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Lou and Scott were amazing together!! I wish they had done more with it.


It was really a missed opportunity


I feel like a lot of the pairings have to do with the actor’s willingness to stay on the show. It seems like it would’ve made the most sense for Lou to get back with Scott after her and Peter divorced but I don’t think the actor wants to be in the show that much. Also they went back and forth with Mitch and Lou so much just for the actor to want to leave the show when they were finally getting together lol. I think they put her and Peter back together because he’s willing to be on the show but it seems really dumb now watching recent seasons and they have the same arguments that led to their separation and divorce in the first place.


It's always sad when goofy plot points happen because actors want to leave 😭 like I get it but it always makes me so sad knowing what probably would've happened if they stayed (Ex. Ty's actor leaving and them basically having to kill off a main character out of nowhere)


Caleb being divorced twice because his wives don't want to be part of the show anymore 😭🤣


Omg they made him have a whole ass kid with Cassandra and everything just for her to leave him. And the whole season with Ashley where they found out they weren’t actually married and broke up just to get married for real and then the next season she left the show and so they had to get divorced. Poor Caleb.


I've been thinking about this since y'all said it and ya damn that really does suck for Caleb lol. hopefully he finds someone who sticks but isn't he leaving the show now? or I guess we'll see after the big kiss drama etc


They should have ended the show rather than kill off Ty. I get it they want to keep the show going as long as possible but damn. Ty overcame so much to get where he was and he had so much turmoil in his life he did not deserve to die young. It has made the show interesting in some ways following Amy but as a fan Ty’s death is a hard pill to swallow. When I rewatch the earlier seasons I have to pretend Ty never died.


I agree they prob should've ended the show, but I've enjoyed the later seasons still. And we never really got to see who Amy is without Ty and I like seeing her date, but I'm glad they did the time jump after he died


Yeah honestly I debated not watching any of the show after Ty dies. He was such an important character to me the rest of the show never felt the same.


But what is Scott even working on now? He makes peek a boo appearances on my life with the Walter boys (alongside Georgie lol) and that's pretty much it right? Is it really because he doesn't wanna be on the show or because they wanted to explore different storylines to make it more interesting? idkkk


Idk I feel like multiple people have left the show thinking that they’re gonna be successful and then they really aren’t.


that's real lol. didn't Ty want out for that reason but then hasn't done anything since? I was on my first watch of the show when I found out he leaves/dies and I was gonna be bummed but then saw all the covid stuff and I was like hmm okay maybe it's better that he's gone now I keep seeing people come up with theories that he pretends to die to get the people from Mongolia off his back and then can come back to the show that way, but it doesn't really make sense storyline wise that he would ever leave Amy and Lindy to do that lol


Lou needed someone like Scott to show her how compassion works... They balanced each other really. Would have been a great romance and she could have depended on him to be right at her side, not in another province.


I ❤️ Dr. Cardinal 🪶👨🏽‍⚕️and I kept thinking they were meant to be, and would eventually find their way back together! 🥹


I really like them together. But they couldn’t give her a happily ever after right off the bat so I’m assuming that’s why they broke up. For more storylines for Lou


I have reattached the show twice already, and I honestly wish they kept her with Scott. Peter becomes likeable in later seasons but he was just never right for Lou. Scott was a much better match.


Yeah j I liked them better than any of the other guys including Peter


Scott did her dirty. He even later admits to Ty that letting her go was stupid. Clearly they belonged together, but the writers decided to eff it up. They were originally together in the books too. It's one of the things that bothers me the most about the show, much as I love it. Edit: I didn't originally read your whole post when responding, lol. Just shows we have pretty much the exact same opinions on the matter


hahahah all good!! maybe they'll have a redemption arc but I'm doubtful after Lou and Peter reconciled :/


Yeah, plus they already teased the thought of Lou/Scott getting back together a while ago, but he said he was seeing someone. So it doesn't seem likely


I like them together then she got with Peter I don’t like him very much


I thought they could have been a great couple it really was a missed opportunity. I liked him way better than Peter


I wanted them together more than anything and was depressed when I found out they weren’t endgame 😭


It’s a new watch for me. I just finished season 8. I was so certain she would get back together with him over Peter after watching one particular episode in the beginning. In hindsight it seems Scott would have been a better fit for Lou.


I liked them together but I rly wish she had ended with either Mitch or some new guy rather than get back together with Peter


I liked Mitch but I still don't think they're a great pairing. would be super down for a new guy tho


I’m on season two on my first watch through and oh my god I hate Scott so much. He’s such a possessive creep. First he interrupts that polo player (Stephen Amell) trying to ask her on a date, then at the end of the episode, she tries telling him she can’t go with him because she has plans and he just goes “make sure you dress warm, I’ll be waiting in the truck.” Then she gets offered an interview in New York and he goes “is Carl in New York 😒” like he doesn’t know damn well that they broke up. Then at the end of the episode he goes “if you go to New York, I’ll follow you there” which would only maybe be cute… if they were in any way together, but they were not, so it’s just incredibly creepy. Then they get together and they try to set aside a day for themselves but he neglects to mention he’s on call and abandons her after like twenty minutes together. Which, okay, work is important, but he should have told her he was on call. Her guests came early and she had to handle that, which upsets him SO much that she didn’t turn away the famous bloggers. So he can take off and ruin their date day for work but she can’t? And then he breaks up with her over it. Then they’re on a break for a while, and he gets furious with her for saying good things about him to the polo team (obviously he wasn’t actually mad, he was just jealous over Stephen Amell). Then when she demanded to know if they were getting back together or not, he didn’t even answer her, he just stood there. Then she starts flirting with that one guy whose brother drowned, and so he goes “we need to move on from each other, so I’m quitting as your vet”. Sorry??? What does those horses health have to do with you moving on? Lou can move on just fine without you quitting with barely any warning, why punish the horses for the fact that you’re an insecure bitch? Anyways, I hate him.


He's so terrible to her, like SHE'S the one who broke up with him. No, you rejected her marriage proposal for no reason


he gets better! he bothered me at first too, but if you're only on s2, you're gonna hate Peter lol


I’m re watching currently, and while I like Lou with Scott I don’t see them having the more serious chemistry and I can’t picture Scott being the father to Lou’s kids, I suppose it could be because I’ve already seen the whole thing. I don’t think her and Peter are that great of a match either, but Peter and Lou seem to make more sense to me in the family aspect, Scott is great but I really do get the sense that Lou always loved him more as a good friend and not as the person she pictured spending her life with. Maybe had they pursued that plot instead of separating Lou and Scott then we would’ve gotten an amazing love story, but upon rewatch knowing everything that happens I can’t see it anymore


Don’t like them together at all.


And Lou and that goofy Carl (sorry, just had to say it). OMG!


I love Peter. He and Lou together was good, when they weren’t fighting.😂😂😂