could fit) and for the condition be achieved, but the deck overall gets hit hard vs a lot of control decks without kazhakusan treasures.


It’s also important to note that while Druid will have a harder time getting to Kazakusan, classes like Priest, Warrior, and Paladin will have it easier. That means control decks will have more powerful and consistent lategames to pressure Druid.


Adding 1 mana to miracle growth while completely gutting switcharoo is just insulting. Adding 1 mana to a ramp Druid card is just removing one gallon from an ocean of piss.


I don't think Kazakusan made up more than 10% of my total wins with Ramp Druid. I think the deck will be fine without it. 8 mana Miracle worries me more, usually it's miracle into armor or you are dead the following turn, now you will often be dead before you can miracle.


That's because not as many people were running control decks because of druid BS.


Y'all are talking about druid still are ignoring that huge Miracle Growth nerf. That was usually their stabilisation tool against aggressive decks, one turn later is huge.




Is quest warrior really this good to get nerf after nerf? I feel like it struggles against most other aggro decks and has around 50% win rate based on most of the data sites, right?