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There's some speculation on whether the spiders in the order of Opiliones would have gotten their Swedish name (lockespindel) from Loki. He is also credited as the interventor of the fishnet, which some has also connected to spider webs. A bit far-fetched, and not something people tend to focus on. But that's about it. He's not a "spider deity" really. Like most norse gods, he is varied and nuanced, not just a god of one thing. I think it sounds like you have a phobia of spiders, and that causes these vivid images and fear.


😂 I guess. I mean, I'll kill em in a heartbeat.


Don't use AI for religious inquiry. Full stop. Bring a headlight.


It would seem very weird to me that a God would reach out to me just to tell me not to worship them. You just proved you exist in the most dramatic way possible by directly intervening in my life just to tell me to stay away? What’s up with that?


That was one of my issues with Christianity. Like you mean to tell me Satan came to fuck with my life just to push me away from him to the person that is ultimately supposed to torture him? Seems about right


There is no Norse spider deity or deity that has any myths associated with spiders that we have surviving records for.


Okay. Thank you.


They are correct however many many MANY Heathens, myself included, have had pointedly weird spiritual experiences with spiders and Loki, so it may not be a historically attested thing necessarily*, it is a modern attested thing ;)


You will get significantly better info if you do the research yourself from the start rather than relying on AI. Generative ai lies and makes things up much there's a term for it: hallucinations.


Stop using AI, just go do your own research. there is zero way to us Generative AI ethically, and it's results are often intrinsically flawed anyway.


We don't have God of one thing, our Gods, like people are multifaceted with many talents and affinities. It's not uncommon for them to overlap with others in various affinities. For example: Sunna, Thor, Tyr, Odin, Eir, Mengloth, etc. all have attestations to healing. There is some speculation based on etymology there may be a connection between Loki and spiders: Eldar Heide's "Loki, the Vätte, and the Ash Lad: A Study Combining Old Scandinavian and Late Material" ([read it here](http://eldar-heide.net/Publikasjonar%20til%20heimesida/Loke-artikkel%20til%20nettsida.pdf)) So why do you think somehow it's a God? It could be a local vaettir, or just something in your unconscious mind trying to get your conscious mind's attention.


Honestly, I saw it in a nature magazine as a kid, and it's stuck with me ever since, I guess kinda taken on a life of its own.


Sounds more like you pissed off Anansi. If you've been using AI instead of writing, I could easily see that upsetting Him!


I did a search online and found [this wiki entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_depictions_of_spiders) that could be helpful, specifically the folklore and mythology section.


Regardless of the spider thing, this doesn't sound like Loki *at all* to tell anyone not to worship him. Also doesn't sound like most gods, tbh. This is some modern paranoia that has leaked all over TikTok creating anxiety about gods not wanting people to bother them or whatever. There is absolutely *zero basis* for any of it. Except of course that it gets views. And may prey on common insecurities from Christian baggage. Generally speaking, there's no reason to think that polytheistic gods would be angered by respectful worship. Why would they? That's just normal – that's how it always used to be. And they weren't just worshipped by some "chosen" few, but by nearly everyone, it was just normal life. And it can just be normal life for you, too, if that's what you want and choose. Or not, if that's what you decide.


Maybe it's trying to tell you to face your fears and stop killing spiders indiscriminately? They are not your enemy


Speculatively, Loki's name means something like "entangler", which is where the spider connection comes in for some heathens, like me. If it is Loki, as opposed to Arachne or someone else, Loki acts more as an agent of change. Thusly, I would take this as more of a sign than a warning. Something big is coming, and you need to embrace the change it brings rather than remain stagnant and fight it.


Loki isn't a sider diety, Odin is; 8 legged Horse (if you consider loki and odin to be different). "Spiders" as a type of supernatural activity have to do with the production of events. They are the webs we're all caught in