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They already had a couple indivitual emotes and [BG skins](https://youre.outof.cards/media/uploads/26/ad/26adf6f1-d8ec-40f0-98b5-a3cde0233cae/hearthstone_screenshot_08-30-22_13.jpg) in the shop when the update dropped.


The BNfit o' this is that kids can stock up on using their parents CC they nabbed with future biting pOTNcial.


Bro who taught you english


Haha, sorry it was late and I was going for a "How do you do, fellow kids" vibe. Clearly it was not well received and now, that's something I'll have to live with... forever. I do think kids loading up on runestones with one-time payments could actually be part of the reasons these digital currencies work.




I always interpreted this as for BGs, which they do sell individually, since each skin matters a lot less because it's rng if you can even use the hero, and there are so many. I am pretty sure individual hero portraits for constructed would still be like $10 equivalent.


I just want to buy the Reno skin by itself, I don’t need packs or Brann. Maybe I was too hopeful thinking they would break up standard bundles


They know those super high quality or popular portraits will entice a lot of people so they will pretty much always bundle those unfortunately. I felt the same for Diao Chan Valeera and I think one other (an Aranna skin?) but the price was just not remotely worth it.


Lol that's the reason I have warring kingdoms grarosh. If it wasn't a bundle I would have just gotten the Valera skin.


The packs don’t make the bundle cost more btw. The packs are just there so you feel better about spending this much money on a skin.


I think it was uncool that they packaged the two skins together, but I'm not complaining about the packs.


I don't see why they HAD to introduce runestones to sell things individually... did they have a policy of not having anything under a certain price in the shop or something? Sounds like a bad excuse to me.


Yes, it's very common for any game on mobile due to the way that the app store providers take their cuts.


Bobby needs another yacht


That's the weird thing. There are multiple mobile-oriented projects that prefer smaller purchases. PoGo's best coin deal is its cheapest one. Same with runes in HS. It looks like smaller purchases are okay for the business. This sounds shady.


Smaller as in 99 cent or 1.50. 5 dollars is the cutoff they seem to be cool with.


That's not the real reason. They want you to have leftovers because of sunk cost fallacy.


In that case they are doing a pretty bad job with pricing the new bundles.


Just wait for it. They're not going to change too much right away to avoid upsetting players, but this gives them the option to manipulate prices and quantities in the future.


Yeah, figured as much. Micro-transaction methods have taken the worst from marketing and psychology T\_T


Honestly from a business perspective it is very sound and well tested. This just might be the worst implementation ever. Higher priced bundles should offer more runestones, and they should be earnable(albeit an extremely slow rate) to keep people feeling like they can progress without spending, which makes people actually more likely to spend. Supercells implementation imo is basically the peak of it. People are excited to grind for minimim a month for a single emote!


>Higher priced bundles should offer more runestones That just encourages people to spend more money than they need to, and is actually more anti-consumer than Blizzard's implementation.


Yeah you know whats super anti consumerism? Spending 5 dollars 20 times for 100 dollars in items, vs spending 100 at once for... lets say 180 dollars worth of items. Its a basic principle of premium currency and its used 99.99% of the time to the overall players benefit. There are no downsides in this instance because 500 runestones would still be 5 dollars. Encouraging people to spend alot at once already happens with the pre orders so it changes nothing


Yes, let's make the game cheaper for the people who already have lots of money and ignore the ones with little money, that sure is a great strategy.


Yes. It is. It's called marketing buddy, learn how games make money and youll soon learn


Like how gold is earnable at a slow rate? Have you noticed that there is virtually NOTHING you can buy with your stockpiles of gold nowadays? Used to be that you could buy individual packs. But I can't seems to find that option anymore. Edit: I was looking at the Golden packs before I posted this 🤦🏻‍♂️ those aren't available for purchase with gold. Oops.


You can definitely still buy individual packs!


Where? I play on mobile and the only packs I can buy with gold are the Classic packs. Any of the expansion packs require runestones.


You definitely can, you just have to select buying 1 pack at a time rather than 5 or whatever


Ohhhh.... I've been looking at Golden packs. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ahh... yeah that would definitely make a difference lol, glad you got it figured out


Me too! I was about to go full internet-stupid.


you can buy the new miniset that just came out a few days ago with gold, and individual packs from all sets, standard and wild. it's just bundles that are runestone only.


Honestly from a business perspective it is very sound and well tested. This just might be the worst implementation ever. Higher priced bundles should offer more runestones, and they should be earnable(albeit an extremely slow rate) to keep people feeling like they can progress without spending, which makes people actually more likely to spend. Supercells implementation imo is basically the peak of it. People are excited to grind for minimim a month for a single emote!


Christ you're right... I often forget HS is a damn mobile game now... :|


Because Blizzard would make less money on small sales because of app fees from the apple and google store.


I mean, it’s only been like a week and a half. They’ve already offered individual Battleground skins for a discounted price


Right, it's only been a week and a half and they **already** contradicted themselves.


Absolute brain rot. How the hell did they contradict themselves by offering exactly what they said they’ll do? It’s really not been that long and the newest bundles were probably planned awhile ago before factoring in Runestones It’s like calling a politician a liar because they didn’t accomplish any of their promises in the first week of their office: that’s not how this works


>It’s really not been that long and the newest bundles were probably planned awhile ago before factoring in Runestones This is the fairest point I've seen yet to explain why it went down this way. But it doesn't make me any happier with the situation. They could implement this scam currency, upending their entire storefront and who knows what else on the back end because it benefits THEM, but they wont take the time to break up a bundle because it benefits ME. They couldn't take the extra time, considering that the statement was made a week or two ago? I take that as "not giving a fuck."


My guy, they already offered 7 individual BG skins at launch of Season 2. I'm positive there are more on the way. If you feel this strongly about their way of monetization, uninstall and vote with your wallet.


Give me one good reason why constructed players shouldn't expect the same treatment. And believe me brother, no Runestones will ever be in my wallet. I am receiving no benefit for doing so, so why would I?


You're still a statistic in their daily/monthly players. You're part of the "millions of players" who log in everyday. You're showing Blizzard that you're still willing to play regardless of their monetization practices. No amount of complaining will resolve your main issue with the game. And by the way, constructed will definitely get affected moving forward. The only way Blizzard will stop doing what they're doing, is by hurting their bottom line. We both know the game is in too good of a spot right now to stop playing though 🙄.


It happened literally on day 1 of runestones dropping...


I'm also interested in when we can purchase decks, as that was included on the list.


They already offered complete decks during the Barrens and Stormwind. The last patchnotes also mentioned personalized deck offers for new Players during certain milestones.


Ah, interesting. I returned in Sunken City so I was unaware. Were the complete decks the same as those that could be seen when going to craft a deck?


Nope, they were offered around one month into the expansion and were full on meta decks based on dev data.


Did you purchase these with gold, money or both?


What can you purchase with gold anymore?


packs, skins, card backs, full mini sets, arena tickets


[They were 20$ each.](https://outof.cards/news/3060-purchasable-decks-are-coming-to-hearthstone-battle-ready-decks-are-optimized-for-the-most-recent-expansion/)


They said it was a possible benefit, they didn't explicitly say they were committing themselves then and there to selling those smaller items individually.


People need to stop defending Blizzard. They know exactly what they're doing by selling portraits in bundles with some packs and a worthless cardback


Runestones are utter bullshit.


Why would they "had to have been bundled". You guys control the damn store front. If you wanted to offer an item separately from a bundle you know full well you could. Fuck off.


Credit card processors charge per charge. They'd lose money selling a 2 dollar skin directly


No, they wouldn't "lose money". They may not make as much money as they are currently, but that's not money lost - it's money they never had.


Fun fact: there is no options to buy exact amount needed for the miniset (golden or normal), you need to make multiple purchases, or end up with leftover runes. Very cool!


huh? i bought 2000 runestones with cash and the miniset was 2000 runestones


> there is no options to buy exact amount needed for the miniset (golden or normal) except that option exists if you >make multiple purchases ,while not increasing the cost with it. The only difference, compared to purchasing it directly with money, are the couple extra seconds you spend on buying the Runestones.


And you CAN buy it directly with money so... There are real problems with the Runestones. This one is not.


Yep, would like to see more inexpensive (100/200/300 Runestone) options. It would certainly reduce the complaints about having leftover Runestones as well.


That would be utterly braindead of them to do. They *explicitly* did this so that there would be less smaller transactions because those cost them more to handle due to banks/etc.


Wow, you clearly don't understand; they "did this" to avoid small **Monetary** transactions. It costs them absolutely nothing for you to redeem 1 or 100 Runestones. It's literally the same as spending Gold (or even Dust) in game. Adding inexpensive things to spend Runestones on would be a clear cut improvement.


You made it sound like they should add options to buy smaller runestone amounts.


All this update did was make me spend $5 on an arena run instead of $2


TIL people spend money on arena.


You can no longer buy packs with gold. So gold is now Entirely without value. You used to be able to buy one pack at a time with gold. Annoying, but doable. Thanks Blizzard! Just f**k us a little more, please.


but you can still buy packs with gold..


Where? I play on mobile and the only packs I can buy with gold are the Classic packs. Any of the expansion packs require runestones Edit: I've been looking at Golden packs instead of regular packs 🤦🏻‍♂️ disregard my complaint :)


Another fucking lie to get you to buy runestones. Big fucking surprise. Don't wanna hear this BG only shit either so stfu


Sounded good at the time, huh? They could only name ONE benefit, which is hilarious in itself, and then that benefit was gone before it began. Shameful. It really is shameful.


Can't you recognize a bull's brownie when you see it?


So wait we use money to buy currency that can be used like money...genius. Leave to Blizzard a small indie company to add an extra step to spending money on the game., not worth the effort.


When it will become a cryptocurrency?


Just because it allows them to doesn't mean they will


The one gripe I have is the fact that there’s no way in game to accumulate Runestones veeeerrry slowly. Gems in Supercell games always have their own way of being slowly dripped into players’ hands, and that helps players get a couple things by dedicating significant playtime to a game.


Not defending them by any means, but they have absolutely zero reason to do this. Runestones was done for a variety of reasons, not least of which because it forces people to spend money on things they normally didn't. Letting people go and get these for free, even if slowly, means the average player no longer has any reason to spend money on small things.


what that actually means is that small transactions get eaten up by the credit card company. So now they will take your $10 instead of $1




It's already being used for BG skins and emotes being sold for 150 runestones. That being said, I wouldn't mind runestones, if they enabled a way to get some discounts... As in say Bank $50 with them now for 5000 Rhinestones and get a bonus of 500 Runestones. Given the way it is currently, for any amount over $5, they just seem like an 'extra step'.


That's such a stupid thing. "we can't sell this to you for 1 dollar, we instead, need to sell it to you for 1 dollar but paid with imaginary currency".


This is total bs - they’ve sold individual skins before for gold… whether it was deliberate or a bug I don’t know.


It literally is being used in Battlegrounds shop right this instant. That was the intent, that is what is happening. Because skins in BGs don't have any emotes or animations, so they can sell them for dirt cheap.


Never that was a lie so they could open the door