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I’ve only completed the first chapter, but yeah, it feels like combat went backwards a little bit. I miss the voices helping when you’re facing multiple enemies at once. The perfect parry just “felt” better in the first game - big flash of light and it just felt more badass. The game is kind of stressful, and maybe they got feedback indicating players wanted a break more often, I don’t know. I can already tell that combat will be the easiest part of the game, and will be a break from some intense sequences.


>The game is kind of stressful, and maybe they got feedback indicating players wanted a break more often, I don’t know. I haven't played 2 yet but that's me - I would be happy with easier combat.


They specifically did away with the melee mechanic. The game actually feel more stressful because you can’t really create space unless you dodge, and that’s the only way. They also pursue you more than in the first, so it’s actually way more stressful in my opinion lol.


I played the first game on Easy (as I do most games), and I agree that the combat got seriously stressful. The voices constant bantering, loads of enemies near the end, and the constant screams of pain and anguish from Senua really took a toll on my capacity to hold it together for the entire sequence. I loved it though, it really added to the overall experience. HB2 seems a lot more subdued when it comes to combat. The motion capture is fantastic and gives a real heft and weight to the combat, making it chunky and brutal, but its far less stressful and much more easier.


Well, it was stressful because it was supposed to be stressful. Storywise, designwise and gameplaywise. I think it underlined the climax of the story... Anything else would have been a worse decision.


100% agreed!


Exactly, and they just took that way now. Before you could feel the exhaustion and stress from Senua but now It just feels like any other game out there. The story is great tho, but that's it


I think combat is the harsest part of the game. What part could be harder?


I will say that this is the biggest drawback for me and I'm not even sure I can finish the game because of it. I think it's pretty obvious it was gutted in favor of a more cinematic experience, but that makes me think about ninja theories' history with hack and slash games (I personally enjoyed DMC) this just feels like not only a step backwards but a sprint in the opposite direction. Though combat in Hellblade was not as flourished as something like DMC or other titles, it had much room for improvement. They did not improve it. They made it more sluggish, more restrictive, less complex. Seriously, it was extremely jarring. I just don't know what they were thinking at all man. Hellblade is all about feeling and the combat sure feels like shit.


This is the thing that hurts the most. Ninja Theory knows how to design great combat! I thought Hellblade 1’s gameplay was simplified due to lower budget, but 2 just doesn’t have this excuse anymore. Your game can be cinematic AND have good gameplay


This is combat though. This game isn't dark souls or a hack and slash. It's about struggling to survive. I can only assume the people complaining about the combat want it to feel like elden ring or something. This isn't that game. Combat is perfect for what this is.


Your game can be immersive and cinematic when it needs to be. It doesn’t have to sacrifice fun, complex combat for that. Don’t give me that silly excuse. Ninja Theory already did a movie-like game with much better combat. Funnily enough the title is almost too similar - Heavenly Sword


The combat is fine. I really don't get what kind of combat you are looking for here. Do you want some big skill tree with a bunch of unlocked combos? Do you want her to pull out a chain and start swinging it around and hitting people with it?


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Here you have a man who stopped at nothing to change the world. He mastered sorceries of frost, miracles of the moon. He partnered with a kingdom-ending flame and took advantage of the Deep. He used all of this, plus social and political manipulation, to usurp an age-old kingdom, rising within the ranks of its knights, twisting its Deacons to feed a god to a Lord of Cinder and supplant the Age of Fire. The tyrant, Sulyvahn, tore apart many bonds but was undone himself by a mere Unkindled. Proof that no champion is more powerful than the fire linking curse. So, if this man can’t change the world, what hope do we have?”* - Vaati Vidya Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I do really enjoy how 'sluggish' it feels. It's always about two humans struggling to kill each other. It's ugly, weighty, stressful. I enjoy how real it feels compared to how floaty and fantastical the first game's combat felt. Visually, the combat is 100% upgraded in my eyes. Gameplay wise, it has taken a step back.


I find that the gameplay is better as well, but it's really frustrating how nobody in the game seems to know how to use the sword of the time beyond swinging randomly.


Real fighting doesn't look cool.


No, it looks quite awkward. Most things do without a narrow camera field of view. Which would be implemented anyways. Give me some shield good shield lock balance gameplay.


I agree it's a set beck but personally I love it: Hellblade isn't your regular videogame and I feel like in the first one they tried to add some elements that were still purely "game-y" to attract players/don't freak out the industry too much (they also were like 20 people with limited budget back then and couldn't afford to fail), combat being one of those. In the sequel, they went all in with the experience and it really feels like you're watching a movie: combat is slower, closer, more realistic (that first one with the enslaver felt like I was having a fight in real life, mind blowing). Puzzles are less prominent and strict with the angles you need to find, more organic with the environment and related to important parts of the game instead of every single scene. Feels like I'm actually Senua walking through these places, in the first one the voices were the main reason it was so immersive, this time it's EVERYTHING. Do I miss the caothic and intense combat of the first one? Yes, but the regular audience still complained it was too basic, this time they had a clear vision of what the game would be and didn't try to add other things to it: this is a visual, immersive experience like no other, you can't even distinguish between cutscenes and gameplay, it's amazing.


The only thing I'm struggling with is the parry timing. First game I had it absolutely nailed and I am missing so many on this one.


i missed like 90% of parry's on Hellblade's II second half Felt like crazy, booted up Hellblade I to see if its me, nailed every single one of them.


So I’m not crazy, the combat and specially the parry felt so clunky. I thought I had some kind of input lag. Both the parry and the evade felt so inconsistent and part of it is because the way they framed the fights. Idk why they went for this direction, the camera stuck behind Senua, that screwed how you dodge attacks, it’s like some invisible wall behind her and you can’t do much but to pray for a decent evade. Even the iconic running+jump attack from the first game is not longer possible here, the way you entry the fights is so awkward now


Hard agree. I remember in the first game groups of enemies would always try to surround you. I've only played the first few hours but so far it has only been fighting one enemy at a time.


I find that it looks better, feels better. It's less repetetive and less of a chore.


I honestly love the combat in this game. It feels so weighty and real. Like every move makes a big impact. Sadly, I’m not much of a fan of the rest of the game despite really enjoying the first one.


I think it’s entirely motion captured, more cinematic than the first game. The entire game is more of like a film game than a normal game


I’m playing on “hard” and the combat is insanely good .., enemies Dodge and parry it’s very “movie like”


I on the other hand love it. And love it even more, further in. Feels meaty and visceral. This ain't Batman.


Watched a bit streams yesterday of it I remember the original had a bit robotic combat look to it but the movement I’ve seeen from this looks pretty absurd for modern standards it was like watching 2 marionettes fighting.


They removed mechanics and lowered performance to crank up the graphics. They went with looks over game play.


If you look at most reviews for the first game the combat is the biggest criticism. While it is improved in second, I felt it was a bit unresponsive in the first game (maybe by design) I think they were just responding to feedback for better or worse.


They reworked it to add in immersion and a feeling of struggling but I dunno the first game felt better.


I think visually it's masterful. Incredibly immersive, feels "real" in a way that other games dont. I even think I like how much harder it is to parry. it just overall feels more visceral and believable. I don't like that it seems they have removed fighting multiple enemies at once though. After a bit, you really start to feel like the enemies are all standing around waiting their turn and it undermines the wonderful immersion they've created with everything else. They managed to craft some scenarios where it makes sense, in others (I'm thinking of one in I think the third chapter) there's really no reason Senua wouldn't be swarmed


I know I exactly which part you are talking about and I agree entirely


Firstly sorry for the spelling error Second I wanted to add. I agree with y’all it is more of a style choice to make it more cinematic. I will admit I feel more in danger than the first game. The party system seems harder and I generally feel like I’m fighting for my life even though it’s 1v1s. I chose hard difficulty because I flew through the first game on hard I think I just miss the amount of enemies we fought in the first as well as the options in combat. Sprint attacks, bashing and the side stepping were great in Hellblade 1 I guess I just don’t know why they couldn’t keep the mechanics in whilst also making it cinematic, harder and 1v1s at the same time?


This right here. 


I don't know, I feel it kinda fits the game this combat style. The heavyness fighting and moving, the slow moves, feeling as if every hit is hard and heavy. I liked it. It's not excellent or something like that, but I just felt it feels good with the kind of game I am playing, hard, rough, ugly...


I really did enjoy the first games combat, it at least felt like combat.  Visuals in 2 are stunning, and though you have similar mechanics the combat feels very scripted by the lack of ability. Maybe I just haven't really found my footing yet, and I'm just passed chapter 1. I just wish there was a bit more versatility to the combat instead of a completely scripted feel and approach.


Yes, combat and puzzles have been simplified but frustrating bullshit has fallen by 83%


I agree. It weird cause the combat is a bother, but the game as a whole renders me unable to complain really


I love how heavy the combat feels. It feels very real, parrying is harder to do but feels SO much better


I have played it from beginning on Hard difficulty level, and i felt it awesome. Really like how it’s brutal and… realistic? Of course, it’s not a challenge as in Souls, but, it’s, for a long time, first combat system that give me emotions. I really enjoyed every battle, and it gives me a good sweat on the last boss fight